How to Unlock the FUN, EASE and JOY of Dating:The Power of Dating with Purpose

How to Unlock the FUN, EASE and JOY of Dating:The Power of Dating with Purpose

by Gladys Diaz

Are you dating just to date? 

Or are you dating to meet your future husband

Most of the ladies in our community are tired of wasting their time and are ready to meet their husband now

And it’s possible! You can meet your husband THIS SUMMER!

How do I know? Because it happened to me!

One summer day I was stood up…

And that night I met my husband! If you would have told me that was going to happen – I would have said you were crazy! 

But I went out to a reggae club and before I walked in, I set an intention that I was going to have fun…

And man, I did! 

When people ask Ric what attracted him to me that night, he says it’s because I stood out because I was glowing and having so much fun.

Dating with Purpose

Now, in a world filled with swipe culture and fleeting encounters, dating with purpose is imperative to building meaningful connections. 

It involves a conscious decision to embark on a journey of self-discovery and genuine exploration, seeking relationships that align with your values and long-term goals. 

Dating with purpose emphasizes intentionality, personal growth, and the pursuit of connections that have the potential to flourish into fulfilling partnerships. 

It’s about being intentional about your dating choices and focusing on quality over quantity

Is it okay to go on lots of dates? 

Of course! 

But be willing to take the time to really get to know the men you’re dating so you can see beyond surface-level attractions.

When you date with purpose, you’re actively seeking relationships that align with your values, goals, and vision for the future. 

Clarifying Your Values and Goals

In order to date with purpose, it’s crucial to gain clarity about your values and goals and what you want to experience inside the relationship of your dreams. 

Take time to reflect on your personal values, what matters most to you, and what you’re looking for in a partner and relationship.  

  • What do you want to feel when you’re together? 
  • How do you want to feel when you’re apart? 
  • What do you enjoy doing together?
  • Who are you when you’re in his presence? 
  • Who is he? 

This self-reflection will serve as a compass, guiding you towards relationships that have the potential for long-term fulfillment.

Embrace Personal Growth

Dating with purpose goes beyond the pursuit of finding a partner; it’s also about personal growth and self-improvement. 

Dating is an opportunity to learn more about yourself, your preferences, and your boundaries. As you engage in meaningful connections, you’ll gain even more insights into your own desires and aspirations. 

Every interaction and relationship can serve as a valuable learning experience, enabling you to grow and evolve as an Irresistible Woman.

Intentional Dating and Patience

Dating with purpose requires investing time and energy into building genuine connections.

It’s not about having a timeline, which can make you feel anxious and frustrated.

Remember that dating with purpose isn’t about rushing into a relationship but rather about allowing connections to unfold naturally and authentically.

It involves actively engaging in conversations, asking meaningful questions, and truly listening when you’re on dates. Have conversations that go beyond the superficial small-talk, and delve into values, interests, and long-term compatibility. 

As you get to know men on a deeper level, you’re able to see if he’s a man who inspires you, challenges you intellectually, and supports your personal growth.

Practice vulnerability by expressing your desires, fears, and aspirations with potential partners. Allow yourself to be seen and understood, creating a foundation of trust and authenticity.

Navigating Setbacks and Rejections

Along the journey of dating with purpose, setbacks and rejections are inevitable, right?

Not every date and connection will be a perfect match, and that’s okay

Embrace these challenges as opportunities for growth and refinement. See them as stepping stones towards finding your perfect match! 

Remember, each experience teaches you something about yourself and what you truly desire in a relationship.

Now listen, there’s a lot of information out there about how to date, how not to date and how to find your husband! 

And if you feel like you keep attracting men that aren’t aligned with what you’re looking for, men that only want to “hang out” or aren’t looking for a committed relationship…

Or if there’s anything that you’ve been bumping up against that’s taking you off of your purpose, confusing you, or having you self-sabotage your ability to easily attract the man that you want to marry –  schedule a complimentary Love Breakthrough Session with one of our coaches.

On the call you’ll gain clarity, see what’s getting in your way and work through the setbacks so you can enjoy the journey of dating!

Our purpose and intention as your coaches is to provide you with coaching, training and support that will make the path to you attracting, meeting and marrying the man that you’re going to spend your life with easier, fun, and fulfilling! 

Because dating gets to be easy and fun! 

And you absolutely CAN meet your husband this summer


Swipe Right on Love: Dating Strategies for Busy Women

Swipe Right on Love: Dating Strategies for Busy Women

by Gladys Diaz

Do you struggle making time for your love life?

You may be a single mom and have a hard time finding a babysitter. 

Maybe you travel a lot for work and find it hard to make time for dating or your partner. 

Finding time for dating can feel challenging. 

Juggling work commitments, household responsibilities, and parenting duties can make it seem that there’s little room for personal endeavors. 

We get it. 

Both Gladys and I are entrepreneurs running multiple businesses, wives, mothers, and dog-moms. We have clients, team members and family to take care of – on top of making time for our own work-outs, self-care and rest.

I remember when I was a single mom trying to make it all work and wondering if it was possible to have it all… 

The thing to remember is that carving out time for romance is essential for self-care and building meaningful connections. 

In this blog post, we’ll explore practical strategies and mindset shifts to help busy professionals and single moms make time for dating in their demanding lives.

#1:  Make Your Love Life and Dating a Top Priority in Your Life

The first thing you must do is make dating a top priority. Right up there with taking care of yourself.

If you don’t make your love life a priority then another summer goes by and you’re still alone. Another birthday comes and goes and you aren’t spending it with the one you love.

Let’s get rid of regret and start creating your dreams NOW!

Dating isn’t just another thing you have to do and until you start relating to it as self-care and not an item to be checked off your list – only then will you start enjoying it and start creating the results you want! 

#2: Prioritize Self-Care

As a single mom and professional, it’s crucial to prioritize self-care. When you don’t, you slowly begin to resent the people in your life that need you and want to spend time with you.

This puts you in low energy and makes it impossible to attract the things you want into your life! 

When you prioritize taking care of yourself, you boost your well-being AND enhance your ability to be present and engaged in dating. 

Set aside dedicated time each day and week for activities that rejuvenate you, such as exercise, meditating, praying, reading, pursuing a hobby (or sitting and doing nothing if that’s what you want to do)!

By nurturing your own happiness, you’ll be better equipped to navigate the complexities of dating while managing your all of your other responsibilities.

#3: Create Opportunities in Your Schedule to Date and Spend Time With Your Partner

Sometimes you get to be creative when you have a lot of priorities and are short on time. 

Remember how I said we get it? We do! 

Sometimes spending time together looks like long walks, movies and going to bed together.

And sometimes we get to be creative! 

If Arnie and I have a particularly full day, we’ll wake up 15  minutes early so we can sit on the porch and have our coffee together. 

Gladys and Ric go to lunch together every single Friday, which they’ve been doing for years! 


Because prioritizing our relationships is important to us and it’s imperative to keeping the love alive!

If you’re looking at opportunities to meet men as something you dread or as a time-waster – it’s time to shift your mindset and embrace meeting men as something that is fun and worth it! 

#4: Create a Structure for Your Time and Manage Your Time Well

You’re precious, your time is precious and you get to manage it well. 

Prioritize your tasks, set realistic deadlines, plan dating into your calendar and create a structured schedule.

Look for pockets of time in your routine where you can squeeze in a date or a brief phone call with a potential partner. 

TIP: You don’t need to be juggling 15 dating apps and chatting with 100 men at a time – now that might feel overwhelming! 

You need to be on three dating apps with a profile that will attract the men who are a match for you! 

If you don’t have that or you need support with your mindset or time management – Schedule a Love Breakthrough Call with a Coach! 

As a busy professional and/or single mom, making time for dating can feel like an uphill battle. However, by shifting your mindset and making it a priority, prioritizing self-care, creating creative opportunities to date, creating a structure for it and managing your time well, you can successfully integrate dating into your busy life. 

Remember, finding love and nurturing relationships is a vital aspect of personal growth and happiness! 

And you get to have it ALL! 


Finding Mr. Right: Top 3 Tips to Attract the Right Kind of Man

Finding Mr. Right: Top 3 Tips to Attract the Right Kind of Man

by Gladys Diaz

In the vast sea of romantic possibilities, finding your perfect match can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack.

But it doesn’t have to feel that way!

With the right mindset and a few essential tips, you can navigate the dating world and attract the man who is the perfect match for you.

Below, we’ll share three valuable tips to support you to create the relationship that you’ve always wanted.

1. Check Your Energy

Your energy impacts your thoughts, behavior and what you do and don’t attract into your life. 

Trying to date and attract the right men to you while entertaining negative thoughts and energy is like trying to accelerate your car with the emergency brake on. 

 Low energy creates resistance and won’t allow you to attract the type of men you want.

 This resistance makes dating harder, take longer and has you wind up feeling exhausted. 

 And then you want to take a break from dating altogether! 

 On the flip side, if your energy is curious, open, receptive, present and grateful – you will attract the type of men you want and… 

 You’ll have a fun time even if the date doesn’t end up being the perfect match!

 For example – if you believe all men are cheaters… 

 You will literally repel all good men from you. They simply aren’t attracted to the energy that holds that belief.  

 Approach dating with optimism and a belief that the right person is out there for you. Surround yourself with positive influences and focus on the good in every interaction. 

 Your positive energy will be contagious and draw in those who appreciate your outlook on life.

2. Create Genuine Connections

Building meaningful connections is essential when looking for a long-lasting partnership.

Focus on quality over quantity when it comes to dating. Take the time to truly get to know someone, listen actively, and communicate openly. Authenticity and genuine connections will help you attract men who value the same things that you do.

If you find yourself trying to control the timeline or resisting any part of the dating process – get curious about why… 

Remember that finding your perfect match requires really getting to know someone – and that takes time. 

It’s important to remain patient throughout the process and as you prioritize authenticity and allow genuine connections to develop naturally – you’ll attract more of what you want!

Maybe you’re not clear on what you want…

3. Create Crystal Clarity on What you Want to Experience Inside the Relationship of Your Dreams

The third tip to creating the relationship of your dreams is to be crystal clear with yourself about what you want to experience inside the Relationship of Your Dreams.

Take some time to reflect on your values, interests, and long-term goals. Understanding your own needs and desires will guide you towards attracting someone who will be a great match for you.

If you want to spend this summer dating the man of your dreams, you get to start creating it now. 

The results you’re experiencing in dating (or any area of your life for that matter) right now are the consequences of the choices you made three months ago.

There’s nothing wrong with spending the whole summer dating.

But if you’d like to skip that, meet him and spend your summer dating him now then click below to get on our coaches calendar! 

Schedule a Love Breakthrough Call! 

When you do, our coaches will support you to gain clarity, see what’s in your blindspot and develop a plan that will work for you to create the relationship of your dreams this summer! 

Attracting the right kind of man requires a combination of high energy, a willingness to foster meaningful connections and crystal clarity on what you want. 

By following these three tips, you’ll be on your way to finding your perfect match! 

Stay true to yourself, embrace the journey, and trust that the universe has someone special in store for you. 

The BEST Way to Easily Attract the Love You Want?

The BEST Way to Easily Attract the Love You Want?

by Gladys Diaz

Do you ever find yourself lying in bed at night thinking these types of thoughts?

“Why didn’t I say the thing that I wanted to say on the date tonight?”

“I wonder if he hasn’t called because I told him I wanted to wait to have sex. Will anyone ever be willing to wait for me?”

“Am I going to lose myself again if I get into another relationship?”

“Do I need to compromise my values so that I can find a man?”

“Should I just settle for the guy who comes close to what I’m looking for?”

Because of the years of work we’ve done with the thousands of women we’ve supported, we know that these thoughts come up often when dating (and even when you’re in a relationship or  when you’re married!).

If you’ve spent years learning how to “strategically” date, trying a bunch of different tactics or turning yourself into who you think you need to be in order for a man to be the right match –

After a while, you end up wondering who this version of you is and where the real went.

That’s what makes dating and relationships so scary – not trusting that you won’t  lose yourself in a relationship.

You might worry about this because… 

  • you’ve done it before. 
  • you’ve convinced yourself that you have to be a certain way in order for a man to like you.
  • you’ve tried being yourself, and you feel like it doesn’t work. 

What if you didn’t have to worry about this anymore?

What if you knew, not only exactly who you are, but what you desire so that you could start being 100% true to yourself in your relationships.

What if you were transforming and becoming the most authentic version of yourself, and that the men you associated with could see and be attracted to that?

Guess what? It can be true for you.

One of our clients recently said, “Now that I’ve been coaching with these amazing women, I’m finally getting that the work I get to do is about me and I’m falling in love with all the parts of myself.”

And that is having her attract a completely different type of man!

That’s what’s  so powerful about the work we do with women.

When you can be true to yourself and show up as 100% authentically, beautifully YOU, then you will attract the man that you want.

When you do the Heartwork, you get that you don’t need to focus on the man — not the man you’re attracting or the one you’re with. 

You get that the one and only thing in this life that you have 100% control over is you, and you get that when you focus on you, the man you want will show up.

That’s why we’re hosting something incredible next week and we hope you’ll join us!

Join us for the BE-YOU-tifully You Challenge which starts next Monday, April 10th!

The BE-YOU-tifully YOU Challenge is for you if you’re ready to:

💜 Remove the mask you hide behind that’s blocking you from the love you want

💜 Find your voice and say what you want and feel without being afraid

💜 Stop pretending and not honoring your boundaries

💜 Stop settling for less than you want and deserve in relationships

💜 Stop doubting your ability to attract the man and relationship of your dreams

💜 Let go of the anxiety you feel around dating and relationships and have fun BE-ing YOU!

💜And more!

It’s FREE to join and it’s going to be a game-changer for you and your love life!

It’s time for you to know that you CAN be authentically YOU and attract a man who will love & cherish you for being the Irresistible Woman you are!

Join us for the BE-YOU-tifully YOU Challenge!

Instead of feeling sad that you don’t have your husband or partner, and wondering if that will ever change, you KNEW that you are on your way to changing that and having the Extraordinary Love you want – or better yet, have you man beside you?!

What if you broke through the thing that’s been holding you back from having that?

What if your doubts were gone and you see yourself showing up as the Irresistible YOU?

You have no idea what can happen between now and then if you’ll join us for the challenge. It’s going to support you in taking  yourself and your love life to a whole new level!

The thing is –

When you don’t trust yourself, you can’t trust others.

When you don’t love yourself, you can’t love someone else or openly receive someone else’s love.

And when you’re not connected to who you are and what you desire, you can’t create a genuine connection with a man that leads to lasting love. 

Join us for the BE-YOU-tifully YOU Challenge so you can start showing up as 100% you.

And KNOW that when you’re BE-ing that – then you know that when the right man finds you and is  100% attracted to the real YOU, will fall  and stay in love with the real you!

Join the Challenge Now!

How to Have Extraordinary Love NOW!

How to Have Extraordinary Love NOW!

by Gladys Diaz

Do you wonder why you haven’t been able to attract the man that you want to spend the rest of your life with?

Does it not make sense why a strong, successful, smart woman like you, can’t seem to create that same success in love?

It’s not that there aren’t men out there. 

And it’s not that there aren’t GREAT men out there. 

It’s about learning how to attract those types of men to you so that you can experience the love, passion, fun, companionship and joy that you’re worthy and deserving of!

The question is then… 

Are you curious enough to look at what’s possibly in the way? 

If you’re having the experience of not creating what you want in love, there’s a “love barrier” blocking you. This is a fear, limiting belief or pattern that’s not working – and you may not even realize it! 

Have you ever had that “aha moment” experience where you all of the sudden see something that you weren’t seeing before? 

We call that a “distinguishing moment” where you suddenly see the love barrier that’s in your blind spot and once you see it – there’s no going back!

The trajectory of your life changes FOREVER! 

These types of experiences are so incredible because they change the trajectory of your life.

And guess what?

You can experience that “aha-moment” this weekend at the Extraordinary Love Intensive!

This 3-day event is designed to have you break through your Love Barriers, transform your love life, and attract and create the extraordinary, loving relationship of your dreams!

You’ll come out of this incredible weekend having more clarity about who you are and the patterns that are holding you back. 

You’ll do some of the deep and transformational Heartwork that’s necessary to break these patterns and you’ll be so much closer to creating the relationship of your dreams. 

This is the work we usually only do with our clients, but we want to share it with YOU so that you can stop pretending and start BEing the authentic, vulnerable, irresistible version of yourself that is going to have you attract an amazing man with whom you get to create Extraordinary Love!

 Life doesn’t stop. Time will keep going by, no matter what choices you make.

Why not make a choice that’s going to lead to more joy, love, happiness and freedom in your life…

And the kind of love you’ve always wanted?!

 You don’t have to wait another year, month or even day to begin creating the happy, loving, beautiful relationship you want. 

You can have it now.

The Key to Transform Your Love Life: Overcoming Fear and Finding Extraordinary Love NOW!

The Key to Transform Your Love Life: Overcoming Fear and Finding Extraordinary Love NOW!

by Gladys Diaz

Are you ready to break through your deepest fears when it comes to love?

Even if you’ve done “all the work” and your brain is saying: 

I’ve already dealt with it.”

“I’ve done all there is to do!” 

“I’ve worked through my fears.

– If you’re not in the relationship of your dreams yet, there’s still a hidden fear or limiting belief available for you to uncover!

That’s why it’s so important that you work with a strong mentor who can help you see the piece (your blindspot) you’re not seeing yet so you can have a real breakthrough!

The type of heart-changing experience that rises above and beyond what’s ordinary and creates an energetic shift that transforms you and the way you’re showing up in your life. 

That’s powerful and it’s what we’ll be teaching you this weekend at the Detox Your Love Life Masterclass!!!

Since a breakthrough is an experience above and beyond the ordinary – it’s usually not something you can create for yourself. A real breakthrough requires the support of someone who can see what you can’t see AND support you in transforming it. 

Creating a breakthrough in your life requires the assistance of a coach. 

On top of having a coach, you must be:

1) Committed to having a breakthrough and declaring what you want. 

2) Willing to move past what’s comfortable

3) Ready and excited to apply the coaching

Let’s dive deeper. 

1) Committed to Having a Breakthrough and Declaring What You Want. 

A declaration is not a list of things you don’t want or what you’re tired of creating. 

A declaration is a powerful statement with crystal clarity of what you do want. 

If you can’t articulate what you want, you’re not going to get it. 

So what do you want?

What’s the ONE thing that if it was no longer in your way would accelerate your experience and have you create the relationship of your dreams?

Once you know that – that’s the first step to creating a breakthrough!

2) Willing to Move Past What’s Comfortable

Doing what you’ve always done will get you the same results you’ve always gotten. The relationship you’ve always dreamt of is outside your comfort zone!

You must prime your brain to stop the repetitive and sabotaging patterns that keep breaking your heart and are keeping you from reaching your goals in love.

In order to create the right relationship with the right man, you must take the right steps given to you by the right coach!

3) Be Ready and Excited to Apply the Coaching

Again, since a breakthrough is something above and beyond the ordinary, it’s going to take doing something above and beyond what you’ve always done. 

The coaching you receive might not make perfect sense because it’s going to be something different. But if you’ll trust your coach and apply the coaching we give – you’ll have an extraordinary transformation!

You get to have a breakthrough so that you don’t keep doing the same patterns over and over forever and never create the results you want. 

And the best news of all is that this weekend we’ve got the perfect opportunity for you at the Detox Your Love Life Masterclass! 

Register for the FREE Masterclass NOW!

If you’re tired of not having the relationship of your dreams and can’t figure out what’s still in the way…

If you want to attract more love and are frustrated that you’re doing all the things and still not getting the results you want. 

If you’ve been waiting a long time to start enjoying life with the RIGHT partner, but the clock keeps ticking and nothing is changing. 

If you’re ready to have the loving, supportive, connected, safe love you desire – then you get to have a breakthrough NOW! 

Join us Saturday (and be open and willing to receive) and we promise you’ll walk away with a breakthrough.

How long has it been since you’ve been in a safe, strong, beautiful, inspiring relationship?

How long have you been waiting to create the relationship of your dreams?

This really can be the moment everything changes for you. 

Click HERE to register. We’ll see you there!