What “Dying” and “Letting Go” Have to Do with Love

What “Dying” and “Letting Go” Have to Do with Love

by Gladys Diaz

Today, for those of us who are Christians, is Good Friday.

As a young girl, I always wondered why it was called “Good” Friday, when it marked such a sad day.  I honestly could not see how remembering a brutal death of someone we loved and followed was supposed to be something “good.”

It wasn’t until I got older that I realized that, without the death of Jesus, there would not and could not have been a resurrection.

Resurrection can only come after death.

Much like healing can only come after injury or illness…

… rebuilding can only come after destruction…

… renewed hope can only come after a period of doubt or hopelessness.

And, many times, true love comes after heartache.

I know that was the truth for me, for Michelle, and for so many of the women who we have helped around the world to find the love they desire and deserve.

It’s also what’s true if you want to create a true breakthrough and transformation in your love life.

See, there is a letting go — a “dying,” of sorts — that has to happen if you are going to truly open your heart to a new and extraordinary kind of love.

You have to be willing to let go of the past, of your fears and your heartache.  

You need to let go of your limiting beliefs and doubts, your judgments and expectations in order to create something completely new and different from what you have had and experienced in the past.

So, here’s my question to you:

What are you willing to let go of, once and for all, so that you can begin to welcome in the love that is waiting for you on the other side of your past?

What fear, doubt, belief or pattern are you ready to release so that new and extraordinary love can find its way to you?

What resentment, regret, or disempowering story are you finally willing to let go of so that you can create a new story — one that has you living the life and love your heart desires?

I know that letting go can feel scary, but it’s not quite so frightening when you don’t have to figure out how to do it on your own.  Remember, we’re here for you!

Remember: The past has no power over you, except for the power you grant it in the present.  Sometimes, letting go of just one fear or limiting belief can open the floodgates to letting new love in!
So let us know, what is one thing you are committed of letting go of so that you can have the love and happiness you desire and deserve?
She’s a Liar… And She’s Fooling You!

She’s a Liar… And She’s Fooling You!

by Gladys Diaz

This makes us sooooo angry!

Michelle and I are usually pretty level-headed and open-minded, but there are some things that set us OFF, especially when it comes to the LIES that are being told to women who are looking to attract and keep a great man.

We started talking about this yesterday, particularly to how it relates to some of the best-known reality TV shows, and, as we started talking about the lies and misinformation being “taught” to women by supposed “experts” and “gurus,” we got a little heated.

See, we know what works when it comes to helping successful, professional women find the kind of lasting love they want with a wonderful man.  And it doesn’t have ANYTHING to do with ANY of the garbage that is being taught out there, especially when it comes to one show in particular.

Well, rather than go on another rant, I think I’ll just share the one Michelle and I recorded in a Facebook Live session.

Watch our rant below!

Warning: It’s a bit controversial.  Not everyone may like it. And, frankly, we don’t care, because the work we do is way too important to let stuff like this go unaddressed! 

P.S. Feel free to comment, whether you agree with us or not.  We’re open to having a conversation with you about this.  And make sure you SHARE it.  We’ve got to get the word out!



How to Step Out of Fear and Into Your Power!

How to Step Out of Fear and Into Your Power!

by Gladys Diaz

I have a quick question for you:

Have you ever felt helpless?

It’s one of the most vulnerable feelings in the world!

And I have to admit that I do not like feeling that way… at all!

So, it goes without saying that the last couple of weeks – between prepping for, living through, and cleaning up after Hurricane Irma –have been a bit challenging, to say the least.

(Before I go on, I just want to say that, if you or your loved ones were affected by the storm – or any of the storms and natural disasters that have been impacting us lately – know that you are in Michelle’s and my prayers and that we hope you are safe and that you have not experienced too much damage or displacement.)

Going through the storm brought up so many fears and anxieties.


There is something about the feeling of helplessness that comes with not knowing what to expect, what is coming next, whether what you have done to prepare is enough, and what will happen to the people you love and your possessions.

I spent days running around, going from store to store, looking for the most basic things, like water, only to find that the shelves were bare, no one could tell me when a new shipment would arrive, and wondering if what we had at home was enough. It was so scary to see that some of the things I was taking for granted would be there when I got to the store were gone and not knowing whether I would be able to get the things I knew I needed to take care of my family.

Then came the actual storm – the howling wind; the terrifying alarm on our weather radio, letting us know that there was yet another tornado in the area, and the sound of the trees in our backyard cracking and crashing to the ground.

And, all the while, there were the fearful thoughts:

What do I do?
Have I done enough?

How long will this last?
Will we be okay?


What’s interesting is that those feelings of helplessness don’t only come up around nature’s storms.

You feel them during life’s storms, too.

When you’re going through a breakup…

When you keep attracting and experiencing heartache after heartache…

When you see your relationship is falling apart…

Those same feelings of fear, uncertainty, and wondering whether what you have done is enough to prevent further pain and disappointment is enough fill us and can shake us to our core.

So, what can you do during life’s storms to not have fear and anxiety take over and rob you of your peace and happiness?

1. Stay present. I know this one is sometimes easier said than done, but it is the FIRST step in reducing fear and anxiety.  Why?  Because fear is always a “future experience.”  While you may be afraid of repeating something that happened in the past, the fact is that what you fear is that it will happen again, in the future.

What’s more, fear is never “real.” It is only ever an imagined thought

Now, hear me out on this.  Am I saying that what you fear will never happen?


What I am saying is that 99.999% of the time, the thing that you fear and/or are anxious about isn’t something that is actually happening right now, in the present moment.  Instead, your thoughts are about what you are afraid may or may not happen in the future.

The problem with this is that, while you are imagining something that may or may not happen in the future, you are allowing it to rob you of your peace in the present.

So, the only way to interrupt the fearful thought pattern is to remind yourself that here and now, in the present moment, you are safe and the thing that you are thinking of is not actually happening.

This practice is life-changing. 

Left unattended, fearful thoughts will rob you of your peace, of your ability to appreciate and experience what you DO have, and block future happiness – and love – from making its way to you. 

This is why developing a powerful and empowering relationship with your fears is one of the first things we teach our clients when they begin working with us. 

Imagine how incredibly empowering it would be to learn how to distinguish, dismantle, and replace a fear in 60 seconds or less

As I said: Life-Changing!


2. Focus on what you CAN control. During the storm, there were many things I could not control – the force, sound, or direction of the wind; the path the storm was taking, the power going out or coming back on. 

There were, however, many things I WAS able to control: Making sure our home was safe; ensuring we had enough food, water, and ice; being calm and strong for my kids.

Similarly, during life’s storms, there are things you can’t control, such as whether or not someone calls you or asks you out on a second date; how your partner chooses to feel; what your guy wants to say or do.

However, there are many things you can control, such as your thoughts, words, actions and reactions; what you allow to upset or trigger you; the feelings and thoughts you choose to have and how you choose to express them.

When you begin focusing your time, energy, and attention on the things you CAN control, you begin to feel more peaceful, confident, and empowered.  You are not at the mercy of the storm.  Instead, you get to choose how you will navigate through it with dignity, ease, and grace.


3. Ask for and receive help.  This is another one that can be difficult, especially for powerful, successful women.  You’re used to being strong, the one in charge, the one people come to for help and answers to their questions. Asking for help makes you feel vulnerable, because you can make it mean that you’re not strong or capable enough to do things on your own.  You fear that the vulnerability may be interpreted as weakness or incompetence.

However, quite the opposite is true! 

It takes so much courage, authenticity, and inner strength to reach out for help.  It takes even more of these to accept and receive the help.

I can’t tell you how many people I offered to come stay with us so they could have air-conditioning once our power came back, to take the water we had left over when they shared that they were under a boil-water order, and to use our generator when their power was still out.  What I can tell you is that every one of these offers was not accepted at least once!

I heard responses like, “I’m used to toughing things out,” “I’m okay with sacrificing,” “Don’t worry about me. I’ll figure something out” – even after a week of not having power or being able to drink or use the tap water!

And so many powerful women do the same thing during life’s storms! 

You don’t reach out for help or support so that you won’t seem weak.

You believe that struggling and “suffering” through the heartache is somehow “noble” or makes you stronger.

You deny help and support because you feel as if you “should be able to figure this ‘relationship thing’ out on my own.”

And, so, the suffering, pain, and heartache persist – many times for much longer than is necessary – when, instead you could turn the situation around, end the suffering, and begin enjoying the love and happiness much, much sooner, which is what you really want.

There’s no honor or glory in unnecessary martyrdom or sacrificing.

Instead, reach within, acknowledge that you could use some help, a shoulder to cry on or a listening ear, the right guidance to help you get to the other side of the storm with the results your heart desires.


Life’s storms will come. You don’t have much choice in that… That part’s not “optional.”

What you can choose is to face the storm with peace of mind and heart, strength, and the commitment to get to the other side of it.

What is optional is whether or not you make the time you spend in the eye of the storm peaceful, short-lived, and empowering.


I know what my choice is! 

Let me know if there is any way I can support you with yours!





Ever Wonder if You Will Have the Love You Want?

Ever Wonder if You Will Have the Love You Want?

by Gladys Diaz

I wonder…

Do you ever ask yourself, “Is there any hope for me?  Will I ever really have the love and happiness I long for?”

If you have, you’re not alone.

I have been there.  I have been in that dark and lonely place where I wondered whether I would ever truly be loved and whether the deep sadness that filled my heart would be filled with joy again.

It wasn’t until I looked inside my own heart to find why it was that I believed that I couldn’t and wouldn’t be loved and then took the steps to break through those disempowering thoughts that were causing the very loneliness and sadness I was feeling that I called in the love of my life!

Now, to see me today, you might never imagine that I had those kinds of thoughts.  In fact, you might be under the impression that I’ve always been “lucky” and had a pretty easy life and healthy relationships.

Unfortunately, that wasn’t always true. There was a time in my life when I questioned whether I would ever truly love and be loved.

This is why I chose to share my story on Wednesday night’s teleclass: “The Self-Love Secrets Revealed.”

Truthfully, I hadn’t planned on going that deeply into my story, but I’m glad I did, because the feedback has been amazing!  

Women created real shifts in their lives as a result of both the story and the exercise I led them through, so, while I also hadn’t planned on sending out the replay, given the feedback I’ve received, decided to go ahead and make the recording available to you.


Because most women keep wishing, hoping, and praying year after year for something to change in their lives, but they don’t take the steps they need to break through the heartache and create their heart’s desires.

And I know how empty and painful it can be when you desire to love and be loved, but you doubt whether you will experience that joy in your life.  I also know the exact steps you can take to get to break through to the other side and have the love you want, because I took those same steps myself, so I KNOW they work!

If you are ready to finally have the love you want, carve out the time for yourself this weekend to listen to the replay.

So, grab a cup of something yummy, your notebook or journal, you colored pens, highlighters, and sticky notes, and give yourself the gift of this teleclass.

<<Click here to access the replay of “Self-Love Secrets Revealed” and have a love breakthrough!>>

Once you’ve listened, if you’re truly inspired and ready to learn what your next steps should be, take me up on the invitation I make at the end of the call.  I only have a few left, so don’t hesitate if you know that this is YOUR TIME.

If you are ready and willing to listen and take the steps, I promise that I will make sure you have the guidance you need to have a real breakthrough in your love life!


 Imagine for a moment what it will be like when you are finally in the arms of the man who loves, adores, and wants nothing more than to make you happy and see you smile. THAT’S what’s waiting for you on the other side.  And that’s what Michelle and I are committed to helping you attract and create into your life. So make the time, listen to the recording, respond to the invitation, and let’s break through this together!   

<<Click here to listen to the replay and transform your love life!>>


Self-Sabotage Much? (Why you keep self-sabotaging your relationships)

Self-Sabotage Much? (Why you keep self-sabotaging your relationships)

by Gladys Diaz

Have you ever really wanted to break a habit or pattern you see happening over and over again in your life, but, no matter how hard you try to stop doing it on your own, no matter how many books you read, videos you watch or teleclasses you attend, you still find yourself doing the same things you promised yourself you would not do?

The same thing was true for one of my clients when it came to dating and relationships.  I’ll call her Sophia, to protect her privacy.

Sophia didn’t necessarily have trouble  attracting men.  She would get asked out on dates and, sometimes, on multiple dates by the same guy. 

The problem was that it seemed like the men she was attracting weren’t really interested in having committed relationships. They wanted to go out, have fun, and be sexually intimate, but they were not looking to have a committed relationship with her.

While it felt good to be asked out by men, this pattern of attracting men who did not want to have a long-lasting relationship with her made Sophia feel confused, frustrated, and used – especially if the man had said up front that he was looking for someone to be in a relationship, and even more so if she had been sexually intimate with him.

What Sophia discovered while we worked together was that the reason she was continuously finding herself in the same situation was not necessarily because every single man she was dating was not interested in a having a committed relationship. 

It was because she had a hidden belief that, if she slept with a man who was showing interest in her, that having that physical connection would somehow ensure that he would want to have more of an emotional connection with her.

What would happen, however, is that she would feel overly attached to the man, begin acting as if they were in a relationship, and subconsciously begin demanding more time, attention, and affection from the man.

What was even more surprising to her was that she also had a hidden belief that the man would eventually disappoint and leave her.  

So, subconsciously, she was attracting men who would confirm for her the hidden belief that she would not find a man who would love and accept her without her having to sleep with him, and that, even when she did, he would still leave her.

Now, it’s important to understand that Sophia did not want to continue repeating the same patterns. 

In fact, if you asked her, she would tell you the exact opposite of that.  

However, because these beliefs were in her subconscious, they were hidden from her – in her blind spot – and she was continuing to attract the same kind of man, take the same actions, and experience the same heartache time and time again.

As we worked together, Sophia began to uncover more of the Love Barriers that were blocking her from attracting and receiving the kind of love she really wanted.  As we did the HeartWork to remove those barriers, she began experiencing more success in dating – having more fun, attracting really great men who were interested in possibly having a relationship with her, and finally meeting a wonderful man with whom she is living out the love and life of her dreams.

If you’re like Sophia, and you are tired of trying to stop repeating the same patterns, or, worse, you’ve pretty much given up on finding the kind of love you want, then I want to encourage you and let you know that you, too, can have the kind of loving relationship you want with a man who is going to truly and deeply love you for the rest of his life!

But here’s the deal: You have to be willing to take the steps to uncover the hidden barriers that are in your blind spot, blocking you from attracting and having the relationship of your dreams. Otherwise, the self-sabotage will continue.

Trust me, if you knew what they were and how to stop allowing them to keep you repeating the same painful patterns, you would have already done it. 

Sometimes it takes working with someone who can lovingly guide you to see what you haven’t been able to see on your own. Then, once the barriers have been uncovered, we can get to the work of breaking and replacing them with new thought and behavior patterns that will allow you to easily and effortlessly attract the love you desire into your life!

If you’re ready to stop “trying” and you want to really get past this once and for all, I’ve opened up a few spots on my calendar next week, and I’d be happy to help you have your love breakthrough!

Simply click here to schedule time for a Love Breakthrough Session, and we’ll do this together!

Remember: You deserve to finally be happy and in love with a man who deserves and desires you!  Isn’t that worth doing what it takes to removing whatever’s in the way? 

No matter what’s happened in the past, you can break the patterns that have kept you stuck in heartache.  Let’s talk and breakthrough those patterns together!

Click here to schedule your Love Breakthrough Session.