How to Stop Meeting Mr. Wrong and Meet Mr. Right, Instead!

How to Stop Meeting Mr. Wrong and Meet Mr. Right, Instead!

by Michelle Roza

Are you ready to meet the RIGHT man? 

The man who’s not only good for you and to you, but also someone who you feel magic with? 

We have found that women who are dating find themselves in one of two scenarios… 

1. You keep attracting men into your life who aren’t good for you. They’re the “bad guys” who don’t  show up, only want sex, aren’t looking for commitment, or ghost you after the first date (if you even make it to a date!).

 There’s chemistry and connection, but, obviously, these interactions  aren’t going anywhere.

The problem with this, is that these women start to believe that all men are like this, and they then lose faith in dating and their ability to attract a different kind of man.

  1. Scenario Two: You attract good men into your  life – men of integrity and honor. Men who are seeking out the same loving, passionate, committed relationship that you are.


Sounds great right?

It would be except for that you often don’t feel a connection with these men. There’s no chemistry, and even though you’re glad that you’re attracting good men, you  still can’t seem to attract the right one… The man you can’t wait to spend the rest of your life with.

Do you see yourself in either of those scenarios?  

Are you tired of meeting man after man, but never having it  turn into the loving, passionate, committed relationship you really want? 

After I got divorced, I went into the dating experience really excited and thought I was finally going to be able to attract the man that was right for me.

Five years later, that excitement had turned into disenchantment, disappointment and resignation. I was thinking, “Maybe I’m meant to be single.” 

Life was pretty good, I was doing great at work, my children were thriving and I thought maybe I should let go of this desire to be in love.

But the truth was that underneath that resignation was the fear that there was something wrong with me, the fear that it simply was never going to happen and the uncertainty of why what I was doing wasn’t working

That’s when I began my journey of doing the HeartWork and getting underneath these fears and patterns to see what it was that I needed to heal and shift within myself. 

I knew that if I could just crack the code to attracting the man that would love me for me and that I would love for him – I would be able to create the extraordinary relationship I had always dreamt of. 

We’re committed to extraordinary love. 

The type of love that feels magical and takes your breath away. 

The type of love that has you feeling on top of the world and like you can do anything. 

The type of love that is just that – extraordinary

It starts with attracting the RIGHT man. And that starts with you. 

If any of this sounds familiar to you, please join us tomorrow for the Attract  the RIGHT Man Webinar, where we’ll be diving into how to break the patterns that are keeping you stuck in dating once and for all! 

In this 3-hour masterclass, you will:

  • Learn what to STOP doing so that you can stop being attracted to and attracting the wrong man into your life
  • Discover what to START doing instead, so that you start attracting the kind of man who wants to create a happy, loving, committed relationship with you
  • Apply the steps and practices that will have you experience dating and relationships differently because you will be attracting and getting to know a completely different kind of man!

Click here to say “YES!” to Attracting the RIGHT Man into Your Life!

Whether you find that you keep attracting and dating “good guys” who are nice enough, but you simply don’t feel a connection with, 


you keep bringing in the same “bad guy” in a different body,  we’re going to show you how to break this pattern and bring in the RIGHT man — the one who will honor you, cherish you, and love you for the rest of your life! 

It’s time for you to attract  the RIGHT  man now!

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How To See the Real, Vulnerable, Inspiring, Authentic, Magnetic, Beautiful YOU!

How To See the Real, Vulnerable, Inspiring, Authentic, Magnetic, Beautiful YOU!

by Gladys Diaz

We’re sure you’ve heard the saying, “Fake it til you make it” right?

Do you ever feel like you’re doing that when you’re on a date, in a job interview, working on a project or meeting someone new?

What if we told you that you never need to feel that way again?! That there’s no need to fake it until you make anything!

We believe the real magic is in the phrase, “Be It and Believe It and then You Will See It!”

What does that mean?

If you’re not in the relationship, job, house (or anything really) of your dreams, there’s something about the authentic you that’s not showing up.

The laws of the universe make it so that when you’re really authentically being you and accepting all of that – your frequency is elevated so high that you naturally attract exactly what you want to you.

When you’re BEing authentically YOU – your vibration is elevated so high that a high quality man that wants exactly who you are is drawn to you!

Well, if that’s true then why aren’t we all walking around being authentically ourselves all the time?

Why do we still sometimes feel like we have to “fake it”?

Here are 5 ways you may not be being authentic (that you may or may not be aware of): 

  1. Hiding – When you hide part of yourself, keep a mask up, don’t say what you want or that something’s hurting you – those are all examples of hiding and not being authentic


  2. Fighting – Having a “take it or leave it” attitude because of residue from past heartbreak, being reactive because of fear, getting angry when you’re afraid to get vulnerable


  3. Running Away – You stop responding to a guy if you don’t like something he says/does, break something off that you’re still enjoying because you’re afraid to get hurt


  4. Settling – Pretending you’re happy in a relationship when you know it’s not what you want, convincing yourself that you’re in a relationship when you’re actually not, thinking that something is better than nothing
  5. Holding on – Not letting go of something that’s over or that should be over because it’s not everything you/the other person really want

If you’re not being yourself a man simply can’t fall in love with YOU because he can only fall in love with what you’re showing him.

If there’s parts of you that aren’t being 100% yourself then whatever relationship you create is only a reflection of that and will never be complete. 

When you do the HeartWork to develop the type of relationship with yourself that has you know and accept yourself – flaws and all – then your entire experience of life changes and what you attract into your life is a reflection of that!

That’s why you’ve got to join us for the BE-YOU-tifully YOU 5-Day Challenge next week!

In this challenge we’ll be showing you how to:

  • take off the masks you’re wearing
  • break through the walls you have up
  • take the things you’re doing to sabotage your goals and show you what to do instead

In 5 days you’ll be able to see the vulnerable, inspiring, authentic, magnetic, real beautiful YOU!!

Yes, I’m ready to fall in love with ME!

Here’s your opportunity. You can either keep doing this on your own, or you can do it with a coach by your side. So many women in our community have gotten engaged and married as a result of participating in this challenge – and that can soon be you!

Don’t miss out!

Sign up for the BE-YOU-tifully YOU Challenge Now. 


Men Aren’t Wasting Your Time, You Are!

Men Aren’t Wasting Your Time, You Are!

by Gladys Diaz 

Would you like to know what the #1 complaint about dating is that we hear from women?

We think we’ve heard just about everything when it comes to the frustrations of dating, but there’s something that we hear more than anything else!

The thing that irks women the most about dating is feeling like it’s a waste of time. 

There’s nothing more annoying to a successful woman than a man who’s wasting her time because they don’t know what they want, are trying to scam her or are just plain players.

But here’s something we want you to understand.

There’s nothing on earth that will make less of a difference in your life than blaming someone else for your circumstances.

It’s simply that simple.

The only thing that will create change in your life is being responsible for what you’re creating and getting curious about why and how you can create something different.

So… if you’re tired of feeling like men are wasting your time, look inside!

Ask yourself:
– “What is having me attract this type of man?”
– “Am I holding onto a dead-end relationship?
– “Am I investing more time than I should with someone?
– “What could I be doing that’s inviting this type of experience?

Step back, get curious and see how you can adjust!

Are you not making plans for your weekend because you’re waiting and hoping that a certain someone will ask you out?

Are turning down dates with men who are showing up because you’re hoping something else will happen?

Are you spending time or engaging with someone who you know isn’t the kind of person for you?

Are you choosing to spend time with someone (either physically or emotionally) who’s already shown you he’s not the one?

These are just a couple examples of how you may be choosing to allow someone to waste your time – which is why YOU have the power to shift!

What can you do differently?

– talk to more people

– create more opportunities to meet other men

– get clear on what your limiting beliefs are so they can stop running the show!

– stop thinking dating has to be hard

The point is – it’s unnecessary to keep having the same experience over and over again.

Have you ever heard the saying, “If you make a mistake twice, it’s a decision”? 

If you’re having an experience over and over that you don’t like, get curious about why you’re choosing this!

You always get to choose what experiences you want to have!

Dating can be fun, exciting and fulfilling.

Remember this too – if you’re getting to know someone and genuinely interested in seeing where it could go and then after 3 or 4 dates you decide it’s not a match – that’s not a waste of time! That’s called dating! It is a waste of time if you aren’t giving men a chance, deciding it’s over too soon or continuing to spend time with someone that’s clearly not the type of person you’re looking for.

Claim the power you hold over your life and create the type of dating experiences you want to create! Once you do that, you’ll be amazed at how quickly you start to attract exactly what you want.

Marriage Isn’t the Real Goal – Here’s What Is.

Marriage Isn’t the Real Goal – Here’s What Is.

by Gladys Diaz 

Do you know what is the biggest mistake women make when it comes to dating?

Do you want to know the answer to why 50% of marriages in the United States fail?

Do you want to have a real conversation about what you can do to make sure you don’t become part of that statistic? 

We’ve got you. 

The biggest mistake women make while dating is being solely focused on finding the right man and not thinking about the lifetime that will follow. 

Shortly after we started our coaching we noticed women getting amazing results – they were attracting really awesome men (which was no surprise to us!) 

The problem was that then they would self-sabotage. 

They would start doing the same things they did with the wrong men. The old patterns would resurface with the new, great guy, and there’d be a breakdown in the relationship. 

That’s why we’re passionate about teaching women how to break through old patterns that are continuing to follow them around! 

Because the real goal isn’t marriage. 

The REAL goal is creating a life-time love.

Research has found that the most common reasons people give for their marriage ending are lack of commitment, too much arguing, infidelity, marrying too young, unrealistic expectations, lack of equality in the relationship, lack of preparation for marriage, and abuse.

We understand this first hand because Michelle’s 1st marriage ended in divorce and after my first husband passed away and I found Ric, my marriage almost ended also. 

When I was first married to Ric things were so incredible!

I would lay in bed at night with tears of gratitude streaming down my face because I was so in awe that I’d found Ric. I was in love again and with an incredibly good man! 

It was incredible because there’d been a time when I didn’t think that was possible. 

But then, 6 years later, we started to fall apart. 

I didn’t have the skills to create a life-long love. 

I didn’t have the communication skills that work. 

I thought I always had to be right. 

I thought I was being honest and encouraging when I would tell him what he should be doing and how good he’d be at it.  

I almost lost that beautiful marriage. 

But then I became super committed to learning about how to create a lasting relationship. 

I learned that being right wasn’t that important. 

I learned how to say things in a way that Ric could hear. 

I learned how to respect his thoughts, ideas and opinions – even if I didn’t agree with them! 

I learned that doing the Heartwork that we now teach along with learning the skills I didn’t have naturally was the key to not only maintaining the beautiful relationship I had found with Ric – but make it stronger and stronger year after year! 

And here we are 23 years later and happier than ever. 

So how do you break through your love barriers that are having you sabotage your relationships? 

  • Get Curious 

What are the patterns you’re seeing? 

What isn’t  working? 

What are the things that keep showing up in your relationships that have them break down?

  • Dive into where the sabotaging patterns came from.

Why does this pattern exist for you? 

What is the fear or belief behind the behavior? 

When did you first experience this? 

  • Learn what to do to replace the sabotaging pattern. 

This is the part that most people miss! The only way to really break through a barrier in your life is to learn what to replace the old pattern with. 

You have the ability to create a strong foundation for your relationship that you can keep growing and growing forever when you break through your love barriers and learn the skills that will have that relationship continue to grow in love, passion and respect for a life-time. 

If you’re single and you’d like to attract the right man or if you’re in a relationship that you want to last forever, book a call with one of our coaches so you can have a breakthrough! 

Schedule your Love Breakthrough Session

Come to the call knowing the pattern that you’re seeing and what you’re interested in creating so you can have a breakthrough! 

You don’t need to be part of the 50% whose marriage will end in divorce. You can attract the right man and create a relationship together that will last a life-time – all you have to do is learn how.

The Secret to Stop Getting “Triggered”!

The Secret to Stop Getting “Triggered”!

by Gladys Diaz 

Would you like to be able to feel confident in any situation or conversation you encounter that you’ll be able to handle it with grace and ease? 

How would it feel to experience less reactivity or emotional meltdown and experience more happiness and joy? 

Imagine what it would mean for your life if you were able to maintain peace inside of you no matter what happens around you? 

See if this scenario sounds familiar: 

Something happens…

… your boyfriend says something in a “tone”

… a guy you’ve been texting stops responding 

… your boss calls you in for an unscheduled meeting

… a co-worker doesn’t do something they promised they’d do

… someone cuts you off on the highway

And all of the sudden you feel disrespected, rejected, worried or angry. 

You get “triggered.” 

A memory, fear or limiting belief was opened up and like a domino effect sets off a series of other thoughts and associated behaviors.

The switch has been flipped and you have an emotional reaction that has you say or do things you later regret. Your mind and mouth take on a mind of their own and it’s not until after the dust has settled that you regret your behavior and see the line of carnage in your wake. 

We’ve all been there. 

There was a time when Ric and I couldn’t even talk about some things for longer than 5 minutes because one of us would explode.

Sometimes the fall-out you create from these emotional reactions is short-lived. 

But sometimes, the result is a complete loss of a relationship, future relationship, or opportunity. 

The result is always a loss of personal peace and confidence and the impact on you and those around you is loss of time, energy, intimacy, connection, happiness and joy.

What if you didn’t have to experience things that way? 

What if you could turn off the “trigger” in an instant before it spiraled out of control? 

What if you could have mastery over your emotions instead of being a reaction waiting to happen? 

That’s what we teach you in the Girl, It’s Not Personal! Workshop. 

You’ll learn how to: 

  • Identify the emotional triggers that have you react, strike back, or shut down in conversations and relationships.
  • Break through the automatic and limiting thought patterns that are negatively impacting your communication and relationships, so that you can attract and keep the love your heart desires
  • Increase your level of self awareness and master managing your emotions , so that you are able to have empowering conversations and build a strong, happy, and loving relationship

The reason why marriages aren’t working right now is because most people don’t have the skills to not have a reaction to what others say and do. 

Ric and I almost lost our marriage because of this. 

But we didn’t because we up-leveled our emotional intelligence by learning the tools and skills that work in communicating and relationships. Now we can discuss anything for as long as we want to and maintain connection, love and peace in the space. 

And that’s what we want for you too. 

Click HERE to grab a recording of the Girl, It’s Not Personal! Workshop

Learn how to stop getting emotionally triggered by taking things personally and how to start experiencing more fun and joy in life, dating, and relationships!

Grab your copy now!

How to Get Out of Your Own Way

How to Get Out of Your Own Way

by Gladys Diaz 

Do you ever feel like there’s something standing in the way of your biggest dreams? 

So many women think that the reason they aren’t finding the love they desire is because of people around them, outside circumstances and other things. 

“There’s no men in this town, I’d have to move if I wanted to meet someone interesting.” “I don’t have time to date.” 

“Men aren’t attracted to me. I’ll start dating after I lose weight.”

“I’m working on my career. When it’s the right time he’ll find me.” 

And those are just a few examples! 

Do they sound familiar? Do you ever find yourself having similar thoughts? 

Here’s the thing. 

None of those things are stopping you from creating the relationship of your dreams.

So what is it then?  

It’s actually you. 

Now listen, it’s not because there’s something wrong with you, 

It’s simply that you have doubts, limiting beliefs from your past and subconscious patterns that are keeping you stuck.

Doubts get in the way because when you’re doubting, you’re questioning if you can be the person you want to be, do the things you want to do and have the things you say you want to have.  

Fears and limiting beliefs cause doubtful thinking patterns which then have you do nothing or do things that don’t bring you the results that you want. 

Well, it’s about time to get out of your own way and realize you can create anything!


The best way to have a breakthrough is to be at the steering wheel of your life and to ask, “What’s the next best thing I can be doing?” 

Everything we’ve ever manifested into our lives is a miracle because we’ve done the Heartwork to get out of our own way and get moving in the direction needed, with actions that resulted in all of the things we now have in our lives. 

So what about you? 

What if this year is the year you stop getting ready to get ready to be ready? 

What if this is the year that you can break into extraordinary love and create the magic that we know is possible for you! 

If you’re a high achieving woman who’s wanting to go to the next level in your life, then book a love breakthrough call with one of our coaches.

Book a Love Breakthrough Session Now

The people who get what they want in life take the right actions and they don’t wait. 

Take action now. 

You can manifest everything your heart desires when you get out of your own way!