I’m back in the office today after a wonderful week off with my 3 guys for Spring Break. As I’m sitting here, at my desk, there’s a group of birds outside my window serenading me, the grass and trees are a vibrant green, and I can see the beautiful buds about to bloom on the tree outside my office.
It feels as if everything is fresh and new! Sights and sounds in high-def and surround sound, all pointing to new beginnings! So, I wonder… Is that how you’re feeling about your love life?
Are you feeling the excitement, hope and possibility of new love?
If you’re single, are you excited about the men you are speaking to right now (or are there any)?
If you’re in a relationship, are you feeling a new surge of love and connection with your partner?
Or are things feeling stagnant, boring, and dull in your love life? Chances are high that if things aren’t feeling alive, vibrant, and new, it’s because you’re in some kind of rut.
Either you’re not attracting the kind of men you’re attracted to and excited by, or you’re not even putting yourself out there because you’re so afraid you’ll get more of the same results you’ve gotten in the past…
Or you’re in a relationship and you’re not igniting the romance and love that you once felt for your guy (Did you know this is something you can actually create on a daily basis?!?)
If your love life is still stuck in the dead of winter and you want to breathe new life into it, here’s a quick exercise you can do:
Think about one thing you’d like to change about your love life or relationship. What is the thing that would make the biggest difference for you right now?
What is the thing (it can be a thought, fear, or action) that keeps getting in the way of you having that in your love life or relationship? (Here’s a warning: If you just thought of something that someone else keeps doing – such as a man or your partner – it’s going to be very difficult for you to create that change. It’s best if you turn the mirror around and look to see what is the thing that you keep noticing that you keep doing or thinking that continues to get in your way.)
Think of one action step you can take this week to help you break that thought or behavior habit. This can be tricky because you may feel like you’ve “already tried that” or that if you knew what it was, you’d be doing it already. Kindly ask the little voice in your head to shush up for a minute or two and think about an action that you can take that either –a. you only tried once and then gave up, orb. you’ve been afraid to try because you’ve been afraid it wouldn’t work
If you need help with identifying your action step, just leave a comment below or send me an email (gladys@heartsdesireintl.com), and I’ll help you see which one step would help you begin to breathe new life into your love life!
I’d love to see your responses to the 3 questions, so just put them in the comment section of the blog below or send them to me in an email.
I promise you, it doesn’t have to be “hard” or take years to experience love, excitement, and romance in your love life. If you’re committed to turning things around, it can be easy and FUN!
Don’t allow fearful or self-doubting thoughts to convince you that there is nothing you can do to transform your love life. If you really want to see a change, do the exercise. If you need help or support, leave a comment belowor send me an email and let me know.
Last weekend was one of those weekends where you know that life will never be the same again!
You can see the burning coals behind us!
Michelle and I attended Tony Robbins’ “Unleash the Power Within” event and, on the first evening we had the opportunity to face some of our biggest fears and walk on fire!
It was simultaneously one of the scariest and most exciting moments of my life! And, as it goes with these kinds of moments, some HUGE life lessons were learned, including one I’d like to share with you in the video I shot for you below.
Make sure to watch it. It’s really short and I have two important questions in invite you to ask yourself!
Today is February 29th, marking this as a Leap Year.
I don’t know why it only happens every 4 years. I just know that this day, every four years, sets this year apart from the others.
Life is like that, too.
If you look back at your life, you’ll see that the most significant and monumental experiences of your life began with a single moment…
A day that seemed like any other, and, yet, it was different because, in a single moment…
You made it different.
Until you gather the courage to make a change, to stop allowing your fears and your doubts to stop you from letting go of all the crap that keeps standing in the way of you having the happiness and love you want, nothing will change.
But when you stop, and in that single moment you say “Yes!” to yourself, “Yes!” to your happiness, “Yes!” to having the love you desire and deserve… In that moment everything changes for ever. It can never, ever be the same again!
And then you finally get to receive and have the love that has been waiting there for you all along!
We’ve seen it happen in our own lives.
We’ve seen it happen for hundreds of women around the world.
And it can happen for you.
So…We wonder…
What are you doing to set this day and this year apart from others?
What choices will you make today that will significantly change the course of your love life for ever?
What will you do with this moment in time?
How will you take your leap into love?
What are you willing to let go of?
What are you willing to leave in the past?
What are you willing to do to welcome love into your life with arms and heart wide open?
We want to support you in making this your personal Leap Year of Love!
Let us know how we can help you make this year different from all the others so that you can finally have the life and love your heart truly desires!
This week, as I’ve been speaking to some of my clients, it’s been wonderful to hear how happy they are in their new relationships and how they’ve transformed their existing relationships.
Aside from feeling happy for them, the reason this fills my heart is because I remember where they were when we first started working together!
Some of them were so afraid they would never stop being single, others were in toxic relationships that were robbing them of their happiness, and others were in relationships that seemed to be slowly (or quickly) falling apart.
Their fear showed up as hopelessness. They were afraid to hope that things could get better, because… what if they didn’t?
Despite the fear they had that things might not change for them, these women did something that I have seen make one of the biggest differences in the love lives of women around the world!
In today’s video I share with you the simple steps to shifting from resignation to acceptance and how that one shift can be the first step to transforming the current – and, by the way, temporary– state of your love life!
See, creating a shift in your life does take work, but it doesn’t have to be complicated!
Do this quick exercise in the video, then let’s talk about how to create a REAL shift in your love life!
Don’t allow resignation and hopelessness to rob you of your heart’s desires! You CAN create a shift in your love life and begin experiencing the love you want! We’re here to guide you through it!
P.S. Our theme for February is :Falling In Love With YOU!
Another way to create a shift in your love life is to begin falling in love with YOU! There is still time to join The Self-Love Secret Challenge and start the best love affair of your life – The one you have with YOUrself!
Today is a very special day at Heart’s Desire International Headquarters!
We are celebrating one of my FAVORITE love stories of all time!
Five years ago today, I was able to witness a dream-come-true for my sister, Michelle, as she walked down the aisle, escorted by her two sons to marry the love of her life, Arnie!
As I stood there, tears streaming down my face, I could not help but remember the pain and heartache that preceded this beautiful love story.
Michelle had experienced the pain of living in a marriage that had been falling apart for many years, a string of micro- and non-relationships to men who were unavailable, addicts, and who did not treat her with the love and tenderness she so longed for and deserved.
She came very close to giving up on love.
But, then a turning point happened and she discovered the secret to creating the kind of love-lasting, dream-making, extraordinary love she’d always wanted!
And it had nothing to do with Arnie!
See, Michelle discovered what had been missing all along. In fact this missing ingredient was what had her stay in an unhappy marriage for so long, attract and date the same kind of man time after painful time, and to wonder if there was something wrong with her.
In our book, 30 Days and 30 Ways to Fall In Love with YOU!, Michelle shares the secret:
I decided to take a deeper look into my relationship patterns so that I could begin to uncover what was at the source of the results I was producing.
I discovered that in the 5 years I had been dating, there was something fundamental missing in all of my dating and relationship experiences…ME! I had been trying to be the “perfect woman” to hide who I really was, because I was terrified that if a man discovered who I really was, he could never fall in love with me. I had convinced myself that the real me was unlovable.
I began to write down all the things about myself that I felt were unlovable…it was a long list! Then one by one, I began to forgive myself. I realized there was nothing I could do to change the past. All I could do now was learn the lessons and forget the details.
I gave myself permission to let it all go for good. As I let each one go, something beautiful began to happen – I began to fall in love with me!I discovered that the only love that was missing was my own. I was now free to love and to be loved!
See, what Michelle discovered is that what stops you from creating a happy and loving relationship you want is not online dating; it’s not what happened in your past; and it’s not your current partner, your ex, or the guy who didn’t love you back.
The #1 difference between the woman who is not experiencing love and happiness in her relationships and the one who IS comes down to the relationship the woman has with herself.
If you do not love, accept, and honor yourself, it will be impossible for you to attract someone into your life who will love, accept, and honor you!
In fact, it’s unfair to expect a man to love you – really love you – if you don’t truly love yourself.
And what happens is probably what you’ve been experiencing over and over again:
You keep attracting men who you hope will love and accept you.
You twist yourself into a pretzel trying to become the woman you think he might – maybe – choose to love.
Then lose yourself in the relationship, forgetting about your own needs and desires, in the hopes that you will finally feel loved.
If this is resonating with you, you’re not alone.
This happens to be the most common complaint women have about what happens when they are in a relationship.
And the reason this happens again and again is because, on a fundamental level, you do not feel that you are worthy of the kind of love you want and deserve.
So you settle.
You settle for less than what you really want.
You try to convince yourself that what you have is what you want.
And, at the end of yet another heartbreaking relationship, you’re left feeling lost, empty, lonely, and afraid – wondering if you’ll ever really have the love and happiness your heart desires.
The best part about it is we’re starting tomorrow – February 13th, the day before Valentine’s Day – which means you won’t be alone on Valentine’s Day, you’ll be having fun, AND you’re going to experience what it’s like to feel truly loved by the person with whom you’ll have the longest relationship of your life: YOU!
So, hurry up!
Join The Self-Love Secretnow, and take the first step toward creating the love affair of a lifetime!
By the way, the book 30 Days and 30 Ways to Fall In Love with YOU! is only one of the 6 features you get in The Self-Love Secret Bundle, including a members-only Facebook page where you will receive daily self-love missions, get coaching and support, share your self-love victories!
CLICK HEREnow and begin your 21-day journey to attracting the love of your life today!
Well, you’d have to be blind not to see the signs, because they’re everywhere!
All you have to do is walk into a store and you’re bombarded by the overwhelming amount of pink, red, and chocolate to know that this means Valentine’s Day is almost here!
For many women – both single and in relationships, alike – this can be difficult holiday right on the heels of Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, and New Year’s Eve!
Unlike the other holidays, however, this one is specifically about love and relationships, and it can be heartbreaking if you’re not in a happy, loving relationship of your own.
I get it and I’m not going to try to minimize it, because I know it hurts.
However, I certainly don’t want you feeling sad or like you want to avoid thinking about love and relationships for the next several days!
It’s okay to want to be in a relationship.
It’s okay to feel sad if you’re not in one.
What’s notokay is thinking that it’s impossible for things to change for you!
It’s also not okay to think that there is something wrong you because you’re not in a relationship yet!
There are ways to begin shifting your feelings from hopeless to hope-full and from lonely to loved!
The key to creating this shift is to begin a new love affair!
Not with a man, but with yourself!
That’s because falling in love with YOU is the secret sauce for attracting true love!
Think about it!
What would it be like if for the next 21 days all you did was speak loving words to yourself?
What if for the next 21 days, you sent yourself a love or gratitude note for something you truly admire or are grateful for about YOU?
What if for the next 21 days your top priority was doing at least one thing that you find fun, peaceful, and fulfilling?
How might that change the way you see yourself?
How might that change the way others see you?
And, quite frankly, how FUN would that be?!?
If you’re up for a Self-Love Challenge, then you’re in the right place, because we have prepared a 21-day SELF-LOVE FEST especially for YOU!
When you join us for The Self-Love Secret, you will learn:
The ways you are stopping yourself from having a happy, fulfilling and loving relationship (and how it has nothing to do with the man you’re with!)
The exact steps you can take to stop self-sabotaging your happiness and relationships so that you can start attracting more love into your life
Real and practical ways to become simply irresistible and draw in the extraordinary levels of love and happiness you want and deserve
Here’s what you get in the Self-Love Secret Bundle:
Our eBook 30 Days and 30 Ways to Fall In Love with YOU!: A 30-Day Journey to Discovering Self-Love
Members-only access to the teleclass “The Self-Love Secret: How Falling In Love with YOU is the Key to Attracting the Love You Want!”
An MP3 recording of the teleclass so that you can download and have it whenever you want or need to listen to it
21 Daily Self-Love Challenges to inspire you in your self-love affair
A Private Facebook Group where you can receive coaching, connect with us, and share posts and pics of yourself completing your daily self-love challenges
A 30-minute Private Love Breakthrough Call so that you can continue your self-love journey beyond the 21 days and manifest the love your heart desires
All together this is a $417 value!
But, you can get it today at our Valentine’s Day Special Price of $47!!!
Here’s the deal:
You can’t expect someone else to fall madly and deeply in love with you if you’re not willing to dedicate 21 days to falling in love with you!
BE the love you want to see and join us for 21 days of fun, life-changing breakthroughs, and more LOVE than you ever imagined was possible!
We already have several women signed up and the journey begins this weekend, so make sure click on the link below and join us now!
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