There’s a real problem affecting women – especially smart, successful women like you – and it pushes good men away.
See, there’s something that many powerful women don’t realize that they are doing to self-sabotage their relationships. And the energy being given off by doing this is like “relationship kryptonite”!
What is it?
It’s leaking masculine energy in the form of control!
Now, before you bounce off the page or get triggered, let me explain, because, if you’re not in a happy, intimate relationship right now, and you knew you could learn what you can stop doing to sabotage your love life and happiness, isn’t that worth just a few minutes of your time?
Here’s the deal.
More than anything, a good man – the kind of man who is interested in loving, supporting, and spending his life with an amazing woman like you – wants one thing more than anything else. (And, no, it’s not sex!)
See, one of a good man’s greatest superpowers is his need to make the woman that he cares about happy. Honestly, it’s like a drug he can’t get enough of when he sees that you are smiling and he knows that hehad something to do with the smile on your face!
Now, perhaps you don’t believe me, especially if this hasn’t been your experience with men – or the man you’re with.
However, consider that there may be somethings you’re doing to either attract the kind of man who isn’t interested in making you happy, or you may subconsciously and unintentionally saying and doing things that stop him from being able to make you happy.
It’s true. Many of the things you are doing to kill a man’s desire to make you happy are happening subconsciously.
This means you’re not even aware of what you’re doing to self-sabotage your relationships!
And that’s why, unless you learn exactly what is pushing away a man’s desire to be with and please you, it’s virtually impossible for you to stop doing it so that you can turn things around in your love life and have the kind of relationship you really want!
Thesubconscious ways women sabotagetheir romantic relationships and what to do instead
Thekey steps you can take to remain in your powerand still get the love you want
Theeffortless ways you can draw a man, his attention and affection to youso that you can feel deeply connected to him
As a smart, successful woman, you know that getting what you want means, not only knowing exactly what to do, but how to get it in the easiest, most effective way! And that’s exactly what I’m going to teach you on this online class, so make sure you grab your spot now!
You can’t change something you can’t see. If you’re not in the happy, loving relationship you truly want, and you want to learn the fastest, most effortless way to have that, make sure you join us for this online class!
If you are a smart, successful woman who is READY to have success in your love life, then this is the one article you want to read all the way through today, because it is your LUCKY day!
While having a successful relationship has nothing to do with luck, we do believe in Divine Timing and in the power you have to manifest your dreams, and in rewarding bold and courageous actions, so we are about to help you make your dreams come true!
If you are a woman who feels like you have “The Midas Touch” in every area of your life exceptyour love life and you are ready to prove just how committed you are to creating and living in the relationship of your dreams, give us three days and we will show you exactlyhow to have success in BOTH life and love!
Does any of this sound familiar?
You’ve read books, attended workshops and webinars, bought infoproducts, listened to teleclasses, and even spoken to a few coaches, but you’restillnot in the loving, intimate relationship your heart desires, which leaves you feeling frustrated, lonely, and wondering whether or not you’ll ever have the relationship of your dreams.
You know there are thought and behavior patterns that keep getting in the way of either attracting the right man or having a relationship work, but you can’t figure out how to stop repeating the same self-sabotaging behaviors, no matter who it is you’re dating or in a relationship with. And this has you wondering if there’s something wrong with you, men, or relationships in general.
You know that dating and relationships shouldn’t feel “hard,” but you dread going on yet another unsuccessful date or having another relationship end, and the thought of having your heart broken again has you either holding onto a relationship that isn’t working or avoiding opening your heart to new love.
You’re at the point where you are ready and willing to make the changes that will finally give you the successful results you want in your love life and you just want to know howto do it.
If you resonated with any or all of the points above, don’t worry. You’re not alone.
Most smart successful women are in a similar place.
Because what most people don’t know is that there is a very unique set of challenges that successful women face when it comes to relationships.
The main reason is because many of the skills that propel us in our careers and businesses actually repellove and intimacy in romantic relationships! But, because they work at work, we mistakenly believe that those same skills and behaviors will work when it comes to love.
Unfortunately, they don’t work, and we are unconsciously self-sabotaging ourselves out of the very happiness we want more than anything else in the world!
Now, I know that you don’tneeda man to make you happy. Your happiness is 100% your responsibility.
However, if what your heart truly desires is to be in a loving, intimate, passionate relationship with a man who is absolutely right for you; who’s not threatened, but is inspired, by your success; and who is ready to spend the rest of his life letting you know just how much he loves you, then doesn’t it make sense for you to work toward that goal as diligently – if not even more passionately – as you would any one of your professional or career goals?
As a successful, powerful woman myself, I know what it almost cost me to not know the skills that led to creating a loving, peaceful, passionate relationship. In fact, it almost cost me my marriage!
It wasn’t until I learned what barriers were in the way of me having love and intimacy flow easily and abundantly; how to tap into my Irresistible, Feminine Essence; and how to use effective communication and relationship skills to connect deeply with my man that I was able to turn my relationship around.
Now, after 18 years together, I can tell you that there is nothingI have accomplished in my career – not any award, achievement, or recognition – that holds a candle to what it feels like when my husband says that the woman I am inspires him to be the best man he can be!
If you want to learn the secrets to creating a successful, happy, loving relationship that stands the test of time with the right man for you, then join us for three days transformational heart-and-life-changing days atThe Irresistible Woman LIVE!
The Irresistible Woman LIVEwas specifically designed for the successful woman who wants to have success in her love life, too!
The Irresistible Woman LIVEis especially designedfor the successful, powerful professional woman like you who wants to experience as much – if not even more– success in her love life and relationships as she does in her career!
If you are tired, frustrated, and feeling hopeless about your ability to havebotha successful and fulfilling careerandan extraordinary romantic relationship, then you need to be at this event!
As we said , this event is specifically for successful women – women who are used to going above and beyond to get what they want – so it’s going to be a no-holds-barred-tough-love seminar!
In this 3-day event, you will:
Take a deep dive into whyyou are not attracting or experiencing the kind of love that you wantin your relationships (and learn how to stop the self-sabotage)
Uncover the specific thoughts, actions, and behaviors you are using toblocklovefrom coming into your life so that you can begin to experience love, happiness, and abundance in your romantic relationships
Identify the skills that propel you in the workplace but completelykilllove and intimacy in romantic relationships(and learn the skills that magnify love and romance)
Create new thought patterns and behaviors that will allow you to shed the masculine energyyou carry around at work so that you can embrace the feminine energy that will make you Simply Irresistible to the right man
Design a plan for implementing what you have learned into your life on adaily basisso that you are continuously experiencing more success in your love life!
And soooo much more!
If you are seriously committed to having the lifeandlove your heart desires, there is absolutely NO reason for you not to be there!
To make sure you know how committed WE are to helping get the loving relationship you want, we’re making this an irresistible, no-brainer decision for you!
As a successful woman, you know that a huge part of your success is takingdecisive actionsthat arealignedwith the goals you want to accomplish.
That’s why we are only making this special offer for the next seven days. And, once it goes away, we will NOT be making it again.
And, for the first 10 women who register today, we willautomaticallyupgrade you to VIP status!
That’s right, as a VIP you will receive:
Preferred seating all 3 days so that you are up front, don’t have to worry about finding a seat, and can get up close and personal with us!
A special VIP-only luncheon on Day 2where you will be able to mix and mingle with The Love Twins and the other VIPs
An intimate VIP-only evening reception with Michelle, Gladys, and their husbands where you will be able to get ALL of your questions about
And many moreVIP-only perksand surprises!
The VIP ticket is normally $600, and you get it for the Super Early Bird Price of a General Admission ticket simply for being one of the first 10 to grab your spot!
So, don’t make up excuses, don’t put this off, and don’t suffer from FOMO!
Our events sell out quickly and you WILL miss your opportunity to learn the exact stepsyou can take to effortlessly begin attracting the loving relationship your desire and deserve at a simply irresistible price!
Seneca said, “Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.”
We’re giving you the opportunity to create your own luck and learn the skills you need to have the success that you want and deserve in the lasting, loving, and fulfilling relationship your heart truly desires!
This event only happens once a year, this is a one-time offer, and you simply don’t want to miss this amazing, transformational event!
If you’ve been feeling like it’s harder for you to have love than other women, you may actually be RIGHT!
See, if you’re a powerful, successful woman who wants to have success in love, but you’ve found that it’s difficult for you to attract the right kind of man or to have the loving connection with the man you’re currently with, it’s probably because there are some things you’re unconsciously doing that are sabotaging your chances of having the kind of relationship you truly want.
This is because, as a successful woman, you’ve discovered the kinds of skills and strategies that have propelled you in your career. You are strong, powerful, and a go-getter. You know how to manage and direct others, and you’re probably often selected to be the leader in almost every job or project. These are great characteristics to have in you professional life because they are the kinds of behaviors that can propel your rise to success.
The problem is that these same characteristics (and others) actually repel love, intimacy and success in romantic relationships. Your man wants to love you, not be managed by you. He wants to provide for and please you, not be directed, corrected, or led by you.
So, what are the skills and ways of being that inspire a man to be with you, rather than push him away?
This is exactly what my friend and mentor, Nancy Matthews, co-founder of Women’s Prosperity Network, and I spoke about this week on a truly powerful and information-packed interview. During our conversation, I revealed some of the secrets to BEing the Unstoppable Woman at work and the Irresistible Woman in your love life!
Check out the interview below and let me know what your biggest takeaway or question is by replying to this email.
[Note: You will hear an announcement I made during this interview that was specifically for members of WPN and the special coupon I offered has already expired and you will not be able to access it. If you’d like to access the special, reply to this email and I’ll send you a different coupon code! Why? Because I love you!]
While you may have been unintentionally doing things to self-sabotage your success in love and relationships, the great news is that you can learn the skills and ways of being that DO work to create love and intimacy in relationships! Listen to this interview (take good notes) and let me know what your biggest takeaway from the interview is!
P.S. If you want access to the same special offer I announced on the interview, all you have to do is send an email to, and i will send you a special coupon code!
I realize that today can be a bitter-sweet days for some people, given that the day is focused on love — primarily romantic love — and it can be painful if you’re not in a relationship, or in a relationship that’s not going well at the moment. If you’re not focused — truly focused — on the love that’s all around and within you, you can actually find yourself feeling Toxic Emotions, such as jealousy, sadness, or loneliness.
So, what can you do to make today a happy day, and one where you are able to see, receive, and give love, no matter what your relationship status is?
1. Gather evidence of love all around you.
Rather than trying to resist or reject all of the signs of love around you today, look for evidence of love and pull it toward you. One thing you can do is put your hands over your heart when you see evidence of love today — whether it is a picture of flowers someone received, or a couple holding hands, or anything having to do with love and romance — and, rather than get hurt, angry, or resentful, with your hand on your heart, say something like, “I’m so happy for her/them, and I can’t wait to feel that way, too!” or “I’m so happy for her/them! I send them love and receive that love as it comes back to me!”
2. Make a Love Plan for yourself.
If you haven’t already planned out what you are going to do to fill your day with love, take the time to do it now! Plan to do something nice for yourself, get yourself a token of your own love for yourself, and make plans with friends or family. Isolating yourself only reinforces the belief “I am alone,” and that only deepens any feelings of sadness or separation you may be feeling today. So, rather than being reactive and closing yourself off, surround yourself with the people and things you love and enjoy. You, more than anyone else in the world, deserve your own love, so be generous in giving that love to YOU!
3. Bask in Gratitude.
One of the most powerful and transformative energies we can embody and practice is gratitude. As you gather evidence of love and fill yourself up with love, remember to truly feel and express thanks for the things, people, and blessings you have in your life. It’s virtually impossible to be angry and grateful or upset and grateful at the same time. When you choose to turn your heart and thoughts to the things for which you are grateful, you are making a conscious choice to not allow negative thoughts and feelings to overtake you. Does this mean you have to “pretend” you don’t feel the sadness or upset? No. Resistance only has those feelings strengthen and persist. Instead, feel the feelings, acknowledge that they are there, and then choose to release them. And, as you release them, fill the space left by the negative feelings with thoughts of the things, people, and blessings for which you are grateful. This practice can leave you feeling empowered, rather than disempowered, as you will come to see just how able you are of navigating through and your emotions with power, grace, and ease!
Putting these simple practices in place today (and every day) can help you manifest and experience love, joy, peace, and gratitude, which are highly magnetic emotions and can truly shift your state as well as your experience of living and loving!
My heart-felt wish for you today is that you are able to see, feel, and create love all around and within you and that you come to the indisputable realization that…
Today we are are celebrating one of my FAVORITE love stories of all time!
Six years ago today, I stood with tears of joy streaming down my face as I watched my twin sister, Michelle, and Arnie promise to love one another for a lifetime.
As I watched her walking down the aisle with her two sons, I just couldn’t stop the tears, remembering the painful road full of heartache and disappointment that Michelle had walked down before finally attracting Arnie into her life.
Michelle had felt the pain of being in a marriage that had been falling apart for many years, followed by a string of micro- and non-relationships to men who were unavailable, addicts, and who did not treat her with the love and tenderness she so longed for and deserved.
She came very close to giving up on love.
Thankfully, Michelle was willing to do her HeartWork, remove the Love Barriers that were stopping her from attracting the kind of love she truly desired, and she began attracting amazing men, including the one who was promising to love, adore, and make her dreams come true for the rest of her life!
See, in doing her HeartWork, Michelle discovered what had been missing in her life that had led her to stay in an happy marriage for so long, attract, date, and hold onto dead-end relationships with men who were unwilling or unable to love her the way she longed to be loved painful time, and it’s what had her wondering whether there was something wrong with her and if she would ever experience happiness in a loving relationship.
One of my favorite passages in our ebook, 30 Days and 30 Ways to Fall In Love with YOU!, is the part where Michelle shares the secret to her discovering true love:
I decided to take a deeper look into my relationship patterns so that I could begin to uncover what was at the source of the results I was producing.
I discovered that in the 5 years I had been dating, there was something fundamental missing in all of my dating and relationship experiences…ME! I had been trying to be the “perfect woman” to hide who I really was, because I was terrified that if a man discovered who I really was, he could never fall in love with me. I had convinced myself that the real me was unlovable.
I began to write down all the things about myself that I felt were unlovable…it was a long list! Then one by one, I began to forgive myself. I realized there was nothing I could do to change the past. All I could do now was learn the lessons and forget the details.
I gave myself permission to let it all go for good. As I let each one go, something beautiful began to happen – I began to fall in love with me! I discovered that the only love that was missing was my own. I was now free to love and to be loved!
See, what Michelle discovered is that what stops you from creating a happy and loving relationship you want is not online dating; it’s not what happened in your past; and it’s not your current partner, your ex, or the guy who didn’t love you back.
The #1 difference between the woman who is not experiencing love and happiness in her relationships and the one who IS comes down to one thing:
The relationship the woman has with herself.
Think about it…
If you do not love, accept, honor, and prioritize yourself, it is impossible for you to attract someone into your life who will love, accept, honor, and make you a priority in his life!
In fact, it’s unfair to expect a man to love you and give to you the soul-level kind of love that you are not giving yourself.
And what happens when you don’t have a deep level of self love is that you continue repeating the same dysfunctional patterns and having the same painful experiences over and over again.
So, you do things like:
Attracting men who you hope will love and accept you, but don’t.
Turning yourself inside out trying to be the woman you think the man wants you to be, hoping that that’s what will maybe get him to love you.
Losing yourself in the relationship, forgetting about your own needs and desires, and trying to make him the center of your world in the hope that you will finally feel loved.
And the reason this continues to happen again and again is because, on a fundamental level, you do not believe that you are worthy of or able to have the kind of love you truly desire.
So you settle.
You settle for less than what you really want.
You pretend that you’re okay being single and that you don’t want to share your life with a great man.
You convince yourself that what you have is what you want.
And, at the end of yet another heartbreaking dating experience or broken relationship, you’re left feeling lost, empty, lonely, and afraid – wondering if you’ll ever really have the love and happiness your heart desires.
The best thing about The Self-Love Secret Mission is that, not only is it FREE – our Valentine’s Day Gift to you –but we are starting tomorrow,February 13th, the day before Valentine’s Day – which means you won’t be alone on Valentine’s Day, you’ll be having fun, AND you’re going to experience what it’s like to feel truly loved by the person with whom you’ll have the longest lasting loving relationship of your life: YOU!
So, hurry up!
Join The Self-Love Secret now, and take the first step toward creating the love affair of a lifetime!
This weekend was one of those non-stop, every-minute-planned, busy-but-”good busy” weekends!
Usually, I hate this kind of weekend, because I love just being able to relax with my family. However, this weekend it was all about fueling my family’s dreams, and that’s what made it exciting, instead of exhausting!
It all started on Thursday morning where I rushed to get my older son tickets to go see a mechanical engineer that works with NASA and then rushed him over there in the evening so that he could watch the 2-hour lecture.
Here’s the thing. My idea of a fun evening is NOT listening to and watching descriptions of all of the rocks they are finding on Mars! However, my son’s dream is to be a mechanical engineer and one of the astronauts who will actually get to step on Mars, so, every time I looked over and saw the wide-eyed look of wonder on my son’s face, and I just knew he was envisioning himself standing there, I had to smile, and that made it worth it! (And, I’ll admit, the rovers are pretty cool, too!)
Then, on Saturday morning, we rushed him over to a magnet high school that specializes in Pre-Engineering coursework so that his four years of high school are focused on what he really dreams of and wants to do.
Here’s the thing: This school is over 30 minutes away from our home and we’ll have to wake up at 5:30am to get him there on time, and there is a perfectly good school only 10 minutes away from our house! However, it doesn’t specialize in engineering. So, while it’s not convenient, we’ll be getting up at the crack of dawn (literally) for the next four years to make sure he gets a head start on making his dream come true.
After that, we rushed him to his campout (he also dreams of being an Eagle Scout) and then it was time to fuel our little one’s dream of being a race car driver!
Here’s the thing: I don’t like racing. It’s not my “thing.” But he dreams of driving race cars for NASCAR, and there was an exhibition race in town (the first-ever of it’s kind in the U.S.), so we surprised him as one of his early birthday presents.
Was it worth it? Well, you tell me.
When your little one looks at you, all wide-eyed and emotional and says, “Best. Birthday. Ever!” and then hugs you as he says, “Thank you, Mommy.” What do you think?
(I think “Yes! Soooo worth it!”)
And then Sunday was all about fueling my dreams!
Michelle and I are rebranding Heart’s Desire International, and we wanted pictures that are aligned with our message, our mission, and our vision for women around the world having both the life and the love their hearts truly desire!
We had the opportunity to work with an amazing photographer who is a colleague of mine, and we got to have our hair and makeup done, wear beautiful clothes our stylist helped us pick out, and take amazing photos in Downtown Miami!
(These pics are just selfies taken by us. Professional photos to come soon!)
It was a long day! Lots of changing, walking, driving, changing again, and smiling until our cheeks hurt, but again, so worth it!
My favorite parts were spending time with my twin (always fun!), especially when we were just being our silly selves, and when our husbands and my sons joined us for photos, since they are such a huge part of our mission!
And the entire time we were taking our pictures, YOU were on our minds!
Because one of the best parts of our business is that our dreams can only come true when we help you make your dreams come true!
Look, I know that “making dreams come true” can sound a bit “woo-woo” or cliche, but that really is what we are all about: Helping you take the steps you need to take so that you can have both the life and love your heart desires.
It’s what we’ve dedicated our lives to doing!
So, for just a minute, I want you to think about your relationship dreams.
What is it that you truly want to experience in the relationship of your dreams?
When you look at the thoughts you have about that dream and the actions you are taking every day, are your thoughts and actions fueling your dreams, or your doubts?
Are you spending more time thinking about and really taking the action steps that will lead you to having the kind of relationship you say you want, or are you giving fuel to the fears and doubts that have you thinking that that vision is possible for others, but not you?
And do you have the skills that you need to distinguish, dismantle, andreplace those fears and doubts so that you can consistently take inspired action that is directly aligned with making your dreams come true?
If so, then you know you are because you’re already living in a happy, loving relationship that fuels your dreams every day.
If not, then it’s simply time to begin fueling your dreams by getting clear around what it is you truly want and what thoughts and actions you need to stop and start so that you can manifest the kind of relationship you desire or deserve.
Because, here’s the thing: Every thought you have and every action you take is giving you the results you have now.
So, if you’ve been fueling your dreams, congratulations! We’re so happy for you and love hearing success stories, so please comment below and share them with us!
And, if you’re not (YET), then let’s talk, because there is no better time to begin fueling your dreams then right now, and we’d love nothing more than to help you do just that!
You deserve to have the love of your dreams, Beautiful!
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