How to Re-Enter the Dating Scene Today!
by Gladys Diaz
Has it been a while since you’ve been in the dating scene?
Have you recently come out of a relationship and are wanting to get back out there?
Or maybe you’ve been single for a while, and aren’t sure how you could possibly start dating again.
If you answered yes to any of those questions, you’re not alone! This topic has been requested so many times from the women in our community and we listened!
So, what is it exactly that has you resist stepping back out there?
Fear of….
… allowing yourself to be seen again.
… opening yourself up to rejection.
,,, wasting your time with the wrong man (or men)
… looking silly because you don’t know how to date anymore.
… not trusting this new thing called “online dating”
And those are just to name a few!
The starting over phase can feel like too much, which is why many women stay in toxic or abusive relationships or stay single when they really desire to be in a relationship.
We get it. Doing anything for the first time, or for the first time in a long time, can be scary and feel really hard!
But you can step back out there, and we’re here to show you how.
The first thing you need to remember is to grant yourself some space and grace.
If you’re just coming out of a relationship, there is healing and HeartWork that must occur before you’ll be ready to jump back into the dating game.
It’s necessary, and it’s okay!
That being said, this healing time doesn’t need to take 5, 10, or 15 years!
Give yourself enough time to get clear on why the past relationship didn’t work and to do any healing inside yourself that is necessary to have dating work the next time around.
There are two things you need to get clear on before you’ll be ready to date again.
- What had the relationship not work?
Did you jump in too soon without knowing the person well enough?
Was there poor communication?
Were there character flaws you didn’t notice (or didn’t want to see) soon enough?
Were there personal fears or limiting beliefs that had you sabotage the relationship?
- What Heartwork do you need to do?
Do you have limiting beliefs about men? About online dating, or dating in general?
Do you have limiting beliefs about yourself? Men? Relationships?
Are you recognizing any patterns with the dating experiences you’re having?
If you’re experiencing the same thing over and over again, what is having you be attracted to that?
Be open to the possibility that your limiting beliefs and fears aren’t “the truth,” and that there’s another possible truth.
Be crystal-clear about what you want to experience in the relationship of your dreams..
And then learn the best way to get back out there with power, grace, ease, and FUN!
The longer you wait, the harder it’s going to be.
Do the inner work, and then start taking steps that will lead you in the right direction.
Learn how to set up an online profile that attracts the kind of man you want to share your life with.
Let your family, friends and co-workers know you’re ready to start dating again and that you’re open to meeting good, 100% available men. Look on Eventbrite or MeetUp for opportunities to meet people, and go to singles activities in your community.
There are so many ways to meet good men!
Be courageous.
Be open.
Allow yourself to be seen and known.
Learn the BEST steps to take to attract the RIGHT man so that you can be alert and aware vs. scared and suspicious.
Oh! And remember to have FUN!!
If you’d like support in getting clear on the best, most effective ways to get back out there, or if you’re struggling to find the courage to date again, we’d love to speak with you!
Book a call to talk to one of our coaches now! They will support you in identifying the Heartwork you need to do and validating that you’re ready so you can attract the man who will love you forever, starting right now!
Book a Love Breakthrough Session Now!