How to Attract the Man You’re Looking For

How to Attract the Man You’re Looking For

by Gladys Diaz 

Are you attracting the type of men you’re looking for?

Do you find yourself saying “I want a man who has this and who has that,” like you’ve got some type of quality assurance checklist?  

Do you feel excited and hopeful after the majority of your dates, or do you feel disappointed most of the time?

If you’re not attracting the kind of men you want and the quality of your dates aren’t meeting your expectations, you’ll eventually feel disappointed, discouraged and no longer excited about dating. 

You may wonder what’s wrong with you and why it’s not working.

Even if you are going on lots of dates, if the type of men you’re looking for aren’t the ones showing up, it’s frustrating. 

Sound familiar? 

If your answer is yes, do you know why you’re not attracting the type of men you want?  

Do you want to know how? 

  1. Be willing to acknowledge and admit that you don’t have all the answers. If you’re stuck in the “I already know that” and “I already did that work,” then you’re never going to get anywhere. Open up to the possibility that there’s something you don’t know yet and that there’s something that’s stopping you.
    Remember too, there are often many layers when it comes to beliefs and fears. Just because you’ve done some personal development work, doesn’t mean there’s not something else there.  Be willing and courageous enough to get your blocks out of the way so you can have the kind of love you want.


  2. Gain awareness about what’s stopping you. Even if you have all the dating skills and are attracting the right men, if you don’t have awareness about your own blind spots, dating leaves you feeling empty and like nothing  works.

    If you feel like you keep attracting the same type of man – and he’s not what you’re looking for – get curious about why. Look into your personal beliefs, patterns and fears, and see what’s connected.

    When I was frustrated because I kept attracting the same type of men with all the same issues I didn’t want, I got curious.

    Through my Heartwork, I realized that the issues the men were presenting were directly related to beliefs I had about myself that I’d formed as a child and throughout my life. When I did the work to shift those beliefs, the men I started attracting and the relationships I began creating changed.


  3. Commit to doing whatever you need to do to have a breakthrough. Let go of hoping, wishing and waiting for things to change and for him to magically appear. We have worked with women that have been alone and waiting for 15, 20, even 35 years before they’ve committed to doing whatever it takes to create a shift.  You don’t have to wait that long.

    Yes, we believe in having faith. And you must have faith coupled with action.


  4. Move forward with committed action! Clarify your online profile. Say yes to lots of dates! Be okay with things looking and feeling differently than you’re used to.

    Your gut responds to your comfort zone, so it’s natural to feel a bit of fear when things start working differently than the patterns you’ve always had. Allow your brain time to reorient and keep moving forward, even if it feels kind of strange.


  5. Allow yourself time to get to know men and see them through the lens of the relationship of your dreams. If you say you want a relationship with a kind, loving, passionate man who doesn’t have kids, and then you meet a man that is kind, loving and passionate who does have kids, that doesn’t mean you’re not attracting the right type of men! It simply means you prefer to date a man who doesn’t have children.Be open to the idea that you may find something great in someone who’s circumstances aren’t exactly what you thought you’d prefer. And if you are clear that it’s not what you want, choose to let it go and know that the right men are out there and the next one is coming.

Here’s the thing, so much is possible when you open yourself up and do the inner work to discover why you’re not attracting the men you want. 

This is why we do the work we do. We help women to see their blind spots and breakthrough them so they can create the relationship of their dreams. 

We know that all the dating skills, tricks, and how-to’s don’t mean anything unless there is clarity on the inside. 

If you’d like someone who knows how to ask the right questions and can help you recognize your personal blind spots so you can start attracting the type of men you want, then we are the coaches for you!

Book a Love Breakthrough Session Now

Helping women to see the thing that holds the key to their freedom is why we do what we do, because when you see it, then you can do something about it. 

Let us support you in connecting the dots so that you can create the relationship of your dreams now

Let Go of Your Checklist to Find the Love Your Heart Desires

Let Go of Your Checklist to Find the Love Your Heart Desires

by Gladys Diaz 

If you’re dating, do you have a checklist for what you’re looking for in man?

Whether it’s a physical list you’ve written down or a mental checklist you keep in your head, do you have one? 

If you do, you could absolutely miss the love that’s standing right in front of you. 

Don’t believe us? Read on. 🙂 

This week on Love Chat with the Love Twins, we had a powerful and fun conversation with one of our clients, Ellen, who’s story exemplifies this perfectly. (Did you miss it? Watch it HERE.)

Ellen is a teacher and single mom of a teenage daughter who had been divorced for 6 years. When she met us, she was dating again and had a very long, and specific, checklist of what she was looking for. 

She wanted a man who was older than her, who had grown kids, was Jewish like her, didn’t have a cat… and the list went on and on. She had all of this outlined on her dating profile and would get messages from men saying things like, “Well I made it to number 14!” 

This was not working for her!

So, she came to our event, New Love in the New Year, because she didn’t know how to attract the kind of man and relationship she was looking for. She wanted to be a good example for her daughter of how to approach dating and relationships in a healthy way and knew that she was most likely sabotaging her success altogether.

Through her experience at the event, she had some incredible breakthroughs! 

  • She gained awareness and started seeing her patterns in dating that weren’t working. 
  • She realized that her energy and negative thoughts around dating were influencing who she was attracting, and shifted from trying to “get” a man to “attracting” the man she wanted by being herself. 
  • She understood that she could be herself on dates and in budding relationships instead of always trying to fit into a mold of what the other person was looking for.

Through the coaching she did with us, she was able to let go of her checklist and realize that you have to actually fall in love with someone — the actual person, not just who they are on paper! 

She learned that her checklist was about trying to control the situation and who showed up in her life, which was all based in fear. 

As she recognized and released her fears, she was able to open up to what could be possible and started paying attention to what she wanted to experience in a relationship. 

She realized that letting go of the checklist is not about lowering your standards.

It was about breaking down the wall of fears so that she could experience what she wanted to experience in a relationship!

And that’s when Ross came into the picture. 

He sent her a thoughtful, kind message on the dating app, and it caught her attention. 

She looked at his profile and saw that he was a couple of years younger than her and he had younger kids. (Not what she was looking for!)

Normally, she would have looked the other way and not even messaged him back. 

But, because of what she’d learned in the program, she opened up and responded with love and curiosity. 

She’d shifted her perspective, and her experience was different. 

In her words, “I was no longer searching for my husband. I was just responding to someone and being kind. I wasn’t feeling so desperate to find it and that’s when it started coming to me.”

She got to know Ross, and she was attracted to his kindness, emotional intelligence and thoughtfulness.

 Their children got along beautifully, and he didn’t mind that she was still friends with her ex-husband.

 He stimulated her emotionally, mentally and physically, and now they are engaged to get married! 

When she looks back, she sees that, had she not shifted her mindset around her checklist, she would never have met him.

So many women worry that if they let go of their checklist they will have to settle for a bunch of things they don’t want. 

The truth is, if you stop focusing on what you don’t want, then you open up the space for what you do want to come in.

When you shift the focus to what you want to experience in a relationship, instead of what you want the man to be or have,  you open up the door to actually see him!

Ellen said, “A year ago, I would never have imagined that I’d be here. All of the things I didn’t know I could want again, I’m getting.”  

And you can have everything you want too.

If you already know you’re ready for and you want to hear what it’s like to be in this kind of relationship, we have an easy way for you to do this!

Join us this Sunday for a very special Fireside Chat with Us and Our Husbands! 

This is going to be a very special and intimate evening where the four of us will share with you exactly how we’ve created the love, connection, intimacy and joy we experience in our relationships, and how you can create the same. 

We’re going to be answering questions, sharing stories and opening up space in your heart for what you really desire to experience so  that you can have exactly what you desire! 

Register Here

You see, having the love you want is not just about finding a man. It’s about finding yourself, building trust, and knowing that you can create the relationship of your dreams! 

Join us and open up to what’s possible for you and your love life as you go  into the new year!

How to Stop Meeting Mr. Wrong and Meet Mr. Right, Instead!

How to Stop Meeting Mr. Wrong and Meet Mr. Right, Instead!

by Gladys Diaz 

Are you ready to meet the right man? 

The man who’s not only good for you and to you, but also someone who you feel magic with? 

One thing we hear from women consistently is that they find themselves in one of two scenarios… Let’s  see if you can relate. 

  • Scenario One: You keep attracting men into your life who aren’t good for you. They’re the “bad guys” who don’t  show up, only want sex, aren’t  looking for commitment, or ghost you after the first date (if you even make it to a date!).

There’s chemistry and connection, but, obviously, these interactions  aren’t going anywhere.

The problem with this scenario is that these women start to believe that all men are like this, and they lose faith in dating and their ability to attract a different kind of man.

Can you relate? 

What about this one.

  • Scenario Two: You attract good men into your  life – men of integrity and honor. Men who are seeking out the same loving, passionate, committed relationship they are and are ready to create that now.

Sounds great right? 

The problem with scenario two is that you often  don’t feel a connection with these men. There’s no chemistry, and even though you’re glad that   you’re attracting the good  men, you  still can’t seem to attract the right one… The man you can’t wait to spend the rest of your life with.

Do you see yourself in either of those scenarios? 

Are you tired of meeting man after man, but never having it  turn into the loving, passionate, committed relationship you really want? 

If so, you want to ask yourself – “Why am I attracting this into my life?”

Get curious. Is it a pattern? 

What are the common denominators? 

How do you get to shift? 

After I got divorced, I was dating lots of men who all had the same problems. They were either addicted to something, in a relationship with another woman, and/or had some kind of drama constantly surrounding them. 

I was getting so frustrated, because I felt like I was dating the same man over and over again in a different body! 

One day I was telling a coach and mentor about my frustration, and, after he listened patiently, he asked me, “What do all of these men have in common?” 

Without even thinking, I responded with, “They’re  all liars cheaters, and they don’t know what they want!” 

He asked, “Okay, what else?” 

After a few more minutes of trying to answer his questions and getting more and more frustrated by the minute, I finally exclaimed, “Just tell me what you’re seeing, because I’m not seeing it!” 

He said, “The only thing these five strangers have in common is you. You are the common denominator.” 

Well, of course that isn’t what I wanted to hear. But once I let it sink in, I knew he was right. I knew that there was that was having me be attracted to and attracting this kind of man  into my life. 

I’d had enough of this. I was ready to make a change.

That’s when I really began my journey of doing the Heartwork and getting underneath this pattern to see what it was that I needed to heal and shift within myself. 

Once I did that, everything shifted. 

We often say that “happy enough is not good enough”! 

We’re committed to extraordinary love. 

The type of love that feels magical and takes your breath away. 

The type of love that has you feeling on top of the world and like you can do anything. 

The type of love that is just that – extraordinary

It starts with attracting the right man. And that starts with you. 

Please join us tomorrow, Saturday, November 21st for the Attract  the Right Man Webinar, where we’ll be diving into how to break this painful pattern once and for all! 

In this 3-hour masterclass, you will:

  • Learn what to STOP doing so that you can stop being attracted to and attracting the wrong man into your life
  • Discover what to START doing instead, so that you start attracting the kind of man who wants to create a happy, loving, committed relationship with you
  • Apply the steps and practices that will have you experience dating and relationships differently because you will be attracting and getting to know a completely different kind of man!

Click here to say “YES!” to Attracting the RIGHT Man into Your Life!

Whether you find that you keep attracting and dating “good guys” who are nice enough, but you simply don’t feel a connection with, OR you keep bringing in the same “bad guy” in a different body,  we’re going to show you how to break this pattern and bring in the RIGHT man — the one who will honor you, cherish you, and love you for the rest of your life! 

It’s time for you to attract  the RIGHT  man now!

Extraordinary Success AND Extraordinary Love!

Extraordinary Success AND Extraordinary Love!

4by Gladys Diaz 

There are many  women who believe they have to choose between having a successful business or a great relationship.  They truly don’t believe it’s possible to have both. 

What do you believe? 

Here’s the deal:  if you believe that you can’t have both, you are living in a scarcity conversation, and you’re actually blocking the success you could be experiencing in BOTH!

This week on Love Chat with the Love Twins, we featured some incredible women, colleagues and dear friends of ours, who are rocking it in their business as well as their love lives. Through these conversations, we really highlighted how not only is it possible for you to have both – but it actually makes all of it even better!

In one of the interviews, we got to hear from Amy Yamada’s partner, Ken, who shared his experience as a man being in partnership with such an incredible and successful woman! 

High-quality men want to support, be in contribution to, and pour into a high-quality woman. Ken shared how much more attracted he was to Amy knowing that she was an entrepreneur and motivational speaker. 

For her, at first, she felt uneasy sharing about her business with him for fear of being in here “masculine” energy. But when she decided to lean into being her authentic self, which includes being an entrepreneur , it allowed him to really see her, and it ended up being one of the things that most attracted him to her.

He said he simply wouldn’t have been attracted to her if she had not led with that. 

NOT the fact that she was a business woman, but that she was AUTHENTIC.

What more proof do you need, ladies?!

Men want to support us.

I’ll never forget, years back, when I was crying – sitting in a restaurant with tears flowing down my face  because I’d just been on off the phone with my business coach. I was feeling so defeated that I didn’t know what all of the tech terms meant or what all of this software I needed was, and didn’t know how I was ever going to be successful in my business. 

Ric saw the opportunity, and he literally learned how to create funnels, build websites and do all-things-tech related to our business, simply as a result of wanting to support me and my dream. All these years later and I can’t even imagine where I, or Hearts Desire International for that matter, would be without him. (And now he has a great business of his own doing this for other people, too!  Talk about a win-win!)

The other reason why men love being with high-quality, successful, driven women is because it inspires them to be more. 

I’ll also never forget the day when I heard Ric, my very soft-spoken husband, stand on one of our stages at an event and said, “Seeing how committed Gladys is to her own transformation inspires me to become a better man.” 

Definitely another tearful moment for me! 

Until then I knew he admired the things I did, my career, and professional accomplishments  But that day, he was talking about what he admired about ME and the woman I am!  No award,degree, or certificate can hold a candle to that!

The absolutely beautiful thing about creating a partnership with someone who loves and admires you for your determination and commitment in the world is what you can create together. 

It also gives you the opportunity to lean on one another and lift each other up when you have days where you’re having a hard time seeing it in yourself. 

Supportive partners see you, experience you and hear you in a way that you sometimes fail to see, and they can share your life, your success, and all of the ordinary-extraordinary moments with you as you continue to strive for success in  business and love. 

If you have a limiting belief that you need to choose between business and love then we have something very important to share with you. 

In just two weeks we’ll be hostingThe Irresistible Woman LIVE virtual live event,  and you won’t want to miss it!!

This 3-day, highly interactive, and transformational live virtual event for smart, successful women who want to stop wasting time and want to start having SUCCESS in love! 

This is one of the fastest and most effective ways to uncover what’s been getting in the way of you having the happy, loving, deeply connected relationship your heart desires!

The event is happening on October 23rd-25th, and we can’t wait to have you there! 

In fact, we’re so committed to having you there, that, for Birthday Week, we’re lowering the price of the ticket to just $47!!! (It’s our birthday, and will give you gifts if we want to!!!)

Click HERE to grab your ticket NOW!

When you know that you are a loveable woman, then you can attract someone who believes that, too. 

When you’re honest and authentic about who you are, business success and all, that’s when you’ll find the man who will love you completely. 

When you trust yourself, love yourself, and know that you’re capable of creating an amazing relationship in your life, you WILL!

Join us to discover this for yourself! 

This is what I know was true for me and, it is  true for you, too.

The Key to True Love

The Key to True Love

by Gladys Diaz 

What is the key to true love

Many women think it lies in finding the right person or having a perfected list of qualities you’re looking for in a partner. 

Some think it’s about where or how you meet the person,  while others think the key is in “divine timing.” 

What we’ve found from working with women of every age, from many countries, and all backgrounds is that there is one thing that truly separates the women that create the loving, intimate, long term relationship they desire and those that don’t. 

The key to creating true love with another person is creating true love within yourself first

Now, we’re not talking about self-care, though we do encourage doing all the things that fill you up and nourish your soul.

Self-love is deeper. 

Self-love is about the relationship you have with yourself. 

It’s the things you say about and to yourself.

It’s feeling comfortable with the most intimate parts of who you are. 

It’s the beliefs you hold about yourself. 

It’s the way you trust who you are and how you feel. 

It’s loving and accepting every part of you, even the parts of you you’re afraid others may not like. 

It’s bringing forgiveness and acceptance to your past. 

True self-love creates confidence, trust and the ability to create the things you most deeply desire.  

This is important whether you are single, in a relationship, or in a relationship that isn’t everything you hoped it would be,  because the relationship you have with yourself will be reflected in the relationships you create with other people. 

Do you have any resistance coming up around this?
Do you doubt that this could really be what’s missing from creating what you want in your life? 

If so, you’re not the only one. It’s easier to point outside of yourself for why things aren’t working the way you’d like to in your life. It’s much harder to look inward and be responsible for what you’re experiencing and creating in your relationships and in your life. 

And, if you don’t have the skills to know how to turn things around it can be a terrifying and frustrating place to be. We get that. 

We also know that knowing exactly what to do and how to do it  brings incredible amounts of confidence,  joy, and empowerment, because the relationship you have with yourself is the ONE thing you have total control over. 

Everything starts with you.
And that’s GREAT news!

When I was in the midst of my own self-love mission, everything in my life looked perfect on the outside. I had the job, I had great kids, I traveled with my girlfriends, and I was dating a lot — though none of those dating experiences ever went very far. 

Men would always tell me that I had an amazing life and was an amazing woman, but that they knew they just couldn’t give me what I wanted. 

I felt so confused and wondered why.If my life was so awesome, how could I still come home at night and feel so miserable and lonely and alone? 

Once I did the HeartWork I realized that all I wanted was someone to validate that I was lovable, when what I really needed was to create that love inside myself first

Recognizing that belief, uncovering where it came from, and creating something different within myself was such a transformative experience that it’s literally why we started doing the work that we do. 

We want every single woman to create the love and relationship that she deserves and desires, and, like we’ve said, we know it starts with you. 

That’s why we’d love to invite you to the Self-Love Secret Mission, a free 5-day challenge happening next week! 

Imagine five days where you can break-though and create the type of love and relationship with yourself that you want to create with others. 

Throughout the week, you will experience falling in love with yourself  and start seeing the miracles that follow. 

Out of this experience we’ve seen women obtain new jobs, receive promotions, manifest new homes, and create the relationship of their dreams — all through the healing and transformation  that comes through doing this HeartWork

If you’re ready to create a deeply loving, profound, and powerful relationship with yourself that will have you create the life and love you really want, then make sure you join us for the Self-Love Secret Mission!

Click here to join us for the Self-Love Secret Mission! 

When you dive into self-love and develop a deep and intimate relationship with yourself, you tap into and unleash your Irresistible Essence,  which is the key to creating everything your heart desires!

We can’t wait to see you there!

How to Communicate so He Can Actually Hear You

How to Communicate so He Can Actually Hear You

by Gladys Diaz 

What do your conversations with your partner look and feel like? 

When you share what you want or feel with your partner, do you think you’re communicating effectively, but he n gets defensive or doesn’t understand what you’re really trying to say? 

Do you want to know how to communicate what you want and feel in a way that your partner can receive and hear it? 

Sometimes, learning how to communicate effectively in relationships can feel like you’re learning a whole new language. This is because we’ve been conditioned that “being honest” or “sharing how we feel” means we have to complain or say what we want in an ineffective way. 

For example, let’s say you feel like your partner doesn’t do enough around the house. You say things like, “It’d be nice if I could get some help around here!” or “I never get any help!” or “I always have to do everything myself.” 

And then… he doesn’t do anything different. 

You’re confused, because you think you expressed your needs and hoping your partner will feel motivated and inspired to help. 

But he isn’t.

This was going on in my relationship with Ric years ago, and it was frustrating! 

I felt like I was asking for help, but nothing was changing in his behavior. 

Why wasn’t he responding the way I wanted him to?!

The answer is because I wasn’t communicating effectively.  

One day I said distinctly, “I need help.” 

What was his response? 

What do you need help with?” 

I honestly didn’t know what to say, because it never occurred to me that it could be that easy

No nagging… no complaining… just “I need help!”

And then he offered  to take on a few of the things I didn’t feel I could do alone. 


I got the result I wanted simply from changing the way I was communicating and being distinct and clear about what I wanted.

He wanted to help me, he just needed to be able to hear what I was saying without the “static” of complaints, reasons, and justifications for it. . 

When communicating what you want with your partner, make sure you use short, distinct comments that clearly state what you want. 

“I want to go for a walk.” 

“I’m disappointed because I was looking forward to seeing you.” 

“I don’t want to do these dishes right now.” 

Clearly stating what you want allows the other person to hear you. 

It really is that simple. 

Another important part of communicating effectively in a relationship is making sure your intention for the conversation is clear and that you let go of any attachment to how the other person may respond. 

Intention is the umbrella under which the conversation happens, and it’s the compass that guides it. 

Your reason for communicating can’t be about trying to get the other person to do or say something. It has to be 100% about saying what you want to say in order to stay in alignment with what is true for you, regardless of how he may react.

Be very careful with this ,because your ego will try and get in the way. 

Be honest with yourself and make sure your emotions are in a place where your pure intention is  to create what you want — love, peace and connection vs being right or getting an apology. 

If you’re not clear about what you want to say and why, postpone the conversation until you are. 

Ineffective communication is the #1 breakdown in relationships, and mastering how you can create the kind of relationship you want to create is the key to success. If you’d like support in seeing how you can create more clarity and impact through your communication, book a call with us now!

Book a Love Breakthrough Session Now

Having clarity of intention, making sure your emotions are clear prior to the conversation, knowing what you want and don’t want, and letting go of attachment are the keys to having meaningful conversations that create deeper intimacy, connection and love in a relationship. 

Let us support you!