Confidence: How to Be Absolutely Irresistible to a Man
by Gladys Diaz
When you hear the word confident what comes into your mind?
A name of someone you know or someone you admire?
An act of confidence – something you do?
An image that exudes confidence?
For me – the first thing that always comes into my mind when I hear the word confident, is an image of Audrey Hepburn. That woman just exuded confidence. She was soft, feminine and graceful in her way of being, yet so strong and sure.
What does confidence look like to you?
Confidence looks like smiling and looking others in the eye.
It looks like kindness.
It looks like knowing who you are and what you want and not being afraid to share it.
On the other hand, arrogance looks like trying to prove something. Without the deep knowing that she is worthy, a woman who lacks real confidence has to do things and have others give her validation in order to feel confident.
Real confidence is irresistible.
And I’m not talking about personality, either. You may be outgoing and exuberant in your interactions with people and still lack confidence. Or you may be more subdued and quiet, but carry the essence of power and confidence.
Confidence is a way of BEing.
So what does confidence look like in dating and relationships?
Like we said, confidence looks like knowing who you are, what you want, and not being afraid to express it.
We’re talking to a lot of women right now who have been meeting amazing men on dating apps during quarantine, and now that things are starting to open back up, still aren’t quite feeling ready to meet someone new in person.
How do you feel about it?
However you feel about it, confidence looks like being true to yourself and not being afraid of what the other person may say or do.
If a man that you’ve been interacting with on the app now asks if you’d like to meet and you’re still not feeling safe, you can say, “I’d love to meet you when all of this completely clears up. For now, I’d prefer to continue getting to know you here.”
This lets him know that you are interested in him. You’re simply not ready to meet in person yet.
And then he can do what feels right to him with that information.
Whatever his reaction is, you can know that you stood confidently in what was true for you.
Now, here’s another question we get asked a lot: Does asking a man out on a date exude confidence?
We don’t think so.
There is a difference between confidence and pursuing.
When you ask a man on a date, you are doing it out of the fear that if you don’t, then he won’t, and you cheat yourself out of the experience of him asking you out.
Instead, when you stand in the confidence of your worth and know that the right men will ask you out, you exude real confidence and that is simply irresistible to men.
So here’s the question for you now:
How confident are you that you can create the relationship you want on your own?
You see, we’re here to support you in developing the skills and knowing the steps to be able to say and get what you want.
These are the skills that will support you in creating the relationship of your dreams:
Communication skills, relationship skills and confidence.
Remember, confidence is a way of BEing. It’s something that’s developed through conscious practice. And we want to support you in creating such a knowing of your own value and worth that you radiate it through who you are being.
So if you’re ready to step past your fears and create a relationship with yourself that is so next- level that your confidence shines through the roof, then book a call with us now!
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I’ve been with Ric for 21 years and Michelle’s been with Arnie for 13. We know what it to keep relationships going and growing stronger year after year!
We’re both just as in love and passionate about our partners now as the day we met them – if not incredibly more!
We want that for you, too!
Book a Love Breakthrough Session Now