How to Work Through “Deep-Tissue Issues” in Your Love Life

How to Work Through “Deep-Tissue Issues” in Your Love Life

by Gladys Diaz

Yesterday was the first day of school for my kids, and I took the opportunity to pamper myself and get a deep-tissue Swedish massage, courtesy of my wonderful hubby!

As I was lying on the table, enjoying the soft meditation music, the candles, and looking forward to a nice, relaxing massage, all of a sudden, all I could feel was PAIN! And lots of it!

I actually found myself holding my breath a few times because of the pain I could feel under the masseuse’s expert hands!

At one point, I thought I would tell her to stop, and then I noticed something…

I began to notice how my muscles were responding to her touch.

I became aware of how, while I wasn’t stressed out or feeling pain when I first laid down on the table, there were parts of my body that were obviously story pain and stress, based on the “knots” she was finding and deeply massaging.

And, I noticed how she would dig really deep into a muscle, work there for a while, go somewhere else, and then come back to it and work on it some more.

That’s when I thought of you! (Yes, even while getting a massage, you are on my mind! Can’t help it!)

Here’s why:

I started thinking about how, sometimes, we have some “deep-tissue” pain stored in our memories, our hearts, and our bodies that are related to the past.

Maybe it has to do with a relationship that ended painfully.

Maybe you’re in a relationship right now, where you’re feeling some pain.

Or perhaps you’re feeling stuck in your life and you keep wondering, “I’ve prayed, meditated, read all these books, watched videos, attended courses, and worked with different coaches! When am I finally going to break through this?”

I get it! I’ve been there myself! And, here’s the deal:

Sometimes, you just need to go back and dig a little deeper to truly release the pain so that you can move forward with joy, peace, and the love you desire and deserve!

It’s during those times of release that you are able to put the past back in the past where it belongs so that you can move toward the present and future that are waiting for you!

Well, I was so inspired by all of the thoughts and insights I had during that massage, that, when I finished, I went to Facebook and shot a live video (Well, two, actually, because I lost connection during the first one, but I just had to share this with you!)


I know it can be tempting to feel like the “deep-tissue” inner work you’ve done isn’t working, but… what if…?

What if you’re just inches away from your next breakthrough?

What if you can dig a little deeper and finally have the happiness and love you want?

What would that make possible for you?

Check out the video and let me know what opens up for you!

Don’t forget to comment below!  We love hearing from you!


The Truth About Your “Trust Issues”

The Truth About Your “Trust Issues”

by Gladys Diaz



I was talking to a client the other day and she was sharing with me how she has a trouble trusting men. When you hear her story, you can understand why she feels that way. A failed marriage, due to infidelity, a failed relationship due to him not fully being over his ex when they got together, and a few other unsuccessful relationships in between. All of this helped reinforce her belief that it was difficult for her to trust men.

As we began to dig deeper into what the patterns in all of these relationships were, we began to uncover the truth about why she was finding it difficult to trust and open her heart to a new man.

Yes, the men she loved gave her reason to not trust them, but the truth was deeper than that.

There was actually a reason she was attracting these men into her life in the first place.

In fact, the real reason she was attracting men who made it difficult for her to trust had very little to do with the men.

It had to do with her.

The person she is really having trouble trusting is herself.

Trusting yourself means that you listen to heart, instead of your head.


I know, I know. You feel that listening to your heart is what’s gotten you burned in the past.

I want to invite you to open your heart and mind and consider something different.

When you don’t trust yourself to make the right choices – the choices that are aligned with your values, your truth, and what you really want – then you will likely allow something else to choose for you: Your fears.

When you allow your fears to make your choices, you always end up disappointed.

Your fear of being alone will have you choose to be with someone who isn’t really right for you.

Your fear of not finding someone else who will love you will have you hold on to a relationship that is toxic and unfulfilling.

Your fear that your partner or husband won’t love you the way he used to will have you pretend that nothing is wrong, even though all of the signs are there that the relationship is slowly (or quickly) falling apart.


On the other hand, when you trust and honor yourself and your truth:

You choose from a place of power.

You make choices that honor who you are and what you value to be true.

You’re not afraid to make these choices and you don’t feel like you have to force or impose those truths on the other person. You realize that the right man will choose to honor what’s true for you because he values who you are.


Allowing your fears to run the show leads to nothing but one disappointing heartache after another.

Learning how to start choosing from a place of power leads to you experiencing the happiness, love, and intimacy your heart truly desires.

If you’re finding it difficult to trust when it comes to relationships, I want you to ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Do I trust myself to make the choices that are best for me when it comes to relationships?
  2. If not, what is it that has me doubt my ability to make the right choices for myself?
  3. How is this lack of trust impacting my relationships?
  4. How might learning to trust myself give me different results in my relationships?


Being real with yourself and looking at what is standing in your way is the only way to transform and do something about it. It’s like any roadblock: Unless you’re clear about what is standing in your way, there is no way to avoid it and you’ll just keep slamming into it… over and over again!


If you’re ready to shift this dynamic in your life, answer the questions truthfully and then let me know what begins to open up for you. I’d love to support you in creating a real breakthrough in your love life that leads to you having the love you want and deserve!

And, by the way, as you do all of this, be gentle with yourself. Blaming, faulting, and or beating yourself up about the decisions you’ve made in the past doesn’t serve you unless you are committed to making different choices! And when you’re ready for that, get ready for your life to transform!

How to “Short-Circuit” Dysfunctional Relationship Patterns

How to “Short-Circuit” Dysfunctional Relationship Patterns

by Gladys Diaz

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Few things can be more detrimental to relationships than dysfunctional patterns.  Repeating the same painful experiences over and over again can be exhausting and can make you believe that perhaps there’s nothing you can do to change the results you keep producing!

Learning how to end dysfunctional patterns is one of the first things Michelle and I teach women because, until you address the underlying issues, thoughts, actions, and behaviors that have harmed your relationships in the past, you will continue to repeat them, no matter who your partner is!

So, ask yourself these questions:

Do you keep attracting the same type of man?

Do you keep having the same argument with your partner?

Do you keep having the same outcome, no matter who you are dating?

Do you keep experiencing heartache after heartache and wondering why the same thing keeps happening to you

In today’s video, I teach you the first step in “short-circuiting” a dysfunctional relationship pattern so that you can begin to experience fun, peace and LOVE in your relationships!

Click the image below to watch now!



This is just the first step in learning how break a dysfunctional behavior pattern once and for all. If you want to discuss your next steps, click below to schedule time to talk with me!

  1. CLICK HERE to schedule time to talk.
  2.  Tell me what dysfunctional pattern you’d like to break in the comment box.
  3. Come to your call ready to have a real breakthrough!
How She Went from Heartbreak to Loving Again!

How She Went from Heartbreak to Loving Again!

by Gladys Diaz


Nothing makes us happier than when we see one of our clients in a happy, loving relationship – especially when her belief when she started working with was that it would never happen for her!

This is what happened for our client, Melisa! Those of you who were on our list last year may have heard Melisa’s incredible coaching conversation with Michelle. Melisa had gotten out of a painful breakup with her boyfriend who had cheated on her and, a week later, was already with someone else.  She was feeling hurt and wondered if anyone would ever really love and accept her fully.

Melisa shared how she had a pattern of ignoring the red flags she saw early in relationships and attracting men who were liars, cheaters, and unavailable to be in a relationship with her, leading her to repeatedly experience heartache and pain.

What Melisa discovered during her session with Michelle was that she was playing a very real and active role in perpetuating this vicious cycle. She uncovered the limiting beliefs that were having her attract men who would not love and accept her, and it all began with the way she saw and was relating to herself because of her physical disability.

During the session, Michelle said the words to Melisa, “The good news is that, if you created all of that, you can create something else… Something authentic, true, and bigger than the disability you were born with, because you are so much more than that!”

Well, we’re happy to say that Melisa listened, not only to Michelle, but to her heart, and, after working with us last year, she is now in a very happy and loving relationship!

And she’ll be sharing more about the steps she took to attract new love into her life on the  “Ready to Love Again: Moving Beyond Heartache to Your Heart’s Desires” Webinar on Monday, July 20th!

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CLICK HERE to join us on Monday evening for the “Ready to Love Again” Webinar!

Join us on Monday night to hear the steps Melisa took to break free from her old familiar patterns and attract a man who is not only available but loves and accepts her exactly the way she is!

CLICK HERE to reserve your spot now!


Got a Love Question You Need Answered?

Got a Love Question You Need Answered?

by Gladys Diaz



One of our favorite parts of being relationship coaches is being able to help women through some of the difficult situations in their love lives. Many times, we are able to help a woman turn a difficult situation around in just a few minutes by helping her get clear about what is happening, help her set up some action steps, and then hold her accountable for completing those steps! 

That’s why we are hosting a LIVE Love Q&A Call on Tuesday, June 23rd at 9:00pm ET! 


On this call, we will be answering YOUR questions about love, dating, and relationships.

  • What’s causing you the biggest amount of pain right now in your love life?
  • Where do you feel “stuck” and unable to move forward in your love life?
  • What one question do you have that, if you had it answered, would help you move forward?

 Ask us your question now!


It takes courage to allow someone into your heart to help you break through the fear and pain that has been holding you back.  Michelle and I promise to give you real steps that you can take to bust through those barriers and move forward, toward the life and love your heart desires!


To have your question answered on the call, please follow these simple steps:

  1. Register for the call by clicking here.
  2. Type your question in the “Question” boxPlease be clear about the one thing you would like us to answer.
  3. Set a reminder on your phone for Tuesday, June 23, 2015 at 9:00pm ET.
  4. Be on the call ready to have a breakthrough!


Don’t have a question, but want to join us and hear the answers anyway?  Click here to reserve your seat!


Whether you have a question or not, being on this call will be a powerful experience! You will learn relationship skills that will help you have a breakthrough in love!


Feel free to share this post with your friends so that they can join us, too!


So, what’s your question? 

Send it to us and register for the call now!


P.S. What if one answer is all you need to leave the past behind and move toward the future and the love that are waiting there for you?  Send us your question and register now!

A POWER-FULL Conversation About Relationships!

A POWER-FULL Conversation About Relationships!

by Gladys Diaz


The other day, Michelle and I had a very powerful interview with Bill Weil for his “Conscious Couples Conversation” program.  

In this interview, we dove deep and talking about some of the most common questions we get asked when it comes to relationships, including:

  • The higher purpose of relationships
  • The difference between how men and women define and experience love and respect
  • The natural power women have to create and transform relationships
  • The most common mistakes women make in relationships
  • The essential ingredients for having a loving, intimate relationships
  • The 3 R’s for keeping the love alive in your relationship
  • How to have win-win arguments

And a lot more, including:

  • An interesting story about the “twin connection” Michelle and I share
  • How Michelle and I work together to coach women
  • A beautiful excerpt from Michelle and Arnie’s wedding vows (so moving!)

Whether you are single or in a relationship, you will walk away from listening to this interview with a HUGE amount of information and inspiration for creating a loving, intimate, relationship!

Click the image below to listen to this POWER-FULL conversation! 

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Comment? Question about the interview?  Let us know below!  We love hearing from you!