How to Have Extraordinary Love NOW!

How to Have Extraordinary Love NOW!

by Gladys Diaz

Do you wonder why you haven’t been able to attract the man that you want to spend the rest of your life with?

Does it not make sense why a strong, successful, smart woman like you, can’t seem to create that same success in love?

It’s not that there aren’t men out there. 

And it’s not that there aren’t GREAT men out there. 

It’s about learning how to attract those types of men to you so that you can experience the love, passion, fun, companionship and joy that you’re worthy and deserving of!

The question is then… 

Are you curious enough to look at what’s possibly in the way? 

If you’re having the experience of not creating what you want in love, there’s a “love barrier” blocking you. This is a fear, limiting belief or pattern that’s not working – and you may not even realize it! 

Have you ever had that “aha moment” experience where you all of the sudden see something that you weren’t seeing before? 

We call that a “distinguishing moment” where you suddenly see the love barrier that’s in your blind spot and once you see it – there’s no going back!

The trajectory of your life changes FOREVER! 

These types of experiences are so incredible because they change the trajectory of your life.

And guess what?

You can experience that “aha-moment” this weekend at the Extraordinary Love Intensive!

This 3-day event is designed to have you break through your Love Barriers, transform your love life, and attract and create the extraordinary, loving relationship of your dreams!

You’ll come out of this incredible weekend having more clarity about who you are and the patterns that are holding you back. 

You’ll do some of the deep and transformational Heartwork that’s necessary to break these patterns and you’ll be so much closer to creating the relationship of your dreams. 

This is the work we usually only do with our clients, but we want to share it with YOU so that you can stop pretending and start BEing the authentic, vulnerable, irresistible version of yourself that is going to have you attract an amazing man with whom you get to create Extraordinary Love!

 Life doesn’t stop. Time will keep going by, no matter what choices you make.

Why not make a choice that’s going to lead to more joy, love, happiness and freedom in your life…

And the kind of love you’ve always wanted?!

 You don’t have to wait another year, month or even day to begin creating the happy, loving, beautiful relationship you want. 

You can have it now.

3 Steps to Stop Doubting Yourself and Attract the RIGHT Man NOW!

3 Steps to Stop Doubting Yourself and Attract the RIGHT Man NOW!

by Gladys Diaz

Do you ever doubt yourself?

Do you ever question whether or not you’ve made the right decision about a career move, whether or not to keep dating someone you’ve grown to care about, or where to live?

What does it feel like to not be able to trust yourself to make the best decisions for your future?

One of the top things we hear from women, successful, driven, passionate women like you, is that they have a hard time trusting themselves.

And that lack of self-trust leaves them feeling disempowered and afraid.

When you can’t trust yourself life becomes a lot more scary than it actually is! 

Whether you’re looking for a love that will take you around the world, bring you children and an expanded family or simply love and support in your already amazing life, we’re certain that you want your intuition to guide you to a good man who’ll be a good match for you and all of your hopes and dreams. 

So what if you don’t trust yourself to find him?

What if you worry that your “picker” is broken or that you always choose the “wrong” men? 

When you don’t trust yourself then what chooses for you isn’t you

What chooses instead are your fears. 

Your thoughts that you’re not good enough… 

The fear of ending up alone forever… 

Remembering all the “wrong” men you’ve attracted in the past and disbelief that anything will ever be any different.

Thinking you’ll be taken advantage of like you were before… 

When these are the thoughts swirling around in your mind it’s debilitating and life and love feel scary as hell. 

So how do you break through these fears and begin to trust you again? 

  1. Acceptance. First you get to accept yourself and everything about your past.

    If you allow your past to determine your future you’ll always feel like you have something to prove, like there’s something to overcome, like you have to work to not become your mother or make the same mistakes you’ve already made.

    Your past doesn’t have to define you, tell you who you are or let you know what you can expect of your future.


  2. Forgiveness. Second, you get to forgive the version of you that chose the painful experiences of the past so you can heal and move forward.

    You get to remove the emotional charge behind the memories so that they no longer have power to influence your present and future.



  3. Clarity. After you’ve healed your past you can stand powerfully in who you are in the present. Then, and only then, can you be clear about what you want for your future.

    Once you have crystal clarity around what it is that you want to experience in a relationship, you’ll be able to stand for the man and relationship you want instead of settling for whatever’s there. 

It’s incredible what opens up when you’re able to accept and love yourself fully!

When you know what you want and can be yourself without reservation you feel happier and more comfortable with yourself because the real you is showing up! 

Your intuition becomes stronger and you’re more and more able to make the decisions that are right for you quickly and without reservation or doubt. 


You’re able to attract the type of men that you WANT to be with and that want to be with the real you too! 

If that’s something you want, then join us on Saturday for the Attract the RIGHT Man Masterclass!

In this fun, interactive 3-hour workshop, you’ll: 

  • Identify the barrier that have the fears and doubts show up instead of the right man
  • Gain Clarity about what you want in a relationship
  • Discover what men are looking for and what repels them
  • Manifest the life and love your heart desires for a LIFETIME

If that’s what you want – then click HERE to register for this free event!

Once you register, you’ll receive love notes throughout the rest of this week so you can receive support in love starting NOW and so you can come prepared on Saturday to meet the RIGHT man now! 

We can’t wait to see you there!

See YOUR Patterns and Create Your Love Vision NOW!

See YOUR Patterns and Create Your Love Vision NOW!

by Gladys Diaz

Do you ever feel like you keep repeating the same thing over and over again when it comes to dating and relationships?

Does it seem like you keep meeting the same man in a different body – and no matter how good it might seem in the beginning, it always ends the same way?

Do you have the same argument week in and week out with your boyfriend or husband? 

If you feel like you keep getting the same results – and you can’t figure out why – it’s likely there’s a dysfunctional pattern that’s running you! 

 The incredible thing about seeing and understanding your dysfunctional patterns is that once you do – you access the power to break through them! 

 And once you do that – you’re free to choose.

Below are the top 3 dysfunctional patterns that come up for women in love and relationships. While these may not be yours, keep reading because you may have a version of one of these! 

  1. The MOST common dysfunctional pattern in relationships – and what most other dysfunctional patterns come back to- is not trusting yourself. 

Do you overthink things, ruminate,  question your decisions or put them off?

If so, you have a dysfunctional pattern of not trusting yourself.

This pattern is developed at a young age when you do something that you thought was right and then get reprimanded for it. The little girl inside of you is still living in the decision of “When I think something’s right – it’s wrong” and you stop trusting yourself. 

Analysis paralysis is exhausting! Plus, every time you doubt yourself, you chip away a little bit more of your confidence.

2. The 2nd most common dysfunctional pattern is attracting the wrong men.

If you’re attracting the wrong men, there’s something energetically part of your belief system about what you think you deserve.

You might think that “someone” is better than “no one” or “better than the last guy” and it has you stay in something that’s not what you really want.

3. The 3rd most common dysfunctional pattern is that you have a hard time being vulnerable in relationships.

You hide and don’t dare show people who you really are.

You try to appear confident and end up coming off arrogant, entitled, or guarded. 

 So how do you overcome these dysfunctional patterns and unleash the confident, assured version of yourself?

How do you begin to trust yourself so you can attract the type of man you deserve and create the relationship with him that you dream of?

You have to break through your fears!

Underneath every dysfunctional pattern is a fear created from an experience from your past and a moment where you decided you couldn’t have what you really want. 

Here’s the thing.

We’re 23 days into the New Year and if those 23 days haven’t felt different for you – then you need to join us for the Love Vision Intensive happening next weekend, February 3rd-5th, 2023!

At this 3-day deep-dive event, you will uncover YOUR specific dysfunctional patterns, where they came from and break through them once and for all so you can begin to create the love that’s meant for you NOW! 

Click HERE to grab your ticket to the Love Vision Intensive NOW!

You’ll walk away from this event saying, “ I know I can have the relationship I want in 2023!

We know how powerful it is to overcome the fears and patterns that are holding you back in love and begin to experience more than you ever thought possible. 

How You Could Be Kissing Your Man On New Years Eve!

How You Could Be Kissing Your Man On New Years Eve!

by Gladys Diaz

Do you like waiting for the things that you want?

If you’re like me – you don’t!

I don’t like waiting in lines. When I’m at a restaurant I want my food to come out fast…

And when I have a goal to create something that I really want – I do whatever it takes to make it happen now!

What about you?

What is a big goal you’ve had that you wish would just appear already!

I don’t know for sure, but since you’re reading this email I’m thinking that one of the desires of your heart is to be in the relationship of your dreams.

And not next year or 5 years from now…

You want it now! 


Here’s what I do know…

Sitting in complacency won’t work.

And complacency doesn’t always look like doing absolutely nothing.

Complacency could also look like:


  • Sitting and thinking about the goal
  • Planning out for the 10th time how you’re going to accomplish it 
  • Processing why you haven’t created it yet
  • Talking to a friend about it.
  • Praying and waiting for God to make it happen. 

 Now, all of those things play a part in creating things that are important to you.

Thinking, planning, praying and support are all pieces to manifesting the things we want the most!

But nothing will actually be created without one thing…


Accomplishing goals takes ACTION.   

And not just any action.

When it comes to dating, you may be doing all the things and still not be creating the results you want.

You’ve got to be taking the right actions!

What if in the next week, you could learn how to easily attract a really great man who also wants to be in a committed relationship with YOU?

What if, by December 31st, you could have met the man you’ll spend the rest of your life with?!

Miracles happen every single day so just think about how many miracles could happen in 8 weeks!

Yes – I’m ready to take action to create my miracle!

Our client Elena, met us during a challenge, came to an event and then 9 days later went on her first date with the man who’s now her husband. 9 months after the event she was married and they’re about to celebrate their one year anniversary this month!

Mary Beth came to an event last December and by December 31st had reconnected with someone she’d dated previously and now, less than a year later, she’s married too! 

 If your brain is saying, “That’s not possible for me” – ask yourself why?

Here’s the thing.

We’ve witnessed so many relationships be created following our events, we know it can happen for you too!

We’re on a mission to help 100 women be on the path to the relationships of their dreams by December 31st.

Will you be one of those women? 

 If you’re ready to stop putting off and waiting to be in the relationship of your dreams and want to get into action and create the love you dream of RIGHT NOW then  join us for the Extraordinary Love NOW Event happening this weekend – November 12th-13th!

Claim Your Spot Here!

This is THE event to put you on the path to be in the relationship of your dreams by the end of the year.

This isn’t an event where you just come and sit, learn and process.

 At this powerful 2-Day Intensive, you’ll be doing the work so that you leave the weekend READY, with the plan and the support you need, to be on the way to the relationship of your dreams!

By this time next Monday, you’ll be ready to:

  • Date successfully
  • Attract a man who’s a match for your values and vision
  • Create the relationship of your dreams because you have crystal clarity around what you want
  • Use the skills you’ve learned to attract the relationship of your dreams
  • Plus more!

Don’t keep putting this dream on hold.

Don’t be the woman who says, “I wish I would have done this two years ago.

You get to be a woman who knows this is possible for you and knows how to shorten the gap between where you are now and being IN the relationship you’ve always wanted. 

Join us now! 

The #1 Mistake Women Make When Communicating With Men and What To Do Instead!

The #1 Mistake Women Make When Communicating With Men and What To Do Instead!

by Gladys Diaz

Do you understand men?

Or do you find yourself asking:

What the @*!# was he thinking?

Did he really just say that?

Why doesn’t he listen to me?

If you don’t feel seen, heard and understood when you’re communicating with your partner, and you’re wondering why you feel so disconnected, there’s a reason AND a solution!

AND this is not just for romantic relationships – this is important to remember in all of your relationships with men – fathers, brothers, and male colleagues at work.

First… It’s not personal. It’s biological!

Men aren’t just hairier, more muscular versions of women. (Surprise!)

There’s a reason why women can multi-task and men need to focus on one thing at a time.

There’s a reason why men jump in, interrupt and try to solve your problem before you’ve even shared what you wanted to say.

And there’s a reason why you get home from a date where you experienced so much fun and connection and then feel confused when he doesn’t ask you out again. 

It’s not a matter of intelligence or not caring.

Men are actually wired differently.

And the differences in how they think, speak, and act can create major conflict and frustration in you and your relationship, as you feel like you can’t talk, communicate, or connect with each other.

The good news is that, even with all of these differences, it IS possible to feel completely seen, heard, understood and loved by your man (and for him to feel the same way).

This is why we created the Decoding Your Man Masterclass – which is happening Saturday, October 22nd at 12pm EST

If you haven’t registered yet, REGISTER HERE!

Our goal is for you to understand how the differences in our biology impact every level of our relationships, and how you can still feel empowered to have better communication, deeper connection, and real, lasting intimacy with the man you love.

It’s absolutely possible to share what you feel, think, and need in a way that leaves you BOTH feeling seen, heard, understood, and loved!

In this powerful masterclass, you’ll learn the Decoding Your Man Method and:

  • The #1 mistake women make when communicating with men, and what to do instead!
  • Discover the differences between the way men’s and women’s brains are wired and how that impacts communication and romance with the opposite sex
  • Learn the keys to avoiding arguments and misunderstandings so that you can create love and partnership in your relationship vs. working against each other
  • Unlock and master the secrets to knowing exactly what to say and do get the love and support you want from your partner
  • How to create a happy, loving, passionate relationship that lasts for a lifetime!
  • And so much more!

The reason why he says “I’m busy” when you try to ask him a question while he’s working is because men are wired to focus on one thing at a time.z

The reason why he jumps in and interrupts you when you’re simply wanting to be listened to is because he hears you’re in pain and wants to be your hero and solve your problem.

And the reason why you have an incredible date but then don’t see him again is because while you were thinking about and assessing the entire date in the moment (and don’t tell us you don’t do that, hehe) – he was 100% focused on making sure the date was fun and enjoyable for you and then thought out those things after.

Is your mind blown?

We’ll be explaining so many more questions like these on Saturday and you’ll smile each time you hear yourself saying, “Aha! That explains it!”

It’s not just about knowing the facts and understanding why men do what they do.

It’s also about knowing how to dance with them by having the skills and knowing how to communicate in a way that sets you both up to win.

If you want to learn how to communicate in a way so that you can be received and responded to in a healthy, supportive, loving and caring way, make sure to join us for the Decoding Your Man Masterclass by registering for FREE at the link below.

Register for the Decoding Your Man Masterclass!

Three Steps to Create Your Big Goals NOW!

Three Steps to Create Your Big Goals NOW!

by Gladys Diaz

What were the goals you set in January?

Where did you want to be in your relationship?

We’ve entered the final three months of the year – Woah what?!

When you hear that… Do you feel confronted? Triggered? Excited? Ready?

One of the most important decisions you’ll ever make in your life is regarding your life partner and most of the women in our community have the desire to be married.

Is that a desire you have?

If you answered yes, then how do you stop putting off the dreams that you have? 

How do you not make the same mistakes you’ve made in the past? 

How do you stop thinking about how much time you’ve wasted and move forward to create the relationship of your dreams now?

Three Steps to Create the Relationship of Your Dreams NOW

1) Bring Acceptance to What Has Happened and Where You Are 

Continuing to spend time thinking of what you’ve done in the past is the #1 thing that keeps women stuck.

The only way to move forward and create something you desire for your future is to let go of energy from the past! Let go of who you were before you knew better, what you’ve always attracted, what you’ve put up with or what you thought was what you wanted or deserved. 

When you step out of regret your vibration and energy rises so you can attract a man from the energy of the woman you are now!

2) Have the Courage to Believe and Declare You Can Have it NOW

Sometimes when we have a big goal we continue to feel like the little girl in the pool with floaties on. We hang on to what we have always done or known in the past and it gives us a false sense of safety or security.

But nothing extraordinary ever came from staying safe!

In order to create the big goals you have for your life you must declare it!

Admit what you want! 

Be free to say it out loud so you will attract the life, adventure and love you desire!

Own what you want, believe you can have it, and declare it boldly through your words and actions!

3) Do What it Takes to Have It

The thing that makes the biggest difference when you’re working towards any dream or goal is consistent guided support and coaching.

You don’t know what you don’t know, so having someone there who knows exactly how to create your heart’s desires telling you exactly what you need to do next makes all the difference in the world!

Having someone there when you hit a wall of disappointment, resistance or fear to pick you up and give you your very next best step – that’s what’s going to have you create the relationship of your dreams!

If you haven’t had a call with one of our Love Breakthrough Coaches yet – click here to schedule a call now!

Our coaches are there for this very purpose – to give you your next best step and support you in taking action towards the extraordinary love that you dream of! They know the HeartWork inside and out and they’re here so you can move forward!

Give yourself this gift and know that you’re on your way.

Don’t hesitate. Don’t overthink it.

Simply click here to book a Love Breakthrough Call!