How to Create Your Dream Love Story: Consistent Steps to Heartfelt Success!

How to Create Your Dream Love Story: Consistent Steps to Heartfelt Success!

by Michelle Roza

Are you ready to revolutionize your love life and create the relationship you’ve always dreamed of? Imagine a life filled with passion, deep connection, and a partner who cherishes you every single day.

Sounds like a fairy tale, right? Well, it doesn’t have to be.

We’re here to tell you that you can manifest this reality, but it requires more than just hoping and dreaming. It demands clarity, determination, and consistent action. 

So how do you create that consistency, no matter what you may be experiencing in your daily life? 

1) Get Clear on What You Want

The first step to creating your love vision is to get crystal clear on what you want. Why? 

Your brain is always looking for what’s familiar, even if it’s not what you want, and when you go for comfort and familiarity, you repeat the past. You go back to the same guy, or you attract a new man who reminds you of someone from your past. 

Here’s the thing – Your Love Vision gets to be bigger than one guy or your past! 

So how do you get clear on what you want? 

Start by asking yourself some deep, introspective questions:

  • When I’m in the Relationship of My Dreams, what are three things you want to experience?
  • How do I want to feel in my relationship?
  • What values and interests should we share?

Take time to write these down. Be specific. 

Don’t just settle for “I want someone who loves me.” Dig deeper. Get detailed!

Do you want a relationship that’s full of adventure, support, and travel? 

A relationship where you both value personal growth, where you share a positive outlook on life and work together to create the life you truly want? 

Clarity is power. The more precise you are, the easier it is for the universe (and your subconscious mind) to align with your desires. When you know exactly what you want, you create a clear target to aim for.

2) Move Out of What’s Blocking You

Now that you know what you want, it’s time to clear the path. 

This step is all about identifying and removing the blocks that have been holding you back. These blocks can be limiting beliefs, past traumas, or even negative patterns you’ve picked up over the years.

Moving out of your blocks is like clearing the debris from a path; it allows you to walk smoothly towards your goal without tripping over old baggage.

If you’d like to identify your blocks, challenge beliefs that aren’t working, heal unresolved issues from the past that can sabotage your present and future relationships – then join us for the Extraordinary Love NOW Masterclass! 

In this Masterclass, we’ll support you in recognizing the challenges you’re experiencing right now that are getting in the way of your Love Vision and heal them so you can BE the women who can walk away from the things that aren’t aligned with what you want. 

So you can create your Love Vision NOW! Click HERE to Register! 

3) Become the Woman You’ve Always Wanted to Be

This step is about personal transformation. 

To attract the love you desire, you need to become the best version of yourself. It’s not about changing who you are, but about evolving into the person who naturally attracts and maintains a healthy, loving relationship.

Here’s how to get started: 

  • Self-Improvement: Invest in your personal growth. This can be through reading, attending seminars, or taking courses. Focus on areas that need improvement, such as communication skills, self-esteem, or emotional intelligence.
  • Self-Care: Prioritize your well-being. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and adequate sleep are non-negotiables. When you feel good, you radiate confidence and positivity.
  • Hobbies and Interests: Engage in activities that you love. This not only makes you more interesting but also allows you to meet like-minded individuals.

Becoming the woman you’ve always wanted to be is about aligning your actions, thoughts, and feelings with the person you envision yourself to be. It’s about stepping into your power and living authentically.

4) Manifest It

Manifestation is the process of bringing your vision into reality through focused intention and action. It’s about harnessing the power of your mind to attract what you desire.

And it takes consistency. 

Now that sounds nice, but I probably don’t have to tell you that you can’t rely on willpower alone. 

You have a finite amount of willpower, and when it runs out, you will go back to what’s comfortable and familiar. Those old patterns and ways of being that may feel good, but aren’t working. 

So how do you stay consistent, when will-power runs out?  

When you don’t have the resources or energy to stay consistent with your Love Vision, make sure you do something every single day that makes you happy AND is good for you. – Something that connects you to your vision. 

Dedicate time each day to your love vision practices. 

Whether it’s morning visualization, taking time in a gratitude journal, going for a walk or a bike-ride, whatever makes you happy and gives you back energy.  Make it a absolute non-negotiable part of your day.

And remember to acknowledge and celebrate your progress. Every step forward is a step closer to your goal!

Creating the love life you desire is a journey, not a sprint. It requires clarity, clearing your blocks, becoming your best self, and manifesting with intention. But most importantly, it requires consistency. 

By integrating these practices into your daily life, you’ll be well on your way to unlocking the love of your life.

In order to create your Love Vision, you must BE the woman who aligns with that vision AND take steps that will support you attract and create the Relationship of Your Dreams. 

By integrating these practices into your daily life, you’ll be well on your way to unlocking the love of your life.

If you’d like even more, join us next Saturday, July 20th for the Extraordinary Love NOW Masterclass! 

This 3-hour exclusive training will support you in getting crystal-clear on who you are and the kind of experience you want to have in a loving relationship so that you attract and create the Relationship of Your Dreams with the man who is going to love you for the rest of your life!

Click here to Register for the Extraordinary Love NOW Masterclass!

Ready to transform your love life, {{contact.first_name}}? Start today, and watch your love vision become your reality.



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Say Goodbye to Doubt: How to Know If He’s the Perfect Match for You

Say Goodbye to Doubt: How to Know If He’s the Perfect Match for You

by Gladys Diaz

Are you tired of wasting time on relationships that go nowhere?

Do you find yourself constantly questioning if the man you’re with truly aligns with your vision and values?

If you’re nodding your head right now, you’re not alone. Many women find themselves stuck in the cycle of uncertainty, wasting precious time and emotional energy on men who don’t meet their standards.

But it doesn’t have to be this way.

Dating becomes FUN and EASY when you can confidently and quickly determine if a man is a match for your Love Vision and values. 

Sounds too good to be true? It’s not. And we’re going to show you how.

The Importance of Self-Awareness

First things first, you need to know yourself. Everything starts within, and even though it might sound cliché, the foundation of any successful relationship is a deep understanding of your own love vision and values. 

We define Love Vision as what you want to experience in the Relationship of Your Dreams. 

How do you want to feel when you’re with your partner?

Do you want the relationship to feel connected, fun, and light? Are openness, passion, and intimacy things you want to experience?  

What types of activities will you do together?

Do you want to travel together? Do you want to read books and have intellectual discussions? Do you want to enjoy hiking in nature? Do you want to spend Friday nights cooking an incredible dinner together?  

What values do you want to share?

What’s most important to YOU? Do you want to be with someone who values health and adventure? Are you wanting someone who wants to create a family?

This becomes the guidebook for what you want to experience in a relationship. The more clear you are, the quicker you’ll draw it to you. The fuzzier you are, the more confusing your experience in dating will be.

Self-awareness is your compass. It guides you in the right direction and helps you recognize when something (or someone) is off course. Take some time to reflect on your past relationships. What worked? What didn’t? What values did you compromise on, and how did that make you feel? Write these down. This exercise isn’t just about identifying deal-breakers; it’s about understanding what makes you thrive in a relationship.

Communication and Consistency

Now that you’ve got a clear understanding of your own vision and values, it’s time to communicate them and watch to see if someone is aligned. This isn’t about presenting a checklist on the first date – that’s a surefire way to scare anyone off! 

Instead, it’s about weaving your values into conversations naturally and giving yourself the opportunity to observe his behavior – which will inform you of his values.

Talk about what’s important to you. Share your goals, dreams, and what you’re passionate about. This not only gives you a chance to express your values, but it also provides an opportunity to gauge his reactions and responses. 

Is he supportive? Does he share similar goals? Or is he dismissive and uninterested?

Actions Speak Louder Than Words. Words are cheap. Anyone can say they value honesty, loyalty, and respect, but do their actions align with their words? This is where you need to be vigilant. Pay close attention to his behavior.

Does he follow through on his promises? How does he treat people around him – waitstaff, friends, family? Is he consistent in his actions, or does he say one thing and do another? These observations are crucial because they reveal his true character and values.

Consistency is Crucial. One-time grand gestures are impressive, but they don’t define a person’s character. And at the same time, anyone can be nervous on a first date and not show you who they really are.

Consistency over time is what you should be looking for. Give yourself time to see if someone is aligned. 

And values aren’t about “right” or “wrong”. They’re simply about what matters to YOU and what YOU want. Everything he does (or doesn’t do) is good information to have as you move toward knowing who’s the perfect match for you.

Alignment and BE-ing Your Love Vision and Values. 

This is where you get to BE what you want to experience.

If you say health is a top value of yours, what do you do to show it? 

If you want to experience openness, fun and laughter in the Relationship of Your Dreams, who are you BE-ing to bring those feelings into your dating experiences and relationships? 

Before each and every encounter you have with men, anchor yourself in your Love Vision. 

Read your Love Vision every time before going on the dating app. 

Get yourself into the energy of your Love Vision before you go on a date. 

Envision in your mind what your Love Vision looks like before you come home to your husband. 

The more aligned you are going into each experience with men, the more you’ll be able to assess compatibility and create what you want to experience!

Final Thoughts

Finding a man who matches your love vision and values isn’t about luck – it’s about clarity, communication, and keen observation. By understanding your own values, clearly communicating them, observing his actions and consistency, and BEing what you want to experience in the relationship –  you can confidently determine if someone is the right match for you.

Where can you see your vision and values creating your Yes’s and No’s in dating? 

How can you lean more into your Love Vision to know your metric for what you want to experience? 

By following these steps, you’ll empower yourself to make informed decisions about your love life, ensuring you spend your time and energy on a relationship that’s truly worth it! 

This is just the beginning! We’ll be going even deeper into this topic during the Manifest Your Love Vision NOW Challenge! 

You’ll walk away from the Challenge with crystal-clear clarity on what you want to experience inside the Relationship of Your Dreams and next-steps on how to manifest it NOW!

Click HERE to register for the FREE Challenge.

We’ll let you know the dates for the Challenge ASAP – we can’t wait to be with you! 



Image Used from Canva Library


Swipe Smarter, Not Harder: Expert Insights & Strategies for Online Dating

Swipe Smarter, Not Harder: Expert Insights & Strategies for Online Dating

by Gladys Diaz

Why do some people have an amazing experience with online dating and others feel like it stinks, sucks, or is just plain NOT fun?

In our modern world of dating and romance, online dating sites and apps are one of the main ways couples are meeting one another. They promise love, all from the convenience of your phone or laptop.

But diving into the world of online dating is less like jumping into a pool and more like stepping onto a high-speed treadmill… 

Here’s how to navigate the online dating scene, from getting your mindset in the right place, setting a powerful and inspiring intention and creating a magnetic profile that will attract the RIGHT man to you! (If you missed our last Love Chat With The Love Twins on this topic, click HERE to tune in!)

So why are some women matching with many high-quality men, getting asked out on dates, and having a ton of fun meeting and getting to know new men, while others feel like they’re matching with nothing but scammers, cat-fishers, or men who are still living in their mother’s basement? 

Let me relate to it like this:

There are some people that really love going to the gym, they love the atmosphere, the sweating, and the challenge. I’m not really one of those people – I really have to work at motivating myself to get there.

However, if I knew – without a doubt – that the results I wanted were on the other side of going – I’d probably feel differently! If I knew that strength, vitality, and health were waiting for me, just by showing up – that belief would shift my mindset and I’d be there every day!

It’s the same with online dating.

The truth is: If you’re not getting the results you want, the first place you need to look is at your mindset.


If you believe online dating won’t work for you, that you’ll only attract scammers, or that it will be hard, time consuming and scary – then that’s exactly what you’ll get. 

I can give you all the tips and tricks in the book to craft the perfect online profile (and I will in just a moment!), but if your mindset isn’t in the right place none of it will make a difference.

The first step in attracting Extraordinary Love through online dating is: 

Shifting Your Energy – What are some of the fears you have that are influencing what you’re experiencing in dating? 

Wouldn’t it be amazing if all you had to do is shift your mindset in order for the things you’re doing in dating to work! 

It really could be that simple! 

After you shift your energy, the 2nd thing to do is: 

Set Your Intention – What do you want to create in your online dating experience and future relationship?

Going back to the analogy of going to the gym and working out, my intention really matters in how motivated I’m going to be to do it.

If my intention is: “I want to lose the 10 pounds I haven’t been able to shed for the last 10 years.” I might not be very inspired to work for it. 

However, my intention is: “To recreate myself as a healthy woman who feels vibrant and alive so I can travel to visit my kids and live a long life with my future grandchildren.” – that’s a vision! 

Set a powerful and inspiring intention for your dating experience. For example: 

 I’m open to meeting men who are aligned with my vision where I have fun and get to create an extraordinary relationship with one who will become my husband.

Okay – so after you’ve made sure your mindset is in the right place and set a powerful and inspiring intention, then – and ONLY then, can you get on the apps and begin crafting the profile that will attract the RIGHT man to you! 

Craft a Magnetic Online Dating Profile

Your profile needs to reflect YOU.

Not to put the pressure on, but the fact is, you have 3-6 seconds (or in some cases, more like ½ a second) to grab the attention of a future date or partner.

Here are 5 keys to crafting the profile that will grab his attention, reflect you, and inspire the RIGHT men to swipe right!  

  1. Profile Pictures – A picture might say a thousand words, but make sure yours are saying the right ones. 

Include 4-5 photos in your profile. Make sure the first one is a headshot photo, where you’re facing forward, eyes open and smiling. NO SELFIES! 

For the remaining photos, opt for photos that show the “real” you—maybe you’re kayaking, reading in a coffee shop, or building a robot. 

*** Tips for great online dating profile pictures:

  • No group photos, or photos of other people’s heads or arms cut off. 
  • Make sure you’re the focus of the picture and if possible, include photos where you’re taking up ⅔ of the photo
  • Have at least one full-body shot
  • Include lifestyle photos showing things you enjoy doing
  • Do NOT use filters
  • SMILE 😀

2. 1st Line of Bio – Who are you? 

What’s the MOST important thing you want someone to know about you?

Not what you do for work – this isn’t LinkedIN. It’s not that you love dogs or that you’ve traveled the world.

WHO are you? What are the top three words that describe YOU? 

Example: “I am an optimistic, joyful, and spiritual woman.

Leave out the masculine words like, determined, committed or punctual. These words are for your resume, not your dating profile. Remember your intention and that the goal here is to attract the RIGHT man. 

3. 2nd Line of Bio – Why are you here?

The next line in your online dating profile description or bio is to share what you’re looking to create. Share the top 5 words that describe what you want to create in the dating experience and relationship. (This is why it’s so important to have a clear intention and love vision!)


  • I’m seeking to experience a fun, inspiring, loving relationship that leads to marriage.” 
  • “I’m looking to create a long-term loving relationship full of laughter, fun, spirituality and growth.” 

The person who’s inspired by your statement will probably be intrigued and keep reading! This is a vital key in attracting the RIGHT men to you.

4. 3rd Line of Bio – What do you enjoy doing? 

Next, share a few of the things you enjoy doing with someone else. 

Do you enjoy dancing, going on long hikes, meeting new people or learning how to cook new recipes? 

Take the opportunity to share a few of the things you’d enjoy doing on a date should someone connect with you further.

5. Invitation

The final piece of your magnetic profile is the invitation. 

 If this sounds like an experience you’d like to share, I look forward to getting to know you.” 

 “If you have any questions, I’d love to hear from you.” 

Ultimately, online dating is an adventure, not a destination. It’s about meeting new people, learning about yourself, and maybe—just maybe—finding someone who gets your obscure movie references. 

Our mission is that the experiences you’re having are consistently moving you forward into the relationship you want to be in!

Focus on what you want and align your energy with the experiences you want to have for the rest of your life and see the results you want follow!

If you’d like even more, join us this Saturday for the Attract the RIGHT Man Masterclass! 

This 3-hour exclusive training will support you in getting crystal-clear on who you are and the kind of experience you want to have in a loving relationship so that you attract and create the Relationship of Your Dreams with the man who is going to love you for the rest of your life!


From Sabotage to Success: How to Believe You Can Have It ALL!

From Sabotage to Success: How to Believe You Can Have It ALL!

by Gladys Diaz

What happens when it all goes to (you know where)?!”

Do you ever have the feeling that something bad is inevitably going to happen, even when things are going great?

Things are going really well…

… but somewhere in the back of your mind there’s a little voice that’s saying, “Is this too good to be true?” 

If that ever happens to you – listen up. 

You have a fear or a limiting belief that when things are good, eventually they’re going to fall apart or go wrong. 

Sound familiar? 

We see this all the time with our clients  – and we’ve experienced it many times ourselves! 

You’re just about to have your breakthrough – and you’ll self-sabotage. 

Or things are going better than ever, in your job, your relationship, financially – and then you start to doubt and it all falls apart.

Here’s the thing… 

If you find yourself feeling uncertain, confused or like you don’t know what to do, there’s one thing that’s happening under all of it. 

You’re having a worthiness conversation. 

You’re wondering…

“Can I really have this?”

“Can I trust myself to be able to create this?”

“Can I actually handle all of this goodness?!”

At some point you created a belief that has you believe you can’t actually have the things you want. 

If you ever worry that you’ll have to “settle”… 

Then you don’t actually believe you can have exactly what you want. 

If you worry that even if you do meet him, it won’t last… 

Then deep down you don’t believe you can have and keep the relationship that you want. 

 So how do you shift these sabotaging thought patterns?

 Ask yourself these three questions: 

  1. What am I afraid of? 
  2. What created that belief? 
  3. Where did the belief come from? 

The first step to dismantling a belief that’s not serving you is to uncover what your current beliefs are. 

Once you understand what the belief is and where it came from, then you can begin to do the HeartWork to break apart the belief and dismantle it in order to create a new belief. 

And not just an affirmation or nice idea… 

We mean NEW neural pathways in your brain that actually transform the belief in the cells of your body so you begin to attract and manifest exactly what you want – and know that you can have it! 

This is exactly what we do at the Extraordinary Love Intensive, which is coming up in February 2024!

3 full days of shifting these dysfunctional patterns so that you can create everything you want NOW! 

The event is life-changing because I promise you, if this is impacting your love life, it’s impacting other areas, finances, career, family relationships, too. 

If you want to start your New Year empowered to create everything you want (and more!) then click below to claim your ticket for the Extraordinary Love Intensive!

YES! I Want to Create Extraordinary Love in 2024! 

Every single moment of every single day is an opportunity to have a breakthrough and transform an area of your life. 


The Key to Love, Confidence and Empowerment!

The Key to Love, Confidence and Empowerment!

by Michelle Roza

What’s the key to true love?

Many women think it lies in finding the right person or having a perfected list of qualities you’re looking for in a partner.

Some think it’s about where or how you meet the person,  while others think the key is in “divine timing.”

What we’ve found from working with women of every age, from many countries, and all backgrounds is that there is one thing that truly separates the women that create the loving, intimate, long term relationship they desire and those who don’t.

The key to creating true love with another person is creating true love within yourself first.

That’s why we created the Radiant and Ready for Love Bundle! The course begins TODAY, so now is your LAST chance to claim this before it’s gone for good!

Click HERE for the Radiant and Ready for Love Bundle!

Now, we’re not talking about self-care, though we do encourage doing all the things that fill you up and nourish your soul.

Self-love is deeper.

Self-love is about the relationship you have with yourself.

Real Self-Love is:

  • The things you say about and to yourself
  • Feeling comfortable with the most intimate parts of who you are
  • The beliefs you hold about yourself
  • The way you trust who you are and how you feel
  • Loving and accepting every part of you, even the parts of you you’re afraid others may not like
  • Bringing forgiveness and acceptance to your past.

True self-love creates confidence, trust and the ability to create the things you most deeply desire.  

This is important whether you’re single, in a relationship, or in a relationship that isn’t everything you hoped it would be.

The relationship you have with yourself will be reflected in the relationships you create with other people.

We know that knowing exactly what to do and how to do it  brings incredible amounts of confidence,  joy, and empowerment, because the relationship you have with yourself is the ONE thing you have total control over.

Everything starts with you.

And that’s GREAT news!

When I was in the midst of my own journey to self-love, everything in my life looked perfect on the outside.

I had the job, I had great kids, I traveled with my girlfriends, and I was dating a lot — though none of those dating experiences ever went very far.

Men would always tell me that I had an amazing life and was an amazing woman, but that they knew they just couldn’t give me what I wanted.

I felt so confused and wondered why –

If my life was so awesome, how could I still come home at night and feel so miserable and lonely and alone?

Once I did the HeartWork I realized that all I wanted was someone to validate that I was lovable, when what I really needed was to create that love inside myself first.

Recognizing that belief, uncovering where it came from, and creating something different within myself was such a transformative experience that it’s literally why we started doing the work that we do.

We want every single woman to create the love and relationship that she deserves and desires, and we want it for you RIGHT NOW!

That’s why Gladys and I put together this insane Black Friday bundle AND why we extended the sale through TODAY (goes away FOR GOOD at midnight EST)!

Imagine breaking through the things that are blocking you from creating new love and creating the opening to call in the relationship of your dreams NOW.

When women work with us they create new jobs, receive promotions, manifest new homes, and create the relationship of their dreams — and you’re getting the opportunity to work with us for just $87!

If you’re ready to create a deeply loving, profound, and powerful relationship with yourself that will have you create the life and love you really want, then grab the Radiant and Ready for Love Bundle before it goes away TODAY!

The Radiant YOU 21 Day program begins TODAYso now is your last chance!


When you dive into all this bundle includes you’ll have exactly what you need to create everything your heart desires!


Respect and Romance: Your Guide to Attracting High-Quality Men

Respect and Romance: Your Guide to Attracting High-Quality Men

by Gladys Diaz

We know that as you date in your desire to create an extraordinary relationship, the pursuit of a genuine connection with a high-quality and respectful man is important! 

If you’re having the experience that every single man you date wants to get physical right out the gate, pushes you to more than you’re comfortable with or doesn’t respect your boundaries it can cause you to not enjoy dating very much and start to believe that men only want something from you. 

While the dating experience may seem challenging at times, there are effective strategies that can empower you to attract the kind of men who align with your values, aspirations, and dreams.

Here’s the truth – a high-quality man will still want to sleep with you. 

But as you respect the boundaries you place for yourself, he’ll honor them as well. 

In this blog, we’ll delve into actionable steps you can utilize to make dating more fun and successful. By clearing any fears and thoughts that may be running in the background, deciding on your own boundaries and communicating them clearly, you’ll attract the type of high-quality men you’re looking for and enjoy getting to know them through dating.

  • Clear the Fears, Limiting Beliefs, and Thoughts that May Be Running in the Background. 

If you have any fears or limiting beliefs about men only wanting sex, wanting to take something from you, or anything similar you need to clear them out through the HeartWork or you will continue to attract exactly what you’re afraid of. 

Shifting your mindset has the power to transform your dating experiences. 

As you approach dating with an open heart, maintaining an optimistic outlook even if you meet men here and there that aren’t a match for your values, you’ll be able to view each interaction as an opportunity for growth. 

  • Audit Your Online Profile

Look at your online profile and make sure there’s nothing that suggests you’re looking for anything other than a committed, monogamous relationship. 

Sometimes in your desire to look attractive to men, especially if there’s any of the above mentioned fears or beliefs running in the background, you may include things on your profile that suggest something other than what you really want. 

  • Set Your Boundaries

To attract respectful men, it’s imperative to set clear standards and boundaries for yourself. Instead of trying to conform to outside ideas or attempting to fit into a mold, embrace your true self. 

Remember – your boundaries are for you. Boundaries aren’t for others to follow. You’re the one that gets to stand inside the line. 

What causes a lot of heartache and confusion is when you decide to move the line because you’re feeling such a great connection or you think “maybe just this once” and then get frustrated and angry when a man wants to get physical every time he sees you. 

Know your worth, what’s important to you and set your boundaries accordingly. Then stick to them no matter what. You can only expect men to respect your boundaries to the point that you do. 

  • Communicate Clearly  

Communicate your boundaries and expectations early on. Respectful men will demonstrate their willingness to invest in a relationship built on mutual respect and understanding. 

Whether it’s communication preferences, personal values, or emotional needs, articulate your boundaries with confidence and grace.

And remember – he doesn’t have to share your values to be a high-quality man. Some men (and some women) are okay with having sex on the first date – it’s not what we coach because we know it creates emotional attachment inside the woman too soon – however, it’s a preference

If you state your boundary clearly and he doesn’t feel the same, be respectful and move on. I love cheese and my husband won’t eat it on anything except pizza. We’re all different and that’s okay. 

As you clear out any fears and limiting beliefs that may be blocking you, you’ll attract high-quality and respectful men who will honor and respect your boundaries. 

By embracing your authenticity, defining your own boundaries, and communicating clearly, you’ll create meaningful connections with men who will cherish and respect you for who you truly are.