The BEST Way to Easily Attract the Love You Want?

The BEST Way to Easily Attract the Love You Want?

by Gladys Diaz

Do you ever find yourself lying in bed at night thinking these types of thoughts?

“Why didn’t I say the thing that I wanted to say on the date tonight?”

“I wonder if he hasn’t called because I told him I wanted to wait to have sex. Will anyone ever be willing to wait for me?”

“Am I going to lose myself again if I get into another relationship?”

“Do I need to compromise my values so that I can find a man?”

“Should I just settle for the guy who comes close to what I’m looking for?”

Because of the years of work we’ve done with the thousands of women we’ve supported, we know that these thoughts come up often when dating (and even when you’re in a relationship or  when you’re married!).

If you’ve spent years learning how to “strategically” date, trying a bunch of different tactics or turning yourself into who you think you need to be in order for a man to be the right match –

After a while, you end up wondering who this version of you is and where the real went.

That’s what makes dating and relationships so scary – not trusting that you won’t  lose yourself in a relationship.

You might worry about this because… 

  • you’ve done it before. 
  • you’ve convinced yourself that you have to be a certain way in order for a man to like you.
  • you’ve tried being yourself, and you feel like it doesn’t work. 

What if you didn’t have to worry about this anymore?

What if you knew, not only exactly who you are, but what you desire so that you could start being 100% true to yourself in your relationships.

What if you were transforming and becoming the most authentic version of yourself, and that the men you associated with could see and be attracted to that?

Guess what? It can be true for you.

One of our clients recently said, “Now that I’ve been coaching with these amazing women, I’m finally getting that the work I get to do is about me and I’m falling in love with all the parts of myself.”

And that is having her attract a completely different type of man!

That’s what’s  so powerful about the work we do with women.

When you can be true to yourself and show up as 100% authentically, beautifully YOU, then you will attract the man that you want.

When you do the Heartwork, you get that you don’t need to focus on the man — not the man you’re attracting or the one you’re with. 

You get that the one and only thing in this life that you have 100% control over is you, and you get that when you focus on you, the man you want will show up.

That’s why we’re hosting something incredible next week and we hope you’ll join us!

Join us for the BE-YOU-tifully You Challenge which starts next Monday, April 10th!

The BE-YOU-tifully YOU Challenge is for you if you’re ready to:

💜 Remove the mask you hide behind that’s blocking you from the love you want

💜 Find your voice and say what you want and feel without being afraid

💜 Stop pretending and not honoring your boundaries

💜 Stop settling for less than you want and deserve in relationships

💜 Stop doubting your ability to attract the man and relationship of your dreams

💜 Let go of the anxiety you feel around dating and relationships and have fun BE-ing YOU!

💜And more!

It’s FREE to join and it’s going to be a game-changer for you and your love life!

It’s time for you to know that you CAN be authentically YOU and attract a man who will love & cherish you for being the Irresistible Woman you are!

Join us for the BE-YOU-tifully YOU Challenge!

Instead of feeling sad that you don’t have your husband or partner, and wondering if that will ever change, you KNEW that you are on your way to changing that and having the Extraordinary Love you want – or better yet, have you man beside you?!

What if you broke through the thing that’s been holding you back from having that?

What if your doubts were gone and you see yourself showing up as the Irresistible YOU?

You have no idea what can happen between now and then if you’ll join us for the challenge. It’s going to support you in taking  yourself and your love life to a whole new level!

The thing is –

When you don’t trust yourself, you can’t trust others.

When you don’t love yourself, you can’t love someone else or openly receive someone else’s love.

And when you’re not connected to who you are and what you desire, you can’t create a genuine connection with a man that leads to lasting love. 

Join us for the BE-YOU-tifully YOU Challenge so you can start showing up as 100% you.

And KNOW that when you’re BE-ing that – then you know that when the right man finds you and is  100% attracted to the real YOU, will fall  and stay in love with the real you!

Join the Challenge Now!

The Key to Transform Your Love Life: Overcoming Fear and Finding Extraordinary Love NOW!

The Key to Transform Your Love Life: Overcoming Fear and Finding Extraordinary Love NOW!

by Gladys Diaz

Are you ready to break through your deepest fears when it comes to love?

Even if you’ve done “all the work” and your brain is saying: 

I’ve already dealt with it.”

“I’ve done all there is to do!” 

“I’ve worked through my fears.

– If you’re not in the relationship of your dreams yet, there’s still a hidden fear or limiting belief available for you to uncover!

That’s why it’s so important that you work with a strong mentor who can help you see the piece (your blindspot) you’re not seeing yet so you can have a real breakthrough!

The type of heart-changing experience that rises above and beyond what’s ordinary and creates an energetic shift that transforms you and the way you’re showing up in your life. 

That’s powerful and it’s what we’ll be teaching you this weekend at the Detox Your Love Life Masterclass!!!

Since a breakthrough is an experience above and beyond the ordinary – it’s usually not something you can create for yourself. A real breakthrough requires the support of someone who can see what you can’t see AND support you in transforming it. 

Creating a breakthrough in your life requires the assistance of a coach. 

On top of having a coach, you must be:

1) Committed to having a breakthrough and declaring what you want. 

2) Willing to move past what’s comfortable

3) Ready and excited to apply the coaching

Let’s dive deeper. 

1) Committed to Having a Breakthrough and Declaring What You Want. 

A declaration is not a list of things you don’t want or what you’re tired of creating. 

A declaration is a powerful statement with crystal clarity of what you do want. 

If you can’t articulate what you want, you’re not going to get it. 

So what do you want?

What’s the ONE thing that if it was no longer in your way would accelerate your experience and have you create the relationship of your dreams?

Once you know that – that’s the first step to creating a breakthrough!

2) Willing to Move Past What’s Comfortable

Doing what you’ve always done will get you the same results you’ve always gotten. The relationship you’ve always dreamt of is outside your comfort zone!

You must prime your brain to stop the repetitive and sabotaging patterns that keep breaking your heart and are keeping you from reaching your goals in love.

In order to create the right relationship with the right man, you must take the right steps given to you by the right coach!

3) Be Ready and Excited to Apply the Coaching

Again, since a breakthrough is something above and beyond the ordinary, it’s going to take doing something above and beyond what you’ve always done. 

The coaching you receive might not make perfect sense because it’s going to be something different. But if you’ll trust your coach and apply the coaching we give – you’ll have an extraordinary transformation!

You get to have a breakthrough so that you don’t keep doing the same patterns over and over forever and never create the results you want. 

And the best news of all is that this weekend we’ve got the perfect opportunity for you at the Detox Your Love Life Masterclass! 

Register for the FREE Masterclass NOW!

If you’re tired of not having the relationship of your dreams and can’t figure out what’s still in the way…

If you want to attract more love and are frustrated that you’re doing all the things and still not getting the results you want. 

If you’ve been waiting a long time to start enjoying life with the RIGHT partner, but the clock keeps ticking and nothing is changing. 

If you’re ready to have the loving, supportive, connected, safe love you desire – then you get to have a breakthrough NOW! 

Join us Saturday (and be open and willing to receive) and we promise you’ll walk away with a breakthrough.

How long has it been since you’ve been in a safe, strong, beautiful, inspiring relationship?

How long have you been waiting to create the relationship of your dreams?

This really can be the moment everything changes for you. 

Click HERE to register. We’ll see you there! 

How to Have It All… (Success in Life AND Love)

How to Have It All… (Success in Life AND Love)

by Gladys Diaz

There are so many women who believe they have to choose between having a successful business or a great relationship.  They truly don’t believe it’s possible to have both.  

Here’s the deal: If you believe you can’t have both, you’re living in a scarcity conversation, and you’re actually blocking the success you could be experiencing in BOTH!

So many of our clients are rocking it in their business as well as their love lives. 

And we are too!

That’s why, we know that not only is it possible for you to have both – it actually makes all of it even better!

High-quality men want to support, be in contribution to, and pour into a high-quality woman. 

Men want to support us.

I’ll never forget, years back, when I was crying, sitting in a restaurant with tears flowing down my face because I’d just been on the phone with my business coach.

I was feeling so defeated that I didn’t know what all of the tech terms meant or what all of this software I needed was, and didn’t know how I was ever going to be successful in my business when I felt so clueless about this aspect of running a business.

Ric saw the opportunity, and he literally learned how to create funnels, build websites and do all-things-tech related to our business, simply as a result of wanting to support me and my dream.

It’s okay if you don’t have a clue what any of those things mean either, what matters is that all these years later and I can’t even imagine where I, or Hearts Desire for that matter, would be without him.

The other reason why men love being with high-quality, successful, driven women is because it inspires them to be more.

I’ll also never forget the day when I heard Ric, my soft-spoken husband, stand on one of our stages at an event and say, “Seeing how committed Gladys is to her own transformation inspires me to become a better man.”

Definitely another tearful moment for me!

Until then I knew he admired the things I did, my career, and professional accomplishments.  

But that day, he was talking about what he admired about ME and the woman I AM!  

No award, degree, or certificate I’ve earned can hold a candle to that!

The most beautiful thing about creating a partnership with someone who loves and admires you AND your determination and commitment in the world is what you can create together.

It gives you the opportunity to lean on one another and lift each other up when you have days where you’re having a hard time seeing it in yourself.

Supportive partners see you, experience you and hear you in a way that you sometimes fail to see, and they share your life, your success, and all of the ordinary-extraordinary moments with you as you continue to strive for success in all areas of your life.

When you know that you’re a love-able woman, then you can attract someone who believes that, too.

When you’re honest and authentic about who you are, that’s when you’ll find the man who will love you completely.

When you trust yourself, love yourself, and know that you’re capable of creating an amazing relationship in your life, you WILL!

This is what I know was true for me and, it’s  true for you too.

Do You Really Want To Be In The Relationship Of Your Dreams?

Do You Really Want To Be In The Relationship Of Your Dreams?

by Gladys Diaz

Do you want to be in the relationship of your dreams now?

Like really ?

Guess what…

In the last month our clients have created 9 new committed relationships, 2 engagements (with upcoming marriages planned within two weeks of each other in September) and 2 additional marriages!

And those are only the ones we’ve heard about! 

We don’t know what your goals were at the beginning of the year, NAME, but if you’re here in our community we’re guessing that some of them had to do with creating the relationship of your dreams.

Think back to 3 months ago…

6 months ago…

Where did you think you’d be by now?

How close are you to creating it?

So often we allow time to keep going by without the things we want most in our life changing.

Why is that?

When it comes to dating and relationships, here’s why –

1. If you don’t know how to date, it’s intimidating and confusing and doesn’t result in the fun experience it should be. This causes you to put it off.

2. If you’ve made past mistakes in relationships or had your heart broken and haven’t healed – the fears and anxieties you have about the past will also have you avoid your greatest dreams.

The fact is – when you’re really committed to creating something in your life – you take consistent action to create it.

It’s possible that you think you’re doing all the right things – but you’re still not experiencing the results you want because you’re not clear on what works in dating.

If you’re exhausted by dating – you’re trying to control when and how it happens.

Being courted by a man – being treated to dinner, taken to shows, going on walks on the beach – what’s exhausting about that?!

Dating should be fun and relaxing!

If you say that you’re ready to be in the relationship of your dreams NOW then it’s time to take action NOW.

And not just any actions – the ones that will have dating and relationships be fun and exciting!

This is why you need to purchase your Ultimate Love Bundle so you can join us in less than two months for Irresistible Woman LIVE!

If you don’t want to spend another holiday alone…

If you want to step into your happily ever after together with the love of your dreams…

You get to practice the things that give you the emotional and dating mastery that will have you show up as the kind of woman that the type of high quality man you want is looking for.

That’s what we’re going to be teaching you at Irresistible Woman LIVE!

Your life simply will never be the same.

The way you relate to yourself and the way you relate to men will be completely transformed!

You’ll waste so much less time PLUS feel happy and empowered, enabled to make dating fun and successful so that you can create the relationship of your dreams NOW!

Grab your ticket here!

If you’ve ever said you need to take a “break” from dating, come and enjoy yourself and spend three days with us.We’ll take care of you and make sure you have all the tools you need to create the powerful transformation that will have you create and BE IN the relationship of your dreams with the love of your life by the end of this year!

When you’re out there dating, we want you to know that you’re doing the things that will give you the results you want.

Claim your spot here.

See you there! 


Three Steps to Manifest the Love you Want in 2022

Three Steps to Manifest the Love you Want in 2022

by Gladys Diaz 

Like many holidays and celebrations, New Year’s Eve can trigger bitter-sweet feelings.

On one hand, it can be disheartening if you’ve gotten to the end of the year without having attained all of the goals you’d set for yourself a year ago. 

This can be particularly true if you’re not in the happy, loving relationship you dream of!

On the other hand, it can be exciting and uplifting to know that you have a whole new year ahead of you filled with unlimited possibilities – one of which being to finally have the loving relationship your heart desires.

So, how do we reconcile the disheartening thoughts with the uplifting ones?

We have the answer in 3 easy steps!

  1. Breathe. If you’re like most women, you can be pretty hard on yourself. Many times, this is most evident in the way you talk to yourself. 

If you’ve been putting yourself down, thinking that there must be something “wrong” with you because you haven’t manifested the love you want yet, take a deep breath and allow the love that surrounds you (and, yes, it’s always all around you and within you) to enter into your heart.

If you still don’t feel the love that surrounds you within you do this:

  • Breathe again…
  • Keep inhaling until you can fill your lungs anymore
  • Hold it 3 seconds and envision the love filling every part of your being
  • Allow love to fill you
  • Do this as many times as you need to until you literally and physically feel love filling your being

Once you’re able to feel the love within you…

  1. Release. As you exhale, release all of those negative thoughts, beliefs and toxic emotions that do not serve you. Breathe out all of the pain, sadness, and feelings of dissatisfaction. Release yourself from the hold that those disempowering thoughts create in your life. Those are the thoughts that keep you holding onto dead-end relationships, stop you from moving on, and keep you repeating dysfunctional patterns in relationships.

If you still have trouble releasing yourself from the negative thoughts, beliefs and emotions…

  • Go back to Step #1, and repeat, giving yourself 2 or 3 more loving breaths.
  • On each exhale, envision yourself releasing all of the pain, sadness, and disempowering thoughts and emotions from your body.
  • With each exhalation, you are releasing what doesn’t work and allowing more love to enter you on the inhalation.
  • It’s okay if you feel like crying. As you do the exercise, the sad tears will turn to tears of gratitude as you allow love to enter, surround, and fill you up!

Once you feel you have released the disempowering thoughts and emotions…

  1. Renew. In this new space, where love is what you’re present to, renew your commitment to yourself to create the loving, happy, fulfilling relationship your heart desires. Commit to doing whatever it takes to transform the thoughts, words, and behaviors that have stopped you from experiencing the love you desire and deserve.

Commitment without action is nothing but wishful thinking. 

This is why so many people get to the end of a year without having reached the goals and dreams they declared at the beginning of the year. It’s only when you’re taking consistent action in the direction of your goals and dreams that you are able to manifest them! 

So, to ensure that 2022 is actually different for you and to make sure that by this time next year, you’re experiencing the love your heart truly desires, follow these steps:

  1. Identify the person/people who can teach and help you to create and experience the loving romantic relationship you want.  A happily married relationship coach who can teach you the skills that will have you attract, create, and nurture a healthy romantic relationship is the best option.  And, with us, you get two coaches for the price of one! 🙂
  2. With your coach, identify 1-3 action steps you will take to create renewal in your love life.
  3. Commit to fulfilling on those actions steps no matter what.

The reason most people do not reach their goals and manifest their dreams is because they quit. They quit on their dreams, and in doing so, they give up on themselves.

This is why working with a coach is so important!! You have built-in accountability.


Because, left to your own devices, you will do what you’ve always done. 

You’ll do what’s comfortable, what you’re familiar with, and those are the same things that have given you the results you have now.

We’re not trying to be negative here. This is what we all do. 

The results you have are consistent with the actions you’ve taken and those actions are consistent with what you’ve been committed to.

What do you want your results to be in 2022? 

If you’re ready to make 2022 THE YEAR of love, intimacy, and romance for yourself… 


Then make a real commitment to yourself to do whatever it takes to manifest the love you want.

Have your first action step be to schedule a Love Breakthrough Session to help you identify your 1-3 action steps that will lead you in the direction of the relationship of your dreams!

Click here to schedule your Love Breakthrough Call!

We promise we’ll do whatever it takes to support and guide you in making the relationship of your dreams come to fruition.

We’ll stand for you, hold you accountable, and be there when you need someone to remind you just how worthy you are of having the love your heart desires!

Creating the love you want does not have to be “hard.” It can be easy when you have the right guidance and know exactly which steps to take to create the loving, happy, fulfilling relationship you desire and deserve.

The last couple of years have been rough for all of us. Here’s to making 2022 THE YEAR OF LOVE, INTIMACY, ROMANCE, and all of your heart’s desires fulfilled!

Book a Love Breakthrough Session Now.

Three Steps to Attracting the Man of Your Dreams

Three Steps to Attracting the Man of Your Dreams

by Gladys Diaz 

Do you ever wonder why the men that are showing up in your life aren’t the kind of men you want? 

If what you’re doing is working and you’re meeting lots of incredible men into your life – that’s great!! Don’t fix what’s not broken!

However – 

If you ever catch yourself thinking (or even saying out loud) something like… 

”All men are cheaters.” 

”There’s absolutely no men out there for me!” 

“Every man will end up hurting me.” 

“All the men on the apps want it sex.”

… Or any other variation of that –  We have some news for you!

You’re wrong! 

We say that with love, but it’s simply the truth. 

There are many women out there who are meeting incredible men on the apps, who are creating extraordinary relationships with high quality men, and who are getting married to men that are willing to wait for marriage. 

You can be one of them!!

There’s nothing wrong with you. You’re not broken. But if the type of men that are showing up for you aren’t the type of men you want – then there’s a shift that gets to be made. 

The questions to ask yourself are: “What can I shift?” and “What am I in control of?

The only thing you’re 100% in control of is your thoughts and your actions. You get to shift your mindset so you can stop attracting what you don’t want and start attracting the men that will lead you to creating the relationship of your dreams with the man that’s 100% right for you!

So how do you create that shift? 

1 – Get clear on what your current beliefs are.

Tell yourself the truth about what you currently believe about dating and men. If you’re telling your girlfriends there’s no good men on the app, chances are, that’s limiting belief for you. 

You must be honest with yourself and get to the bottom of these beliefs. 

Until you do – no matter how much you pretend they’re not there – they will show up in your profile, out on a date at dinner and in any relationship. 

2 – Have clarity around your intention and vision. 

What’s your intention for dating? 

What’s your intention for being on the dating app?

What’s your vision for the experience you want to have inside the relationship of your dreams?  

You have the power to attract and create exactly what you want and you have to know exactly what that is first

3 – BE the woman that’s aligned with your vision. 

Showing up in a way that’s aligned with the intention you have is what gives it power! 

When you’re aligned in who you are BEing, your actions  will automatically be aligned to bring you the results you desire. 

Energy attracts energy and when who you are being and what you are doing are aligned with what you want to experience – the people and experiences you don’t want simply won’t be attracted to you. 

You can be 100% in your power around your actions, beliefs and mindset and the rest will follow!

If you’re ready to stop wasting time and find clarity around what you want and what beliefs are stopping you from creating it, book a call with one of our coaches now!

Book a Love Breakthrough Session Now.

Our coaches are trained to be able to listen to you and then tell you what fears, patterns and limiting beliefs they hear. Then they will give you the steps you can take so you can leave the call with a plan of action to move forward in creating the relationship of your dreams! 

Let us say it again, there are so many women who are meeting their incredible partners – and you can be one of them! 

If you want to do that quickly and easily, then book your love breakthrough call now.