Do You Really Want To Be In The Relationship Of Your Dreams?

Do You Really Want To Be In The Relationship Of Your Dreams?

by Gladys Diaz

Do you want to be in the relationship of your dreams now?

Like really ?

Guess what…

In the last month our clients have created 9 new committed relationships, 2 engagements (with upcoming marriages planned within two weeks of each other in September) and 2 additional marriages!

And those are only the ones we’ve heard about! 

We don’t know what your goals were at the beginning of the year, NAME, but if you’re here in our community we’re guessing that some of them had to do with creating the relationship of your dreams.

Think back to 3 months ago…

6 months ago…

Where did you think you’d be by now?

How close are you to creating it?

So often we allow time to keep going by without the things we want most in our life changing.

Why is that?

When it comes to dating and relationships, here’s why –

1. If you don’t know how to date, it’s intimidating and confusing and doesn’t result in the fun experience it should be. This causes you to put it off.

2. If you’ve made past mistakes in relationships or had your heart broken and haven’t healed – the fears and anxieties you have about the past will also have you avoid your greatest dreams.

The fact is – when you’re really committed to creating something in your life – you take consistent action to create it.

It’s possible that you think you’re doing all the right things – but you’re still not experiencing the results you want because you’re not clear on what works in dating.

If you’re exhausted by dating – you’re trying to control when and how it happens.

Being courted by a man – being treated to dinner, taken to shows, going on walks on the beach – what’s exhausting about that?!

Dating should be fun and relaxing!

If you say that you’re ready to be in the relationship of your dreams NOW then it’s time to take action NOW.

And not just any actions – the ones that will have dating and relationships be fun and exciting!

This is why you need to purchase your Ultimate Love Bundle so you can join us in less than two months for Irresistible Woman LIVE!

If you don’t want to spend another holiday alone…

If you want to step into your happily ever after together with the love of your dreams…

You get to practice the things that give you the emotional and dating mastery that will have you show up as the kind of woman that the type of high quality man you want is looking for.

That’s what we’re going to be teaching you at Irresistible Woman LIVE!

Your life simply will never be the same.

The way you relate to yourself and the way you relate to men will be completely transformed!

You’ll waste so much less time PLUS feel happy and empowered, enabled to make dating fun and successful so that you can create the relationship of your dreams NOW!

Grab your ticket here!

If you’ve ever said you need to take a “break” from dating, come and enjoy yourself and spend three days with us.We’ll take care of you and make sure you have all the tools you need to create the powerful transformation that will have you create and BE IN the relationship of your dreams with the love of your life by the end of this year!

When you’re out there dating, we want you to know that you’re doing the things that will give you the results you want.

Claim your spot here.

See you there! 


Three Steps to Manifest the Love you Want in 2022

Three Steps to Manifest the Love you Want in 2022

by Gladys Diaz 

Like many holidays and celebrations, New Year’s Eve can trigger bitter-sweet feelings.

On one hand, it can be disheartening if you’ve gotten to the end of the year without having attained all of the goals you’d set for yourself a year ago. 

This can be particularly true if you’re not in the happy, loving relationship you dream of!

On the other hand, it can be exciting and uplifting to know that you have a whole new year ahead of you filled with unlimited possibilities – one of which being to finally have the loving relationship your heart desires.

So, how do we reconcile the disheartening thoughts with the uplifting ones?

We have the answer in 3 easy steps!

  1. Breathe. If you’re like most women, you can be pretty hard on yourself. Many times, this is most evident in the way you talk to yourself. 

If you’ve been putting yourself down, thinking that there must be something “wrong” with you because you haven’t manifested the love you want yet, take a deep breath and allow the love that surrounds you (and, yes, it’s always all around you and within you) to enter into your heart.

If you still don’t feel the love that surrounds you within you do this:

  • Breathe again…
  • Keep inhaling until you can fill your lungs anymore
  • Hold it 3 seconds and envision the love filling every part of your being
  • Allow love to fill you
  • Do this as many times as you need to until you literally and physically feel love filling your being

Once you’re able to feel the love within you…

  1. Release. As you exhale, release all of those negative thoughts, beliefs and toxic emotions that do not serve you. Breathe out all of the pain, sadness, and feelings of dissatisfaction. Release yourself from the hold that those disempowering thoughts create in your life. Those are the thoughts that keep you holding onto dead-end relationships, stop you from moving on, and keep you repeating dysfunctional patterns in relationships.

If you still have trouble releasing yourself from the negative thoughts, beliefs and emotions…

  • Go back to Step #1, and repeat, giving yourself 2 or 3 more loving breaths.
  • On each exhale, envision yourself releasing all of the pain, sadness, and disempowering thoughts and emotions from your body.
  • With each exhalation, you are releasing what doesn’t work and allowing more love to enter you on the inhalation.
  • It’s okay if you feel like crying. As you do the exercise, the sad tears will turn to tears of gratitude as you allow love to enter, surround, and fill you up!

Once you feel you have released the disempowering thoughts and emotions…

  1. Renew. In this new space, where love is what you’re present to, renew your commitment to yourself to create the loving, happy, fulfilling relationship your heart desires. Commit to doing whatever it takes to transform the thoughts, words, and behaviors that have stopped you from experiencing the love you desire and deserve.

Commitment without action is nothing but wishful thinking. 

This is why so many people get to the end of a year without having reached the goals and dreams they declared at the beginning of the year. It’s only when you’re taking consistent action in the direction of your goals and dreams that you are able to manifest them! 

So, to ensure that 2022 is actually different for you and to make sure that by this time next year, you’re experiencing the love your heart truly desires, follow these steps:

  1. Identify the person/people who can teach and help you to create and experience the loving romantic relationship you want.  A happily married relationship coach who can teach you the skills that will have you attract, create, and nurture a healthy romantic relationship is the best option.  And, with us, you get two coaches for the price of one! 🙂
  2. With your coach, identify 1-3 action steps you will take to create renewal in your love life.
  3. Commit to fulfilling on those actions steps no matter what.

The reason most people do not reach their goals and manifest their dreams is because they quit. They quit on their dreams, and in doing so, they give up on themselves.

This is why working with a coach is so important!! You have built-in accountability.


Because, left to your own devices, you will do what you’ve always done. 

You’ll do what’s comfortable, what you’re familiar with, and those are the same things that have given you the results you have now.

We’re not trying to be negative here. This is what we all do. 

The results you have are consistent with the actions you’ve taken and those actions are consistent with what you’ve been committed to.

What do you want your results to be in 2022? 

If you’re ready to make 2022 THE YEAR of love, intimacy, and romance for yourself… 


Then make a real commitment to yourself to do whatever it takes to manifest the love you want.

Have your first action step be to schedule a Love Breakthrough Session to help you identify your 1-3 action steps that will lead you in the direction of the relationship of your dreams!

Click here to schedule your Love Breakthrough Call!

We promise we’ll do whatever it takes to support and guide you in making the relationship of your dreams come to fruition.

We’ll stand for you, hold you accountable, and be there when you need someone to remind you just how worthy you are of having the love your heart desires!

Creating the love you want does not have to be “hard.” It can be easy when you have the right guidance and know exactly which steps to take to create the loving, happy, fulfilling relationship you desire and deserve.

The last couple of years have been rough for all of us. Here’s to making 2022 THE YEAR OF LOVE, INTIMACY, ROMANCE, and all of your heart’s desires fulfilled!

Book a Love Breakthrough Session Now.

Three Steps to Attracting the Man of Your Dreams

Three Steps to Attracting the Man of Your Dreams

by Gladys Diaz 

Do you ever wonder why the men that are showing up in your life aren’t the kind of men you want? 

If what you’re doing is working and you’re meeting lots of incredible men into your life – that’s great!! Don’t fix what’s not broken!

However – 

If you ever catch yourself thinking (or even saying out loud) something like… 

”All men are cheaters.” 

”There’s absolutely no men out there for me!” 

“Every man will end up hurting me.” 

“All the men on the apps want it sex.”

… Or any other variation of that –  We have some news for you!

You’re wrong! 

We say that with love, but it’s simply the truth. 

There are many women out there who are meeting incredible men on the apps, who are creating extraordinary relationships with high quality men, and who are getting married to men that are willing to wait for marriage. 

You can be one of them!!

There’s nothing wrong with you. You’re not broken. But if the type of men that are showing up for you aren’t the type of men you want – then there’s a shift that gets to be made. 

The questions to ask yourself are: “What can I shift?” and “What am I in control of?

The only thing you’re 100% in control of is your thoughts and your actions. You get to shift your mindset so you can stop attracting what you don’t want and start attracting the men that will lead you to creating the relationship of your dreams with the man that’s 100% right for you!

So how do you create that shift? 

1 – Get clear on what your current beliefs are.

Tell yourself the truth about what you currently believe about dating and men. If you’re telling your girlfriends there’s no good men on the app, chances are, that’s limiting belief for you. 

You must be honest with yourself and get to the bottom of these beliefs. 

Until you do – no matter how much you pretend they’re not there – they will show up in your profile, out on a date at dinner and in any relationship. 

2 – Have clarity around your intention and vision. 

What’s your intention for dating? 

What’s your intention for being on the dating app?

What’s your vision for the experience you want to have inside the relationship of your dreams?  

You have the power to attract and create exactly what you want and you have to know exactly what that is first

3 – BE the woman that’s aligned with your vision. 

Showing up in a way that’s aligned with the intention you have is what gives it power! 

When you’re aligned in who you are BEing, your actions  will automatically be aligned to bring you the results you desire. 

Energy attracts energy and when who you are being and what you are doing are aligned with what you want to experience – the people and experiences you don’t want simply won’t be attracted to you. 

You can be 100% in your power around your actions, beliefs and mindset and the rest will follow!

If you’re ready to stop wasting time and find clarity around what you want and what beliefs are stopping you from creating it, book a call with one of our coaches now!

Book a Love Breakthrough Session Now.

Our coaches are trained to be able to listen to you and then tell you what fears, patterns and limiting beliefs they hear. Then they will give you the steps you can take so you can leave the call with a plan of action to move forward in creating the relationship of your dreams! 

Let us say it again, there are so many women who are meeting their incredible partners – and you can be one of them! 

If you want to do that quickly and easily, then book your love breakthrough call now.

The #1 Ingredient in Creating Intimacy in Relationships

The #1 Ingredient in Creating Intimacy in Relationships

by Gladys Diaz 

Do you know what is the most vital ingredient in creating intimate relationships?

Do you know what would make it possible for you to connect deeply with a man and enhance your love life? 

What would it feel like to actually allow yourself to be seen by others for who YOU truly are?

Being vulnerably YOU in dating is the key to creating the loving, passionate, connected relationship you want.

If you’re not in the relationship of your dreams yet, this is the most important that may be missing! 

So what does vulnerability look like? 

Vulnerability is…

  • Being open
  • Being vulnerable and honest with yourself
  • Being willing to share yourself and your feelings 
  • Trusting yourself to know who to trust
  • Sharing authentically and honestly, yet appropriately
  • Having clarity about and living in an alignment with your values and boundaries, and who you really are.
  • The ability to be yourself without judging or beating yourself up.

So what stops you from being vulnerable? 


Fear of being abandoned.

Fear of rejection.

Fear that you may get taken advantage of.

Fear of looking “weak”.

Fear of disappointment.

Fear of what others might think. 

Fear that if you show up as yourself, people won’t like or approve of you.

What fears show up for you

Why is knowing this so important? 

It’s important when it comes to dating, because, when you’re afraid, you suppress yourself. 

You pretend, hide, or resist. 

You don’t trust yourself to go for the things you want in life. 

You say you want a deep, intimate relationship, but you’re not willing to actually show up authentically and open . 

You may even worry that if you create the relationship you want, you’ll lose it, and then that fear causes you to sabotage every opportunity at true love and happiness. 

So how do you overcome these fears and show up with vulnerability in order to create genuine connection? 

You do the Heartwork to uncover and heal those fears. 

You learn how to express yourself with intention so that your authentic and honest shares come out in a way where they can be received and respected. 

You practice. 

The more you practice vulnerability, the more confident you will feel in simply being yourself.

Doing this on your own isn’t always easy, because, think about it: If you knew how to do that, you probably would have done it already.

If you know that being vulnerable is something you struggle with, and you’d like support in doing this HeartWork and breaking through the fear so that you can authentically connect with someone and create the relationship of your dreams, book a Love Breakthrough Session with one of our coaches today. 

Schedule a Love Breakthrough Session here.

Remember, it takes courage to go for the things you really want in your life. 

Vulnerability is the only way to create true love.

Let us guide you toward having the life and love your heart desires!

Stop Repelling Men and Receive Extraordinary Love Instead!

Stop Repelling Men and Receive Extraordinary Love Instead!

by Gladys Diaz 

Do you over-give in relationships?

Do you have a pattern of cooking dinner for men, offering to pay for things, giving gifts, or constantly planning dates?

If you answered yes, do your thoughts sound like these?

“If I do enough, I’ll be good enough”

“If I give enough, he’ll want me.” 

“If I prove how good I am, someone will see that and stay.”

Overgiving is a pattern that doesn’t work in dating. It doesn’t work because masculine men need to provide and give in order to feel on purpose in the relationship. 

It also doesn’t work because it will always lead you to feeling resentful and dissatisfied.

I used to do this in dating relationships. 

I would give and give – and give some more – and then all the sudden I’d start feeling resentful. I’d think, “He’s just using me!” — even though he’d never asked me to do any of it!

I had all of the thoughts listed above, I was doing all of the things above and, you guessed it, it wasn’t working. 

You see, underneath a pattern of over-giving is a self-worth conversation. 

You’re either trying to hide what you’re afraid they’ll see in you – or – You’re trying to overcome something you believe already exists in you. 

Either way, none of it is true! 

The thing is – it’s not enough simply to know it’s not true.

It’s about what you’re going to do to breakthrough it! 


Why do you feel you need to prove your value?

What’s driving the pattern of behavior?

What need is being fulfilled? 

Is it a need to be liked and accepted? Is it a need to feel needed or valuable to someone? 

The first step in breaking through a pattern of overgiving is to get connected to what belief is driving the behavior.

Once you’ve gotten clear on that – you get to start questioning it. You get to go to the very center of why that belief exists and do the Heartwork to create something entirely different inside you. 

You get to transform the belief so that the behavior disappears.

And once you do that, you get to a point where those beliefs don’t even phase you anymore. When the thought pops up, you can immediately shift and move on!

How amazing would that be?!

Through doing this Heartwork you will replace these patterns and be out there in the dating world in your Irresistible Essence, authentic self and attracting the man that will love and appreciate you for all of it! 

Are you ready to shift these patterns? Are you ready to transform them once and for all?

If you answered yes, the Extraordinary Love Intensive, is what you need and it’s just around the corner! It’s happening next weekend and you don’t want to miss it! 

This three-day deep dive event is designed to have you break through the patterns that are causing you to repel men and relationships (and overgiving is a big one!) and have you transform so you can create the extraordinary relationship of your dreams. 

After the event there will be no more trying to prove your value or doing too much in a relationship. 

After the event you will not only know how to step back and be in your feminine receiving energy, but you’ll feel comfortable and naturally do so!

Join us for the Extraordinary Love Intensive by claiming your ticket now! 

Remember, there’s a hurt or pain that hasn’t been healed when you’re compensating with overgiving behavior. It’s time to heal so you can experience happiness, joy, abundance, love, partnership support and so much more inside an extraordinary relationship!

How to Get Unstuck and Experience Love Now!

How to Get Unstuck and Experience Love Now!

by Gladys Diaz 

Are you having a hard time getting over a past relationship? 

Have you done everything you know to do, and you still find yourself longing for someone that’s long gone? 

When thinking about  that past relationship, do you find yourself thinking…

“But I still love him.” 

…“I really thought he was the one.”

…“How will I know I’m choosing the right man next time, when I was wrong this time?”

We hear these things from women all the time, and if you’re in this position right now, we’re here to call you forward and say: It’s time to let it go!

If you’re still energetically connected to someone, whether you say you are or not, then it’s really difficult (if not impossible!) for someone new to come into your life. 

And, even if you do meet someone who you’re compatible with, the chemistry’s there, and you have a great time with him, it will still feel like something is off. 

It’s simply not possible to create something new and lasting if there is something in the space that you haven’t let go of. 

If you’ve been “getting over someone” for 9 months, 2 years, 12 years, 40 years, it’s time to get curious about why feel as if you’re not able to move on. 

What’s really keeping you stuck?

Sometimes it’s the person and the past relationship you feel you can’t let go of.

Sometimes it’s the idea of the past relationship that you’ve glorified in your mind that’s keeping you stuck.

But, more often than not, it’s the fear that you won’t be able to feel the same way you felt about that someone again, and you’re afraid to let go and even try. 

Here’s the thing… 

Think about when you were a little girl at recess, swinging on the monkey bars.
You couldn’t just hang on to one bar forever, right?
At some point, you had to have the courage to let go of one hand so that you could move forward.
And then you had to do the same thing with the other hand: Let go… and move forward.

It’s the same thing when it comes to moving forward from a past relationship. 

You have to find the courage to let go of the past in order to move forward and create something new. 

The work there is to do is to accept what actually happened in the past relationship and complete it so that you can be present in current experiences, move forward and be happy NOW!

You don’t have to let go of the love you had/have for that person. You can choose to love him forever, if you want to.

What you do need to let go of is the attachment to being with him and having him be a part of your life… even if that part is only in your head. 

We believe there are people that come into our lives to teach us things or give us experiences that we need to have. 

When you can accept that a past relationship was simply that, and you are able to release it and move forward, that’s when magic starts to occur.  

Letting go and moving on from someone doesn’t have to take a year OR years!

When you make yourself the victim of someone else’s choices, it robs you of your power and you sacrifice: 

  • Having happiness now
  • Experiencing the relationship of your dreams now
  • Attracting the man that will love you fully and completely for the rest of your life
  • And everything else your heart desires

When you stop allowing someone else to determine whether or not you get to have the relationship of your dreams, you take back your power and you begin to attract men who are right for you now

If you’re ready to let go of your past and move forward into the love you dream about then let go of one hand and join us this weekend for the Extraordinary Love Intensive! This 3-day event starts TODAY at 12:00pm ET, and it’s exactly what you need to get unstuck right now

At the event we’re going to take you through a specific exercise that will have you recognize what it is that you need to let go of and give you the exact steps that you’ve felt incapable of taking before. 

Join us at the Extraordinary Love Intensive

We know you aren’t staying stuck on purpose, but without knowing these steps, you are playing trial and error with your heart, causing yourself unnecessary heartache, and we want you to get unstuck now!

You will leave the event with crystal-clear clarity on what you need to do so that you can start moving forward on the monkey bars of your love life and really start attracting the man and relationship of your dreams!!!

I’m ready right now!