Stop the Drama and Start Thriving!

Stop the Drama and Start Thriving!

by Gladys Diaz 

Do you feel like you’re constantly “surviving” in your life? 

Are you stuck in a pattern of drama?

Do you feel like love is “too hard,” or that it “takes too much effort”? 

Do you seem to always attract men that have a lot of baggage, don’t want to commit, or just aren’t good for you? 

The pattern of drama is an easy one to fall into, but it’s life-changing when you choose to shift it. 

Let me tell you my story. 

After my divorce and before I met Arnie, I realized I had a pattern of drama. One day I was telling a friend about the latest guy I was going after, how he was back and forth between me and another relationship that wasn’t working out, and how it was taking so much time and energy! 

After listening to me patiently this friend looked at me and he said, “Gosh Michelle, you have so much drama in your love life.” 

I was a little taken aback by that comment and he continued by saying, “I’m not saying that what you’re saying isn’t happening, but I’m saying that you’re creating it.” 


That was a wake-up call for me and I got to get really honest with myself. 

Was I creating it? 

I realized that I was. I realized that, from a very young age, I had learned that love is chaotic.

I had always had poor examples of relationships in my life. Both of my mother’s relationships included arguing, fighting, bickering, screaming, name-calling, and threatening. I had also watched my mom be “a martyr” and constantly give up what she wanted, not in a mutually compromising kind of way, but rather to “keep the peace.” 

I then recognized that I had always created, and was continuing to create, the same thing in my own life. 

My previous marriage had been filled with drama, constantly breaking up and then getting back together, and arguing about everything! 

When I got divorced, I thought I could start a clean page and do things differently. 

What I didn’t realize is that nothing inside of me had actually changed, so I continued to create the same thing in my new relationships. 

I always attracted men that had lots of baggage, had many failed relationships in their past, and were just as good at arguing as I was. My dramatic energy was attracting more drama and chaos.

And I was over it. 

When I realized I had this pattern and where it came from, everything began to change.  I broke the pattern, changed my beliefs about what love and relationships look like, met Arnie, and, together, we are creating the relationship of our dreams. 

If I can do it, you can too! 

So, how do you break the pattern of drama?


1. Recognize It.  Today is the day to get honest with yourself. Nothing is ever going to change if you don’t take a good hard look at what is happening in your life and see it for what it is. 

2. Own It.  Admit that if drama is showing up in your life, then you’re playing a part in creating it. When you do this, you stop being a victim to it. Take responsibility for it. You can choose to either keep going this way or create something new. And that’s where the power lies.

3. Accept It.  This means not judging yourself because of it. By recognizing that it’s there and owning your piece in creating it, you’re not blaming yourself for it, rather, you’re taking ownership in creating it so that you can change it. 

Ask yourself: What need am I trying to fill by keeping this pattern of drama in my life? 

Maybe you feel important when you’re giving everything away for love. 

Maybe you feel significant when you’re experiencing drama in your life. 

Maybe you’re just so used to the feelings of drama – worry, anxiety, loss, frustration – that you stay in that surviving state because it’s your “normal.”

If you broke that pattern, what could be created? 

If it doesn’t have to be that way, what’s a new possible belief?

4. Change it. Create a new definition of love and create new patterns. Decide what you want love to look like. And every time the old pattern shows up (because it will), recognize it, tell yourself that you’re not doing that anymore, and make a different choice. 

Choose to be love-able and worthy, because you are! 

When I changed this pattern, I decided that love got to be fun and easy. Love looked like communicating calmly and rationally. Love looked like being able to be 100% myself and still be loved. 

When I deepened the relationship with myself and decided I was love-able and worthy, only then did I begin to attract the high-quality men that I deserved and wanted to spend time getting to know. 

What do you want? 

Are you willing to do the work to break this pattern and create something better in your life? 

Are you ready to stop merely surviving, and start thriving?! 

If you are, we have GREAT news for you!

One of the fastest and most effective ways to break a pattern  and transform your life is to join us at the Irresistible Woman LIVE!

In this 3-day, highly interactive, and transformational live virtual event for smart, successful women who want SUCCESS in love, we will be uncovering what’s been getting in the way of you having the happy, loving, deeply connected relationship your heart desires!

If you’re tired of the drama, the frustration, and the dissatisfaction of dating and being in relationships that are NOT the peaceful, happy, and mutually supportive, then you need to join us!

We’re making it SUPER easy for you by taking 80% off the regular ticket price!


Because we don’t want there to be ANY reason or excuse for you to not be there!

You’ll even get a special “swag box” with cool stuff we’ll be using during the event IFyou are one of the first 100 people to grab your ticket.  

Once the swag boxes are gone, they’re GONE, so don’t miss out on getting yours mailed to you before the event!

Click HERE to grab your ticket NOW!

You can thrive. You can have the relationship of your dreams. 

You just have to choose it.

Do You Believe Love Can Be Easy?

Do You Believe Love Can Be Easy?

by Gladys Diaz 

Believing you can have the love you desire is the key to creating the relationship of your dreams. 

Do you really  believe it’s possible for you? 

Your answer is probably yes. 

But, here’s the kicker.: Your brain is getting in the way. 

Whether it’s been years since your last relationship, or you’re in one right now,  if you’re struggling to know how to make it work the way you want it to, there’s a belief that’s getting in the way. 

Everything we believe is given by something that happened in our past. 

Things happen. Promises are broken, something unexpected happens, people change, partners die… and we start to wonder: Can I really have the love I want?

No matter what your relationship status, ask yourself this: What is getting in the way of me having the relationship I really want?

The first thing to pay attention to is what you’re thinking in the little moments. 

What’s the very first thing that comes to your mind when someone says you’re beautiful? 

When he doesn’t call after a date? 

When he’s 10 minutes late to pick you up? 

When your boss calls you in for a meeting?

The reason it’s important to pay attention to those thoughts is because those thoughts are the ones running the show. 

They’re creating your “reality.” 

Even if you say you know you can have the relationship you really want, but you don’t fully believe it, you won’t be able to create it. 

You will always listen to your beliefs over your thoughts or words. 

So, what’s running your show? 

What are your dominant thoughts focused on? 

Do you think you can’t trust him? That relationships never last? 

Do you feel like relationships are too hard, or that a great relationship is never going to happen for you? 

These thoughts were created before you had your first kiss or your first crush. 

And that’s why it’s important to get to the root beliefs under those thoughts, so that you can dig them up and replace them with beliefs that will serve you. 

It’s like when I’m pulling those pesky weeds out of my yard. If I don’t pull them all the way out, including the roots, they will just grow back! But if I pull them  out,  roots and all, they will be gone for good. 

It’s the same with our beliefs. 

When you get to the root of the belief that’s tainting your reality, then, and only then, can you replace it by planting new experiences which create new beliefs that are just as strong and deeply rooted as the old belief. 

Those pesky beliefs that cause you to run the same patterns in your life cause disappointing experiences. Enough disappointment leads to apathy and more disempowering beliefs, and the tug-of-war in your life goes on and on! 

The conversation you’re having in your head is what’s keeping you stuck exactly where you are. 

If you’re done suffering and are tired of having a hard time in relationships, let us help you! 

Relationships are joyful, fun, exciting, adventurous, intimate and happy! Let us help you uncover what’s making it seem so hard. Because it doesn’t have to be. 

Book a Love Breakthrough Session Now

If what you really, truly believe isn’t giving you what you want, let’s talk. It can be easy!

Do You Work On Your Relationship Every Day?

Do You Work On Your Relationship Every Day?

by Gladys Diaz 

Is your relationship or relationship status something you think about every day? 
Not from a place of “desperation,” but from a place of commitment to having what you want?

Are your daily actions and choices aligned with creating the relationship of your dreams? 

Being in committed action about the things that are important to you creates confidence and is the path to manifesting what you want. 

So what choices can you make every day that will get you closer to creating the relationship your heart desires?  

Here are five choices you can make everyday to get you closer to creating the passionate, loving, fun relationship you really want.

  1. Be Crystal-Clear About What You Want. 

Without crystal-clarity, you get blurriness. In relationships, this looks like having bits and pieces of the kind of relationship you want to experience, but not quite having it ALL.  Each and every day, declare what the relationship of your dreams looks like and feels like. Don’t focus on  the qualities the man will possess or what he needs to have but what the two of you will create and experience together

If you want to experience happiness in the relationship, what does that look and feel like for you?

Do you want to laugh and smile together?

Are you going to be spontaneous and adventure together?

Get clear on what you truly  want and declare it daily.

2. Set Your Intention. 

Everyday, set an intention of what you are going to create and who you are going to be that day. Maybe you declare you’re going to “have fun and learn something new. Then, throughout the day make sure your actions align with that intention. 

BE and bring the fun! BE interested and interesting. 

Whether you’re going on a date, spending time with your partner, or just going about your normal day, you have the power to create and BE the experience you want to have

3. Start Smiling and Stop Complaining

This one isn’t just about smiling and not complaining. It’s about focusing your energy and attention on what you DO want to see and experience so that you are finding evidence of that all around you.  It’s about BEing the things you would like to see in a partner and attracting them to you. 

You attract who you are, so BE the love you want to see!. 

Everything we see is a projection of how we see ourselves. The more we become what we want, the more we will find it outside of ourselves. 

When you stand in this power you step into the power of creating, attracting and manifesting, instead of hoping, waiting or forcing things to happen. 

And that’s irresistible!

4. Experience and Express Gratitude.

In each moment that you see something beautiful or experience something you feel gratitude for, stop for a moment. 

Give yourself a few seconds to really feel the gratitude and love you’re experiencing. 

This is one of the most transformational practices you can begin implementing in your life!

Simply try it and see if you don’t start calling more goodness into your life! 

5. Choose your words wisely.

The words you say, both out loud and in your head, are very important, because your subconscious becomes a detective for the words you think and say. 

As soon as you say the words, “Dating is hard” or “I’m really trying in my relationship, but it’s just not working” your brain starts to look for evidence that you’re right. 

So… what do you want to be right about?

Change those words to “Dating is fun!” and “My relationship is growing stronger everyday,” and see how you and your love life begin to transform!

If you’d like some support in raising your self-awareness so that you can really start to understand how you can stop patterns that aren’t working for you and choose thoughts, words and actions that are aligned with your love vision, we’d love to talk to you!  Just click on the link below and schedule a Love Breakthrough Session.

Book a Love Breakthrough Session Now

This call will help you see what’s in the way, how to get it out of the way, and what your next best steps are for moving in the direction of life and love your heart desires.

It’s so easy to become apathetic in your life when things aren’t working out the way you would like, or if they are taking longer to become reality then you’d like them to. 

When you choose to take daily actions that are aligned with what you want, then God and the universe can’t help but start to deliver it to you! 

So, who are you going to BE today? What are you going to CHOOSE?

How to Be Someone to Be Admired

How to Be Someone to Be Admired

by Gladys Diaz 

Who’s someone you really admire? 

Someone you look up to? Someone who’s made a difference for you?

Who would you  like to be more like? 

What characteristics do they have that you admire? 

Do they show integrity? Are they authentic and real?
Maybe they have high energy that’s contagious.
Are they loving and generous?
Are they dignified and show grace under fire? 

Take Oprah, for example. There is just such an amazing way that she exemplifies grace under fire. She is compassionate while being rigorous. She is kind while being strong. She speaks up and takes a stand without being reactive. She is dignified.

Those are just a few of the things that we look up to in women. 

How about you? 

Oftentimes, we recognize things in others that we’d like to develop more of in ourselves. 

Whether you’re in a relationship or dating, it’s essential to be self-aware. To be able to recognize the places within yourself that are your opportunities for growth.  

We say, “opportunities for growth,” because it’s not that you’re doing anything wrong or that you’re trying to be something you’re not. One of the biggest sources of stress in dating and relationships comes from being inauthentic or trying to be someone you’re not. 

We say “opportunities for growth,” because recognizing the areas in which you’d like to develop are opportunities for higher levels of self-esteem, confidence and more desired experiences. 

And all of those things are highly attractive, right?

It’s like that awesome quote by Sophia Bush says:

“You are allowed to be both a masterpiece and a work in progress simultaneously.” 

You can strive to develop yourself while also exercising self-love and grace and always striving to be your authentic best. 

So what are the ways of being you’d like to embody ?

Here are some ideas from our community: 




Good Listener






Physically Fit





A finisher




Owning a State of Ease

Sense of Humor





Solution Oriented

And those are just a start! 

What is it for you? 

Choose two ways of being that would make the biggest difference for you and for those around you that you can focus on embodying this week. 

And remember to make it fun!

There is a natural human desire to grow. There’s so much fulfillment and satisfaction that comes from recognizing your growth opportunities and doing something about them!

If you’d like help recognizing what some of those opportunities are for you, book a Love Breakthrough Call. That’s what we’re here for!

Sometimes, the thing holding us back is in our blind spot, and all it takes is someone to lovingly point it out, help us remove it and replace it with something else that makes all the difference.  

Book a Love Breakthrough Session Now

We look forward to hearing the ways in which you’re stretching yourself this week!

YOU can be the woman you most admire when you BE the love you want to see!

If You’re Not Growing, You’re Choosing To Stay Stuck

If You’re Not Growing, You’re Choosing To Stay Stuck

by Gladys Diaz 

“I’m having a hard time sleeping at night.” 

“Focusing during the day feels nearly impossible.” 

“I feel unsettled.” 

“I feel helpless and powerless.” 

These are some of the things we’ve been hearing from women this week. 

Have you been feeling at all similar? 

With what feels like our whole world turned upside down over the last couple of weeks, we want you to know that we are right there with you. We’re living in the same world as you, experiencing the same situations and circumstances that the rest of the world and country are dealing with at this time. 

You truly are not alone.

And, although we may not have much control over our situation or circumstance right now, the thing we do have control over is how we choose to deal with it. 

There is no better time than right now to master your mindset

What does that look like? 

  1. Feel what you need to feel. Mastering your mindset doesn’t look like brushing things under the rug or pretending you don’t feel the way you feel. Acknowledge where you’re at and allow yourself to be there for a minute… Just don’t stay there.
  2. Shift. Ask yourself “What I do so that  I can deal with this in an empowered way?”

For example, maybe you’re feeling like dating is out the window right now. Maybe you’re using COVID-19 as a distraction to stop you from moving forward. Or maybe you’re feeling depressed that you’re finally ready to date, and now you can’t leave your house. 

Did you know that, while 25% of Americans are staying inside their homes right now, Bumble has seen a 23% increase in Seattle and New York (two of the cities that have been hit the hardest and that are being ordered to stay inside).  And those numbers aren’t just reflecting swiping. These are people engaged in conversations. 

Men are saying that they have had such a hard time making the shift to online dating, because they were so afraid of not getting a response, and now it’s all there is, so they are being bolder! We are hearing the most fun stories from our clients who are getting creative with dating — having Facetime dates, grocery store dates, and picnics where they are keeping the 6-foot recommended distance — and moving forward with it anyways. 

Life is still happening. 

Even though we may be stuck inside and getting used to our new normal, life is still happening around us and we can choose to create the things we’ve always wanted now. 

The world is coming together right now. This is the most worldwide impactful event since WWII. 

Yes, there is uncertainty, and, where there is uncertainty, fear will be triggered. 

The thing is…. Humans are resilient.

There’s a reason why we’re still on this earth and dinosaurs aren’t! 

The human spirit has a natural instinct to adapt and keep moving forward, even under the hardest of circumstances. We feel a pull to keep growing and moving forward, no matter what. 

So, what are some things you can do to shift? 

For example, earlier this week, I was having a hard time focusing, so I went outside with my beach chair, a small table, my laptop, my Bible, and my books, and felt an immediate shift

I’ve been taking daily walks that I time precisely so that I can see the sunset.  It’s amazing how such simple things can make such a difference!

And, I’m immersing myself in books, videos, and audios that are focused on empowerment, prosperity, and faith!

Here are some ideas we’ve gotten  from women we’ve been speaking with: 

  • Go for a walk and pick some wildflowers from your neighborhood. 
  • Take extra time to practice self-care – do your own nails, give yourself a facial, light some candles and relax. 
  • Read all the books you never made time to read before! 
  • Pray and meditate. 
  • Listen to positive podcasts. 
  • Cook your favorite foods. 
  • Purge clothes and organize your house. 
  • Dance to your favorite music. 
  • Create a cozy space in your home you can escape to when you need some space. 

Many things may be cancelled, but life is not! 

Another thing that’s not cancelled is having meaningful conversations and connecting with others in creative ways. 

Neither are your dreams. You still get to have the life and love you’ve always wanted.  Don’t let fear or social distancing try to cheat you out of believing that!

If you’d like to talk about how this time can be an opportunity for you, instead of a block, let’s hop on a call and have a conversation about what you can do for yourself and for your dreams right now, regardless of what’s going on around you!

 Book a Love Breakthrough Session Now

Our prayers for peace are with you. 

Are You Ready To Set Your Dreams On Fire?

Are You Ready To Set Your Dreams On Fire?

by Gladys Diaz 


Here we are at the closing of another year, and this year it’s a little bit of a bigger  deal. It’s also the closing of a decade! 

 As you look forward to ringing in this new year (and new decade!) let me ask you a question.

 And be honest with yourself here. 

 Are you where you thought you would be when it comes to love? 

 While talking to a woman the other day, she realized that it had been 11 years since she’d been in a relationship. It’s been an entire decade since she experienced love! 

 When we think about it in terms of years, it really puts it into perspective doesn’t it?!

 Now, I don’t tell you this or ask you the question to depress you or make you feel bad.

 I simply know that if the topic of love is important to you (and I know it is, because you’re reading this), then it’s probably something you gave some thought to as you entered into 2019. 

 And if you’re not where you thought you would be by now, it’s probably on your mind for 2020.

 There is a powerful opportunity for you here to have an honest conversation with yourself about where you are and where you want to go. It matters to you and it gets to happen this decade and even this year!!

 I invite you to go through the following exercise, RIGHT NOW! 

 Take out a piece of paper and take just a few minutes to answer the questions and think about what you yearn to create. Be crystal-clear about how you feel about what you want. 

 I heard recently, “Our actions are our prayers to heaven.” What are your actions saying about what you really truly want? 

 New Year, New Decade Personal Inventory Exercise 

1. Look at where you thought you’d be. Whether you’re single or in a relationship, where did you think you’d be in December 2019? 

Write it down. Be very clear and as descriptive as possible. 

Did you think you’d be in a committed, loving relationship? 

Did you think you’d be spending Christmas with someone you love? 

Did you think you’d be traveling with this person? 

Did you think your relationship would be more passionate by this time this year? 

Be very honest with yourself here. And remember: Our brains are designed to look for what’s going to protect you, not what will actually make you happy. So there’s no right or wrong answer here, just make sure you are being very honest with yourself. 

2. Where are you now, compared to where you thought you’d be? 

Is it the same? Better? Worse than you thought? 

Have you even thought about it this year? 

Have you distracted yourself with other things because it hurts too much to try? 

Do you feel like you’re okay, but really you’re just surviving because you don’t have what you really yearn for? 

Again, be really honest here. If you continue to make it “okay,” even if it’s not what you really want, nothing will ever change. 

3. Now that you’ve compared, honesty, where you thought you’d be to where you actually are… what’s missing? What’s in the gap? 

Get honest with yourself. Admit that you’re tired of it being this way. 

And look at yourself. What needs to shift? 

Get curious about what is in the way.

Note: It’s not that the guy is the thing that’s missing…. What gets to shift inside you so that you can create what you want to create in love?

4. The last step is to write your vision about where you want to be. 

Where do you want to be in December 2020? A year from now, what will you have created? 

What does it look like?

How does it feel to be in that kind of relationship?

How will you know that  you’re exactly in the place you want to be?

Write it down. 

Maybe what you write now is different from what you thought you wanted last year. That’s okay.

You’ve had experiences this year, you’ve grown, you’ve learned. 

Or maybe you haven’t and you feel stagnant. 

Either way, honor where you’ve come over the last year,  and based on where you are today, write what it is that you want to create now.

How did that feel? How was that exercise for you? 

We really hope you took the time to do it, because it’s powerful. It’s only in knowing what we want and seeing what’s in our way that we can overcome the blocks and create it! 

That’s why we’ve opened up just a few more Love Breakthrough Sessions on our calendars before the end of the year.  Because what’s in the way isn’t always something you can see on your own. Sharing your vision and your gaps with someone who can guide and give you the exact steps you can take to overcome the obstacles and truly create what you want can make all the difference between staying where you are now or actually being in the relationship you dream of at this time next year.. 

Make sense? 

That’s why we’re here. 

1) To be another set of eyes, eyes experienced in love, to really help you to see what’s in your gap. 

2) we’re here to help you get to where you want to be without having to experience some of the pain that we have experienced or that we’ve seen others experience. We get to coach you to create the love you desire and create it NOW. 

Book a Love Breakthrough Session Now

Make 2020 the year you set your dreams on fire!