Rejection Hurts. Here’s How to Break Through Your Fear and Create Extraordinary Love NOW!

Rejection Hurts. Here’s How to Break Through Your Fear and Create Extraordinary Love NOW!

by Gladys Diaz

Do you have a fear of being hurt or rejected? 

If you don’t, you must be superhuman, because as human beings, we all deal with this!

And it doesn’t matter if you’re single or in a relationship, this message is for you!

It’s a common misconception that, once you get into a relationship, the fear of rejection or getting hurt goes away…

But that’s just not true. 

The fear of rejection creates barriers to feeling like yourself and feeling safe in a relationship.

It holds you back from creating deep, intimate connections – whether you’re already in a relationship or seeking to create one.

No matter the reason you have this fear or how it manifests for you, the impact it creates is the same.

Here’s how it works… 

You have a fear that something will or won’t happen in the future because of something that did or didn’t happen in the past. 

This fear then causes you to react in a certain way, which is a coping mechanism for not getting hurt. 

This may look like withdrawing from your partner or pulling back. 

It may look like being paralyzed and feeling like you can’t do or say anything because of your fear that it will go badly. 

It may look like pretending, acting as if everything is fine, when, actually, you’re feeling completely scared inside.

Here’s how it looked for me.

Because I was scared of being rejected, I was always trying to prove myself.

And it showed up in work, in my relationships, as a mother, everywhere.

My previous marriage was not a happy one. 

I remember how I would feel every time I’d come home and put the key up to the door to open it. 

Each time, I would stop and feel my chest tighten as I wondered what I was about to encounter on the other side of the door – and hoping that today might be a good day. 

My fear of being alone and needing to be accepted caused me to stay in that unhappy relationship where I was treated in ways that are now absolutely unimaginable to me.  

I would stay quiet and pretend that everything was fine, and then I couldn’t really understand what was real and what I really wanted. 

So why does this matter for you

Do you accept behavior or communication that isn’t aligned with what you want because you’re afraid of being rejected? 

Do you feel like your feelings won’t be validated because you fear you’ll be used or get hurt.

When fear is running the show you feel powerless, and that’s not the way we want you to feel!!

So how do you overcome these fears? 

The first thing you need to do is – recognize and acknowledge the fear

When you recognize yourself in the space where the fear is coming to the surface, ask yourself these two questions. 

  • What is it that you’re afraid of that’s stopping you from having the relationship you want to have? 
  • If I didn’t have this fear and was standing inside my power, who would I be that would allow me to make a different choice? 

When you acknowledge your fear, get curious about it and own it – you allow yourself to step into your power and know that you get to choose how you feel and behave. 

 The truth is…

You can either be run by your fears or run by your ability to choose a different experience. 

 When you don’t break through your fear, the fear chooses for you!

 When you transform yourself – YOU get to choose.

You get to create the Extraordinary Love that you imagine!

If you’d like to overcome your fear of rejection so you can get into the relationship of your dreams by this summer – yes, you read that right, THIS SUMMER… 

Then click HERE to schedule a Love Breakthrough Call with one of our fabulous Love Coaches.

Once you transform something, you don’t go back to it. 

 Take this opportunity for yourself to overcome the fears that are holding you back in love and relationships!

THIS is what it feels like to experience Extraordinary Love NOW!

THIS is what it feels like to experience Extraordinary Love NOW!

by Gladys Diaz

Take a moment and imagine what it will be and feel like…

To look beside you and see him there, smiling because he was watching you sleep…

To know he’s got your back when it feels like the rest of the world is falling apart…

Imagine what it feels like to know that you KNOW that you’re LOVED!

We know you don’t need a man to make you happy.

You’re smart, successful, and know how to set goals and do what it takes to achieve them.

And that has served you well in life and your career.

But… we know you want more!

If you also want to experience that kind of success when it comes to love and relationships – the kind of success that has you living in the relationship you imagine when you close your eyes to dream – then that’s deeper and bigger than just “a goal.”

We call that your heart’s desire.
We believe that every woman deserves to have and experience this kind of love every day of her life!

That’s why we’re excited to be offering our Extraordinary Love NOW Masterclass next Wednesday, April 26th, from 6pm – 8pm EST!

This masterclass is an interactive, deep-dive training where we’ll be teaching you the exact steps we teach our clients, which has them create the loving relationships they’ve always dreamed of.

And you can attend at NO COST!

Many of the women who recently attended this training are now having FUN dating truly high-quality men, and several are already in relationships (one just got married!)!

If you’re ready to learn how to make dating and relationships EASY & FUN, we want to give you a chance to join us!

When you click on the link below and claim your complimentary seat, you’ll be on your way to discovering how to create a loving, happy, lasting relationship with a high-quality man who knows how to love and cherish you for the rest of his life.

During this impactful, interactive training, you’ll learn three of the most important steps for:

  • easily attracting a strong confident man who is inspired and NOT intimidated by a successful woman like you
  • naturally being the kind of woman a man can’t help but fall in love with (without having to change who you really are)
  • creating a lifelong relationship that grows and deepens over time

 Join us for this training, and we’ll teach you how to create the loving, supportive, and fulfilling relationship you want, just as so many of our clients have done.

The BEST Way to Easily Attract the Love You Want?

The BEST Way to Easily Attract the Love You Want?

by Gladys Diaz

Do you ever find yourself lying in bed at night thinking these types of thoughts?

“Why didn’t I say the thing that I wanted to say on the date tonight?”

“I wonder if he hasn’t called because I told him I wanted to wait to have sex. Will anyone ever be willing to wait for me?”

“Am I going to lose myself again if I get into another relationship?”

“Do I need to compromise my values so that I can find a man?”

“Should I just settle for the guy who comes close to what I’m looking for?”

Because of the years of work we’ve done with the thousands of women we’ve supported, we know that these thoughts come up often when dating (and even when you’re in a relationship or  when you’re married!).

If you’ve spent years learning how to “strategically” date, trying a bunch of different tactics or turning yourself into who you think you need to be in order for a man to be the right match –

After a while, you end up wondering who this version of you is and where the real went.

That’s what makes dating and relationships so scary – not trusting that you won’t  lose yourself in a relationship.

You might worry about this because… 

  • you’ve done it before. 
  • you’ve convinced yourself that you have to be a certain way in order for a man to like you.
  • you’ve tried being yourself, and you feel like it doesn’t work. 

What if you didn’t have to worry about this anymore?

What if you knew, not only exactly who you are, but what you desire so that you could start being 100% true to yourself in your relationships.

What if you were transforming and becoming the most authentic version of yourself, and that the men you associated with could see and be attracted to that?

Guess what? It can be true for you.

One of our clients recently said, “Now that I’ve been coaching with these amazing women, I’m finally getting that the work I get to do is about me and I’m falling in love with all the parts of myself.”

And that is having her attract a completely different type of man!

That’s what’s  so powerful about the work we do with women.

When you can be true to yourself and show up as 100% authentically, beautifully YOU, then you will attract the man that you want.

When you do the Heartwork, you get that you don’t need to focus on the man — not the man you’re attracting or the one you’re with. 

You get that the one and only thing in this life that you have 100% control over is you, and you get that when you focus on you, the man you want will show up.

That’s why we’re hosting something incredible next week and we hope you’ll join us!

Join us for the BE-YOU-tifully You Challenge which starts next Monday, April 10th!

The BE-YOU-tifully YOU Challenge is for you if you’re ready to:

💜 Remove the mask you hide behind that’s blocking you from the love you want

💜 Find your voice and say what you want and feel without being afraid

💜 Stop pretending and not honoring your boundaries

💜 Stop settling for less than you want and deserve in relationships

💜 Stop doubting your ability to attract the man and relationship of your dreams

💜 Let go of the anxiety you feel around dating and relationships and have fun BE-ing YOU!

💜And more!

It’s FREE to join and it’s going to be a game-changer for you and your love life!

It’s time for you to know that you CAN be authentically YOU and attract a man who will love & cherish you for being the Irresistible Woman you are!

Join us for the BE-YOU-tifully YOU Challenge!

Instead of feeling sad that you don’t have your husband or partner, and wondering if that will ever change, you KNEW that you are on your way to changing that and having the Extraordinary Love you want – or better yet, have you man beside you?!

What if you broke through the thing that’s been holding you back from having that?

What if your doubts were gone and you see yourself showing up as the Irresistible YOU?

You have no idea what can happen between now and then if you’ll join us for the challenge. It’s going to support you in taking  yourself and your love life to a whole new level!

The thing is –

When you don’t trust yourself, you can’t trust others.

When you don’t love yourself, you can’t love someone else or openly receive someone else’s love.

And when you’re not connected to who you are and what you desire, you can’t create a genuine connection with a man that leads to lasting love. 

Join us for the BE-YOU-tifully YOU Challenge so you can start showing up as 100% you.

And KNOW that when you’re BE-ing that – then you know that when the right man finds you and is  100% attracted to the real YOU, will fall  and stay in love with the real you!

Join the Challenge Now!

How to Have Extraordinary Love NOW!

How to Have Extraordinary Love NOW!

by Gladys Diaz

Do you wonder why you haven’t been able to attract the man that you want to spend the rest of your life with?

Does it not make sense why a strong, successful, smart woman like you, can’t seem to create that same success in love?

It’s not that there aren’t men out there. 

And it’s not that there aren’t GREAT men out there. 

It’s about learning how to attract those types of men to you so that you can experience the love, passion, fun, companionship and joy that you’re worthy and deserving of!

The question is then… 

Are you curious enough to look at what’s possibly in the way? 

If you’re having the experience of not creating what you want in love, there’s a “love barrier” blocking you. This is a fear, limiting belief or pattern that’s not working – and you may not even realize it! 

Have you ever had that “aha moment” experience where you all of the sudden see something that you weren’t seeing before? 

We call that a “distinguishing moment” where you suddenly see the love barrier that’s in your blind spot and once you see it – there’s no going back!

The trajectory of your life changes FOREVER! 

These types of experiences are so incredible because they change the trajectory of your life.

And guess what?

You can experience that “aha-moment” this weekend at the Extraordinary Love Intensive!

This 3-day event is designed to have you break through your Love Barriers, transform your love life, and attract and create the extraordinary, loving relationship of your dreams!

You’ll come out of this incredible weekend having more clarity about who you are and the patterns that are holding you back. 

You’ll do some of the deep and transformational Heartwork that’s necessary to break these patterns and you’ll be so much closer to creating the relationship of your dreams. 

This is the work we usually only do with our clients, but we want to share it with YOU so that you can stop pretending and start BEing the authentic, vulnerable, irresistible version of yourself that is going to have you attract an amazing man with whom you get to create Extraordinary Love!

 Life doesn’t stop. Time will keep going by, no matter what choices you make.

Why not make a choice that’s going to lead to more joy, love, happiness and freedom in your life…

And the kind of love you’ve always wanted?!

 You don’t have to wait another year, month or even day to begin creating the happy, loving, beautiful relationship you want. 

You can have it now.

The ONE Thing You Need to Know to Attract TRUE LOVE Into Your Life!

The ONE Thing You Need to Know to Attract TRUE LOVE Into Your Life!

by Gladys Diaz

Do you ever wonder whether or not extraordinary love is possible for you?

Do you fear you’ll never find someone who will see you, love you, hear you and want to share a life with you? 

If you answered yes to either of those questions, you’re not alone and… 

I know how you feel because I felt the exact same way for years.

After my husband cheated on me and we got divorced, putting myself out in the dating game again was not only hard and terrifying – it left me feeling doubtful and discouraged that I’d ever find someone who would love me again. 

It wasn’t until I discovered the secret I’m going to share with you today that my love life, and whole life actually, were transformed. 

This secret isn’t about doing something “more” or “better” than you’ve done in the past. 

It points back to ONE fundamental thing and if you don’t know how to create this ONE thing, it will lead you to 5, 10, 20 more years of not creating the love and life that you want.

When I look back at who I was and what my life looked like BEFORE I learned this secret and who I became and how my life transformed AFTER, it’s like looking at 2 different lives!

What it all boiled down to was this… 

Really being IN the experience of being in love with myself. 

And not in a conceited, arrogant or entitled way. 

And not in a weekly massages and pedicures kind of way either. 

Loving myself at a deep, raw, true level so that when I looked in the mirror, I didn’t compare myself to my best friend or the actress on TV. I didn’t wish my thighs were smaller or that my teeth were straighter.

And when I looked myself in the eyes, I didn’t wish I was funnier, smarter or more successful. 

I knew in my heart that I was enough, that I was love-able and that I would find someone else who felt the same. 

And once I became whole in that way – only then was I able to create something extraordinary with someone else. 

That’s the secret to creating real love and that’s why we’re hosting the Self-Love Secret Mission Challenge this week! 

When you develop this type of love within yourself you: 

💖 Have the courage to be who you really are

💖 Don’t have to spend days, months, years, (or even minutes!) recovering when someone makes you feel unloveable 

💖 Communicate in a way that exemplifies true love and true power

💖 Speak your “truth” without having it look like your anger on a loud speaker. 

💖Know at the ultimate level that you’re enough and be able to create an extraordinary relationship with another human being who knows and feels the same

Because until you develop this deep love within yourself, no one else’s love will make a difference. 

Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day and we’re committed to YOU elevating what you’re doing in life and love so that you can have everything you dream of!

The Self-Love Secret Mission Challenge begins TONIGHT at 6pm EST and you get to be there!

This week can be the week that bridges the gap between where you are now and where you want to be because your love for yourself expands.

Here’s what ladies have said about the transformation this challenge created for them:

“My biggest takeaway from the Self-Love Secret Mission is that I am more than enough just as I am, and that I am my biggest champion! I now believe with all my heart that I will attract a high-quality man with whom I will create the relationship of my dreams! I highly recommend this challenge to anyone willing to love themselves like never before. You will truly fall in love with yourself!” -Cari

“Before I did The Self-Love Secret Mission, I  felt stuck and like I needed  change in my life and some direction. During the mission, I learned that self-love is a holistic act in that you feed your self with love, talk to yourself with love, eat food and think loving thoughts about yourself. I realized that I’ve been so negative about being in a relationship for years so now it’s just a process of noticing my self-talk, changing my limiting beliefs, and knowing I don’t have to do it all on my own. I seriously felt the best when I was doing this, and I totally want to get back into that energy again, where crazy magical things were happening!” -Anna

You get to experience extraordinary love from the INSIDE OUT!

When you learn to love yourself at this deep level, your confidence, compassion, trust, communication increase. And the list goes on – because it touches everything

See YOUR Patterns and Create Your Love Vision NOW!

See YOUR Patterns and Create Your Love Vision NOW!

by Gladys Diaz

Do you ever feel like you keep repeating the same thing over and over again when it comes to dating and relationships?

Does it seem like you keep meeting the same man in a different body – and no matter how good it might seem in the beginning, it always ends the same way?

Do you have the same argument week in and week out with your boyfriend or husband? 

If you feel like you keep getting the same results – and you can’t figure out why – it’s likely there’s a dysfunctional pattern that’s running you! 

 The incredible thing about seeing and understanding your dysfunctional patterns is that once you do – you access the power to break through them! 

 And once you do that – you’re free to choose.

Below are the top 3 dysfunctional patterns that come up for women in love and relationships. While these may not be yours, keep reading because you may have a version of one of these! 

  1. The MOST common dysfunctional pattern in relationships – and what most other dysfunctional patterns come back to- is not trusting yourself. 

Do you overthink things, ruminate,  question your decisions or put them off?

If so, you have a dysfunctional pattern of not trusting yourself.

This pattern is developed at a young age when you do something that you thought was right and then get reprimanded for it. The little girl inside of you is still living in the decision of “When I think something’s right – it’s wrong” and you stop trusting yourself. 

Analysis paralysis is exhausting! Plus, every time you doubt yourself, you chip away a little bit more of your confidence.

2. The 2nd most common dysfunctional pattern is attracting the wrong men.

If you’re attracting the wrong men, there’s something energetically part of your belief system about what you think you deserve.

You might think that “someone” is better than “no one” or “better than the last guy” and it has you stay in something that’s not what you really want.

3. The 3rd most common dysfunctional pattern is that you have a hard time being vulnerable in relationships.

You hide and don’t dare show people who you really are.

You try to appear confident and end up coming off arrogant, entitled, or guarded. 

 So how do you overcome these dysfunctional patterns and unleash the confident, assured version of yourself?

How do you begin to trust yourself so you can attract the type of man you deserve and create the relationship with him that you dream of?

You have to break through your fears!

Underneath every dysfunctional pattern is a fear created from an experience from your past and a moment where you decided you couldn’t have what you really want. 

Here’s the thing.

We’re 23 days into the New Year and if those 23 days haven’t felt different for you – then you need to join us for the Love Vision Intensive happening next weekend, February 3rd-5th, 2023!

At this 3-day deep-dive event, you will uncover YOUR specific dysfunctional patterns, where they came from and break through them once and for all so you can begin to create the love that’s meant for you NOW! 

Click HERE to grab your ticket to the Love Vision Intensive NOW!

You’ll walk away from this event saying, “ I know I can have the relationship I want in 2023!

We know how powerful it is to overcome the fears and patterns that are holding you back in love and begin to experience more than you ever thought possible.