Do You Work On Your Relationship Every Day?

Do You Work On Your Relationship Every Day?

by Gladys Diaz 

Is your relationship or relationship status something you think about every day? 
Not from a place of “desperation,” but from a place of commitment to having what you want?

Are your daily actions and choices aligned with creating the relationship of your dreams? 

Being in committed action about the things that are important to you creates confidence and is the path to manifesting what you want. 

So what choices can you make every day that will get you closer to creating the relationship your heart desires?  

Here are five choices you can make everyday to get you closer to creating the passionate, loving, fun relationship you really want.

  1. Be Crystal-Clear About What You Want. 

Without crystal-clarity, you get blurriness. In relationships, this looks like having bits and pieces of the kind of relationship you want to experience, but not quite having it ALL.  Each and every day, declare what the relationship of your dreams looks like and feels like. Don’t focus on  the qualities the man will possess or what he needs to have but what the two of you will create and experience together

If you want to experience happiness in the relationship, what does that look and feel like for you?

Do you want to laugh and smile together?

Are you going to be spontaneous and adventure together?

Get clear on what you truly  want and declare it daily.

2. Set Your Intention. 

Everyday, set an intention of what you are going to create and who you are going to be that day. Maybe you declare you’re going to “have fun and learn something new. Then, throughout the day make sure your actions align with that intention. 

BE and bring the fun! BE interested and interesting. 

Whether you’re going on a date, spending time with your partner, or just going about your normal day, you have the power to create and BE the experience you want to have

3. Start Smiling and Stop Complaining

This one isn’t just about smiling and not complaining. It’s about focusing your energy and attention on what you DO want to see and experience so that you are finding evidence of that all around you.  It’s about BEing the things you would like to see in a partner and attracting them to you. 

You attract who you are, so BE the love you want to see!. 

Everything we see is a projection of how we see ourselves. The more we become what we want, the more we will find it outside of ourselves. 

When you stand in this power you step into the power of creating, attracting and manifesting, instead of hoping, waiting or forcing things to happen. 

And that’s irresistible!

4. Experience and Express Gratitude.

In each moment that you see something beautiful or experience something you feel gratitude for, stop for a moment. 

Give yourself a few seconds to really feel the gratitude and love you’re experiencing. 

This is one of the most transformational practices you can begin implementing in your life!

Simply try it and see if you don’t start calling more goodness into your life! 

5. Choose your words wisely.

The words you say, both out loud and in your head, are very important, because your subconscious becomes a detective for the words you think and say. 

As soon as you say the words, “Dating is hard” or “I’m really trying in my relationship, but it’s just not working” your brain starts to look for evidence that you’re right. 

So… what do you want to be right about?

Change those words to “Dating is fun!” and “My relationship is growing stronger everyday,” and see how you and your love life begin to transform!

If you’d like some support in raising your self-awareness so that you can really start to understand how you can stop patterns that aren’t working for you and choose thoughts, words and actions that are aligned with your love vision, we’d love to talk to you!  Just click on the link below and schedule a Love Breakthrough Session.

Book a Love Breakthrough Session Now

This call will help you see what’s in the way, how to get it out of the way, and what your next best steps are for moving in the direction of life and love your heart desires.

It’s so easy to become apathetic in your life when things aren’t working out the way you would like, or if they are taking longer to become reality then you’d like them to. 

When you choose to take daily actions that are aligned with what you want, then God and the universe can’t help but start to deliver it to you! 

So, who are you going to BE today? What are you going to CHOOSE?

How to Be Someone to Be Admired

How to Be Someone to Be Admired

by Gladys Diaz 

Who’s someone you really admire? 

Someone you look up to? Someone who’s made a difference for you?

Who would you  like to be more like? 

What characteristics do they have that you admire? 

Do they show integrity? Are they authentic and real?
Maybe they have high energy that’s contagious.
Are they loving and generous?
Are they dignified and show grace under fire? 

Take Oprah, for example. There is just such an amazing way that she exemplifies grace under fire. She is compassionate while being rigorous. She is kind while being strong. She speaks up and takes a stand without being reactive. She is dignified.

Those are just a few of the things that we look up to in women. 

How about you? 

Oftentimes, we recognize things in others that we’d like to develop more of in ourselves. 

Whether you’re in a relationship or dating, it’s essential to be self-aware. To be able to recognize the places within yourself that are your opportunities for growth.  

We say, “opportunities for growth,” because it’s not that you’re doing anything wrong or that you’re trying to be something you’re not. One of the biggest sources of stress in dating and relationships comes from being inauthentic or trying to be someone you’re not. 

We say “opportunities for growth,” because recognizing the areas in which you’d like to develop are opportunities for higher levels of self-esteem, confidence and more desired experiences. 

And all of those things are highly attractive, right?

It’s like that awesome quote by Sophia Bush says:

“You are allowed to be both a masterpiece and a work in progress simultaneously.” 

You can strive to develop yourself while also exercising self-love and grace and always striving to be your authentic best. 

So what are the ways of being you’d like to embody ?

Here are some ideas from our community: 




Good Listener






Physically Fit





A finisher




Owning a State of Ease

Sense of Humor





Solution Oriented

And those are just a start! 

What is it for you? 

Choose two ways of being that would make the biggest difference for you and for those around you that you can focus on embodying this week. 

And remember to make it fun!

There is a natural human desire to grow. There’s so much fulfillment and satisfaction that comes from recognizing your growth opportunities and doing something about them!

If you’d like help recognizing what some of those opportunities are for you, book a Love Breakthrough Call. That’s what we’re here for!

Sometimes, the thing holding us back is in our blind spot, and all it takes is someone to lovingly point it out, help us remove it and replace it with something else that makes all the difference.  

Book a Love Breakthrough Session Now

We look forward to hearing the ways in which you’re stretching yourself this week!

YOU can be the woman you most admire when you BE the love you want to see!

How To Get the Love RIGHT NOW!

How To Get the Love RIGHT NOW!

by Gladys Diaz 

How long has it been since your last significant relationship?
And, if you’re in a relationship, how long has it been since you felt truly happy in it?

A month?
A year?
Several years?

This has been a recurring theme for women stepping in. For some it’s been two, five or seven years since their last relationship or since they felt truly happy in their relationships For some it’s been 12 or even 15 years! 

Oh, my heart just aches that it’s been that long since they’ve had that love and partnership they deserve and desire.

I’m so glad they found us! 

Let me ask you another question. 

How many times in the last 2 months have you heard the term, “stay at home,” “be careful,” or “stay safe.”
It’s only natural for you to be feeling the urge to push pause on your dreams. 

That’s why we feel called to say that the time to make your relationship dreams come true is RIGHT NO

Whether it’s been two months or two years or two decades since your last relationship, the time is now to create the relationship of your dreams – regardless of what the current situation says is possible

Life is still happening!  It may look a bit different right now, but life is still going on and there are things in your life that still get to be created during this time. 

Love is one of them! 

You can be careful and safe in order to protect your health and still be open to creating the relationship and love you desire. 

What you can’t be is frantic, fearful or closed off – because that will only have you attract more of the same. 

Even while you are staying at home, this is not the time to be isolated and alone. 

This is the time to be creating community as you work through the Love Barriers that are keeping you from experiencing the amazing desires you have in your heart. 

Now is the time to create the relationship of your dreams – with the right guidance

Unless you’re a professional baker, baking a cake probably wouldn’t be very much fun without a recipe or  guidance on how to do it, right? 

If you were just trying to figure it out, it would feel frustrating and probably wouldn’t turn out very good either!

Trying to create a relationship all on your own is the same. When you don’t know what to do, how to do it, and the best way to do it, it can be frustrating and “hard.”

Get the support you need so you can have fun with it!

The doors for our Ready For Love NOW program close tonight at midnight, so the time to join is now

This isn’t just a program.

This is a movement

There are 60 other women who have already stepped in. 60 women who have said yes to their lives, to themselves and to love!

I have such a strong feeling that these women are going to take this and spread it to other women in the world. They are stepping forward during a time when, from the outside, it looks like there is no hope, and they are reigniting the fire in their hearts! 

There is so much power in surrounding yourself with powerful women, thought leaders, and others who are working toward the same goals as you! 

So will you join us? 

Book a Love Breakthrough Session Now

(If there aren’t any slots available before midnight, that means other women grabbed the available spots.  Simply choose another time, and we’ll make sure we note that you reached out to us before midnight.)

This 12-week program is going to teach you how to break through the Love Barriers that are holding you back from creating the love you want. 

It’s going to support you in how to take care of yourself emotionally, physically and mentally so you can be the type of woman you could fall in love with! 

And most importantly, at the end of the 12 weeks, you’re going to walk away from this program being so completely in love with yourself that a man won’t be able to help but fall in love with you, too. (And you may even have found your man! – This has been known to happen during our programs, so we wouldn’t be surprised!)

What will it feel like to know you are worthy of love, to be open to love and to know  that you have the skills to create the love your heart desires? 

What will it feel like when you have found your man and get to bask in the love, passion, joy, and companionship you have waited for for so long? 

And, if you’re in a relationship, what will it feel like to know that you you know that you are loved and adored by the man that you love?

Well, it’s time to stop imagining and start making it happen! Let the waiting end now! 

Book a Love Breakthrough Session Now

Confidence: How to Be Absolutely Irresistible to a Man

Confidence: How to Be Absolutely Irresistible to a Man

by Gladys Diaz 

When you hear the word confident what comes into your mind? 

A name of someone you know or someone you admire? 

An act of confidence – something you do? 

An image that exudes confidence? 

For me – the first thing that always comes into my mind when I hear the word confident, is an image of Audrey Hepburn. That woman just exuded confidence. She was soft, feminine and graceful in her way of being, yet so strong and sure. 

What does confidence look like to you? 

Confidence looks like smiling and looking others in the eye. 

It looks like kindness. 

It looks like knowing who you are and what you want and not being afraid to share it. 

On the other hand, arrogance looks like trying to prove something. Without the deep knowing that she is worthy, a woman who lacks  real confidence has to do things and have others give her validation in order to feel confident. 

Real confidence is irresistible.

And I’m not talking about personality, either. You may be outgoing and exuberant in your interactions with people and still lack confidence. Or you may be more subdued and quiet, but carry the essence of power and confidence. 

Confidence is a way of BEing. 

So what does confidence look like in dating and relationships? 

Like we said, confidence looks like knowing who you are, what you want, and not being afraid to express it.  

We’re talking to a lot of women right now who have been meeting amazing men on dating apps during quarantine, and now that things are starting to open back up, still aren’t quite feeling ready to meet someone new in person.

How do you feel about it? 

However you feel about it, confidence looks like being true to yourself and not being afraid of what the other person may say or do. 

If a man that you’ve been interacting with on the app now asks if you’d like to meet and you’re still not feeling safe, you can say, “I’d love to meet you when all of this completely clears up. For now, I’d prefer to continue getting to know you here.” 

This lets him know that you are interested in him.  You’re simply not ready to meet in person yet.

And then he can do what feels right to  him with that information. 

Whatever his reaction is, you can know that you stood  confidently in what was true for you. 

Now, here’s another question we get asked a lot: Does asking a man out on a date exude confidence?

We don’t think so. 

There is a difference between confidence and pursuing.

When you ask a man on a date, you are doing it out of the fear that if you don’t, then he won’t, and you cheat yourself out of the experience of him asking you out. 

Instead, when you stand in the confidence of your worth and know that the right men will ask you out, you exude real confidence and that is simply irresistible to men. 

So here’s the question for you now: 

How confident are you that you can create the relationship you want on your own?

You see, we’re here to support you in developing the skills and knowing the steps to be able to say and get what you want. 

These are the skills that will support you in creating the relationship of your dreams:

Communication skills, relationship skills and confidence. 

Remember, confidence is a way of BEing. It’s something that’s developed through conscious practice. And we want to support you in creating such a knowing of your own value and worth that you radiate it through who you are being. 

So if you’re ready to step past your fears and create a relationship with yourself that is so next- level that your confidence shines through the roof, then book a call with us now! 

Book a Love Breakthrough Session Now

I’ve been with Ric for 21 years and Michelle’s been with Arnie for 13. We know what it to keep relationships going and growing stronger year after year!

We’re both just as in love and passionate about our partners now as the day we met them – if not incredibly more! 

We want that for you, too!

Book a Love Breakthrough Session Now

Stop the Arguing and Start Thriving in Your Relationship!

Stop the Arguing and Start Thriving in Your Relationship!

by Gladys Diaz 

Do you feel like you and your partner can’t agree on anything? 

Do you like to talk about things and he prefers to think it through first?

When disagreements arise, do tension and arguments rise, too? 

Do you feel like you don’t know how your differences can work in your relationship? 

Let me tell you this.

“It’s not disagreements that’s tearing your relationship apart. It’s the way you’re disagreeing.”  

Ric and I are like the yin and yang. We are two complete opposite puzzle pieces that couldn’t be more different. 

We feel differently about religion, about politics and lots of other things! We are extremely different! And there was a time when I wasn’t sure our relationship would survive.

When I look back on that time in our marriage, I am embarrassed because I had to be right about everything! I would correct everything he did. Even the smallest things he did and said If he did them differently than me, I would correct him. 

Almost every conversation we had, whether we were talking about paint, our dinner, or work, would end up in an argument, and I would end up in another room crying because I was so upset about how such a simple conversation could end so badly.

Can you relate? 

The thing is we all have an Ego – that part of our brain that wants to keep us safe and wants us to be right, no matter what the cost. And, as human beings with an Ego, sometimes we don’t realize that we are giving away our happiness in our effort to be right. 

It is painful and exhausting to be in the experience of always fighting over things you don’t agree on. 

Your fear that possibly you made the wrong choice when you picked your partner, or that, if you were right for each other it wouldn’t be so hard is often the thing that is triggering your need to be right. 

Sometimes we think that if two people are meant to be together, they’ll like all the same things, think the same way, and make the same choices

That couldn’t be farther from the truth!

Again, remember the yin and yang? Your differences and individuality are the things that brought you together, and they are the things that will keep you together – IF you learn how to respect and appreciate them. 

You first need awareness of the pattern – because, more than likely, it’s happening automatically. 

So, ask yourself honestly: 

Does this resonate with you? 

Do you put your partner down?

Do you correct and try to get him to agree with you?

I guarantee that your intention is not to hurt each other – I know mine wasn’t!

But are you reacting to a subconscious fear or belief and, in the process, making him wrong? 

Awareness is just the first step in the process. There are communication and relationship skills that will help you transform your differences from this recurring experience of disagreeing and fighting into something beautiful that actually brings you closer together.  

Relationships require at least one person in the relationship being willing to show up at her strongest so that things work well, and if you desire a happy, healthy, connected and passionate relationship that will last a lifetime, then we have something special for you! 

We’re  so excited to be inviting you to the Reignite the Spark Masterclass, happening tomorrow, Saturday, May 9th at 12pm Eastern! 

In three information-packed hours, you’ll learn exactly how to break through the patterns that have been sabotaging your relationship, inspire your partner’s love and desire, and deepen the love and intimacy in your relationship (yes, even during these stressful times), so that you can create the happy, loving relationship that will last well beyond this pandemic. In fact… It will last for a lifetime!

Grab your spot for the Reignite the Spark Masterclass here!

Just like two puzzle pieces that are shaped exactly the opposite of one another in order to complete the puzzle , two very different people can fit together perfectly, despite their differences, and create a beautiful masterpiece when they learn how to fit together.

We’re here to show you how! 

How to Overcome Social Distancing Anxiety

How to Overcome Social Distancing Anxiety

by Gladys Diaz 

Even before the events of Covid-19 shook our world, women would come to us because they were triggered by the distance they felt in relationships. 

Whether it was physical distance or perceived distance (like he starts texting/calling less than he did before), distance is something that causes a lot of women anxiety. 

Because of the events of the last couple of months and the “social distancing” regulations that have been put on all of us, this anxiety may be amplified for you. 

If anxiety in relationships isn’t something you had previously dealt with, it may be something that has been coming up for you now. 

As these “social distancing” regulations begin to be lifted in different parts of the country, a whole new kind of anxiety might be setting in for you. The anxiety of whether it’s really safe to go out now? …to meet someone new? …to hug or kiss?  

If you have been or are experiencing anxiety for any reason, you’re not alone, and the number one thing you can do for yourself under our current circumstances is to honor yourself. Get clarity around what’s  true for you. Let go of social agreements and make a decision you can stand by. 

One of the essential  elements of being an Irresistible Woman is being connected to what you really feel and standing confidently in it. 

So, what do you do if, because the restrictions are being lifted in your community, a guy asks you if you’d like to meet, and you still feel like it’s too soon? 

You can say, “For me, it’s still too soon to meet in person, but I’d love to keep getting to know you.” From there he can decide whether or how he wants to make that happen. 

It’s as easy as that. 

What if you had anxiety before Covid-19? Did experiencing distance (either physical or perceived distance ) in a relationship trigger you before? 

Did you find yourself sending memes that you found funny or articles you thought he’d be interested in because you’re feeling anxious that you haven’t heard from him in a few days (or hours!) 

Do you find yourself doing these things just so you can get on his radar and get the hit that will deflate the anxiety when/if he responds? 

If so, remember this: It’s not as helpful to pay attention to what he’s doing as it is to pay attention to how you’re reacting to it. 

Your reaction is what’s causing the anxiety. 

When the anxiety hits, ask yourself: “What is it that’s really bothering me?” “Why does not hearing from him worry me so much?”

And then be gentle with yourself. 

It’s a fear that’s getting triggered, and it can feel all-consuming.

Take a breath and remind yourself that you’re safe and nothing bad is happening to you. 

If you’re feeling this over a guy you’ve just started seeing, then remind yourself that you’re just getting to know each other and it’s okay that you haven’t heard from him. It doesn’t mean anything. 

If it’s someone you’ve been seeing a little longer, then ask yourself if the anxiety you’re feeling is  because you’re getting attached because he’s  the only person you’re seeing. If you’re still not in a committed relationship with a man, maybe it’s time to open up to seeing others as well. 

It is also powerful to notice if anxiety is a pattern you’ve created for yourself.

Not to downplay it in any way, as anxiety is a very real experience that has your nervous system go crazy and triggers irrational thoughts. But notice if being in a state of high anxiety  is something you’ve trained yourself to feel. 

We find with many women that they feel “alive” when they’re worrying about something and that, even when things are calm and going well, they still feel anxiety because they automatically (and subconsciously) start looking for something to worry about it. 

Anxiety can also be triggered by wanting to control people, conditions, or circumstances that are outside of your control. 

If you notice yourself in this pattern, start teaching yourself how to shift. 

If you find yourself looking for something to worry about, notice and laugh about it. Then think of something you’re grateful for, or think of something else you can focus your attention on that you do have control over so that you can begin to retrain your mind out of the pattern of constant worrying. 

There is so much more we could share on this topic, and so much of this really requires personal coaching to get to the root of what triggers the anxiety in the first place! 

This is why we’re  so excited to be inviting you to the second Extraordinary Love NOW Masterclass, happening tomorrow, Saturday, May 2nd at 12pm Eastern! 

Because we had such an incredible turn out last week, because so many of you asked if we could offer the training again – and because we had so much fun – we decided to do it one more time! 

In this interactive masterclass you will get training and coaching on your mindset, dating skills, ways of being, as well as relationship coaching, so that you can either step out or step further into the relationship you’re in to create the relationship of your dreams. 

Grab your spot for the Extraordinary Love NOW Masterclass here!

In the search for love, you don’t have to be worried! 

You are in control of how you feel, react, and respond, and we’re here to show you how!

As you empower yourself with the right tools, you gain the power to create the relationship you really want and deserve.  

We’re here for you!