How to Get Out of Your Own Way

How to Get Out of Your Own Way

by Gladys Diaz 

Do you ever feel like there’s something standing in the way of your biggest dreams? 

So many women think that the reason they aren’t finding the love they desire is because of people around them, outside circumstances and other things. 

“There’s no men in this town, I’d have to move if I wanted to meet someone interesting.” “I don’t have time to date.” 

“Men aren’t attracted to me. I’ll start dating after I lose weight.”

“I’m working on my career. When it’s the right time he’ll find me.” 

And those are just a few examples! 

Do they sound familiar? Do you ever find yourself having similar thoughts? 

Here’s the thing. 

None of those things are stopping you from creating the relationship of your dreams.

So what is it then?  

It’s actually you. 

Now listen, it’s not because there’s something wrong with you, 

It’s simply that you have doubts, limiting beliefs from your past and subconscious patterns that are keeping you stuck.

Doubts get in the way because when you’re doubting, you’re questioning if you can be the person you want to be, do the things you want to do and have the things you say you want to have.  

Fears and limiting beliefs cause doubtful thinking patterns which then have you do nothing or do things that don’t bring you the results that you want. 

Well, it’s about time to get out of your own way and realize you can create anything!


The best way to have a breakthrough is to be at the steering wheel of your life and to ask, “What’s the next best thing I can be doing?” 

Everything we’ve ever manifested into our lives is a miracle because we’ve done the Heartwork to get out of our own way and get moving in the direction needed, with actions that resulted in all of the things we now have in our lives. 

So what about you? 

What if this year is the year you stop getting ready to get ready to be ready? 

What if this is the year that you can break into extraordinary love and create the magic that we know is possible for you! 

If you’re a high achieving woman who’s wanting to go to the next level in your life, then book a love breakthrough call with one of our coaches.

Book a Love Breakthrough Session Now

The people who get what they want in life take the right actions and they don’t wait. 

Take action now. 

You can manifest everything your heart desires when you get out of your own way!

Will You Create Your Heart’s Desire This Year?

Will You Create Your Heart’s Desire This Year?

by Gladys Diaz 

What’s your word for 2022? 

What will you create this year? 

How will this year be different from 2021 or 2020 or 2019? 

This time of year is so exciting because anything is possible! Each new year is like a brand new fresh chapter of life and you can create anything you want with it!

The thing is – there’s just one thing that will make this year different from other years. 


An intention is something you’re on fire about! It’s something you’re so passionate about you can’t wait to make it happen.

A powerful intention means the thought of not having it isn’t even an option, there’s no way you aren’t going to do whatever it takes to create it.  

If you didn’t have the love you wanted in 2021, then what will you create differently now? 

It’s not going to be figuring out what’s wrong with you that will have you create the desires of your heart. You are perfect just as you are! 

You may, however, have some behaviors you want to adjust or some patterns that aren’t working when it comes to creating the relationship of your dreams. 

That’s where intention comes in. 

Without setting the intention, you’ll continue to fall into those behaviors and patterns that don’t align with what you want to create. 

So the first step in creating the relationship of your dreams (or anything for that matter), is to set a powerful intention. 

What is it you desire more than anything – something that is so powerful that you’re pulled by the vision of it – you feel alive, fulfilled and free in it. 

Second, you must get crystal clear about it so that you can visualize it. 

Our clients who are creating the relationships of their dreams are seeing results because they can see and feel exactly what they want to experience in the relationship. They know who they are going to be for their partners and who their partners will be for them. 

What would having that type of clarity around your vision create for you? 

Having that clear of an intention makes all the difference. 

Third, you must be able to identify what’s blocking you. Not from a place of “something’s wrong with me” but from the place of “something’s not working here and I have the skills to uncover what it is.” 

Every woman was created to be the best version of herself. 

Our work will support you in doing the Heartwork and developing the skills to rise above the limiting beliefs and behavioral patterns that don’t work so that you can create the relationship that you desire and deserve. 

That’s why we’re hosting an Extraordinary Love Group VIP Day on March 19, 2022 and we want you there! We’re telling you about it now – because we’re having a new years special and this is the last week before the price will go up!

The Extraordinary Love Group VIP Day is a 5-hour immersive and intimate coaching and training experience where you will break through fears and limiting beliefs that have been keeping you stuck for years.

The breaking news is that it doesn’t matter if you didn’t create the love you wanted in 2021, 2019 or 1999! You can create it now! 

Let’s make 2022 the year that you step into the vision you have for love!

Say yes to creating your powerful intention this year and book a Love Breakthrough Session HERE. 

Three Steps to Manifest the Love you Want in 2022

Three Steps to Manifest the Love you Want in 2022

by Gladys Diaz 

Like many holidays and celebrations, New Year’s Eve can trigger bitter-sweet feelings.

On one hand, it can be disheartening if you’ve gotten to the end of the year without having attained all of the goals you’d set for yourself a year ago. 

This can be particularly true if you’re not in the happy, loving relationship you dream of!

On the other hand, it can be exciting and uplifting to know that you have a whole new year ahead of you filled with unlimited possibilities – one of which being to finally have the loving relationship your heart desires.

So, how do we reconcile the disheartening thoughts with the uplifting ones?

We have the answer in 3 easy steps!

  1. Breathe. If you’re like most women, you can be pretty hard on yourself. Many times, this is most evident in the way you talk to yourself. 

If you’ve been putting yourself down, thinking that there must be something “wrong” with you because you haven’t manifested the love you want yet, take a deep breath and allow the love that surrounds you (and, yes, it’s always all around you and within you) to enter into your heart.

If you still don’t feel the love that surrounds you within you do this:

  • Breathe again…
  • Keep inhaling until you can fill your lungs anymore
  • Hold it 3 seconds and envision the love filling every part of your being
  • Allow love to fill you
  • Do this as many times as you need to until you literally and physically feel love filling your being

Once you’re able to feel the love within you…

  1. Release. As you exhale, release all of those negative thoughts, beliefs and toxic emotions that do not serve you. Breathe out all of the pain, sadness, and feelings of dissatisfaction. Release yourself from the hold that those disempowering thoughts create in your life. Those are the thoughts that keep you holding onto dead-end relationships, stop you from moving on, and keep you repeating dysfunctional patterns in relationships.

If you still have trouble releasing yourself from the negative thoughts, beliefs and emotions…

  • Go back to Step #1, and repeat, giving yourself 2 or 3 more loving breaths.
  • On each exhale, envision yourself releasing all of the pain, sadness, and disempowering thoughts and emotions from your body.
  • With each exhalation, you are releasing what doesn’t work and allowing more love to enter you on the inhalation.
  • It’s okay if you feel like crying. As you do the exercise, the sad tears will turn to tears of gratitude as you allow love to enter, surround, and fill you up!

Once you feel you have released the disempowering thoughts and emotions…

  1. Renew. In this new space, where love is what you’re present to, renew your commitment to yourself to create the loving, happy, fulfilling relationship your heart desires. Commit to doing whatever it takes to transform the thoughts, words, and behaviors that have stopped you from experiencing the love you desire and deserve.

Commitment without action is nothing but wishful thinking. 

This is why so many people get to the end of a year without having reached the goals and dreams they declared at the beginning of the year. It’s only when you’re taking consistent action in the direction of your goals and dreams that you are able to manifest them! 

So, to ensure that 2022 is actually different for you and to make sure that by this time next year, you’re experiencing the love your heart truly desires, follow these steps:

  1. Identify the person/people who can teach and help you to create and experience the loving romantic relationship you want.  A happily married relationship coach who can teach you the skills that will have you attract, create, and nurture a healthy romantic relationship is the best option.  And, with us, you get two coaches for the price of one! 🙂
  2. With your coach, identify 1-3 action steps you will take to create renewal in your love life.
  3. Commit to fulfilling on those actions steps no matter what.

The reason most people do not reach their goals and manifest their dreams is because they quit. They quit on their dreams, and in doing so, they give up on themselves.

This is why working with a coach is so important!! You have built-in accountability.


Because, left to your own devices, you will do what you’ve always done. 

You’ll do what’s comfortable, what you’re familiar with, and those are the same things that have given you the results you have now.

We’re not trying to be negative here. This is what we all do. 

The results you have are consistent with the actions you’ve taken and those actions are consistent with what you’ve been committed to.

What do you want your results to be in 2022? 

If you’re ready to make 2022 THE YEAR of love, intimacy, and romance for yourself… 


Then make a real commitment to yourself to do whatever it takes to manifest the love you want.

Have your first action step be to schedule a Love Breakthrough Session to help you identify your 1-3 action steps that will lead you in the direction of the relationship of your dreams!

Click here to schedule your Love Breakthrough Call!

We promise we’ll do whatever it takes to support and guide you in making the relationship of your dreams come to fruition.

We’ll stand for you, hold you accountable, and be there when you need someone to remind you just how worthy you are of having the love your heart desires!

Creating the love you want does not have to be “hard.” It can be easy when you have the right guidance and know exactly which steps to take to create the loving, happy, fulfilling relationship you desire and deserve.

The last couple of years have been rough for all of us. Here’s to making 2022 THE YEAR OF LOVE, INTIMACY, ROMANCE, and all of your heart’s desires fulfilled!

Book a Love Breakthrough Session Now.

How to Effectively Talk to Men!

How to Effectively Talk to Men!

by Gladys Diaz 

I wish I was better at communicating with my partner. 

He never understands me! 

I don’t dare say what I’m feeling because I don’t want to get into an argument. 

I feel like I talk and he doesn’t even hear me!

These are just a few of the things we heard from women last weekend at Irresistible Woman LIVE and they’re the same things  we hear from our clients when they first start working with us. 

Communicating with men can seem difficult. We know it can feel like you’re speaking a completely different language that he doesn’t even care to try to understand. 

It was a very hard part of my marriage for years. I would communicate things to Ric and I wouldn’t feel like he heard me. 

So I would say it again – louder. I thought that would make him understand. 

It didn’t work. 

He would feel disrespected and I would feel like I was not being understood and before we knew it, we were two people yelling at each other – getting nowhere in the conversation. 

It was a very painful dynamic of our relationship for many years… 

until we learned how to communicate effectively with one another in a way that would not only have the other person understand, but feel respected, loved and fully heard

Communication is one of the biggest factors to whether or not you’ll have a successful relationship. Sharing your feelings and being able to express your needs is so important! 

It’s how you create and build trust, intimacy, safety and love with those you are in relationship with. 

When you learn how to communicate in a way where there’s no blaming, shaming, controlling and “making wrong” – it’s incredible what can be created!

This is exactly the type of communication we teach in our programs.

After working with us, our clients know exactly how to express their desires without being controlling, how to share what they prefer so they don’t end up feeling resentful and how to understand what the men in their lives are saying too

If you’d like support with up-leveling your communication skills (because the things we teach don’t only apply to romantic relationships – but to every relationship in your life!) then book a love breakthrough call now! 

Why would you want to wait to increase the understanding, intimacy and love in  your relationship? 

Why wouldn’t you want to be able to communicate your desires in dating starting now?

Book a Love Breakthrough Session Now.

Have Online Dating Work For You Now!

Have Online Dating Work For You Now!

by Gladys Diaz 

What is the number one question you have when it comes to online dating? 

Does it have anything to do with your profile? 

These are the questions we get asked the most…. 

Why do I keep attracting the wrong kind of men? 

Why are none of the men I’m matching with reaching out? 

What should I include in my profile? 

What shouldn’t I include?

What sites are the best to get on? 

What type of photos should I use? 

We’re going to be answering ALL of these questions, plus more tomorrow at our Ultimate Attraction Dating Profile Workshop, but we wanted to give you just a few tips today. 

So let’s dive in!

When it comes to online dating, your profile is the most important part! 

Why? Because you have 3-6 seconds to capture a man’s attention which means your photos and the first sentence of your profile must be captivating! 

Here’s what NOT to do: 

DON’T start with a list of adjectives

DON’T include a list of things you like to do

DON’T put a timeline of your life

DON’T list all of your educational or professional credentials

DON’T put pictures of you with alcohol or showing too much skin

DON’T use sarcasm or put yourself down

You want your profile to showcase who you really are! You want it to be refreshing, different and full of depth. The more natural it sounds, the more receptive men will be to it so make sure it shows your authentic you!

DO make the first sentence inviting and interesting 

DO introduce yourself the way you would introduce yourself at a party

DO start with “I am a woman who is….” and follow with something you’re really interested in

DO share something that you’re passionate about

DO be lighthearted and fun

Do be authentically yourself

These tips are so basic they often get overlooked. 

And truthfully, these are things most women think they’re doing… but then we get our eyes on their profile and we know exactly why they’re attracting the type of men they are. 

If you’re ready to start attracting the right kind of men in online dating, join us tomorrow for the Ultimate Attraction Online Dating Profile Workshop

We’re going to be teaching you exactly what you need to know to have clarity around what to do before, during and after you create your online dating profile so that you attract high-quality, commitment-minded, ready-for-love men who will be ready to partner with you in creating the relationship of your dreams!

We’ll be answering your questions, giving you coaching and having hands-on activities so that you walk away with a profile that starts giving you the results you’ve been waiting for.

Have Online Dating Work for you Now!

In this hands-on, interactive workshop on how to attract the RIGHT man online, you’ll discover:

  • what to do before you ever type the first word or post the first picture on your profile that will make the difference between whether you attract the right man or not
  • what to put in your profile to make sure you’re attracting a man who is a perfect match for you
  • how to make sure your profile gets noticed by the right guys, not the ones who want to play games or be pen pals
  • and more!

Stop wasting your time attracting the wrong men online and learn how to create a profile that attracts the high quality, commitment-minded man you want to meet, get to know and marry! 

Register Here! 

You Can Break Through Your Fears Now!

You Can Break Through Your Fears Now!

by Gladys Diaz 

What are fears that come up in the realm of love and relationships? 

Are you afraid you won’t be enough? 

Are you terrified of rejection or abandonment? 

Are you scared you’ll keep repeating your heartbreaking past and are afraid to try again now? 

Maybe you’re afraid that…

  • dating will just be a waste of time
  • you’ll be controlled
  • you’ll lose yourself in a relationship 
  • you won’t find someone who really understands you
  • it’ll be hard to share your life with someone 
  • you’ll get your heartbroken (again)
  • he’ll lie or cheat like every other guy has

Obviously, those are only some of the fears that come up for women while dating.

What are your fears?

The thing about fear is that it’s a fact of life. 

It’s part of being human, and there’s no way out of that. 

The other thing about fear is that even though it’s a given in life, it doesn’t have to control your life.

Fear is your brain’s way of thinking about what you are afraid is or isn’t going to happen. 

And your brain doesn’t recognize the difference between an imagined fear and what’s actually happening. 

When fear is running the show, you’ll subconsciously sabotage your experiences in an attempt to either stop whatever you’re afraid of from happening, or force something to happen. 

By taking ownership of your fears and recognizing what is an imagined fear vs reality, you take your power back and can be the conscious owner of your life and your results.

None of us want to waste our time, get our hearts broken, be rejected, or experience the same painful things we’ve experienced in the past. 

When you take the time to do the necessary Heartwork, you increase your chances of attracting the man and relationships that will be good for you. 

And the first step to doing that is to powerfully master your fears. 

So, how do you do that?

1. Distinguish your fear by recognizing what it is and where it comes from.

2. Dismantle the fear by doing the work to release it and leave it in the past. Then, when fearful thoughts come up — because they will — you’ll be able to see them for what they are, instead of relating to them as “the truth.”

3. Replace the fear with a new empowering belief that has you open up to new ideas of what’s possible for you. 

You don’t have to be afraid of what’s happened in the past. 

You can experience love, happiness, peace and healing in your heart when you do the Heartwork necessary to break through your fears! 

If you’d like support with learning how to master your thoughts and emotions so you aren’t being driven by them, we want to support you! 

Our Ready to Love Again Program begins in just over a week, and this is the powerful work we begin with!   

If you are at all interested in learning more, or if you’d simply like to chat with someone about how you (yes, YOU!) can learn to dismantle your fears and take control of your life, click below to book a Love Breakthrough Call.  

Schedule a Love Breakthrough Session

Our coaches are here to support you in seeing what you can’t see right now, so that you can move forward and create the life and love your heart desires!