The #1 Ingredient in Creating Intimacy in Relationships

The #1 Ingredient in Creating Intimacy in Relationships

by Gladys Diaz 

Do you know what is the most vital ingredient in creating intimate relationships?

Do you know what would make it possible for you to connect deeply with a man and enhance your love life? 

What would it feel like to actually allow yourself to be seen by others for who YOU truly are?

Being vulnerably YOU in dating is the key to creating the loving, passionate, connected relationship you want.

If you’re not in the relationship of your dreams yet, this is the most important that may be missing! 

So what does vulnerability look like? 

Vulnerability is…

  • Being open
  • Being vulnerable and honest with yourself
  • Being willing to share yourself and your feelings 
  • Trusting yourself to know who to trust
  • Sharing authentically and honestly, yet appropriately
  • Having clarity about and living in an alignment with your values and boundaries, and who you really are.
  • The ability to be yourself without judging or beating yourself up.

So what stops you from being vulnerable? 


Fear of being abandoned.

Fear of rejection.

Fear that you may get taken advantage of.

Fear of looking “weak”.

Fear of disappointment.

Fear of what others might think. 

Fear that if you show up as yourself, people won’t like or approve of you.

What fears show up for you

Why is knowing this so important? 

It’s important when it comes to dating, because, when you’re afraid, you suppress yourself. 

You pretend, hide, or resist. 

You don’t trust yourself to go for the things you want in life. 

You say you want a deep, intimate relationship, but you’re not willing to actually show up authentically and open . 

You may even worry that if you create the relationship you want, you’ll lose it, and then that fear causes you to sabotage every opportunity at true love and happiness. 

So how do you overcome these fears and show up with vulnerability in order to create genuine connection? 

You do the Heartwork to uncover and heal those fears. 

You learn how to express yourself with intention so that your authentic and honest shares come out in a way where they can be received and respected. 

You practice. 

The more you practice vulnerability, the more confident you will feel in simply being yourself.

Doing this on your own isn’t always easy, because, think about it: If you knew how to do that, you probably would have done it already.

If you know that being vulnerable is something you struggle with, and you’d like support in doing this HeartWork and breaking through the fear so that you can authentically connect with someone and create the relationship of your dreams, book a Love Breakthrough Session with one of our coaches today. 

Schedule a Love Breakthrough Session here.

Remember, it takes courage to go for the things you really want in your life. 

Vulnerability is the only way to create true love.

Let us guide you toward having the life and love your heart desires!

Have Online Dating Work For You Now!

Have Online Dating Work For You Now!

by Gladys Diaz 

What is the number one question you have when it comes to online dating? 

Does it have anything to do with your profile? 

These are the questions we get asked the most…. 

Why do I keep attracting the wrong kind of men? 

Why are none of the men I’m matching with reaching out? 

What should I include in my profile? 

What shouldn’t I include?

What sites are the best to get on? 

What type of photos should I use? 

We’re going to be answering ALL of these questions, plus more tomorrow at our Ultimate Attraction Dating Profile Workshop, but we wanted to give you just a few tips today. 

So let’s dive in!

When it comes to online dating, your profile is the most important part! 

Why? Because you have 3-6 seconds to capture a man’s attention which means your photos and the first sentence of your profile must be captivating! 

Here’s what NOT to do: 

DON’T start with a list of adjectives

DON’T include a list of things you like to do

DON’T put a timeline of your life

DON’T list all of your educational or professional credentials

DON’T put pictures of you with alcohol or showing too much skin

DON’T use sarcasm or put yourself down

You want your profile to showcase who you really are! You want it to be refreshing, different and full of depth. The more natural it sounds, the more receptive men will be to it so make sure it shows your authentic you!

DO make the first sentence inviting and interesting 

DO introduce yourself the way you would introduce yourself at a party

DO start with “I am a woman who is….” and follow with something you’re really interested in

DO share something that you’re passionate about

DO be lighthearted and fun

Do be authentically yourself

These tips are so basic they often get overlooked. 

And truthfully, these are things most women think they’re doing… but then we get our eyes on their profile and we know exactly why they’re attracting the type of men they are. 

If you’re ready to start attracting the right kind of men in online dating, join us tomorrow for the Ultimate Attraction Online Dating Profile Workshop

We’re going to be teaching you exactly what you need to know to have clarity around what to do before, during and after you create your online dating profile so that you attract high-quality, commitment-minded, ready-for-love men who will be ready to partner with you in creating the relationship of your dreams!

We’ll be answering your questions, giving you coaching and having hands-on activities so that you walk away with a profile that starts giving you the results you’ve been waiting for.

Have Online Dating Work for you Now!

In this hands-on, interactive workshop on how to attract the RIGHT man online, you’ll discover:

  • what to do before you ever type the first word or post the first picture on your profile that will make the difference between whether you attract the right man or not
  • what to put in your profile to make sure you’re attracting a man who is a perfect match for you
  • how to make sure your profile gets noticed by the right guys, not the ones who want to play games or be pen pals
  • and more!

Stop wasting your time attracting the wrong men online and learn how to create a profile that attracts the high quality, commitment-minded man you want to meet, get to know and marry! 

Register Here! 

You Can Break Through Your Fears Now!

You Can Break Through Your Fears Now!

by Gladys Diaz 

What are fears that come up in the realm of love and relationships? 

Are you afraid you won’t be enough? 

Are you terrified of rejection or abandonment? 

Are you scared you’ll keep repeating your heartbreaking past and are afraid to try again now? 

Maybe you’re afraid that…

  • dating will just be a waste of time
  • you’ll be controlled
  • you’ll lose yourself in a relationship 
  • you won’t find someone who really understands you
  • it’ll be hard to share your life with someone 
  • you’ll get your heartbroken (again)
  • he’ll lie or cheat like every other guy has

Obviously, those are only some of the fears that come up for women while dating.

What are your fears?

The thing about fear is that it’s a fact of life. 

It’s part of being human, and there’s no way out of that. 

The other thing about fear is that even though it’s a given in life, it doesn’t have to control your life.

Fear is your brain’s way of thinking about what you are afraid is or isn’t going to happen. 

And your brain doesn’t recognize the difference between an imagined fear and what’s actually happening. 

When fear is running the show, you’ll subconsciously sabotage your experiences in an attempt to either stop whatever you’re afraid of from happening, or force something to happen. 

By taking ownership of your fears and recognizing what is an imagined fear vs reality, you take your power back and can be the conscious owner of your life and your results.

None of us want to waste our time, get our hearts broken, be rejected, or experience the same painful things we’ve experienced in the past. 

When you take the time to do the necessary Heartwork, you increase your chances of attracting the man and relationships that will be good for you. 

And the first step to doing that is to powerfully master your fears. 

So, how do you do that?

1. Distinguish your fear by recognizing what it is and where it comes from.

2. Dismantle the fear by doing the work to release it and leave it in the past. Then, when fearful thoughts come up — because they will — you’ll be able to see them for what they are, instead of relating to them as “the truth.”

3. Replace the fear with a new empowering belief that has you open up to new ideas of what’s possible for you. 

You don’t have to be afraid of what’s happened in the past. 

You can experience love, happiness, peace and healing in your heart when you do the Heartwork necessary to break through your fears! 

If you’d like support with learning how to master your thoughts and emotions so you aren’t being driven by them, we want to support you! 

Our Ready to Love Again Program begins in just over a week, and this is the powerful work we begin with!   

If you are at all interested in learning more, or if you’d simply like to chat with someone about how you (yes, YOU!) can learn to dismantle your fears and take control of your life, click below to book a Love Breakthrough Call.  

Schedule a Love Breakthrough Session

Our coaches are here to support you in seeing what you can’t see right now, so that you can move forward and create the life and love your heart desires!

Stop Repelling Men and Receive Extraordinary Love Instead!

Stop Repelling Men and Receive Extraordinary Love Instead!

by Gladys Diaz 

Do you over-give in relationships?

Do you have a pattern of cooking dinner for men, offering to pay for things, giving gifts, or constantly planning dates?

If you answered yes, do your thoughts sound like these?

“If I do enough, I’ll be good enough”

“If I give enough, he’ll want me.” 

“If I prove how good I am, someone will see that and stay.”

Overgiving is a pattern that doesn’t work in dating. It doesn’t work because masculine men need to provide and give in order to feel on purpose in the relationship. 

It also doesn’t work because it will always lead you to feeling resentful and dissatisfied.

I used to do this in dating relationships. 

I would give and give – and give some more – and then all the sudden I’d start feeling resentful. I’d think, “He’s just using me!” — even though he’d never asked me to do any of it!

I had all of the thoughts listed above, I was doing all of the things above and, you guessed it, it wasn’t working. 

You see, underneath a pattern of over-giving is a self-worth conversation. 

You’re either trying to hide what you’re afraid they’ll see in you – or – You’re trying to overcome something you believe already exists in you. 

Either way, none of it is true! 

The thing is – it’s not enough simply to know it’s not true.

It’s about what you’re going to do to breakthrough it! 


Why do you feel you need to prove your value?

What’s driving the pattern of behavior?

What need is being fulfilled? 

Is it a need to be liked and accepted? Is it a need to feel needed or valuable to someone? 

The first step in breaking through a pattern of overgiving is to get connected to what belief is driving the behavior.

Once you’ve gotten clear on that – you get to start questioning it. You get to go to the very center of why that belief exists and do the Heartwork to create something entirely different inside you. 

You get to transform the belief so that the behavior disappears.

And once you do that, you get to a point where those beliefs don’t even phase you anymore. When the thought pops up, you can immediately shift and move on!

How amazing would that be?!

Through doing this Heartwork you will replace these patterns and be out there in the dating world in your Irresistible Essence, authentic self and attracting the man that will love and appreciate you for all of it! 

Are you ready to shift these patterns? Are you ready to transform them once and for all?

If you answered yes, the Extraordinary Love Intensive, is what you need and it’s just around the corner! It’s happening next weekend and you don’t want to miss it! 

This three-day deep dive event is designed to have you break through the patterns that are causing you to repel men and relationships (and overgiving is a big one!) and have you transform so you can create the extraordinary relationship of your dreams. 

After the event there will be no more trying to prove your value or doing too much in a relationship. 

After the event you will not only know how to step back and be in your feminine receiving energy, but you’ll feel comfortable and naturally do so!

Join us for the Extraordinary Love Intensive by claiming your ticket now! 

Remember, there’s a hurt or pain that hasn’t been healed when you’re compensating with overgiving behavior. It’s time to heal so you can experience happiness, joy, abundance, love, partnership support and so much more inside an extraordinary relationship!

How to Create the Relationship of Your Dreams NOW!

How to Create the Relationship of Your Dreams NOW!

by Gladys Diaz 

What is standing in your way of creating the relationship of your dreams? 

Are there self-sabotaging tendencies and patterns that are causing your love life to not move forward like you’d like it to? 

If so, are you getting frustrated, angry or hopeless? 

The frustration you feel that things aren’t happening like you’d like can manifest differently for different people. 

Maybe you feel angry – thinking that all men are jerks, dating sucks, and online dating will never lead you to a good man.

Perhaps you feel sad and hopeless – thinking that it’s never really going to happen for you, so why even try? Which leads you to wanting to give up. 

If that’s what you’re currently experiencing, it’s important to look at how often those feelings show up, not just in your love life, but in every aspect of your life, because that’s going to give you the clues to what you need to shift.

So, how do you make the relationship of your dreams happen now

First, you have to get crystal-clear on what you want to experience in that relationship

Notice that we didn’t say, get crystal-clear on what you want the man to be like or what  you want to get out of the relationship.

It’s about the experience you want to have! 

When you focus on what the man is like – if he has kids, what his career is, what he looks like, etc – it causes you to focus outside of you and to give up your power to create what you want It feels like there is this “one specific person that must exist” in order for you to be happy, and that has you giving your power away. 

When you focus on the experience you want to create, it’s not about looking for “one person” so that you can have the relationship you want, it’s about creating something that another person wants to be part of creating with you!

What do you want to experience in the relationship of your dreams?

Do you want to experience….

💕 laughing

💕 understanding

💕 calm communication

💕 affection

💕 soul-level intimacy

💕 fun

💕 respect

💕 unconditional love

💕 having a best friend and someone championing you in life

💕 feeling heard

💕 travel the world

💕 adventures

💕 honesty and faithfulness

The second thing you need in order to begin experiencing the relationship of your dreams is to have the skills to create your crystal-clear vision

You may say you want a cheerleader and best friend as a partner in life, but then you spend time protecting yourself and criticizing every man that comes along.

You may say you want to have fun and adventure, but then don’t want to spend time meeting new men on the app.

See the disconnect? Fear is standing in the way of you attracting what you want.

How do you recognize that there’s a fear that’s running you?  

That’s where we come in!  

A coach will tell you when and where you’re sabotaging yourself.
A coach will support you in seeing what you can’t see. 

We will show you the fears you have and the masks you may be wearing that are blocking you from having the love you want. 

AND, we’ll teach you how to get those Love Barriers out of the way so that you can begin experiencing the love, happiness, and intimacy you desire and deserve!

We will cause you to have a breakthrough!

If you’re ready to have a breakthrough so you can actually start experiencing the kind of love  you desire, then join us tomorrow, Saturday, July 17th at 12pm ET for the Extraordinary Love NOW Masterclass! 

In three information-packed hours, you’ll learn exactly how to break through the patterns that have been sabotaging your love life and relationships, tap into your Irresistible Essence, and easily attract and keep the love you want NOW, so that you can create the happy, loving relationship with the man who is going to love you for the rest of your life!  

PLUS, this masterclass is being offered to you for FREE! What is there to stop you?

Join us at the Extraordinary Love NOW Masterclass!

When you don’t have the conscious knowledge of what’s holding you back, all you can do is what you already know to do. And if you keep doing what you’ve always done – all you can hope to experience is what you’ve always had.

This workshop style masterclass will support you getting crystal-clear clarity on what you need to do differently so that you can start moving forward in your love life and really start attracting the man and relationship of your dreams… starting right NOW!!!

How to Move On So You Can Attract Extraordinary Love NOW!

How to Move On So You Can Attract Extraordinary Love NOW!

by Gladys Diaz 

Are you having a hard time getting over a past relationship? 

When thinking about that past relationship, do you find yourself thinking…

“But I still love him.” 

…“I really thought he was the one.”

…“How will I know I’m choosing the right man next time, when I was wrong this time?”

We hear these things from women all the time, and if you’re in this position right now, we’re here to tell you (with love)… It’s time to let it go!

If you’re still energetically connected to someone, whether you say you are or not, then it’s really difficult (if not impossible!) for someone new to come into your life. 

And, even if you do meet someone who you’re compatible with, the chemistry’s there, and you have a great time with him, it will still feel like something is off

It’s simply not possible to create something new and lasting if there’s something in the space that you haven’t let go of. 

If you’ve been “getting over someone” for 9 months, 2 years, 12 years, 40 years (gasp!), it’s time to get curious about why you feel as if you’re not able to move on. 

What’s really keeping you stuck?

Sometimes it’s the person and the past relationship you feel you can’t let go of.

Sometimes it’s the idea of the past relationship that you’ve glorified in your mind that’s keeping you stuck.

But, more often than not, it’s the fear that you won’t be able to feel the same way you felt about that someone again, and you’re afraid to let go and even try. 

Here’s the thing… 

You have to find the courage to let go of the past in order to move forward and create something new. 

The work there is to do is to accept what actually happened in the past relationship and complete it so that you can be present in current experiences, move forward and be happy NOW!

You don’t have to let go of the love you had/have for that person. You can choose to love him forever, if you want to.

What you do need to let go of is the attachment to being with him and having him be a part of your life… even if that part is only in your head. 

We believe there are people that come into our lives to teach us things or give us experiences that we need to have. 

When you can accept that a past relationship was simply that, and you are able to release it and move forward, that’s when magic starts to occur.  

Letting go and moving on from someone doesn’t have to take a year OR years!

When you make yourself the victim of someone else’s choices, it robs you of your power and you sacrifice: 

  • Having happiness now
  • Experiencing the relationship of your dreams now
  • Attracting the man that will love you fully and completely for the rest of your life
  • And everything else your heart desires

When you stop allowing someone else to determine whether or not you get to have the relationship of your dreams, you take back your power and you begin to attract men who are right for you now

If you’re ready to let go of your past and move forward into the love you dream about then let go of one hand and join us next Saturday for the Extraordinary Love NOW Masterclass

In three information-packed hours, you’ll learn exactly how to break through the patterns that have been sabotaging your love life and relationships, tap into your Irresistible Essence, and easily attract and keep the love you want NOW, so that you can create the happy, loving relationship with the man who is going to love you for the rest of your life!  

PLUS, this masterclass is being offered to you for FREE! What is there to stop you!

Join us at the Extraordinary Love NOW Masterclass!

We know you aren’t staying stuck on purpose, but without knowing these steps, you are playing trial and error with your heart, causing yourself unnecessary heartache, and we want you to get unstuck now!

This workshop style masterclass will support you getting crystal-clear clarity on what you need to do so that you can start moving forward in your love life and really start attracting the man and relationship of your dreams!!!