She Discovered the “Magic” to Finding Love! Will You?

She Discovered the “Magic” to Finding Love! Will You?

by Gladys Diaz


If you’re getting to the point in your love life where you are feeling like you want to give up on having the love you want, please take a moment to read this!

I just received the most wonderful email from Cecilia, one of the women in our Ready to Love Again Program and I just had to share it with you!

Like you, there were times that Cecilia  wondered when it would finally be her turn to find true love. After having her marriage of 13 years end, followed by a painful breakup to the man she thought was her “The One,” only to discover that he – like the men she had dated throughout her life – was emotionally unavailable, Cecilia heard that all-to-familiar, nagging voice in her head telling her that there must be something “wrong” with her.

Unwilling to give up on her dream of sharing her life with a loving, supportive, emotionally available man, she reached out to us for a “Ready to Love Again” Session and immediately decided to join our Ready to Love Again Program.

In the program she discovered how she had subconsciously been putting all of her focus on a man providing her with the love, protection, and security she was not creating for herself. In other words, she was looking outside of herself for a man to fill her own feelings of unworthiness. And, inside of the belief that she could not have the kind of love she really wanted, she continued to attract men that proved her right – men who would not love, cherish, and make her a priority in their lives.

Through the transformational work we do in the Ready to Love Again program, Cecila was able to break through and release her Love Barriers – her fears, doubts, and limiting beliefs about love. She was willing to do the inner work so that she could finally have the love that she always desired!

“I was putting all my focus on how that other person was going give me the love, protection and security that I was not giving or creating for myself. It didn’t matter how much I said I wanted True Love. I was keeping myself safe and unconsciously attracting those men that were not available. I was asking someone to bring something to me, that I was not giving myself, due to my own fears.

This program has been life-transforming! The most helpful skill I have learned in this process has been to Love My Self deeply, wholeheartedly and openly.  Both Michele and Gladys supported and encouraged with compassion, care, and lots of guidance and understanding. The reflective exercises all aided in my recognizing, tracking, and truly releasing patterns of Fears and Limiting Beliefs about Love and how they get in the way of having all that I want.”

And the willingness to do her inner work has paid off!

Now, Cecilia is dating an amazing man! 

“Since January, I have been dating a wonderful man who continues to inspire, surprise me, and whom I have laughed with the most in my life! The best part is knowing that I am fully myself with him and I’m having so much fun being Me! It’s been so amazing and a little bit like ‘magic’ to find how much we ‘get each other.’”

I wanted to share Cecilia’s story with you, because, if you are in that same space she was in – where you are beginning to wonder if there is something “wrong with you” that is having you continue repeating the same painful patterns with different men, relationship after relationship, and you’re ready to break those patterns and begin to love and be loved, then you need to know that the doors to the Ready to Love Again program are closing soon.

We only offer this program once a year and it has sold out every year, so we have no reason to think it won’t sell out again!

And we don’t want you to miss  out!

There’s simply no reason for you not to have the love you want.

Let’s figure out what’s standing in your way, get it out of the way, and have you begin attracting the man who is going to love, adore, and make you laugh for the rest of your life!

To learn more about how whether the Ready to Love Again Program is a good fit for you, click here.

You are no different than Cecilia!  You deserve the same kind of love and you can have it if you’re ready to do the inner work to move past your Love Barriers and into the arms of a man who is ready to love you for a lifetime!


We want YOU to be our next success story!
Click here to learn more about whether the Ready to Love Again Program is right for you!
I’m a little confused…

I’m a little confused…

by Gladys Diaz

I was looking at my calendar, and I I’m a little confused…

I’m confused because I didn’t see you on my calendar for your Love Breakthrough Session!

I shot a quick video for you about this that I invite you to watch. In it, I point out another possible Love Barrier that may be standing in your way of having the loving relationship you want!

Watch the video and then take your next steps!


I realize you may not be used to someone really standing for you.
Most people in life will give you agreement as to why you can’t have what you truly want.

I’m just not one of them!

Remember: The only thing standing between you and your dream relationship is the fear that you might not get it.  And the only reason you believe that is because you’ve been gathering evidence for that for so long.  It’s time to begin creating a different result!  Here’s how!

It’s time to take a step in the direction of your dreams!

Click here to schedule your Love Breakthrough Session now!

Two Essential Keys to Success in Life and LOVE!

Two Essential Keys to Success in Life and LOVE!

by Gladys Diaz

Last week, I spent three powerful, inspiring, and totally transformational days with my business coach and business buddies at our mastermind, learning how to take our businesses and our lives to entirely new levels.MM-March-Mastermind-2016

 As I sat there, surrounded by some of the most beautiful, successful, and powerful women I know, I was filled with an overwhelming sense of gratitude to be counted among such a exceptional group of women, because I know two things for sure:


The results we produce in our lives are determined by two things:

1. The thoughts we choose to honor and allow into and out of our minds

2. The people with whom we choose to surround ourselves

That’s it!

Your level of success, happiness, and fulfillment are not determined by your past – including your parents, your ex, or the not-so-great choices you’ve made.

It has nothing to do with where you went to school, what you’ve chosen to do as a career, where you choose to live, or what your bank account says.

Your success is entirely created by you, your thoughts, and the company you choose to keep!

 And when I talk about your life being a success, let there be no doubt that I’m also referring to your LOVE LIFE!

Still doubting whether this is true?

Ask yourself these questions, especially if you are not where you want to be in your love life:

When you think about your love life and having the kind of happy, loving relationship, that gives you the experience of loving and being loved every single day of your life, what are your first thoughts?  Are you thoughts positive and encouraging, or do you come up with reasons why you don’t think you’ll ever have that? 

When you think about men, are your first thoughts that they are strong, generous, and only want to see women happy, or do your defenses and judgments immediately go up when you think about how men see and treat you?

When you are with your friends, are you bashing men, talking about how there aren’t any good men left, and spending most of your time talking about dating and relationship horror stories, or are you talking about the kind of man you want to attract and the relationship you are creating together?

When you look at where you are investing your time, money, energy, and attention, does it include working with someone who can help you create new thoughts, habits, and patterns that will have you produce the kinds of results you want in your love life, or do you keep making excuses about how it’s not the right time, you can’t afford it, or finding other reasons to stay stuck where you are, rather than making a commitment to finally breakthrough and claim the love that is already waiting for you?

Now, that you’ve asked yourself those questions, you should be able to see clearly that the results you are producing in your love life are consistent with the thoughts you choose to think, which influence the words you choose to speak to yourself and others, and the company you keep!

I make it a very intentional point to guard the thoughts that enter my mind, the words that leave my mouth, and the people who I allow to contribute to me and my life as a member of my Circle of Influence.

While I strive to be loving to and respectful of everyone, I am clear that I only want to surround myself with people who are as committed to creating a settle-for-nothing-less-than-extraordinary life where they are living the life of their dreams and creating the loving relationships their hearts desire!

If this isn’t what you are seeing in your life, I encourage you to take inventory of the kinds of books, TV shows, videos and audios and events in which you are engaging.

Are they adding positive, inspiring, and uplifting value to your life?

If not, seriously consider making some changes, as all of these things influence both your conscious and subconscious thoughts!

And, when it comes to your friends and the people with which you are spending the most time,

Are they encouraging, reaffirming, and supporting you in creating a happy, loving, fulfilling romantic relationship with an amazing man who will love and cherish you?

If not, again, it’s time to make some life-changing choices and begin surrounding yourself with women who are as committed as you are to transforming themselves and their lives so that they can have the love they truly want.

The great news for you is that we’ve opened the doors to the Ready to Love Again program, and I can tell you that you won’t find a more inspiring, encouraging, and loving group of women with whom to begin your love journey!  In this program, you will have a safe space in which to learn, share, have breakthroughs, and transform your relationship to yourself, men, and relationships!

It’s our signature program, it’s only offered once a year, and we limit the number of women we allow into the program so that we can be sure to offer the level of support and service we know you want and deserve.

So, if you’re ready to make some real changes and get the kinds of results you want in your love life, schedule some time to speak with me and together we’ll see what your love goals are, what may be standing in the way of you creating the kind of relationship you want, and whether or not the Ready to Love Again program is the right fit for you!

We’d love to be part of your Circle of Influence and have you be part of ours!

Seats for the program are already filling fast, and we sold out last year, so don’t allow your negative, limiting thoughts to talk you into putting off scheduling time to talk.

Click here to schedule a quick call now!

Three steps to Breathe New Life Into Your Love Life!

Three steps to Breathe New Life Into Your Love Life!

by Gladys Diaz


I have to say that I love Spring!

I’m back in the office today after a wonderful week off with my 3 guys for Spring Break.  As I’m sitting here, at my desk, there’s a group of birds outside my window serenading me, the grass and trees are a vibrant green, and I can see the beautiful buds about to bloom on the tree outside my office.

It feels as if everything is fresh and new! Sights and sounds in high-def and surround sound, all pointing to new beginnings!
So, I wonder… Is that how you’re feeling about your love life?

Are you feeling the excitement, hope and possibility of new love?


If you’re single, are you excited about the men you are speaking to right now (or are there any)?

If you’re in a relationship, are you feeling a new surge of love and connection with your partner?
Or are things feeling stagnant, boring, and dull in your love life?
Chances are high that if things aren’t feeling alive, vibrant, and new, it’s because you’re in some kind of rut.


Either you’re not attracting the kind of men you’re attracted to and excited by, or you’re not even putting yourself out there because you’re so afraid you’ll get more of the same results you’ve gotten in the past…


Or you’re in a relationship and you’re not igniting the romance and love that you once felt for your guy (Did you know this is something you can actually create on a daily basis?!?)


If your love life is still stuck in the dead of winter and you want to breathe new life into it, here’s a quick exercise you can do:


  1. Think about one thing you’d like to change about your love life or relationship. What is the thing that would make the biggest difference for you right now?
  2. What is the thing (it can be a thought, fear, or action) that keeps getting in the way of you having that in your love life or relationship? (Here’s a warning: If you just thought of something that someone else keeps doing – such as a man or your partner – it’s going to be very difficult for you to create that change. It’s best if you turn the mirror around and look to see what is the thing that you keep noticing that you keep doing or thinking that continues to get in your way.)
  3. Think of one action step you can take this week to help you break that thought or behavior habit. This can be tricky because you may feel like you’ve “already tried that” or that if you knew what it was, you’d be doing it already. Kindly ask the little voice in your head to shush up for a minute or two and think about an action that you can take that either –a. you only tried once and then gave up, orb. you’ve been afraid to try because you’ve been afraid it wouldn’t work

If you need help with identifying your action step, just leave a comment below or send me an email (, and I’ll help you see which one step would help you begin to breathe new life into your love life!


I’d love to see your responses to the 3 questions, so just put them in the comment section of the blog below or send them to me in an email.


I promise you, it doesn’t have to be “hard” or take years to experience love, excitement, and romance in your love life. If you’re committed to turning things around, it can be easy and FUN!
Don’t allow fearful or self-doubting thoughts to convince you that there is nothing you can do to transform your love life. If you really want to see a change, do the exercise.  If you need help or support,  leave a comment below or send me an email and let me know.

You deserve this and it IS possible for you!


Breaking Through Fears: What Happened When I Walk on Fire!

Breaking Through Fears: What Happened When I Walk on Fire!

by Gladys Diaz


Last weekend was one of those weekends where you know that life will never be the same again!


You can see the burning coals behind us!

Michelle and I attended Tony Robbins’ “Unleash the Power Within” event and, on the first evening we had the opportunity to face some of our biggest fears and walk on fire!

It was simultaneously one of the scariest and most exciting moments of my life! And, as it goes with these kinds of moments, some HUGE life lessons were learned, including one I’d like to share with you in the video I shot for you below.


Make sure to watch it. It’s really short and I have two important questions in invite you to ask yourself!

Can’t wait to hear your answers!  Send them to:

P.S. Taking the time to answer these two questions can be the first step to your breakthrough!  Make sure to send your answers!

Love Yourself Fiercely!

Love Yourself Fiercely!

by Gladys Diaz


Today marks the end of the 21-day Self-Love Secret Challenge we’ve been sharing with some of the women in our community. I’m a mushball,  so, any time a course comes to an end, I tend to get a little weepy. I used to hide that side of me – pretending I was tough. Now, what you see is what you get! I’m sentimental, I tear up at the slightest hint of happiness or love. And I love that about me!

It’s been an amazing 21 days shared with equally extraordinary women, and I have to admit that, while Michelle and I were leading the daily challenges, I learned several of my own lessons in self-love over the past few weeks!
For example, I noticed how…

…I sometimes speak negatively to myself when I make a mistake…

…when I’m really busy, there are times when I will sacrifice my self-care…

…when I’m not hitting all of my goals, I tend to compare myself to others…

…when I’m feeling down, I’ll want to hide away from others… especially those who love and want to help me me most…

Thankfully, over the 21 days, there was a Self-Love Challenge that dealt with each of these situations.

One day, we wrote love letters to ourselves…

We spoke words of love and affirmation when we caught ourselves thinking or speaking negatively of ourselves to ourselves or others.

We allowed ourselves to receive love, kindness, gifts, and compliments from those around us…

And each day, for 21 days, we focused on the qualities that make each of us unique, those qualities that bring love and beauty, and life to the world simply because we exist!

(By the way, when was the last time you gave yourself 21 days of pure love?)


Taking this journey along with the women who joined the Self-Love Secret Challenge affirmed for me even further that the self-love IS the secret to attracting and experiencing more love in your life!

When you love yourself fiercely and you acknowledge that who you are is already lovable and already worthy of all the happiness your heart desires, you radiate love and you teach others how to treat and love you!

It’s amazing and miraculous, and you deserve nothing less!

No matter how successful and confident you are, there may be times when you slip into negative self-talk, when a fear is triggered, or self-doubt is sparked.  That doesn’t make you weak.  It just makes you human. It’s in those moments when you want to give yourself and extra dose of self-love.

Do something special for yourself.

Think of a time when you felt a surge of confidence and pride in yourself.

Remind yourself that you are LOVE-ABLE: Able to love and be loved!


So, if today is one of those days when you’re feeling down, like you’re not at your best, or maybe you’re feeling downright unlovable, I invite you to do one of our Self-Love Secret Missions:

  • Set your timer for 1 minute.
  • Take a look in the mirror and look deeply into your own eyes.
  • As you look at yourself, simply say the words, “I love you” aloud, over and over again, until the minute is up.
  • Allow whatever feelings that begin to bubble up to come up.
  • Allow yourself to feel love from the person with whom you will have the longest love affair of your life: YOU!
  • Then let me know what the experience was like for you!  How did you feel during the exercise. Did those feelings change as the time went by?  Were any emotions triggered for you?

And, if you find that your heart is feeling so heavy that you can’t even bring yourself to do the exercise, hit “reply” anyway, and tell me what’s going on.  Let me be there for you!
Allowing others to love you and allowing yourself to receive love is one of the most loving things you can do for yourself!!

Either way, I want to hear from you!  I love seeing your name in my Inbox! 🙂

Comment below or send me an email:
Oh!  And, no matter what, always remember that YOU ARE LOVED!