From Sabotage to Success: How to Believe You Can Have It ALL!

From Sabotage to Success: How to Believe You Can Have It ALL!

by Gladys Diaz

What happens when it all goes to (you know where)?!”

Do you ever have the feeling that something bad is inevitably going to happen, even when things are going great?

Things are going really well…

… but somewhere in the back of your mind there’s a little voice that’s saying, “Is this too good to be true?” 

If that ever happens to you – listen up. 

You have a fear or a limiting belief that when things are good, eventually they’re going to fall apart or go wrong. 

Sound familiar? 

We see this all the time with our clients  – and we’ve experienced it many times ourselves! 

You’re just about to have your breakthrough – and you’ll self-sabotage. 

Or things are going better than ever, in your job, your relationship, financially – and then you start to doubt and it all falls apart.

Here’s the thing… 

If you find yourself feeling uncertain, confused or like you don’t know what to do, there’s one thing that’s happening under all of it. 

You’re having a worthiness conversation. 

You’re wondering…

“Can I really have this?”

“Can I trust myself to be able to create this?”

“Can I actually handle all of this goodness?!”

At some point you created a belief that has you believe you can’t actually have the things you want. 

If you ever worry that you’ll have to “settle”… 

Then you don’t actually believe you can have exactly what you want. 

If you worry that even if you do meet him, it won’t last… 

Then deep down you don’t believe you can have and keep the relationship that you want. 

 So how do you shift these sabotaging thought patterns?

 Ask yourself these three questions: 

  1. What am I afraid of? 
  2. What created that belief? 
  3. Where did the belief come from? 

The first step to dismantling a belief that’s not serving you is to uncover what your current beliefs are. 

Once you understand what the belief is and where it came from, then you can begin to do the HeartWork to break apart the belief and dismantle it in order to create a new belief. 

And not just an affirmation or nice idea… 

We mean NEW neural pathways in your brain that actually transform the belief in the cells of your body so you begin to attract and manifest exactly what you want – and know that you can have it! 

This is exactly what we do at the Extraordinary Love Intensive, which is coming up in February 2024!

3 full days of shifting these dysfunctional patterns so that you can create everything you want NOW! 

The event is life-changing because I promise you, if this is impacting your love life, it’s impacting other areas, finances, career, family relationships, too. 

If you want to start your New Year empowered to create everything you want (and more!) then click below to claim your ticket for the Extraordinary Love Intensive!

YES! I Want to Create Extraordinary Love in 2024! 

Every single moment of every single day is an opportunity to have a breakthrough and transform an area of your life. 


The Key to Love, Confidence and Empowerment!

The Key to Love, Confidence and Empowerment!

by Michelle Roza

What’s the key to true love?

Many women think it lies in finding the right person or having a perfected list of qualities you’re looking for in a partner.

Some think it’s about where or how you meet the person,  while others think the key is in “divine timing.”

What we’ve found from working with women of every age, from many countries, and all backgrounds is that there is one thing that truly separates the women that create the loving, intimate, long term relationship they desire and those who don’t.

The key to creating true love with another person is creating true love within yourself first.

That’s why we created the Radiant and Ready for Love Bundle! The course begins TODAY, so now is your LAST chance to claim this before it’s gone for good!

Click HERE for the Radiant and Ready for Love Bundle!

Now, we’re not talking about self-care, though we do encourage doing all the things that fill you up and nourish your soul.

Self-love is deeper.

Self-love is about the relationship you have with yourself.

Real Self-Love is:

  • The things you say about and to yourself
  • Feeling comfortable with the most intimate parts of who you are
  • The beliefs you hold about yourself
  • The way you trust who you are and how you feel
  • Loving and accepting every part of you, even the parts of you you’re afraid others may not like
  • Bringing forgiveness and acceptance to your past.

True self-love creates confidence, trust and the ability to create the things you most deeply desire.  

This is important whether you’re single, in a relationship, or in a relationship that isn’t everything you hoped it would be.

The relationship you have with yourself will be reflected in the relationships you create with other people.

We know that knowing exactly what to do and how to do it  brings incredible amounts of confidence,  joy, and empowerment, because the relationship you have with yourself is the ONE thing you have total control over.

Everything starts with you.

And that’s GREAT news!

When I was in the midst of my own journey to self-love, everything in my life looked perfect on the outside.

I had the job, I had great kids, I traveled with my girlfriends, and I was dating a lot — though none of those dating experiences ever went very far.

Men would always tell me that I had an amazing life and was an amazing woman, but that they knew they just couldn’t give me what I wanted.

I felt so confused and wondered why –

If my life was so awesome, how could I still come home at night and feel so miserable and lonely and alone?

Once I did the HeartWork I realized that all I wanted was someone to validate that I was lovable, when what I really needed was to create that love inside myself first.

Recognizing that belief, uncovering where it came from, and creating something different within myself was such a transformative experience that it’s literally why we started doing the work that we do.

We want every single woman to create the love and relationship that she deserves and desires, and we want it for you RIGHT NOW!

That’s why Gladys and I put together this insane Black Friday bundle AND why we extended the sale through TODAY (goes away FOR GOOD at midnight EST)!

Imagine breaking through the things that are blocking you from creating new love and creating the opening to call in the relationship of your dreams NOW.

When women work with us they create new jobs, receive promotions, manifest new homes, and create the relationship of their dreams — and you’re getting the opportunity to work with us for just $87!

If you’re ready to create a deeply loving, profound, and powerful relationship with yourself that will have you create the life and love you really want, then grab the Radiant and Ready for Love Bundle before it goes away TODAY!

The Radiant YOU 21 Day program begins TODAYso now is your last chance!


When you dive into all this bundle includes you’ll have exactly what you need to create everything your heart desires!


Unlock Your Irresistible Potential: 3 Steps to Manifest Your Heart’s Desires Today!

Unlock Your Irresistible Potential: 3 Steps to Manifest Your Heart’s Desires Today!

by Michelle Roza

What were the goals you set in January?

Where did you want to be in your life?

We’ve entered the final three months of the year – Woah what?!

When you hear that… Do you feel confronted? Triggered? Excited? Ready?

Last weekend was our Irresistible Woman LIVE event and it was incredible. What a powerful week we spent with strong, empowered women with a desire to be irresistible!

Is that a desire you have?

If you answered yes, then how do you stop putting off the dreams that you have? 

How do you not make the same mistakes you’ve made in the past? 

How do you stop thinking about how much time you’ve wasted and move forward to create the life, including the relationship, of your dreams now?

Three Steps to Becoming the Irresistible Woman Who Can Create Everything Her Heart Desires NOW

1) Skills – Learn How to Rise Above Our Human Emotional Moments

You may or may not know that over the past month our mother has been in the hospital. There’s been moments when she seems to be doing better and moments when she doesn’t seem to know who we (her twin daughters) are – and it’s continuing to be a day-by-day process. 

The experience has been exhausting, sad, and heartbreaking.

You better believe there’ve been moments when I’ve wished I could go crawl into a bed and not think about any of this anymore – because I’m human…

Just like you. 

People have asked how Gladys and I have been able to continue running our business, taking care of our families and everything else on top of this ongoing struggle and the answer, in addition to our incredible partners, is our vision and mindset.  

This is one of the reasons we do what we do.

So we can support other women and teach them how to live through all of the ups and downs of life with the emotional skills to rise above them. 

2) Vision – Have the Courage to Believe and Declare You Can Have it NOW

Sometimes when we have a big goal we continue to feel like the little girl in the pool with floaties on. We hang on to what we have always done or known in the past and it gives us a false sense of safety or security.

But nothing extraordinary ever came from staying safe!

In order to create the big goals you have for your life you must declare it!

Admit what you want! 

Be free to say it out loud so you will attract the life, adventure and love you desire!

Own what you want, believe you can have it, and declare it boldly through your words and actions!

3) Commitment – Do Whatever it Takes 

The difference between wanting something and being committed is going all in and finding a way – no matter what. 

Want to know the #1 thing that makes the biggest difference when you’re working towards any dream or goal, and striving to rise above your human moments? 

Consistent guided support and coaching.

You don’t know what you don’t know, so having someone there who knows exactly how to create your heart’s desires telling you exactly what you need to do next makes all the difference in the world!

Having someone there when you hit a wall of disappointment, resistance or fear to pick you up and give you your very next best step – that’s what’s going to have you create the relationship of your dreams!

If you haven’t had a call with one of our Love Breakthrough Coaches yet – click here to schedule a call now!

Our coaches are there for this very purpose – to give you your next best step and support you in taking action towards the extraordinary love that you dream of! They know the HeartWork inside and out and they’re here so you can move forward!

Give yourself this gift and know that you’re on your way.

 What’s your vision? 

Who do you want to be known as? 

What’s your love legacy?

We all get to rise above and we get to do it together.  

Let us support you by clicking HERE to book a Love Breakthrough Call! 


Respect and Romance: Your Guide to Attracting High-Quality Men

Respect and Romance: Your Guide to Attracting High-Quality Men

by Gladys Diaz

We know that as you date in your desire to create an extraordinary relationship, the pursuit of a genuine connection with a high-quality and respectful man is important! 

If you’re having the experience that every single man you date wants to get physical right out the gate, pushes you to more than you’re comfortable with or doesn’t respect your boundaries it can cause you to not enjoy dating very much and start to believe that men only want something from you. 

While the dating experience may seem challenging at times, there are effective strategies that can empower you to attract the kind of men who align with your values, aspirations, and dreams.

Here’s the truth – a high-quality man will still want to sleep with you. 

But as you respect the boundaries you place for yourself, he’ll honor them as well. 

In this blog, we’ll delve into actionable steps you can utilize to make dating more fun and successful. By clearing any fears and thoughts that may be running in the background, deciding on your own boundaries and communicating them clearly, you’ll attract the type of high-quality men you’re looking for and enjoy getting to know them through dating.

  • Clear the Fears, Limiting Beliefs, and Thoughts that May Be Running in the Background. 

If you have any fears or limiting beliefs about men only wanting sex, wanting to take something from you, or anything similar you need to clear them out through the HeartWork or you will continue to attract exactly what you’re afraid of. 

Shifting your mindset has the power to transform your dating experiences. 

As you approach dating with an open heart, maintaining an optimistic outlook even if you meet men here and there that aren’t a match for your values, you’ll be able to view each interaction as an opportunity for growth. 

  • Audit Your Online Profile

Look at your online profile and make sure there’s nothing that suggests you’re looking for anything other than a committed, monogamous relationship. 

Sometimes in your desire to look attractive to men, especially if there’s any of the above mentioned fears or beliefs running in the background, you may include things on your profile that suggest something other than what you really want. 

  • Set Your Boundaries

To attract respectful men, it’s imperative to set clear standards and boundaries for yourself. Instead of trying to conform to outside ideas or attempting to fit into a mold, embrace your true self. 

Remember – your boundaries are for you. Boundaries aren’t for others to follow. You’re the one that gets to stand inside the line. 

What causes a lot of heartache and confusion is when you decide to move the line because you’re feeling such a great connection or you think “maybe just this once” and then get frustrated and angry when a man wants to get physical every time he sees you. 

Know your worth, what’s important to you and set your boundaries accordingly. Then stick to them no matter what. You can only expect men to respect your boundaries to the point that you do. 

  • Communicate Clearly  

Communicate your boundaries and expectations early on. Respectful men will demonstrate their willingness to invest in a relationship built on mutual respect and understanding. 

Whether it’s communication preferences, personal values, or emotional needs, articulate your boundaries with confidence and grace.

And remember – he doesn’t have to share your values to be a high-quality man. Some men (and some women) are okay with having sex on the first date – it’s not what we coach because we know it creates emotional attachment inside the woman too soon – however, it’s a preference

If you state your boundary clearly and he doesn’t feel the same, be respectful and move on. I love cheese and my husband won’t eat it on anything except pizza. We’re all different and that’s okay. 

As you clear out any fears and limiting beliefs that may be blocking you, you’ll attract high-quality and respectful men who will honor and respect your boundaries. 

By embracing your authenticity, defining your own boundaries, and communicating clearly, you’ll create meaningful connections with men who will cherish and respect you for who you truly are. 


Don’t Hit Pause on Love:The Power of Commitment and Momentum in Dating

Don’t Hit Pause on Love:The Power of Commitment and Momentum in Dating

by Gladys Diaz

Have you ever felt frustrated with dating?

We’re going to guess the answer is a resounding yes because if you’re like most of our clients, the process of dating isn’t always easy. 

You probably have a demanding career, a bustling social life and family responsibilities and you may have had the thought that “taking a break” from dating seemed like a tempting respite. 

Perhaps you’ve thought:

“I simply can’t do this anymore.”

“Why is this so hard – this must not be God’s plan for me!”

“I’m not willing to put myself through this again!”

“Maybe I should pause and focus on healing myself first.”

The allure of focusing solely on personal growth and independence can be strong, but is stepping away from the dating scene truly the best course of action? 

There are many reasons why pausing isn’t the answer. 

Continue reading for why you might want to reconsider taking a break from dating and what to do instead to embrace the journey of finding love.

What’s underneath the desire to pause? 

When you really think about it, are you wanting to put a stop to creating the relationship of your dreams? 

No! Of course you want to create the loving, kind companionship with the extraordinary man you dream of! 

The truth, is that you’re wanting to pause the frustration, the pain, the yearning, and the feeling that it may never happen for you or that it’s taking too long.

And if you’re not attracting the type of men and dating experiences you desire…

You don’t have the necessary skills to succeed at dating or you have fears, limiting beliefs and things that need to be healed…

The desire to take a break can be even stronger. 

I remember when I was in the process of dating and it got to the point where I thought, “I can’t do this anymore!” I was so frustrated with not understanding why I was creating so much success in my career, as a mother and in all my other relationships but I couldn’t get a man to want to be with me. 

It wasn’t that I wanted to put away the possibility of being loved. But I did wish I could stop experiencing the pain and heartache that came from not being able to create what I wanted or be loved the way I yearned to be loved. 

We focus our attention on the things we’re good at because we don’t want to experience discomfort. 

The thing is, it’s not in the pause, but in the stretch that we grow!

So what have you been choosing as comfortable when you choose to pause? What is really underneath the desire to take a break? 

If you can connect with what you’re choosing instead, that is where the breakthrough lies! 

Choosing Commitment over Comfort

When you take a pause from dating, you’re choosing comfort over commitment and actually works against you!

Taking a break causes more frustration, more yearning, isn’t healthy for your self-esteem and simply delays you being in the love that you want. 

When you take a pause you’re literally training yourself to:

  • Procrastinate
  • Put off your desires
  • Not rise above your limiting thoughts and behavior
  • Believe the lies
  • And stay stuck! 

When you’re in the pause – what’s growing are your limiting beliefs, fears and doubts. The longer you pause, the longer you stay stuck and the more power you give to the very thing you don’t want! 

Taking a break from dating could also inadvertently lead to emotional withdrawal and guardedness. It’s essential to keep an open heart and remain receptive to the possibility of love. By staying in the dating scene, you increase your chances of finding that special someone who resonates with your values and aspirations 

The truth is that you can have everything you want! 

If you want to experience extraordinary results in love, life, spirituality, finances – you can!! 

PLUS – You can heal AND date simultaneously!

Dating provides an opportunity to reassess and refine your expectations. While taking a break might offer temporary relief from romantic disappointments, it could also cement unrealistic ideals. Engaging in relationships allows you to confront your expectations, evolve, and cultivate a more balanced perspective on love and companionship.

As you keep shifting and transforming, you rise into the woman who will create the relationship of your dreams!

Nothing happens until you commit to it! 

When you continue to date while you rise, you stay in the commitment, you witness the changes that occur as you heal, stretch yourself beyond your comfort zone, and your results will be a reflection!  

By taking action every single day toward your goal you create momentum. And that momentum is what provides the breakthroughs you need to create the relationship you dream of! 

The Next Step If You’re Committed to Creating Love NOW!

If you’re committed to creating the love of your life this year and you’re ready to become the woman who will keep her heart in the game and stay committed every single day – then you get to join us for this year’s Irresistible Woman LIVE! 

This 3-day event coming up in September is your opportunity to break through what’s in your way when it comes to love and relationships, learn how to unlock your Irresistible Essence and gain the skills to create success in love now. 

You won’t be the same person when you leave this event!

What you’re going to learn, see and experience in that (virtual) room is something you don’t want to miss!  

 Click HERE to claim your ticket the Irresistible Woman LIVE!

The fact is – How quickly you create the relationship of your dreams depends on how quickly you take your foot off the brake and get out of the gap that’s not working.

It’s up to you – and we want to see you there! 

Remember, while taking a break from dating might seem like a tempting escape, it’s important to consider the benefits of staying in the game. 

The journey of finding love is not just about the destination; it’s about the valuable experiences, personal growth, and lessons learned along the way. By embracing the challenges, rejections, and triumphs that come with dating, you position yourself for a more fulfilling and enriched romantic life. 

Rather than stepping away and keeping yourself stuck, consider committing even deeper to the relationship of your dreams and join us the Irresistible Woman LIVE.


How to Create Real Love Now! (No Matter Your Age)

How to Create Real Love Now! (No Matter Your Age)

by Gladys Diaz

Are you ready to create the lasting loving relationship that you dream of? 

Whether you’re in your 20’s, 30’s, 50’s or 70’s – you can create love NOW!

In our 30 years of relationship coaching, we’ve heard it all when it comes to why women think and feel they can’t find love. 

  • “I don’t know if now’s the right time for me to focus on love.” 
  • “I’m too old. If love was meant for me it would have happened by now.” 
  • “I’m not ready! There’s so much more of life I want to experience before I settle down and create a relationship.” 
  • “I need to get my own life together first before anyone would want to be a part of it.” 
  • “I’ve been waiting so long. Love must simply not be in the cards for me!” 

Let me ask you – when would there ever be a time when you shouldn’t love and be loved? 

Here’s the truth – There is no deck of cards where love isn’t in the cards for you! It is 100% possible to meet and fall madly in love with someone at any age and at any time.

In the ever-changing circumstances of life, one thing remains constant…

The desire to find love. While sometimes it may feel like you don’t know how it will ever be possible for you, the key to creating love at any age lies in being clear on what you want, breaking through the fears and limiting beliefs keeping you from it, and being open to love finding you at any time! 

Love is not restricted by age or societal norms. It’s possible to meet and fall madly in love with someone at any age!

1. Be Crystal Clear About What You Want

Creating the Relationship of Your Dreams begins with knowing what you truly want to experience inside that relationship. This begins with knowing your unique individuality and embracing who you are and what you truly want.

Understand your strengths and weaknesses and celebrate the person you are! Cultivate self-love and self-compassion because these things will support you in attracting the relationship that’s right for you! 

Take time to date men and really get to know them! Let go of desperation, fear and scarcity by being committed to creating what you really want. 

2. Break Through and Release the Fears and Limiting Beliefs That Are Keeping You Stuck in Love

Throughout life, you accumulate experiences, some of which may have left emotional wounds and bruises. These scars create the thoughts that fuel your limiting beliefs, fears and dysfunctional patterns in love. 

The secret to finding love lies in letting go of this past baggage! 

Dismantling and replacing these limiting beliefs, fears and dysfunctional patterns are what allow you to heal from past heartbreaks and disappointments, which is essential to make room for new love to flourish! 

Ask yourself, “What am I afraid is or is not going to happen if I love freely?

Getting clear on this question and healing yourself of past wounds is what will allow yourself to be vulnerable again which is the gateway to meaningful connections.

3. Be Open to Love Finding You at Any Time

Creating true love is not confined to a specific age or stage of life. 

Life is dynamic, and love can find you unexpectedly and in the most unexpected places! 

It can also happen fast! 

Embrace change, be open to new experiences and believe that love can happen for you now

Trust in the process, and know that when you know what you want and are committed to creating it – you can (and will) manifest it no matter your age or circumstances!

If you’re tired of living alone and want to be with the man of your dreams inside the relationship you’ve always imagined then you simply must join us for this year’s Irresistible Woman LIVE!  

During this 3-day event we’ll take a wrecking ball to the things that are getting in the way of you having the love that you want, you’ll get 100% crystal clear on what you want to experience in love, and walk away with the tools and support to create it!

Plus – right now (and for a limited time) you can grab a ticket to the Irresistible Woman LIVE along with some incredible bonuses inside the Irresistible Bundle! 

Here’s what you get inside the bundle:

💜 Ticket to the Irresistible Woman LIVE 3-Day Live Virtual Event – September 29th-October 1st, 2023 ($500 Value)

💜 Irresistible Woman Prep for Love Call ($200 Value) 

💜 Attract the RIGHT Man Masterclass Recording ($300 Value)

After you grab your ticket, be ready to have a breakthrough and transform your life!

Click HERE to claim your Irresistible Bundle Now! 

We have sooooo many stories of women who have come to any event and within 3-6 months have met the man they’re going to marry!

Take Elena for example… 

Elena came to an event of ours when she was 66 years old after a 20-year hiatus from dating! She didn’t know if love was still available to her at her age – but the truth was that she deeply desired to experience the joys of loving and being loved deeply. 

Days after the event she met the man she’s now married to! 

Within months they were engaged and now are about to celebrate their 2-year wedding anniversary!

This is what she shared about working with us at the event she attended: 

I would have kept repeating the same results of all my past relationships if they hadn’t lovingly helped me break down and through all my fears, limiting beliefs, dysfunctional patterns and ways of being. These love barriers were deeply ingrained after about 45 years of dating and heartbreaks. I was never married, 66 year old when I met my husband 9 days after the Love Breakthrough  Challenge and was married to him 9 months later. 

If any of you are having doubts about this being possible for you, I am here to tell you to trust and believe that it is. And jump into any program and coaching the Love Twins offer. Miracles do happen!”

In the pursuit of love embracing vulnerability and courage will lead you to profound connections and lasting joy. 

Embrace the secret to finding love at any age by getting clear on what you want, breaking through the fears and limiting beliefs keeping you from creating it, and be open to love finding you at any time!

As you do these things, you may find yourself on a path of love that transcends the limits of time.

Take this opportunity for yourself to overcome the fears that are holding you back in love and relationships and claim your Irresistible Love Bundle now!