How To Be Absolutely Irresistible To A Man.

How To Be Absolutely Irresistible To A Man.

by Gladys Diaz 

Do you know that girl that just seems to get all the guys? 

You know… that girlfriend that always seems to get people’s attention… no matter where she is?? 

What is it about her? 

What if we told you the secret to turning a man on? 

What if we gave you the tools that would have men not just BE attracted to you, but STAY attracted to you. 

What if we told you exactly how to have men ask you out on the spot? 

Keep reading, because what we’re about to share with you has had men turn around their cars around and PARK, or leave their seat in a restaurant  to ask a girl out in the parking lot! (True stories!).

See, there’s a limiting belief many women have that men only want one thing. (I’m sure you can guess what that one thing is.) 

But, guess what?! It’s not true!

Research shows that there is something that men want, something they notice right away in a woman, before they ever speak to her, and that is if she looks like she feels happy and confident. 

Men notice and are attracted to a woman’s eyes and her smile before anything else.. 


A woman’s’ eyes reveal whether or not she feels confident. 

Are you able to see a man you find attractive and make eye contact with him? 

Are you able to then hold that contact? 

If so, a man knows you are confident. 

A woman’s smile let’s a man know how she feels. Is she happy? Does she look like she can create her own happiness, and is she enjoying her life? 

Those two things are what turns a man on and makes him not only notice you, but want to do something about it. 

And, for those of you already in relationships, trust us when we tell you that your eyes and your smile STILL turn your boyfriend or husband on.

Doubt us? Try it! Smile at him and hold eye contact for 3-5 seconds as you do.  Then let us know how he responds! 😉

So what are the ways of BEing you can cultivate inside yourself so that your eyes shine with confidence and your smile radiates happiness? 

We call them the Irresistible Essences — your innate power to create that magical spark that naturally draws men (and everyone else, for that matter) to you. 

We use the word MAGICAL to help you remember what they are:

M – Mesmerizing

A – Authentic

G – Gracious

I – Inspiring

C – Confident 

A – Alluring

L – Love-able

Let’s dive in a bit deeper, shall we? 

BEing Mesmerizing looks like captivating a man’s attention and drawing him into you through your Way of BEing. It’s like casting a spell that has men notice and be  drawn to you. 

BEing Authentic means being YOURSELF. It’s knowing that you’re more than enough and showing up that way. Remember: He can’t fall (or stay) in love with you if you’re not even there! 

BEing Gracious is allowing yourself to receive and giving him the gift of being able to give to you. Some women really struggle with this one, because they’re so used to doing for themselves. It’s important to point out that receiving is NOT about being entitled or not being able to take care of yourself. It’s about graciously accepting that he’s invited you out and receiving that with grace and gratitude.. 

So, allow him to pay. Accept his compliments. And offer gratitude in return.  Let him know how much you appreciated the dinner, his company, and the date. 

BEing Inspiring means being a breath of happiness, love and fun. No one wants to swim in a pool of upset. So instead of making him feel obligated to be with you or required to do anything, inspire him to show up for you by the way you are when you’re around him.

BEing Confident looks like doing your own thing and creating your own happiness. It’s knowing that you’re enough without feeling as if you have to “prove” it. Remember: This is the #1 most attractive thing to a man. 

BEing Alluring is also a Way of BEing. It means being radiant, authentic, drawing people to you simply by being the amazing woman you are. 

BEing Love-Able means knowing deep down, for real, that you are both able to love and be loved by another. It looks like knowing you don’t have to withhold love or be afraid to receive it. 

So there you have it! The 7 ways of BEing, the Irresistible Essences, that turn a man on and attract him to want to get to know you and then want to stay with you!

If you want to dive into this even further so that you can create the relationship of your dreams NOW, then you will want to join us for our 2020 Love Vision Event, happening in just a few weeks!

Click here to learn more.

At this event, we’ll be helping you to complete 2019 and step powerfully into 2020 with a crystal-clear vision for love that your heart desires deeply and the exact steps and tools you’ll need to create and experience it in 2020! There are limited spots at this event and they are already filling up, so make sure to claim your spot now. 

Remember:  It’s not just about getting a man to ask you out. It’s about BEing the irresistible woman that he decides he can’t live without. That’s when all your dreams will become a reality!

Are You Ready To Trust?

Are You Ready To Trust?

by Gladys Diaz 

Do you feel like your intuition is broken? 

Do you feel like you don’t know what’s best, or how to make the right decisions? 

Do you feel like you can’t trust men? Your friends? Yourself?

That last one’s important, because… if you can’t trust yourself, how are you ever going to be able to trust anyone else? 

The other day I was talking to a woman, and, as we were talking, the issue of trust just kept coming up. Finally, I asked, “How many times have you experienced someone cheating on you?” Her answer shocked me for someone for her age. It was over 5 times! As we continued talking, we discovered that the issue of infidelity was something that had been in her family for years. – Of course she has a hard time trusting men!

As women, our biggest need is to feel safe. How can we feel safe with others when we feel we can’t trust the person we’re with? 

I was there, too. Because of the alcohol abuse, abandonment, and pretending that I engaged in during in my childhood to hide what was going on in our home from everyone around me, I had trouble trusting people. My thought was, “If I can’t trust my own mother, how am I ever going to trust anyone else, or even myself

Because of that limiting belief, I wasn’t making the best decisions about who I was allowing into my life, and I kept attracting the wrong guys. I was dating terrible men – mean men who didn’t love, honor, or respect me. 

When I started to do my HeartWork, I forgave my mom, my ex-boyfriends, and myself for the choices we had all made. Not long after that, I met Ric. He was so authentic! His honesty was something I found super-attractive. I took my time getting to know him, saw that I could trust myself to choose a good man, and the rest is history! How grateful I am that I learned how to trust??? Very!

Here’s the thing… if you’re feeling like you don’t trust others – especially men – then y consider that you don’t trust yourself.

So…How do you shift that? 

Here’s the formula that Michelle and I use with our clients to help them know whether it’s their intuition that’s guiding them or if it’s their fears, limiting beliefs, and superstitions doing the talking

It’s simple. 

If it’s your intuition, then there is evidence of it around you. 

If it’s your fears, limiting beliefs, and superstitions then you’re making up the evidence.

What if you can’t tell the difference?

Give yourself some space. Detach from the situation a little bit so that you can see what’s actually happening and what’s not happening.

Take a look and see if maybe you’re making something up that’s not actually happening in reality?

Is a memory being triggered?

Are you choosing to ignore something that is happening?

Are you crossing and not honoring your own boundaries for someone else? 

When you take a step back and look at it with new eyes, I promise you you’ll be able to hear what your intuition is telling you!

And then you get to trust it and yourself to make the choice that’s right for you! 

If you’re having a lot of trouble trusting others and don’t know where to start, start by forgiving yourself for the choices you’ve made in the past and give yourself permission to move on! Because the time is now. 

There are 88 days left in 2019.


Are you living the Love Resolution you made at the beginning of the year?

Are you where you want to be on December 31st, or is there a gap? 

If you’re not there yet, the good news is that THERE ARE STILL 88 days to create a real shift!

We have a client who just got a promise ring from her man, and another that is getting married next week! There is still time for YOU to create the love of your dreams in 2019. 

If you’re not sure where to start, click here to schedule a complimentary call with us about The Ready to Love Again Program, a 12-month coaching program for single women who want to attract the right man and create the relationship of their dreams (enrollment closes October 8th, so don’t wait!):

Trust yourself and book a Love Breakthrough Session here! 

Just a quick note: the only way to reserve a spot in the program is to chat with us, so that together, we can determine whether it’s a good fit for you, right now.

You get to create that love for yourself and what better time than right now?

Love Hack: How to Get More Time and Attention From Your Man!

Love Hack: How to Get More Time and Attention From Your Man!

by Gladys Diaz

Quick question:

Do you find yourself thinking about how your man isn’t giving you the time and attention you want – whether it’s someone you’re dating, your boyfriend, or your husband?

Even worse… Do you allow those thoughts to pop out of your mouth in the form of statements like:

“We never spend any quality time together?”

“You have time for everyone and everything else, except me!”

“Why don’t you want to spend time with me anymore?”


While it may seem as if you are simply “being honest” or “sharing your feelings,” the truth is that there are a few words that describe those kinds of statements: nagging, complaining, and criticizing.


Now, before you scroll down to write a comment to tell me off or give me all the reasons why this IS how you feel, hear me out.

I get that you want to spend more time with him. Chances are that, when you see him spending less time with you, it triggers some fears and doubts in you about how he really feels about you.  In fact, you may even have asked him how he feels about you (something I’ll cover in another post!). 

I really do hear you. 

However, consider that those statements, while they may be said with underlying valid feelings and desires, they don’t communicate the real feelings and thoughts underneath the complaints.  Instead, they communicate:

“You’re wrong.”

“I’m needy.”

“It’s your responsibility to make me happy.”


So, how can you say what you feel WITHOUT nagging, complaining, or pushing your guy away?

Say some simple and clear messages such as:

“I miss you.”

“I feel lonely.”

“I love spending time with you.”


I know… Those are pretty vulnerable statements and it’s scary to be vulnerable, especially if you’re questioning how he feels about you.

However, if you close your eyes, take a deep breath, and breathe deep into your heart for just a minute, you’ll see the truth in them: This is how you really feel.

What’s even better, if you share your feelings with him this way, he’ll actually be able to hear you!

And that’s what you really want, right?


See, the truth is that there isn’t a man on this planet who has EVER been inspired by nagging, criticism, or complaining. 

These statements are simply not inspiring or motivating. In fact, you’ve probably noticed that they have the opposite effect, making him pull further away from you, and they don’t really do much to change the situations… Which has you bring it up again, and again, and again, with NO different results.

If this has been your experience, we’d like to invite you to try something different!

The next time you’re feeling as if your guy isn’t spending enough time with you, and you’re tempted to complain about it, I invite you to say something like:

“I miss you.”

“I’d love to spend time together.”

“I can’t wait to have some time alone.” 

These statements are A LOT more inspiring, they let him know how you are feeling, and they will allow him to hear you

Oh! And don’t be surprised if he begins spending more time with you!


If you’re feeling like you’re not getting the time and attention you want from your man and you’d like support and guidance on how to turn things around, we’ve opened up some time in our calendars for you to schedule a Love Breakthrough Session with one of us.

On this call, we’ll help you see what is getting in the way of you having the kind of experience you want to have in dating or your relationship, and we’ll create a step-by-step plan for you to follow so that you being to experience the love and happiness your heart desires!

CLICK HERE to schedule your Love Breakthrough Session!

Love, dating, and relationships do NOT have to be hard.  They are easy when you know exactly what to do and say to get the results you want without having to force, nag, or “get him” to do what you want!  Let us help you!

Schedule a Love Breakthrough Session and get the love you want!



How to Create a TRUE TRANSFORMATION in Your Love Life!

by Gladys Diaz

It’s been over three weeks since The Irresistible Woman LIVE Event took place and there is still not a single day that goes by that Michelle and I do not receive an email, a text message, or a post in our Facebook group of someone sharing a new breakthrough, miracle, or manifestation that has occurred in her life as a result of having attended the event!

Here’s the fascinating thing.  The event was only three days long, yet women are sharing life-altering changes.  For example (and I am using intitials because these breakthroughs were shared in a private group:

  • C has experienced major breakthroughs in the ares of finances, her improv acting experiences, and in the attention she is receiving from a really high-quality man!


  • D is experiencing a whole new level of fulfillment in her relationship with her amazing boyfriend (who she met while participating in our Ready to Love Again Program!), in her career, and in her relationships with others.  In fact, her friends and family are commenting on how happy and full of life and love she is!


  • Z. is finally pain-free after dealing with excruciating and chronic back and shoulder pain that doctors had been unable to diagnose and treat for over 2 years!  And she had a wonderful trip with her family where she felt able to trust her husband and watched as he truly stepped up and made her feel safe, secure, and worry-free, in spite of some very unexpected and sometimes difficult situations they faced during the trip.
  • P. and her husband are completely falling in love with one another again.  There is more love, communication and romance in their marriage (they even had a wonderful date night the other night!)
  • L. had a fantastic first date with a wonderful man is excited about dating again!
  • Y. was able to confidently and respectfully walk away from a dating experience that made her feel uncomfortable and did not match the experience she wants to have in a relationship.

So, what is it that allows this kind of shift to take place after an event that was only a few days long?

It’s the process we take women through in our events and programs that have them move from “receiving information” to “Creating Transformation.”

See, there is an overwhelming amount of information out there.  You know there is.

You’ve read the books.

You’ve listened to the podcasts.

You’ve watched the videos.

You’ve even taken courses.


But, despite all of this information, you still feel stuck and continue repeating old patterns that keep you in a cycle of heartache.

You still can’t let go of your ex and move forward.

You still keep attracting the wrong kind of man into your life.

You still continue arguing with your partner about the same things.

You still feel frustrated and stuck and, at times, hopeless.

If all it took to create a real and permanent shift was information, or even having a powerful insight, you would have already made the changes you know you need to make.

However, it takes more than good information or content, or even a really powerful “a-ha” moment to take what you are learning and seeing about yourself and create a truly permanent change.

In our work, we help you not only distinguish and work through the fears, doubts, and limiting beliefs that are creating dysfunctional patterns in your life and love life. We also teach you how to replace those Love Barriers with new and empowering thoughts, actions, and attitudes that allow you to create permanent, life-altering transformation in your life!

If you’re ready to learn more about this, check out the quick video I shot for you on Friday and then hit “reply” to this email and answer the 2 questions I ask you at the end of the video.  

I will personally be reading and responding to each of the emails and I will be opening up a few spots on my calendar specifically to help you create your own Love Breakthrough Action Plan on a Love Breakthrough Session.




Obviously, there are not enough slots in my calendar to speak personally to all of the thousands of women who will be reading this email.  However, I know that the truly committed women will watch the video, reply to this email, and be open to receiving your next best steps to create a true transformation in your love life.


If that is YOU, and you are READY to create true and permanent change in your life, and you are ready to do what it takes to make the necessary changes to create your own personal transformation, then all you have to do is:

  1. Watch the video.
  2. Click reply and answer the 2 questions I ask at the end of the video.
  3. Get ready to create a TRUE TRANSFORMATION in your love life!



Creating a true and permanent transformation does not have to be “hard.” It can be easy and effortless when you know exactly what steps you need to take and you have guidance from someone who can help you create the results you want. Let’s do this together!  

Watch the video know and reply to send me your responses!  

I can’t wait to read them and write back to you! 







Creating a true and permanent transformation does not have to be “hard.” It can be easy and effortless when you know exactly what steps you need to take and you have guidance from someone who can help you create the results you want. Let’s do this together!  


Watch the video know and reply to send me your responses!  

I can’t wait to read them and write back to you! 


Are You Giving Off “Relationship Kryptonite”?

Are You Giving Off “Relationship Kryptonite”?

by Gladys Diaz

There’s a real problem affecting women – especially smart, successful women like you – and it pushes good men away.

See, there’s something that many powerful women don’t realize that they are doing to self-sabotage their relationships.  And the energy being given off by doing this is like “relationship kryptonite”!

What is it?

It’s leaking masculine energy in the form of control!

Now, before you bounce off the page or get triggered, let me explain, because, if you’re not in a happy, intimate relationship right now, and you knew you could learn what you can stop doing to sabotage your love life and happiness, isn’t that worth just a few minutes of your time?

Here’s the deal. 

More than anything, a good man – the kind of man who is interested in loving, supporting, and spending his life with an amazing woman like you – wants one thing more than anything else.  (And, no, it’s not sex!)

See, one of a good man’s greatest superpowers is his need to make the woman that he cares about happy. Honestly, it’s like a drug he can’t get enough of when he sees that you are smiling and he knows that he had something to do with the smile on your face!

Now, perhaps you don’t believe me, especially if this hasn’t been your experience with men – or the man you’re with.

However, consider that there may be somethings you’re doing to either attract the kind of man who isn’t interested in making you happy, or you may subconsciously and unintentionally saying and doing things that stop him from being able to make you happy.

It’s true. Many of the things you are doing to kill a man’s desire to make you happy are happening subconsciously.

This means you’re not even aware of what you’re doing to self-sabotage your relationships!  

And that’s why, unless you learn exactly what is pushing away a man’s desire to be with and please you, it’s virtually impossible for you to stop doing it so that you can turn things around in your love life and have the kind of relationship you really want!

This is why I am doing a special masterclass called The Secret Formula to Attracting and Keeping a Lifelong Relationship!”


In this masterclass, you will learn:

  • The subconscious ways women sabotage their romantic relationships and what to do instead
  • The key steps you can take to remain in your power and still get the love you want 
  • The effortless ways you can draw a man, his attention and affection to you so that you can feel deeply connected to him

As a smart, successful woman, you know that getting what you want means, not only knowing exactly what to do, but how to get it in the easiest, most effective way!  And that’s exactly what I’m going to teach you on this online class, so make sure you grab your spot now!

Click here and get the love you want now!

You can’t change something you can’t see. If you’re not in the happy, loving relationship you truly want, and you want to learn the fastest, most effortless way to have that, make sure you join us for this online class!

Yes! Save my seat!

Why Successful Women Struggle in Love

Why Successful Women Struggle in Love

by Gladys Diaz


If you are a smart, successful woman who is READY to have success in your love life, then this is the one article you want to read all the way through today, because it is your LUCKY day!

While having a successful relationship has nothing to do with luck, we do believe in Divine Timing and in the power you have to manifest your dreams, and in rewarding bold and courageous actions, so we are about to help you make your dreams come true!

If you are a woman who feels like you have “The Midas Touch” in every area of your life except your love life and you are ready to prove just how committed you are to creating and living in the relationship of your dreams, give us three days and we will show you exactly how to have success in BOTH life and love!

Does any of this sound familiar?

  • You’ve read books, attended workshops and webinars, bought infoproducts, listened to teleclasses, and even spoken to a few coaches, but you’restill not in the loving, intimate relationship your heart desires, which leaves you feeling frustrated, lonely, and wondering whether or not you’ll ever have the relationship of your dreams.
  • You know there are thought and behavior patterns that keep getting in the way of either attracting the right man or having a relationship work, but you can’t figure out how to stop repeating the same self-sabotaging behaviors, no matter who it is you’re dating or in a relationship with. And this has you wondering if there’s something wrong with you, men, or relationships in general.
  • You know that dating and relationships shouldn’t feel “hard,” but you dread going on yet another unsuccessful date or having another relationship end, and the thought of having your heart broken again has you either holding onto a relationship that isn’t working or avoiding opening your heart to new love.
  • You’re at the point where you are ready and willing to make the changes that will finally give you the successful results you want in your love life and you just want to know how to do it.

If you resonated with any or all of the points above, don’t worry. You’re not alone.

Most smart successful women are in a similar place.


Because what most people don’t know is that there is a very unique set of challenges that successful women face when it comes to relationships.

The main reason is because many of the skills that propel us in our careers and businesses actually repel love and intimacy in romantic relationships! But, because they work at work, we mistakenly believe that those same skills and behaviors will work when it comes to love.

Unfortunately, they don’t work, and we are unconsciously self-sabotaging ourselves out of the very happiness we want more than anything else in the world!

Now, I know that you don’t need a man to make you happy. Your happiness is 100% your responsibility.

However, if what your heart truly desires is to be in a loving, intimate, passionate relationship with a man who is absolutely right for you; who’s not threatened, but is inspired, by your success; and who is ready to spend the rest of his life letting you know just how much he loves you, then doesn’t it make sense for you to work toward that goal as diligently – if not even more passionately – as you would any one of your professional or career goals?

As a successful, powerful woman myself, I know what it almost cost me to not know the skills that led to creating a loving, peaceful, passionate relationship. In fact, it almost cost me my marriage!

It wasn’t until I learned what barriers were in the way of me having love and intimacy flow easily and abundantly; how to tap into my Irresistible, Feminine Essence; and how to use effective communication and relationship skills to connect deeply with my man that I was able to turn my relationship around. 

Now, after 18 years together, I can tell you that there is nothing I have accomplished in my career – not any award, achievement, or recognition – that holds a candle to what it feels like when my husband says that the woman I am inspires him to be the best man he can be!

If you want to learn the secrets to creating a successful, happy, loving relationship that stands the test of time with the right man for you, then join us for three days transformational heart-and-life-changing days at The Irresistible Woman LIVE!


The Irresistible Woman LIVE was specifically designed for the successful woman who wants to have success in her love life, too!

The Irresistible Woman LIVE is especially designed for the successful, powerful professional woman like you who wants to experience as much – if not even more – success in her love life and relationships as she does in her career!

If you are tired, frustrated, and feeling hopeless about your ability to have both a successful and fulfilling career and an extraordinary romantic relationship, then you need to be at this event!

As we said , this event is specifically for successful women – women who are used to going above and beyond to get what they want – so it’s going to be a no-holds-barred-tough-love seminar!

In this 3-day event, you will:

  • Take a deep dive into why you are not attracting or experiencing the kind of love that you want in your relationships (and learn how to stop the self-sabotage)
  • Uncover the specific thoughts, actions, and behaviors you are using to block love from coming into your life so that you can begin to experience love, happiness, and abundance in your romantic relationships
  • Identify the skills that propel you in the workplace but completely kill love and intimacy in romantic relationships (and learn the skills that magnify love and romance)
  • Create new thought patterns and behaviors that will allow you to shed the masculine energy you carry around at work so that you can embrace the feminine energy that will make you Simply Irresistible to the right man
  • Design a plan for implementing what you have learned into your life on adaily basis so that you are continuously experiencing more success in your love life!
  • And soooo much more!

If you are seriously committed to having the life and love your heart desires, there is absolutely NO reason for you not to be there!

To make sure you know how committed WE are to helping get the loving relationship you want, we’re making this an irresistible, no-brainer decision for you!

When you register today you will save about $300 on your ticket (No, that is NOT a typo! You’ll save $300, but only for a limited time. After that, the prices jump up!)

Don’t miss out! Claim your ticket NOW!

Here’s the thing:

As a successful woman, you know that a huge part of your success is taking decisive actions that are aligned with the goals you want to accomplish.

That’s why we are only making this special offer for the next seven days. And, once it goes away, we will NOT be making it again.

And, for the first 10 women who register today, we will automatically upgrade you to VIP status!  

That’s right, as a VIP you will receive:

  • Preferred seating all 3 days so that you are up front, don’t have to worry about finding a seat, and can get up close and personal with us!
  • A special VIP-only luncheon on Day 2 where you will be able to mix and mingle with The Love Twins and the other VIPs
  • An intimate VIP-only evening reception with Michelle, Gladys, and their husbands where you will be able to get ALL of your questions about
  • And many more VIP-only perks and surprises!

The VIP ticket is normally $600,  and you get it for the Super Early Bird Price of a General Admission ticket simply for being one of the first 10 to grab your spot!

So, don’t make up excuses, don’t put this off, and don’t suffer from FOMO!

Our events sell out quickly and you WILL miss your opportunity to learn the exact steps you can take to effortlessly begin attracting the loving relationship your desire and deserve at a simply irresistible price!

This is it!  Click and grab your spot now!

Seneca said, Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.”

We’re giving you the opportunity to create your own luck and learn the skills you need to have the success that you want and deserve in the lasting, loving, and fulfilling relationship your heart truly desires!

This event only happens once a year, this is a one-time offer, and you simply don’t want to miss this amazing, transformational event!

Click here to claim your ticket!

We can’t wait to meet and spend 3 life-and-love-changing days with you!