You Can Break Through Your Fears Now!
by Gladys Diaz
What are fears that come up in the realm of love and relationships?
Are you afraid you won’t be enough?
Are you terrified of rejection or abandonment?
Are you scared you’ll keep repeating your heartbreaking past and are afraid to try again now?
Maybe you’re afraid that…
- dating will just be a waste of time
- you’ll be controlled
- you’ll lose yourself in a relationship
- you won’t find someone who really understands you
- it’ll be hard to share your life with someone
- you’ll get your heartbroken (again)
- he’ll lie or cheat like every other guy has
Obviously, those are only some of the fears that come up for women while dating.
What are your fears?
The thing about fear is that it’s a fact of life.
It’s part of being human, and there’s no way out of that.
The other thing about fear is that even though it’s a given in life, it doesn’t have to control your life.
Fear is your brain’s way of thinking about what you are afraid is or isn’t going to happen.
And your brain doesn’t recognize the difference between an imagined fear and what’s actually happening.
When fear is running the show, you’ll subconsciously sabotage your experiences in an attempt to either stop whatever you’re afraid of from happening, or force something to happen.
By taking ownership of your fears and recognizing what is an imagined fear vs reality, you take your power back and can be the conscious owner of your life and your results.
None of us want to waste our time, get our hearts broken, be rejected, or experience the same painful things we’ve experienced in the past.
When you take the time to do the necessary Heartwork, you increase your chances of attracting the man and relationships that will be good for you.
And the first step to doing that is to powerfully master your fears.
So, how do you do that?
1. Distinguish your fear by recognizing what it is and where it comes from.
2. Dismantle the fear by doing the work to release it and leave it in the past. Then, when fearful thoughts come up — because they will — you’ll be able to see them for what they are, instead of relating to them as “the truth.”
3. Replace the fear with a new empowering belief that has you open up to new ideas of what’s possible for you.
You don’t have to be afraid of what’s happened in the past.
You can experience love, happiness, peace and healing in your heart when you do the Heartwork necessary to break through your fears!
If you’d like support with learning how to master your thoughts and emotions so you aren’t being driven by them, we want to support you!
Our Ready to Love Again Program begins in just over a week, and this is the powerful work we begin with!
If you are at all interested in learning more, or if you’d simply like to chat with someone about how you (yes, YOU!) can learn to dismantle your fears and take control of your life, click below to book a Love Breakthrough Call.
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Our coaches are here to support you in seeing what you can’t see right now, so that you can move forward and create the life and love your heart desires!