How to Create the Relationship of Your Dreams NOW!

How to Create the Relationship of Your Dreams NOW!

by Gladys Diaz 

What is standing in your way of creating the relationship of your dreams? 

Are there self-sabotaging tendencies and patterns that are causing your love life to not move forward like you’d like it to? 

If so, are you getting frustrated, angry or hopeless? 

The frustration you feel that things aren’t happening like you’d like can manifest differently for different people. 

Maybe you feel angry – thinking that all men are jerks, dating sucks, and online dating will never lead you to a good man.

Perhaps you feel sad and hopeless – thinking that it’s never really going to happen for you, so why even try? Which leads you to wanting to give up. 

If that’s what you’re currently experiencing, it’s important to look at how often those feelings show up, not just in your love life, but in every aspect of your life, because that’s going to give you the clues to what you need to shift.

So, how do you make the relationship of your dreams happen now

First, you have to get crystal-clear on what you want to experience in that relationship

Notice that we didn’t say, get crystal-clear on what you want the man to be like or what  you want to get out of the relationship.

It’s about the experience you want to have! 

When you focus on what the man is like – if he has kids, what his career is, what he looks like, etc – it causes you to focus outside of you and to give up your power to create what you want It feels like there is this “one specific person that must exist” in order for you to be happy, and that has you giving your power away. 

When you focus on the experience you want to create, it’s not about looking for “one person” so that you can have the relationship you want, it’s about creating something that another person wants to be part of creating with you!

What do you want to experience in the relationship of your dreams?

Do you want to experience….

💕 laughing

💕 understanding

💕 calm communication

💕 affection

💕 soul-level intimacy

💕 fun

💕 respect

💕 unconditional love

💕 having a best friend and someone championing you in life

💕 feeling heard

💕 travel the world

💕 adventures

💕 honesty and faithfulness

The second thing you need in order to begin experiencing the relationship of your dreams is to have the skills to create your crystal-clear vision

You may say you want a cheerleader and best friend as a partner in life, but then you spend time protecting yourself and criticizing every man that comes along.

You may say you want to have fun and adventure, but then don’t want to spend time meeting new men on the app.

See the disconnect? Fear is standing in the way of you attracting what you want.

How do you recognize that there’s a fear that’s running you?  

That’s where we come in!  

A coach will tell you when and where you’re sabotaging yourself.
A coach will support you in seeing what you can’t see. 

We will show you the fears you have and the masks you may be wearing that are blocking you from having the love you want. 

AND, we’ll teach you how to get those Love Barriers out of the way so that you can begin experiencing the love, happiness, and intimacy you desire and deserve!

We will cause you to have a breakthrough!

If you’re ready to have a breakthrough so you can actually start experiencing the kind of love  you desire, then join us tomorrow, Saturday, July 17th at 12pm ET for the Extraordinary Love NOW Masterclass! 

In three information-packed hours, you’ll learn exactly how to break through the patterns that have been sabotaging your love life and relationships, tap into your Irresistible Essence, and easily attract and keep the love you want NOW, so that you can create the happy, loving relationship with the man who is going to love you for the rest of your life!  

PLUS, this masterclass is being offered to you for FREE! What is there to stop you?

Join us at the Extraordinary Love NOW Masterclass!

When you don’t have the conscious knowledge of what’s holding you back, all you can do is what you already know to do. And if you keep doing what you’ve always done – all you can hope to experience is what you’ve always had.

This workshop style masterclass will support you getting crystal-clear clarity on what you need to do differently so that you can start moving forward in your love life and really start attracting the man and relationship of your dreams… starting right NOW!!!

How to Move On So You Can Attract Extraordinary Love NOW!

How to Move On So You Can Attract Extraordinary Love NOW!

by Gladys Diaz 

Are you having a hard time getting over a past relationship? 

When thinking about that past relationship, do you find yourself thinking…

“But I still love him.” 

…“I really thought he was the one.”

…“How will I know I’m choosing the right man next time, when I was wrong this time?”

We hear these things from women all the time, and if you’re in this position right now, we’re here to tell you (with love)… It’s time to let it go!

If you’re still energetically connected to someone, whether you say you are or not, then it’s really difficult (if not impossible!) for someone new to come into your life. 

And, even if you do meet someone who you’re compatible with, the chemistry’s there, and you have a great time with him, it will still feel like something is off

It’s simply not possible to create something new and lasting if there’s something in the space that you haven’t let go of. 

If you’ve been “getting over someone” for 9 months, 2 years, 12 years, 40 years (gasp!), it’s time to get curious about why you feel as if you’re not able to move on. 

What’s really keeping you stuck?

Sometimes it’s the person and the past relationship you feel you can’t let go of.

Sometimes it’s the idea of the past relationship that you’ve glorified in your mind that’s keeping you stuck.

But, more often than not, it’s the fear that you won’t be able to feel the same way you felt about that someone again, and you’re afraid to let go and even try. 

Here’s the thing… 

You have to find the courage to let go of the past in order to move forward and create something new. 

The work there is to do is to accept what actually happened in the past relationship and complete it so that you can be present in current experiences, move forward and be happy NOW!

You don’t have to let go of the love you had/have for that person. You can choose to love him forever, if you want to.

What you do need to let go of is the attachment to being with him and having him be a part of your life… even if that part is only in your head. 

We believe there are people that come into our lives to teach us things or give us experiences that we need to have. 

When you can accept that a past relationship was simply that, and you are able to release it and move forward, that’s when magic starts to occur.  

Letting go and moving on from someone doesn’t have to take a year OR years!

When you make yourself the victim of someone else’s choices, it robs you of your power and you sacrifice: 

  • Having happiness now
  • Experiencing the relationship of your dreams now
  • Attracting the man that will love you fully and completely for the rest of your life
  • And everything else your heart desires

When you stop allowing someone else to determine whether or not you get to have the relationship of your dreams, you take back your power and you begin to attract men who are right for you now

If you’re ready to let go of your past and move forward into the love you dream about then let go of one hand and join us next Saturday for the Extraordinary Love NOW Masterclass

In three information-packed hours, you’ll learn exactly how to break through the patterns that have been sabotaging your love life and relationships, tap into your Irresistible Essence, and easily attract and keep the love you want NOW, so that you can create the happy, loving relationship with the man who is going to love you for the rest of your life!  

PLUS, this masterclass is being offered to you for FREE! What is there to stop you!

Join us at the Extraordinary Love NOW Masterclass!

We know you aren’t staying stuck on purpose, but without knowing these steps, you are playing trial and error with your heart, causing yourself unnecessary heartache, and we want you to get unstuck now!

This workshop style masterclass will support you getting crystal-clear clarity on what you need to do so that you can start moving forward in your love life and really start attracting the man and relationship of your dreams!!!

How to Re-Enter the Dating Scene Today!

How to Re-Enter the Dating Scene Today!

by Gladys Diaz 

Has it been a while since you’ve been in the dating scene? 

Have you recently come out of a relationship and are wanting to get back out there? 

Or maybe you’ve been single for a while, and aren’t sure how you could possibly start dating again.

If you answered yes to any of those questions, you’re not alone! This topic has been requested so many times from the women in our community and we listened! 

So, what is it exactly that has you resist stepping back out there?


Fear of….

… allowing yourself to be seen again.

… opening yourself up to rejection.

,,, wasting your time with the wrong man (or men)

… looking silly because you don’t know how to date anymore.

… not trusting this new thing called “online dating”

And those are just to name a few!

The starting over phase can feel like too much, which is why many women stay in toxic or abusive relationships or stay single when they really desire to be in a relationship. 

We get it. Doing anything for the first time, or for the first time in a long time, can be scary and feel really hard! 

But you can step back out there, and we’re here to show you how.

The first thing you need to remember is to grant yourself some space and grace

If you’re just coming out of a relationship, there is healing and HeartWork that must occur before you’ll be ready to jump back into the dating game. 

It’s necessary, and it’s okay! 

That being said, this healing time doesn’t need to take 5, 10, or 15 years! 

Give yourself enough time to get clear on why the past relationship didn’t work and to do any healing inside yourself that is necessary to have dating work the next time around.

There are two things you need to get clear on before you’ll be ready to date again. 

  • What had the relationship not work? 

Did you jump in too soon without knowing the person well enough? 

Was there poor communication? 

Were there character flaws you didn’t notice (or didn’t want to see) soon enough? 

Were there personal fears or limiting beliefs that had you sabotage the relationship?

  • What Heartwork do you need to do? 

Do you have limiting beliefs about men? About online dating, or dating in general? 

Do you have limiting beliefs about yourself? Men? Relationships?

Are you recognizing any patterns with the dating experiences you’re having? 

If you’re experiencing the same thing over and over again, what is having you be attracted to that? 

 Be open to the possibility that your limiting beliefs and fears aren’t “the truth,” and that there’s another possible truth.

Be crystal-clear about what you want to experience in the relationship of your dreams.. 

And then learn the best way to get back out there with power, grace, ease, and FUN! 

The longer you wait, the harder it’s going to be. 

Do the inner work, and then start taking steps that will lead you in the right direction.

Learn how to set up an online profile that attracts the kind of man you want to share your life with.

Let your family, friends and co-workers know you’re ready to start dating again and that you’re open to meeting good, 100% available men. Look on Eventbrite or MeetUp for opportunities to meet people, and go to singles activities in your community.

There are so many ways to meet good men! 

Be courageous. 

Be open. 

Allow yourself to be seen and known. 

Learn the BEST steps to take  to attract the RIGHT man so that you can be alert and aware vs. scared and suspicious. 

Oh! And remember to have FUN!! 

If you’d like support in getting clear on the best, most effective ways to get back out there, or if you’re struggling to find the courage to date again, we’d love to speak with you! 

Book a call to talk to one of our coaches now!  They will support you in identifying the Heartwork you need to do and validating that you’re ready so you can attract the man who will love you forever, starting right now!

Book a Love Breakthrough Session Now!

How to Inspire a Man to Ask You On a Date!

How to Inspire a Man to Ask You On a Date!

by Gladys Diaz 

Do you ever feel like you’d like to “throw in the towel” when it comes to love?

We understand the heartache that comes when you feel like it’s getting too hard, when you’re wondering if this relationship thing is ever going to work for you

You feel this way because you haven’t gotten the results you want… YET. 

That’s where we come in! 

The work we do with women will support you to step into your confidence and tap into the power you already have so you can attract the relationship you want.

Once you have that, you will attract the right man who will honor and cherish you for the rest of your life!

So, how do you get a guy to ask you out on a date

It’s actually not about “getting” a man to do anything. 

It’s really about “inspiring” a man. 

It’s about being magnetic and inspiring so that he naturally wants to ask you out. 

In fact… He can’t resist wanting to be with you!

Here are some important tips for inspiring the date… 

1.  When you’re on the app, stay on there for a while while you transition to a date.

By doing this, you get the opportunity to see how often he contacts you, which lets you know how interested he is in getting to know you. You also get to know him. 

And, if the dating site is alerted about any “scamming” or fake profiles, you’ll get the alerts in your notifications.

2. Before accepting a date, have multiple phone conversations before you meet in person.

You want to show that you are a woman who values herself, her time, and who she spends it with. 

By sharing that you prefer to talk on the phone before meeting, you demonstrate this, as well as taking the opportunity to see if this is someone you want to spend your precious time going on a date with.

3. Keep talking to multiple men at a time, and take your time

We know this is hard. Women are hard-wired to want connection, to feel secure, and to want to know that he’s the one. But rushing at the beginning can cost you a lot of time, energy, and heartache in the long run.  And wasting the time you could be spending with the RIGHT man is not something you want to do.

Remain open to meeting and getting to know different men, and allow yourself the gift of allowing things to unfold naturally. 

4. The most important thing to remember is to not take things personally! 

Remember: He doesn’t know you, and men are not the enemy

If you find yourself not having fun or getting “triggered” easily, take a breath and ask yourself, “What am I actually upset  about?” or “What am I afraid of?

Once you do the Heartwork to overcome these fears and deepen the relationship with yourself, you’ll stop attracting men who are attracted to your past, fears, and limiting beliefs.. 

You’ll only attract men who are RIGHT  for you — men who want the same loving, committed relationship you want!

If you’d like an opportunity to do this Heartwork with us, one of the BEST things you can do is join us for the BE-YOU-tifully YOU  Challenge, which starts on Monday, June 21st! 

The BE-YOU-tifully YOU Challenge is for you if you’re ready to: 

💜 Remove the mask you hide behind that’s blocking you from attracting and having the love you want.

💜 Find your voice and say what you want and feel without being afraid

💜 Stop pretending and not honoring your boundaries

💜 Stop settling for less than you want and deserve in relationships

💜 Stop doubting your ability to attract the man and relationship of your dreams

💜 Let go of the anxiety you feel around dating and relationships and have fun BEing YOU!

💜 And sooooo much more!

The challenge is FREE to join, and it’s going to be a game-changer for you and your love life! 

It’s time for you to know that you CAN be authentically YOU and attract the man who will love & cherish you for being the Irresistible Woman you are!

Join us for the BE-YOU-tifully YOU challenge!

We’re in the middle of 2021! If you want to experience a New Year’s kiss with the love of your life in about 6 months, then NOW is the time to get your heart and life ready to receive it!

How To Stop Self-Sabotaging and Attract the Right Man Now!

How To Stop Self-Sabotaging and Attract the Right Man Now!

by Gladys Diaz 

When it comes to attracting the right man, there are two camps that most women fall into. See if either of these sound familiar to you… 

1. You keep meeting the wrong kind of men. Men that are non-committal, don’t know what they want, or just want to be friends-with-benefits. 

You may even be attracting men who are abusive, narcissistic, or have another non-negotiable reason why they are not the right man for you.


2. You are attracting and meeting lots of good men, the “nice guys” that don’t have anything “wrong” with them, but it’s just not a love match for you. 

Your personalities don’t match or, for some reason, you’re just not that into them. 

Which situation do you find yourself in?

While you’re not to “blame”, it’s important to recognize that if you seem to keep meeting the same man in a different body and can’t seem to figure out why, you’re unconsciously creating this pattern.

We know how frustrating it is when you keep meeting men who lie or cheat or simply can’t give you what you want.

The thing is, there are things you’re not even aware of that are sabotaging you!

Recognizing this is what gives you the power to shift and start attracting the men that are 1) the type of good men you want to be attracting, and 2) the right man for YOU that you’ll fall in love with, too!

So… you may be asking yourself: 

What will shift my level of magnetism so that I can attract a real relationship where there’s NO DOUBT that I’m with the man who’s right for me? 

Who do I get to be in order to create a relationship that is fun, easy, low-stress, and creates joy, happiness and greater levels of strength in my life?

What will it take to attract the kind of man who will support and champion me- so that I know I no longer have to go through life alone?

Let us tell you this: 

“Irritated” is not irresistible.

“Taking a break from dating” is not the answer.

Doing the same things over and over that aren’t working will never bring you the results you want.

Giving up is not a winning strategy.

Successful, driven women don’t give up. 

They keep going and do whatever it takes to figure out what’s holding them back from reaching their goals and making their dreams a reality.

You probably do this in your business and with your career. 

You probably do this with your health and fitness.

So why not put in the effort to discover what’s in the way of you having the type of love you desire?

A winning strategy involves three pieces: 

💜 Knowing what to do

💜 Knowing when and how to do it

💜 Having someone whispering in your ear how to get the results you want faster.

Clarity and support lead to extraordinary results. Join us tomorrow so you can stop attracting the type of men and relationships you don’t want and start attracting the right man now!

If we can be straight blunt with you, It’s time to be as committed to yourself and your happiness as you want a man to be when you are in the relationship of your dreams!

If you’re ready to commit, then make sure you join us tomorrow for the Attract the RIGHT Man Webinar!

This 3-hour exclusive training is going to support you in getting crystal-clear on who you are and the kind of experience you want to have in a loving relationship so that you are creating the relationship of your dreams with the man who is going to love you for the rest of your life!

Click here to register for the Attract the Right Man Webinar

Stop Dysfunctional Dating Patterns and Create the Love You Want Now

Stop Dysfunctional Dating Patterns and Create the Love You Want Now

by Gladys Diaz 

Are you ready to end your dysfunctional dating patterns?  

You know… those patterns that keep repeating themselves, causing heartache relationship after relationship?

Are you ready to stop tolerating less than the results you want from the relationships you keep attracting? 

Are you ready to feel free, have fun in dating, and create real love?

Are you ready to be in a relationship with someone you feel completely connected to and who’s 100% in love and committed to you? 

If you aren’t experiencing the results you want in your dating life, chances are you have some dysfunctional patterns that you NEED to shift before you can create the relationship of your dreams. 

Not sure if you have a dysfunctional dating pattern?

Here’s a hint: If something happens 3 or more times, it’s a pattern!

Here’s another hint: Dysfunctional patterns always have a fear and a commitment behind them. They always show up because of a need that’s not being met.

Can you relate to continually attracting…

  • relationships that start strong and then the man ends it for another woman?
  • men who aren’t available?
  • men who say they’ll do something, then don’t?
  • attracting long-distance relationships that don’t go anywhere or end up being scams?
  • attracting men who aren’t trustworthy? 

These are just a few. 

What are your patterns?

So, how do you end the dysfunctional cycle these patterns create? 

  1. Identify the fear feeding the pattern. 

What is the fear that’s beneath your pattern? 

What’s the limiting belief underneath the fear?

The fear you have fuels the limiting belief, which then creates the pattern. 

The result you get confirms the fear and belief and continues the pattern.  

It’s a vicious cycle!!

2. Get to the source of where the fear started for you. 

What experience or situation  first created this experience? 

What are you getting out of continuing this pattern? 

How does it strengthen your fears and limiting beliefs?

Once you have uncovered the fear and the source of the fear, then you can break through the pattern so that you no longer carry the energy that keeps attracting it to you. 

When you’ve transformed these fears and limiting beliefs, then you get that you can be 100% in love with YOU, and you come into your irresistible essence! 

You have a deep feeling of worthiness, you know that you are loveable, you’re alluring, authentic, and so much more!

The fact is, low-quality men will not be attracted to you when you’re in your high-vibe Irresistible Essence. 

They simply won’t. 

When you master the process of healing and disappearing the fears and limiting beliefs you have, then, and only then, can you actually transform your experience and create the results you want. 

If you want to have a massive breakthrough and shift your dating experience FAST then you NEED to join us at the Unleash Your Irresistible Essence Retreat!

This three-day, immersive experience is designed to create a radical shift in your dating life. 

After attending the retreat, you will:

  • have the confidence and clarity you need to create the results you desire NOW
  • have dismantled and replaced your dysfunctional patterns
  • have unleashed the power to create the extraordinary love your heart desires 

We have very few seats left, so don’t think or second-guess yourself out of this incredible opportunity. 

Take action now. 

Claim your spot for the Unleash Your Irresistible Essence Retreat 

Once you break these patterns, you’ll stop attracting the wrong kind of men and have these dysfunctional experiences once and for all. 

Imagine how amazing THAT will be!

Register to join us now.