How to Effectively Talk to Men!

How to Effectively Talk to Men!

by Gladys Diaz 

I wish I was better at communicating with my partner. 

He never understands me! 

I don’t dare say what I’m feeling because I don’t want to get into an argument. 

I feel like I talk and he doesn’t even hear me!

These are just a few of the things we heard from women last weekend at Irresistible Woman LIVE and they’re the same things  we hear from our clients when they first start working with us. 

Communicating with men can seem difficult. We know it can feel like you’re speaking a completely different language that he doesn’t even care to try to understand. 

It was a very hard part of my marriage for years. I would communicate things to Ric and I wouldn’t feel like he heard me. 

So I would say it again – louder. I thought that would make him understand. 

It didn’t work. 

He would feel disrespected and I would feel like I was not being understood and before we knew it, we were two people yelling at each other – getting nowhere in the conversation. 

It was a very painful dynamic of our relationship for many years… 

until we learned how to communicate effectively with one another in a way that would not only have the other person understand, but feel respected, loved and fully heard

Communication is one of the biggest factors to whether or not you’ll have a successful relationship. Sharing your feelings and being able to express your needs is so important! 

It’s how you create and build trust, intimacy, safety and love with those you are in relationship with. 

When you learn how to communicate in a way where there’s no blaming, shaming, controlling and “making wrong” – it’s incredible what can be created!

This is exactly the type of communication we teach in our programs.

After working with us, our clients know exactly how to express their desires without being controlling, how to share what they prefer so they don’t end up feeling resentful and how to understand what the men in their lives are saying too

If you’d like support with up-leveling your communication skills (because the things we teach don’t only apply to romantic relationships – but to every relationship in your life!) then book a love breakthrough call now! 

Why would you want to wait to increase the understanding, intimacy and love in  your relationship? 

Why wouldn’t you want to be able to communicate your desires in dating starting now?

Book a Love Breakthrough Session Now.

Discover the Secret to Manifesting Extraordinary Success in Your Life!

Discover the Secret to Manifesting Extraordinary Success in Your Life!

by Gladys Diaz 

Do you want to have extraordinary success in every area of your life? 

Do you have success at work and wonder why you can’t seem to create success in love? 

Do you have beautiful relationships with other women, but can’t keep a man around longer than 5 minutes? 

If you’re not creating what you want in any area of your life, there’s something out of alignment for you. 

What does that mean? 

Being out of alignment means something in your thoughts, words or behavior are not aligned with what you say you want

The biggest problem with that is when you live like that long enough – you start to be okay with it. 

You normalize mediocrity. 

You make it okay that you don’t have everything you want. Even though underneath, there’s a deep stirring for more. 

You keep thinking it’s going to change. You keep waiting for it to get better. 

And before you know it, two years (or two decades!) have passed and you’re still in the same place, doing the same things, and wondering why it’s not working for you. 

Here’s what we know for sure.

You must be 100% crystal-clear about what you want. The clearer you are about what you want, the greater the possibility there is to create it.

In order for you to create that crystal clarity you have to be able to see what’s in the way of you creating what you dream of, know how to break it down, and move past it!

We know there are some traumatic experiences that have happened in your life that have left you feeling powerless.

But you know what?

All of that can change for you. 

All of the waiting and wondering can be over and you can claim the extraordinary life AND love you imagine! 

You can have it all!!

 Join us next weekend for the Irresistible Woman LIVE Virtual Event! It’s happening October 22nd-24th and we want you there with us!!

Yesterday was our 51st birthday and even though these tickets normally sell for $500+ dollars, we decided to give you a ticket for only $51!!

Why would we do that? 

Because we’re 100% committed to women experiencing the relationship of their dreams!! 

Grab your birthday flash sale ticket here!

After the 3 days at Irresistible Woman LIVE, you will feel: 

⭐ Aligned

⭐ Enlightened

⭐ In complete representation of who you really are! 

⭐ Clear about what you want and know how to go and create it

⭐ Excited about your future

⭐ And so much more!

On Sunday you’ll realize that coming was one of the best decisions you’ve ever made for your life. 

Here’s what others have said about their experience at Irresistible Woman LIVE:

“This event will empower you to be the best version of you and develop life long sisterhood as you continue to reach new levels of greatness in your life. I Highly recommend every woman to attend the Irresistible Women Live event!!” ~Candy Davies

“During the seminar I was going through a very tough time. I was struggling with the decision of leaving a relationship where I felt disrespected, unsupported, and diminished, and I was angry with myself for not honoring myself. I realized at the seminar that I had to stop.

I chose to see myself beyond what I was going through and regain my power by focusing on me and my happiness.

Once I let go of the relationship and regained my self-love and self-respect, I allowed myself to dream again.The result was the fulfillment of everything my heart desires! I got a scholarship, found the job of my dreams, and I found the Prince Charming I wanted since childhood. All because I chose me! Trust the process, trust yourself, and have faith because nothing is impossible!” ~ Diana (Now happily married!)

Creating extraordinary success in every area of your life starts with you! 

Click HERE to Claim your Ticket and Join us at Irresistible Woman LIVE!

Marriages have been healed. 

Families have been restored.  

Business have been started. 

Relationships have been created. 

All because of one decision to spend a weekend learning how to be an irresistible woman! 

You get to have it. Join us now.

Let Your Authentic Self Shine and Attract the Right Man NOW!

Let Your Authentic Self Shine and Attract the Right Man NOW!

by Gladys Diaz 

Do you ever feel… 

… like you don’t feel comfortable being yourself? 

… afraid you’ll be rejected again? 

… that when you show up as yourself, you’re not accepted? 

… like you hold back around other people and don’t show up as you? 

… that you can’t connect with others or like there’s a block between you and others?

The good news is that you can break through those barriers!

 You can show up as the authentic YOU and attract those that will love and accept you to you! 

Here’s the thing. 

In your life, you’ve either learned you were supposed to be “fill-in-the-blank” in order to be liked. 

Or you had an experience that made you believe that if you showed up that way then you would be rejected. 

But here’s the truth… 

The longer you pretend to be someone you’re not, the more you risk forgetting who you really are.

It’s our Heartwork that will support you in having the courage to show up as yourself and know that when you do, you will attract the man that will adore you!

When you do this Heartwork:

💜 You heal yourself and break free from the love barriers that are holding you down.

💜 You break free from your limiting beliefs that tell you something is wrong with you or that you’re “broken”

💜 You create new experiences and thought patterns for yourself 

💜 You learn to believe that real confidence looks like knowing you’re going to make mistakes and that you’re not always going to have it all together, and that’s okay

💜 You get clear on what you want and who you are so that you can be crystal-clear about the kind of woman you are and the kind of love you want to experience

The absolute truth is this… you haven’t forgotten who you are. 

Underneath all of the experiences, stories you’ve created in your head, junk and limiting beliefs, is your true self. 

And you get to uncover her and let her shine! 

That’s the kind of shift that will have you attracting the RIGHT man and manifesting the life and love your heart desires!

Clarity and certainty in who you are lead to confidence.

How to Break Through and Create the Love Your Heart Desires!

How to Break Through and Create the Love Your Heart Desires!

by Gladys Diaz 

Are you being a “victim” in your dating life? 

Do you feel like you can’t trust yourself to make the best decisions? 

Are you afraid that you’ll make the same mistakes you’ve made in the past, which led you to being hurt or taken advantage of?

If you answered yes to any of the following – or if you have that tingly feeling in your gut that’s telling you this is something you should listen tohere’s what you need to know. 

If your goals aren’t coming to fruition there is something stopping you from creating the results you want. Something from the past is holding you back. 

The thing is – the past is not a predictor of your future, it’s simply an informer

The problem is – most women hold onto what happened in the past so tightly that they then create strategies to make sure whatever happened doesn’t happen again. 

This doesn’t work. 

The only thing that does work is to get to the root of WHY the thing happened in the first place and then heal ALL of it. 

Whatever it is from your past that is still standing in the way is a love barrier and if you don’t find a way to break it and have a breakthrough around it, do you know what’s going to happen? 

The next year will look just like the past year, or the past two years, or maybe even the last 10!

Not because that’s all that’s meant for you. But because that’s what you’ve been creating and will continue to create until you break through it. 

So how do you break through? 

First, you get to accept that the past doesn’t define you. The decisions you made or the circumstances that found you, aren’t who you are. 

You get to forgive yourself and others for the experience you had and then you get to let it go. 

Second, you get to recreate the story. 

Do you know who you’d be without that story or suffering? 

Most women stay stuck for this very reason. They don’t. And not knowing who they are is scarier than staying stuck.

Does this sound familiar? 

If you want to transform and break out of the love barriers standing in your way, you have to break through the story that’s keeping you from creating the results that you want, from creating the relationship of your dreams!

If this is something you want then join us next week for the Real Love Breakthrough Challenge

If you want to have a break through in: 

⭐ dating high quality men

⭐ creating abundance in every area of your life

⭐ settling the past and moving forward

⭐ finding your feminine energy and flow

⭐ forgiving and trusting yourself again

⭐ believing that you can trust men and have fun again

⭐ finding freedom

⭐ not taking things personally

⭐ anything else that may be holding you back

… then this is the challenge for you! 

In this 5-Day Real Love Breakthrough Challenge, we’re going to guide you through the same effective, clear and proven steps of our HeartWork™️ process, we’ve personally used and have shared with thousands of women around the world, which is what has empowered them to shift from being frustrated, disappointed, and lonely to being happy and successful in love!

It’s FREE to join and it starts on Monday, so don’t delay. 

Click here to register for the Real Love Breakthrough Challenge! 

If 2021 looks too similar to 2020 – or the year before that – there is a barrier in your way. 

You get to be the source of the breakthrough to create everything your heart desires! 

Join us on Monday! 

Stop Sabotaging Your Dating Life With These Solutions!

Stop Sabotaging Your Dating Life With These Solutions!

by Gladys Diaz 

Does it feel like your results in dating keep getting sabotaged?

Have you noticed you keep having the same (or similar) experience over and over again (and they’re not the ones you want)? 

Are you ready to break through these sabotaging patterns once and for all so you can create the relationship of your dreams?!

The top three patterns we see from our clients that are sabotaging their dating (consciously or unconsciously) are: 

  1. Dating only one man at a time
  2. Settling for less than what you really want in a man/relationship
  3. Complaining about dating

Do you think you may be falling into any of these patterns? 

Let’s break each of  them down so you see what we’re talking about. 

#1 Sabotaging Pattern: Dating only one man at a time. 

We’ve said it once, and we’ll say it a thousand more times: Dating only one man at a time is setting yourself up for failure. Not only that, but this pattern will cause the dating process to take so much more time than necessary.

And we know you don’t want to waste your time!

Solution: Date more than one man at a time.

What does this look like? 

Dating means spending time with someone and getting to know them.
Dating more than one person at a time means going on dates with multiple men and getting to know them while noticing what you are and aren’t experiencing with them. 

This doesn’t mean you’re sleeping around, having sex with all of them, or even kissing multiple men! 

It simply means you’re talking, meeting, and getting to know them so that you can make an informed decision about whether you’d like to keep getting to know them or not. 

Why does this matter? When you’re only seeing one man at a time, you limit your availability, options and experience.

When you open yourself up to seeing multiple men, you increase your chances of creating a relationship with the man that’s right for you. 

You also take the pressure off of not only the men, but yourself!
You’re able to keep yourself from getting attached to anyone too soon, making a relationship out of something that’s not one, and getting your heart broken unnecessarily. 

#2 Sabotaging Pattern: Settling for less than what you really want in a man/relationship

Choosing to keep seeing someone who is having you experience less than the relationship of your dreams, is settling.
Doing so, wastes precious time you could be spending with someone else (i.e. the RIGHT man!).

Solution:  Do the HeartWork to break through this pattern. 

Settling comes from a belief that you don’t deserve what you truly want, that it doesn’t exist, or that you won’t be able to get it, so you do what you think you have to do to save yourself from disappointment. 

Why does this matter? Until you break through these limiting beliefs, you will never be able to create the relationship of your dreams and attract not only a man, but the man who is aligned with the experience and the kind of relationship you want to have.

#3 Sabotaging Pattern: Complaining about dating

Constantly talking about how hard dating is, how frustrated you are with the experience, how terrible the men you’re attracting are, or how long the process is taking is a sabotaging pattern. 

When you do this, you then create experiences to prove that you’re right.
Do you really want to be right about any of that?

Solution: Pay attention to your language and create effective ways to date. 

Why does this matter? Your mind believes what you tell it is true, and you then subconsciously create the experiences that will have you prove yourself right.

Energy flows where attention goes!

So, instead of complaining about what you don’t want or what isn’t working, get crystal-clear and stay laser-focused on the kind of relationship you want to experience for the rest of your life. 

Your life — including the relationship of your dreams is your creation!

What do you want to create? 

If you want to have a Love Breakthrough and turn these self-sabotaging patterns (plus the ones  that you might not even realize are there for you!) around once and for all,  then you need to join us for the Love Breakthrough Challenge! 

In this 5-Day Love Breakthrough Challenge, we’re going to guide you through the same EFFECTIVE, CLEAR, AND PROVEN steps of our HeartWork process, we’ve personally used in our own lives and have shared with thousands of women around the world, which is what has empowered them to shift from being frustrated, disappointed, and lonely to being happy and successful in love!

Click here to sign up for FREE now!

We start on Monday, September 20th, so sign up now. 

This WILL transform you and your love life!

The #1 Ingredient in Creating Intimacy in Relationships

The #1 Ingredient in Creating Intimacy in Relationships

by Gladys Diaz 

Do you know what is the most vital ingredient in creating intimate relationships?

Do you know what would make it possible for you to connect deeply with a man and enhance your love life? 

What would it feel like to actually allow yourself to be seen by others for who YOU truly are?

Being vulnerably YOU in dating is the key to creating the loving, passionate, connected relationship you want.

If you’re not in the relationship of your dreams yet, this is the most important that may be missing! 

So what does vulnerability look like? 

Vulnerability is…

  • Being open
  • Being vulnerable and honest with yourself
  • Being willing to share yourself and your feelings 
  • Trusting yourself to know who to trust
  • Sharing authentically and honestly, yet appropriately
  • Having clarity about and living in an alignment with your values and boundaries, and who you really are.
  • The ability to be yourself without judging or beating yourself up.

So what stops you from being vulnerable? 


Fear of being abandoned.

Fear of rejection.

Fear that you may get taken advantage of.

Fear of looking “weak”.

Fear of disappointment.

Fear of what others might think. 

Fear that if you show up as yourself, people won’t like or approve of you.

What fears show up for you

Why is knowing this so important? 

It’s important when it comes to dating, because, when you’re afraid, you suppress yourself. 

You pretend, hide, or resist. 

You don’t trust yourself to go for the things you want in life. 

You say you want a deep, intimate relationship, but you’re not willing to actually show up authentically and open . 

You may even worry that if you create the relationship you want, you’ll lose it, and then that fear causes you to sabotage every opportunity at true love and happiness. 

So how do you overcome these fears and show up with vulnerability in order to create genuine connection? 

You do the Heartwork to uncover and heal those fears. 

You learn how to express yourself with intention so that your authentic and honest shares come out in a way where they can be received and respected. 

You practice. 

The more you practice vulnerability, the more confident you will feel in simply being yourself.

Doing this on your own isn’t always easy, because, think about it: If you knew how to do that, you probably would have done it already.

If you know that being vulnerable is something you struggle with, and you’d like support in doing this HeartWork and breaking through the fear so that you can authentically connect with someone and create the relationship of your dreams, book a Love Breakthrough Session with one of our coaches today. 

Schedule a Love Breakthrough Session here.

Remember, it takes courage to go for the things you really want in your life. 

Vulnerability is the only way to create true love.

Let us guide you toward having the life and love your heart desires!