It’s Possible For You Too.
by Gladys Diaz
One of the pillars of what we teach – something that’s absolutely fundamental to creating the passionate, intimate, connected, loving relationship that you desire – is having a crystal-clear vision of what you want.
And we mean crystal-clear. Not just kinda-sorta knowing what you want. Not just having a list of expectations of what your man must have. And not just having it written it down, but still not really believing that you can have it.
We’re talking about being able to see it, feel it, taste it, smell it, AND believe that it will happen.
Without that level of clarity, you will settle for what you think you can get.
We hear it from clients all the time,
“What if this is the best I can do?”
“What if I let this one go and have to wait another 10 years?!”
“What if what I want is unrealistic?”
“What if it’s just not possible for me?”
I was talking with a client the other day who was telling me about the beautiful vision she has for love. It was a vision of fun and laughter and connection and joy. hen, in the middle of describing it to me, she stopped, and said, “I know, it sounds crazy. There’s no way this is possible. It’s too much”
Was she asking for a man with 5 hands? No.
Was she asking for a man that owned 5 islands? No.
Was she asking for a man with 17 eyes. No.
Now, that is unrealistic (and a little absurd)!
As we dug deeper, we discovered that a childhood (and lifetime) of feeling like there was never enough and that she was always asking for “too “was the reason she had this limiting belief. She realized what it was costing her to continue holding onto the belief that what she wanted was too much and not possible for her, and she decided that it was time to break through it NOW!
Desiring to have a relationship that is full of fun and laughter and connection and wonderful sex — none of that is too much. Everything about that is possible, AND it’s possible for you.
Creating that vision and the reality of creating it comes from clarity.
Clarity asks the questions:
“What do I want to experience in the relationship of my dreams?”
“What am I going to bring to the relationship so that I can experience that?”
“How can I BE the love that I want to see?”
Clarity is not about knowing what qualities you want your man to have. It’s about knowing what you want to experience in the relationship of your dreams, and then BEing those things.
BEing the respect you want to experience.
BEing the love you want to receive.
BEing the fun.
BEing the passion.
And what does BEing look like?
Taking action. But not just any kind of action.
It means taking the kind of action that is aligned with your vision.
Having all the faith and clarity in the world will get you absolutely nowhere without taking action.
A vision without action is nothing but a wish. And wishing is not a real strategy for getting what you want.
Which is why we want to invite you to our 2020 Love Vision Workshop, happening in just a few days. We’l lbe walking you through a deep process to help you actually physically experience the clarity you are seeking.
But it won’t stop there.
You will walk away from the event, not just with a crystal-clear vision, but with a PLAN to carry it out. With the actual steps to make it a reality.
Because it IS possible for you to create the love that you want in 2020.
Click here to learn how to manifest the relationship you want.
And, in case you’re thinking that 2 days can’t make a difference in what’s possible for you for 2020, I want to share this with you:
Let’s go back to Christmas of 1998. I had just lost my husband in September, and I felt like I was walking through a fog. The holidays seemed so empty without him. I felt alone, and it was hard.
Just one year later, Christmas 1999, I was in New York City but I wasn’t alone. I was celebrating Christmas with Ric and both of our mothers. I’ll never forget when he brought out my gift (a beautiful purse) and was fussing about how he hoped I would like it. When I opened it up, I found a beautiful, custom-made engagement ring inside! We’d talked about getting married, so that part wasn’t a surprise. But to have it happen then, on Christmas Eve, with our moms there with us, I was elated!!
SO much can change in just one year. The difference between Christmas 1998 and Christmas 1999 was just one year, but it was day and night for me!
Trust me when I say, everything you think can’t happen, but you dream might happen, CAN happen in just one year!
And it will, once you have the clarity and the action steps to create it.