The #1 Ingredient in Creating Intimacy in Relationships

The #1 Ingredient in Creating Intimacy in Relationships

by Gladys Diaz 

Do you know what is the most vital ingredient in creating intimate relationships?

Do you know what would make it possible for you to connect deeply with a man and enhance your love life? 

What would it feel like to actually allow yourself to be seen by others for who YOU truly are?

Being vulnerably YOU in dating is the key to creating the loving, passionate, connected relationship you want.

If you’re not in the relationship of your dreams yet, this is the most important that may be missing! 

So what does vulnerability look like? 

Vulnerability is…

  • Being open
  • Being vulnerable and honest with yourself
  • Being willing to share yourself and your feelings 
  • Trusting yourself to know who to trust
  • Sharing authentically and honestly, yet appropriately
  • Having clarity about and living in an alignment with your values and boundaries, and who you really are.
  • The ability to be yourself without judging or beating yourself up.

So what stops you from being vulnerable? 


Fear of being abandoned.

Fear of rejection.

Fear that you may get taken advantage of.

Fear of looking “weak”.

Fear of disappointment.

Fear of what others might think. 

Fear that if you show up as yourself, people won’t like or approve of you.

What fears show up for you

Why is knowing this so important? 

It’s important when it comes to dating, because, when you’re afraid, you suppress yourself. 

You pretend, hide, or resist. 

You don’t trust yourself to go for the things you want in life. 

You say you want a deep, intimate relationship, but you’re not willing to actually show up authentically and open . 

You may even worry that if you create the relationship you want, you’ll lose it, and then that fear causes you to sabotage every opportunity at true love and happiness. 

So how do you overcome these fears and show up with vulnerability in order to create genuine connection? 

You do the Heartwork to uncover and heal those fears. 

You learn how to express yourself with intention so that your authentic and honest shares come out in a way where they can be received and respected. 

You practice. 

The more you practice vulnerability, the more confident you will feel in simply being yourself.

Doing this on your own isn’t always easy, because, think about it: If you knew how to do that, you probably would have done it already.

If you know that being vulnerable is something you struggle with, and you’d like support in doing this HeartWork and breaking through the fear so that you can authentically connect with someone and create the relationship of your dreams, book a Love Breakthrough Session with one of our coaches today. 

Schedule a Love Breakthrough Session here.

Remember, it takes courage to go for the things you really want in your life. 

Vulnerability is the only way to create true love.

Let us guide you toward having the life and love your heart desires!

You Can Break Through Your Fears Now!

You Can Break Through Your Fears Now!

by Gladys Diaz 

What are fears that come up in the realm of love and relationships? 

Are you afraid you won’t be enough? 

Are you terrified of rejection or abandonment? 

Are you scared you’ll keep repeating your heartbreaking past and are afraid to try again now? 

Maybe you’re afraid that…

  • dating will just be a waste of time
  • you’ll be controlled
  • you’ll lose yourself in a relationship 
  • you won’t find someone who really understands you
  • it’ll be hard to share your life with someone 
  • you’ll get your heartbroken (again)
  • he’ll lie or cheat like every other guy has

Obviously, those are only some of the fears that come up for women while dating.

What are your fears?

The thing about fear is that it’s a fact of life. 

It’s part of being human, and there’s no way out of that. 

The other thing about fear is that even though it’s a given in life, it doesn’t have to control your life.

Fear is your brain’s way of thinking about what you are afraid is or isn’t going to happen. 

And your brain doesn’t recognize the difference between an imagined fear and what’s actually happening. 

When fear is running the show, you’ll subconsciously sabotage your experiences in an attempt to either stop whatever you’re afraid of from happening, or force something to happen. 

By taking ownership of your fears and recognizing what is an imagined fear vs reality, you take your power back and can be the conscious owner of your life and your results.

None of us want to waste our time, get our hearts broken, be rejected, or experience the same painful things we’ve experienced in the past. 

When you take the time to do the necessary Heartwork, you increase your chances of attracting the man and relationships that will be good for you. 

And the first step to doing that is to powerfully master your fears. 

So, how do you do that?

1. Distinguish your fear by recognizing what it is and where it comes from.

2. Dismantle the fear by doing the work to release it and leave it in the past. Then, when fearful thoughts come up — because they will — you’ll be able to see them for what they are, instead of relating to them as “the truth.”

3. Replace the fear with a new empowering belief that has you open up to new ideas of what’s possible for you. 

You don’t have to be afraid of what’s happened in the past. 

You can experience love, happiness, peace and healing in your heart when you do the Heartwork necessary to break through your fears! 

If you’d like support with learning how to master your thoughts and emotions so you aren’t being driven by them, we want to support you! 

Our Ready to Love Again Program begins in just over a week, and this is the powerful work we begin with!   

If you are at all interested in learning more, or if you’d simply like to chat with someone about how you (yes, YOU!) can learn to dismantle your fears and take control of your life, click below to book a Love Breakthrough Call.  

Schedule a Love Breakthrough Session

Our coaches are here to support you in seeing what you can’t see right now, so that you can move forward and create the life and love your heart desires!

NOW is the Time to Become Unleashed!

NOW is the Time to Become Unleashed!

by Gladys Diaz 

When you’re not getting the results you want, it’s easy to look outside yourself and think it’s because of something outside. 

When it comes to your love life, you may be doing everything you know how to do – and that’s actually the problem. 

You are only able to do the things you know to do. 

But what about the things you don’t know to do?

We know that when you’re doing everything you know to do and not getting the  results you want – it gets frustrating.

That frustration can turn into anger and cause you to want to give up, “take a break” or quit altogether.

You’re angry because you’re unfulfilled

You’re angry because there’s something in your life that you want and desire that’s not coming to fruition, and even if you make a little progress here and there, you’re still not free.

Are you allowing yourself to be in the shackles of your fears? 

The fears of what you think will or won’t happen? 

…about whether or not he’ll like you. 

…about getting hurt or trying again? 

Are you allowing yourself to stay burdened by the limiting beliefs that are holding you down? 

Are you allowing yourself to stay stuck under the patterns you don’t know how to break, or wondering why everyone can have this “except me”?

If you’re allowing any of those things to keep hold of you,  you’re not free. 

Which is why we’re here to tell you, it’s time to become unleashed

When you become unleashed you’re able to:  

  • have the confidence and clarity you need to create the results you desire NOW
  • dismantle and replace your dysfunctional patterns
  • unleash the power to create the extraordinary love your heart desires 

Becoming unleashed is about the energy you hold. Everything carries energy, which is why you manifest what you’re committed to! 

When you become unleashed, you have a magnetic energy that has you, not only attract what you want in love and life, but also keep it!

Becoming unleashed means being ready for what you want, and then being able to actually receive it. 

The fact of the matter is, if you’re not ready, you will miss it!

Even if the universe is sending you amazing men and incredible opportunities, they will slip right through your fingertips if you’re not ready. 

Here’s the deal: If you want to be married by this time next year, you’ve got to get focused on this now! 

You can have the happy, loving relationship you want, but how many more “laters” do you have? 

Why wait a few more months? Or years?

Why wait until you have everything figured out?

The work we do supports you in your inner work – your Heartwork – while also learning how to date effectively, how to communicate in a way that he will understand you, and how to break patterns that have you want to be the pursuer or put the breaks on when it comes to dating and relationships.

Imagine what could be possible if you had the freedom to really be yourself?

Imagine what could open up for you if you stopped allowing your fear and doubt to win the game? 

Once you become unleashed, you’ll stop experiencing the frustration these dysfunctional experiences create, once and for all, and you’ll begin to experience the JOY that comes from creating and having everything you want and deserve. 

Imagine how amazing THAT will be!

If you are 100% ready and committed to breaking free from your past, unleashing your magnetic essence, and claiming the life and love you want, then you’re ready for a Love Breakthrough! 

Click the link below and we’ll help you create a step-by-step plan to get you on track to having the love you want NOW!

Book a Love Breakthrough Session Now

Stop the Dysfunction and Have Fun Dating Today!

Stop the Dysfunction and Have Fun Dating Today!

by Gladys Diaz 

Do you feel blocked, stopped, stuck or frustrated about dating? 

Do you feel like you want to meet a wonderful man, but the dating process isn’t worth it?

Does it seem like dating just isn’t working for you? 

The thing is, as human beings, we don’t like to play games we’re not winning. 

So, why would you want to continue to date if you’re not getting the results — the kind of dates, the amazing relationship, and the experience you’re looking for?

Guess what?

Dating doesn’t have to be so hard.

Dating can be fun, exciting and easy!

When you’re experiencing joy, happiness and excitement, your energy shows it and you attract more of that into your life. 

The opposite is true when you’re not.

If you’re experiencing frustration, anxiety and disappointment, then your energy shows that, and you’ll attract more frustrating, anxiety-producing and disappointing experiences in dating.   

If your goal is to find the right man and create a beautiful, intimate, passionate, honest, supportive relationship, why not enjoy the process of getting there?

Because, that’s really the only way you’re going to create success, anyway. 

So, how do you break the dysfunctional dating patterns that are sabotaging your attempts at creating the relationship of your dreams? 

  • Be honest with yourself and get 100% clear on what you want. 

Do you want to create a loving, supportive, honest relationship? Say so. 

Do you want to get married again? Say so. 

Do you simply want to create a long-term relating relationship so you can stop dating? Say so. 🙂 

If you’re not being honest about what you really want, you know it. And underneath that knowing is a fear of NOT getting what you want that has you ignore what you’re really feeling. And you’ll  hear, see, and interpret everything you experience in dating through that fear. 

When you’re 100% honest with yourself and get clear on what you really want, then, and only then, will you be able to start attracting that into your life. 

  • Trust yourself.

Just because you had a bad experience or didn’t listen to your gut in the past, doesn’t mean your intuition is broken. 

When you don’t trust yourself to do the right thing and make the best decisions, then you’ll look for clarity and validation outside yourself. 

That leaves you powerless and simply doesn’t work.  

When you do the HeartWork to replace the fears that have you not trust yourself, you take back your power. You’re  able to clearly hear and see the bells, signals and red flags and take the steps you need to take so that you’re not wasting your time with the wrong person.. 

  • Have faith that what you want can actually happen.

This isn’t so much about who or what you believe in as much as it is about having faith and hope in a future that contains everything that you want. 

The only way to create the relationship of your dreams is to believe —  really believe —  that it can happen and that you will be able to create it.

If you’re struggling with any of these things, or simply feel like the dating game isn’t bringing you the results that you want, then we have something for you!


Join us this week for the Dating Detox 7-Day Challenge, we’re starting on Monday, April 19th!!

During  these 7 days we’re going to share with you the most effective, clear and proven steps that we have personally used and have shared with hundreds of women around the world that have allowed them to shift from being single and lonely to being successful in love!

Join the Dating Detox Challenge Now!

Things really can change in 7 days or less!

If you’re feeling blocked, stopped, stuck or frustrated with dating and your love life, then you want to click  right now and join us  for this detox! 

Get clear on what you want, trust yourself, and believe that you can create the relationship of your dreams now.

We’re going to show you exactly how to do that!

Join the Dating Detox Challenge Now!

Ditch Control and Inspire the Man in Your Relationship!

Ditch Control and Inspire the Man in Your Relationship!

by Gladys Diaz 

Do you know what’s kryptonite to relationships and a behavior a lot of women don’t even realize they have?

It’s one of the things that is most unattractive to men and will diminish the love and respect in a relationship faster than anything else.

It’s also one of the things we get asked about by women the most because, when they recognize it as a pattern, they immediately know they want to adjust. 

Can you guess what it is? 

We’re talking about control.

Being controlling isn’t just unattractive, it’s extremely ineffective in relationships. We want to support you in understanding what control looks like and how you can adjust your behavior so that you can have less control and a lot more love and respect in your relationship. 

Trying to control my husband through constant criticism and correcting was something I didn’t even realize I was doing for a very long time.  It’s also what almost led to us splitting up.

What I felt was me being supportive, encouraging, and helpful was actually diminishing, emasculating, and stripping away the love and intimacy in my marriage.  But it was a blindspot for me.  I just didn’t see how controlling I was being.

Since you can’t change a behavior you don’t know you have, what does control look and sound like? 

The most common form control takes is through your communication

You may think you’re simply “being honest” with your partner or sharing your feelings with someone you’re dating… But the words you choose you may be coming off as controlling. 

Let’s say, for example, that you would really like to have more conversations on the phone with the man  you’re dating…

Do you say, “You never call me like you used to.” or “Call me tomorrow at 5pm”? 

If so, you are exhibiting control. 


Because, in the first statement, you’re not saying what you want or how you feel. You’re complaining.

In the second statement, you’re telling him what to do and when to do it.

So, how can you say this instead? 

Say, “I’d love to chat on the phone soon!” or “I would prefer to talk on the phone more often.” 

These statements focus 100% on you and serve as a very appealing invitation to call you.

Let’s say you’d like to go away for the weekend with your partner. 

Do you say, “We should go somewhere together this weekend?” 

Yep, that’s controlling. 

Instead, say, “I’d love to go away together.

These simple adjustments in your communication are inspiring to a man and show love for him and respect for his desires and feelings, while at the same time expressing yours. 

The reason control is kryptonite in a relationship is because when a man feels like he’s being controlled, he will do one of two things. 

  1. He will dig his heels in and refuse to do the thing you’d like him to do.
  2. He will submit. 

You don’t want either of those things! 

You want a man to be inspired to be with you, to desire to make you happy, and to have fun, lightness and joy present in your relationship. 

Wonder what causes that almost-immediate urge to tell him what to do and say?

The urge to control always stems from a fear that something is or isn’t going to happen. 

So, how do you shift out of that fear and, instead, show your man that you respect him and see him as a strong man, capable of making good decisions, and trusting that he wants to make you happy?

Before you speak, ask yourself these three questions: 

  1. What am I afraid will/will not happen if I don’t say this?
  2. How can I say what I want to say, focusing solely on what I’m feeling and want to express without bringing him or his actions into the statement. 
  3. What emotion will I inspire in my partner by saying this?

It takes some conscious effort to interrupt that internal chatter that;s always going on in our heads and think about how the words we choose will land for our partners. 

Shifting out of a pattern of control isn’t easy, but it is so worth it! 

And as you practice, it becomes easier and easier to do.

If you’d like some support in shifting a pattern of control in your dating experiences or relationships, let us support you by booking a Love Breakthrough Session with one of our coaches. On this call, we’ll explore what some of your control triggers are, and give you some clear steps on what to do to shift from controlling to inspiring your man!

Like we said, many times, these controlling behaviors are things you may not even realize you have, and with some support to help you see them, you can completely transform them and create more love and intimacy in  your relationship.

Book a Love Breakthrough Session Now!

When a man feels respected, loved and connected to you, he will do just about anything to make you happy.

Choose your words wisely so you inspire that type of connection in your relationship!

How to Stop Rushing Relationships

How to Stop Rushing Relationships

by Gladys Diaz 

Question for you…

Do you tend to rush into relationships?

In our work with women all over the world, there is something that comes up frequently. 

No matter where they’re from, how old they are, and what they’re life experience in love has been – they all say the same thing: 

They have a tendency to rush into relationships. 

Do you have this  pattern, too? 

Do you find yourself wondering, after just a date or two, when he’s going to make it official? 

Do you rush to meet his close friends and family?

Do you stop dating other men the minute you start to like someone?

Do you rush to move in together? 

Do you feel like you want to marry him before you’re even officially in a relationship?

We know that when you meet someone you’re attracted to and enjoy spending time with, that there’s a natural tendency to want to be with them… a lot, to dream about what could happen, and that this triggers the desire to want to move fast.

The thing is that  there’s this beautiful phase in the beginning of a relationship, and when you rush, you cheat yourself out of those special feelings and experiences that only happen then.

The other, even more important thing, is that when you go too fast, you miss the opportunity to really get to know someone and can end up missing red flags. 

While dating, you want to be aware and awake. You want to notice the things that he does, learn about him and who he is, and be curious about what being with him is like. 

You want to take the time to really get to know someone before you jump into a relationship, because the physical chemistry can be there, but if the character of the man isn’t aligned with the kind of relationship you want to have,  then it won’t  work. 

The fact is that after just one or two dates, you don’t know if this is the relationship of your dreams. Knowing that takes time. 

So, what has women rush into relationships? 


You may be afraid that if it doesn’t work with him, it’s never going to happen. 

You may be worried that if you wait too long, you won’t be able to have kids. 

Or maybe you think that he’ll get bored and move on if you don’t “catch him” fast. 

How do you shift out of this fear? 

  1. Turn the attention and focus back to you. Stop wondering so much about whether or not  he likes you, and think about the experience you’re having with him and if it truly aligns with the kind of experience you want to have for the next 20, 40, 60 years.. 
  2. Don’t get attached too quickly. Continue to date other people until you’re in a committed relationship. It’s heartbreaking when women invest too much of themselves too soon, only  to find out that it’s not the right match. Give yourself the gift of getting to know multiple people at the same time so you don’t start feeling desperate or get too emotionally attached to someone too soon.. 
  3. Think about what you’re learning about the men you’re dating. What is the quality of the conversations you have? Do you laugh and have fun together? Do you have common interests and enjoy being together? The more curious you get, the more motivated you are to let things play out and get to know him gradually.


Remember that feelings are fleeting. You need to give yourself (and him as well) time to really get clear and be sure that what you’re experiencing together is aligned with the relationship of your dreams. 

If you tend to rush into relationships or get attached to a man too quickly and you’d like support with uncovering  the fears driving these  patterns, we’d love to talk to you! Click the link below to schedule a Love Breakthrough Session.

Book a Love Breakthrough Session Now

You get to keep standing for the love you want and not let fear or desperation have you slip into rushing into a relationship  that isn’t what you really want. 

Don’t let fear get in the way. 

Take your time and know that the time you put into getting to truly know someone at the beginning will pay out in dividends later in the form of years of happiness in a relationship, as well as stop  you from experiencing unnecessary heartbreak and disappointment. 

Trust the process and know that the love you want is already looking for and coming to you!