Got a Question About Online Dating? Here’s the Answer!

Got a Question About Online Dating? Here’s the Answer!

by Gladys Diaz

What is the number one question you have when it comes to online dating?

These are the questions we get asked the most…. 

❓ Why do I keep attracting the wrong kind of men? 

❓ Why are none of the men I’m matching with reaching out? 

❓ What should I include in my profile? 

❓ What shouldn’t I include?

❓ What sites are the best to get on? 

❓ What type of photos should I use? 

We’re going to be answering ALL of these questions, plus more on Saturday at the Ultimate Attraction Workshop, but we wanted to give you just a few tips today. 

When it comes to online dating, your profile is the most important part! 


Because you have 3-6 seconds to capture a man’s attention which means your photos and the first sentence of your profile must be captivating! 

Here’s what NOT to do: 

DON’T start with a list of adjectives

DON’T include a list of things you like to do

DON’T put a timeline of your life

DON’T list all of your educational or professional credentials

DON’T put pictures of you with alcohol or showing too much skin

DON’T use sarcasm or put yourself down

You want your profile to showcase who you really are! 

You want it to be refreshing, different and full of depth. The more natural it sounds, the more receptive men will be to it so make sure it shows your authentic you!

So what should you do?

If you want to find out and are ready to start attracting the right kind of men, join us from 12-3pm EST on Saturday for the Ultimate Attraction Workshop! 

We’re going to be teaching you exactly what you need to know to have clarity around what to do before, during and after you create your online dating profile so that you attract high-quality, commitment-minded, ready-for-love men who will be ready to partner with you in creating the relationship of your dreams!

We’ll be answering your questions, giving you coaching and having hands-on activities so that you walk away with a profile that starts giving you the results you’ve been waiting for.

Have Online Dating Work for you Now!

Stop wasting your time attracting the wrong men online and learn how to create a profile that attracts the high quality, commitment-minded man you want to meet, get to know and marry! 


Break Your TRIGGERS To Be the Irresistible YOU!

Break Your TRIGGERS To Be the Irresistible YOU!

by Gladys Diaz

Imagine you were in a conversation with someone where you felt upset, pressured, threatened or angry.

How would you normally respond?

There was a time when I would get into arguments with people, over things that didn’t even matter the next day.

I would be so sure that I was right…

…there’d be a big blow-up, and then…

…I’d just move on like they never existed.

That worked for me – until it didn’t.

When I started to recognize how distant all of my relationships were and how impossible I was making it to get close enough to anyone to create an intimate, loving, supportive partnership – I knew something needed to change!

Can you relate?

When our fear response is set off, our “reptilian brain” kicks in and our human, automatic response is triggered. Hormones are released, the subconscious is activated and an emotional response ensues.

And whatever you do when that situation arises is what you do – without even thinking about it.

You either: 

  1. FIGHT – You lash out with criticism, bitterness, yelling and insults in an attempt to deal with the fear and hurt you’re feeling. You have an “adult temper tantrum” and everyone has to know you’re upset. 
  2. FREEZE – You hold in your feelings and internalize your anger, eventually creating sickness in your body.
  3. FLEE – You withdraw, avoid and numb out your emotions. 

What’s your pattern when your triggers are set off?

When this automatic pattern is triggered, you’re not even aware of what’s happening.

You’re not conscious that you could be doing things another way. You feel great in the moment, but then, when the adrenaline wears off – you have the emotional hangover that you don’t know what to do with.

The thing is, there’s something bigger underneath it all.

The pattern is simply the coping mechanism you developed as a child to deal with the pain, hurt and heartbreak and when those fears that are still present for you are triggered – your pattern goes off.

The thing about love and intimate relationships is that these patterns simply don’t work. There’s nothing men despise more than drama.

What men want more than anything else is a woman who’s emotionally mature – even more than they want someone they’re physically attracted to!

They want a woman who knows herself, knows her triggers and has learned how to handle her emotions with grace.

The good news is there’s a way you can break these patterns.

It’s possible to feel your feelings, communicate your needs AND show up the way you want to! 

It’s not about perfection, it’s about being able to get upset and handle it with grace.

If you don’t want to continue the patterns of your past, you get to create not just new ways – but effective ways to do things differently.

If you want to attract a man who’s a match for you, then you get to BE the woman that’s going to attract that.

This is why we’re so passionate about you joining us at Irresistible Woman LIVE!

Over the course of 3 days we’ll be doing the HeartWork necessary to release the pain of the past and give you the tools to be able to communicate and relate to yourself and others effectively!

You’ll come out of the three-day weekend event KNOWING not only that you ARE an Irresistible Woman but also be able to show up as her in every area of your life!

What’s possible when you show up that way is literally incredible.

And that’s what we want for you!

There’s only one more day – TODAY – to grab your ticket to Irresistible Woman LIVE PLUS all of the bonuses we’re currently offering for $97.

Tonight at midnight Eastern time the price is going up and the bonuses are going away, so if you’ve been on the fence – the time to act is now.

Grab the Ultimate Love Bundle!

If you have toxic patterns, you’ll attract toxic men and create toxic relationships.

It’s just that simple. 

When you learn how to rewrite those patterns and show up as the graceful, beautiful, Irresistible Woman that you are – that’s when the magic happens!

When you’re able to have circumstances show up and you’re unchanged – that’s real power!

Join us at The Irresistible Woman LIVE and step into your power now!

Do You Really Want To Be In The Relationship Of Your Dreams?

Do You Really Want To Be In The Relationship Of Your Dreams?

by Gladys Diaz

Do you want to be in the relationship of your dreams now?

Like really ?

Guess what…

In the last month our clients have created 9 new committed relationships, 2 engagements (with upcoming marriages planned within two weeks of each other in September) and 2 additional marriages!

And those are only the ones we’ve heard about! 

We don’t know what your goals were at the beginning of the year, NAME, but if you’re here in our community we’re guessing that some of them had to do with creating the relationship of your dreams.

Think back to 3 months ago…

6 months ago…

Where did you think you’d be by now?

How close are you to creating it?

So often we allow time to keep going by without the things we want most in our life changing.

Why is that?

When it comes to dating and relationships, here’s why –

1. If you don’t know how to date, it’s intimidating and confusing and doesn’t result in the fun experience it should be. This causes you to put it off.

2. If you’ve made past mistakes in relationships or had your heart broken and haven’t healed – the fears and anxieties you have about the past will also have you avoid your greatest dreams.

The fact is – when you’re really committed to creating something in your life – you take consistent action to create it.

It’s possible that you think you’re doing all the right things – but you’re still not experiencing the results you want because you’re not clear on what works in dating.

If you’re exhausted by dating – you’re trying to control when and how it happens.

Being courted by a man – being treated to dinner, taken to shows, going on walks on the beach – what’s exhausting about that?!

Dating should be fun and relaxing!

If you say that you’re ready to be in the relationship of your dreams NOW then it’s time to take action NOW.

And not just any actions – the ones that will have dating and relationships be fun and exciting!

This is why you need to purchase your Ultimate Love Bundle so you can join us in less than two months for Irresistible Woman LIVE!

If you don’t want to spend another holiday alone…

If you want to step into your happily ever after together with the love of your dreams…

You get to practice the things that give you the emotional and dating mastery that will have you show up as the kind of woman that the type of high quality man you want is looking for.

That’s what we’re going to be teaching you at Irresistible Woman LIVE!

Your life simply will never be the same.

The way you relate to yourself and the way you relate to men will be completely transformed!

You’ll waste so much less time PLUS feel happy and empowered, enabled to make dating fun and successful so that you can create the relationship of your dreams NOW!

Grab your ticket here!

If you’ve ever said you need to take a “break” from dating, come and enjoy yourself and spend three days with us.We’ll take care of you and make sure you have all the tools you need to create the powerful transformation that will have you create and BE IN the relationship of your dreams with the love of your life by the end of this year!

When you’re out there dating, we want you to know that you’re doing the things that will give you the results you want.

Claim your spot here.

See you there! 


The Secret To Stop Getting “Triggered”!

The Secret To Stop Getting “Triggered”!

by Gladys Diaz

Would you like to be able to feel confident in any situation or conversation you encounter that you’ll be able to handle it with grace and ease? 

How would it feel to experience less reactivity or emotional meltdown and experience more happiness and joy? 

Imagine what it would mean for your life if you were able to maintain peace inside of you no matter what happens around you? 

Tomorrow in the Girl, It’s Not Personal! Workshop we’re going to be showing you how to create just that!

See if this scenario sounds familiar: 

Something happens…

… your boyfriend says something in a “tone”

… a guy you’ve been texting stops responding

… your boss calls you in for an unscheduled meeting

… a co-worker doesn’t do something they promised they’d do

… someone cuts you off on the highway

And all of the sudden you feel disrespected, rejected, worried or angry. 

You’re “triggered.” 

A memory, fear or limiting belief was opened up and like a domino effect sets off a series of other thoughts and associated behaviors.

The switch has been flipped and you have an emotional reaction that has you say or do things you later regret. Your mind and mouth take on a mind of their own and it’s not until after the dust has settled that you regret your behavior and see the line of carnage in your wake. 

We’ve all been there, . 

There was a time when Ric and I couldn’t even talk about some things for longer then 5 minutes because one of us would explode.

Sometimes the fall-out you create from these emotional reactions is short-lived. 

But sometimes, the result is a complete loss of a relationship, future relationship, or opportunity. 

The result is always a loss of personal peace and confidence and the impact on you and those around you is loss of time, energy, intimacy, connection, happiness and joy.

What if you didn’t have to experience things that way? 

What if you could turn off the “trigger” in an instant before it spiraled out of control? 

What if you could have mastery over your emotions instead of being a reaction waiting to happen? 

That’s what we’re going to be teaching you how to do tomorrow in the Girl, It’s Not Personal! Workshop. 

You’re going to learn how to: 

  • Identify the emotional triggers that have you react, strike back, or shut down in conversations and relationships.
  • Break through the automatic and limiting thought patterns that are negatively impacting your communication and relationships, so that you can attract and keep the love your heart desires
  • Increase your level of self awareness and master managing your emotions , so that you are able to have empowering conversations and build a strong, happy, and loving relationship

The reason why marriages aren’t working right now is because most people don’t have the skills to not have a reaction to what others say and do. 

Ric and I almost lost our marriage because of this. 

But we didn’t because we up-leveled our emotional intelligence by learning the tools and skills that work in communicating and relationships. Now we can discuss anything for as long as we want to and maintain connection, love and peace in the space. 

And that’s what we want for you too. 



Tips For Talking About Religion With A Date.

Tips For Talking About Religion With A Date.

by Gladys Diaz

Does spirituality or religion play an integral role in your life?

Some of the questions we often get from our clients about this topic are:

  • When is it appropriate to bring up religion in the dating experience? 
  • What if he doesn’t share my same beliefs? Can a relationship still work? 
  • How much should I share?
  • What if we’re not aligned?
  • What if I can’t ever find someone I’m attracted to that’s in my religion?

So, let’s give you some answers!

If you’re unwilling to date outside of your religion – put it in your dating profile. If this matters to you, trust that you will find someone who is aligned because hiding it or pushing down that desire won’t ever work.

Otherwise, we suggest that you don’t bring it up and allow it to come up naturally in the dating experience.

We recommend not having heavy and significant conversations early on while dating. The beginning of getting to know someone should feel light and fun and exciting!

If the topic comes up naturally, and it’s something that’s important for you to share, then simply be honest and authentic.

This is how it happened for me…

Ric and I met at a dance club and then we spent hours more talking that night. The topic of religion came up naturally because in Ric sharing about his divorce, I shared that my previous husband had passed away.

Ric asked me how I ever got through something like that and my authentic response was, “My faith in God is the only thing that got me through it.

That was authentic and a very natural response for me because my religion was a big part of my life at the time. I was in a Christian band, I was a youth minister, and I went to church every Sunday.

Ric had very different beliefs.

While he was also Catholic, he wasn’t actively practicing. Later in our dating relationship we talked about religion more and he expressed that his main concern was that I would try and convert him.

We decided then that mutual respect and peace were two values that we would always hold in our marriage. We wouldn’t ever feel the need to defend or debate our beliefs.

I expressed that it was important that my children be baptized and that I was married in the church. He didn’t have a problem with either of those things and that’s what happened.

Over 20 years into marriage and that mutual respect has remained. Having differing beliefs has never been a problem.

It can work!

What’s important is that you’re gracious, accepting, authentic, respectful and honest with yourself and with him from the beginning.

Marriage will throw many different balls at you and the fact is, you and your partner aren’t going to always agree. That doesn’t mean that someone has to be wrong.

Respect is what will get you through.

Being clear on who you are and what you want is critical.

The most important thing to remember while dating is that a man can’t fall in love with you if you aren’t there. You get to be authentic and show up fully as you!

Let go of judgments. Be honest. Be authentic.

If you’re ready to be in the relationship of your dreams, want to get crystal clear on who you are and know how to attract that relationship to you before the end of this year then join us at the Irresistible Woman LIVE 2022 in September!

This 3-day virtual event is specifically for smart, successful, strong women who also want to be successful in love.

We have a special offer that includes a ticket going on now and the price is only going to go up.

If you know you want to join us, so yourself a favor and grab your ticket here now!


How To Be the Confident, Secure Woman Who’s Ready for Love Now!

How To Be the Confident, Secure Woman Who’s Ready for Love Now!

by Gladys Diaz

Do you ever feel insecure while dating?

Do you wonder things like…

“What if he doesn’t like me?”
“What if we don’t feel the same connection when we see each other that we felt on the phone?”
“What if the same insecurities that had me sabotage the last relationship come up this time?”
“Will I ever just be able to be myself and know that it’s enough?”

When you feel insecure your thoughts take you away from where would really make a difference for you to be – which is inside yourself.

The key to successful dating – and the eventual dream relationship is knowing what you want, feeling secure with who you are and choosing a partner that supports you in creating that relationship.

So – how can you feel secure while dating?

The #1 thing that has women feel insecure in dating is not dating correctly and thinking they are in a relationship before they actually are.

The most important thing to remember while you’re dating is this –

Dating IS NOT a relationship.

Dating involves getting to know different men so that you can have as many different experiences as possible while discovering what it is that you want to experience in a relationship.

If you start out expecting something to become a relationship then you get attached to the idea of the man too soon – before you actually know him. Those expectations cause you to feel insecure when he doesn’t reciprocate the attachment as quickly and usually leads to the man pulling away and the dating experience coming to an end. 

On the other hand, if you’re dating many men at the same time and allowing yourself to really get to know them – you keep yourself from becoming too attached to anyone prematurely and allow yourself to be fully awake to see who is showing up for you, how you feel in the experience and what you want to develop further.

And trust us – when a man wants to be in a relationship, you will know it!

Good high, quality men who know what they want, don’t waste any time becoming exclusive and committed to the woman they want to be with.

Now – here’s the thing:

Even though dating correctly and remembering that there are plenty of good men out there is important –

– the most important thing you can do to make sure you feel secure in dating – is to increase your confidence in yourself and get crystal clear about what it is that you want to experience in life and in a relationship.

If you continue to attract men who don’t know what they want or aren’t aligned with what you’d like to experience in a relationship then you need to do the HeartWork to understand what is causing you to attract what you don’t want and how you can break through and create something different!

When you create clarity, you increase your level of security and can feel certain within yourself no matter what others do or what your outside circumstances are.

When you become connected to your authentic self and fully see the vulnerable beauty that you are – then men are attracted to that energy in you!

If you’re ready to have a breakthrough and become the confident, secure woman who’s ready for love then you need to join us on Saturday for Love Breakthrough LIVE!

On this FREE LIVE Love Breakthrough Coaching Call, we’ll be coaching YOU on how to identify your love barriers, break through them, and step into the love your heart truly desires.

Click here to register to join us!

After you register you’ll have the opportunity to apply to be coached live on the session – 

And when you do, you’ll be coached on the call the same way we coach our clients, which will lead you to have incredible breakthroughs and create the love you want NOW!

We can’t wait for Saturday and hope we see your face there!




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