You Get To Be Cherished.
by Michelle Roza
I don’t know about you, but that word just brings all the feels!
To be cherished. What does that really mean?
Literally, the word cherish means to hold dear, to show affection for, to cultivate care, and to harbor in the mind deeply and resolutely.
Being cherished looks like being absolutely loved, cared for, and protected.
So how do you attract the man that will not only cherish you, but cherish you forever?
#1 – Believe You’re Worth It.
I’ve said it before, and I’ll keep saying it forever, because it really is that important.
The reason why we say it over and over is because I don’t think any of us walk around consciously thinking that we aren’t worth it. But, when you stop and honestly look at what’s underneath, do you really know that you deserve to be cherished?
I know, for me, I remember when I didn’t believe.
On the surface, everything looked great, but, underneath, it wasn’t great at. Because I didn’t believe that I was worth it.
I never allowed myself to be seen by the men who I thought were really great. The high-quality, good character men, I just didn’t show up for. I always went one step below.
Because that’s what I felt like I deserved.
I felt so much shame about my divorce, about dating not working for me, and about being alone. I felt like my time was just about up to find love, and I was so desperate for love!
Can you relate?
It wasn’t until I did the HeartWork – the internal work to release, heal, and let go of the layers of fear, shame and heartache – that things started to shift.
I started to feel better FOR REAL, so that’s what started being reflected out in the world, and that’s what I began attracting.
I stopped attracting “not good”men and “not-good-for-me” men and started attracting those good guys that had the qualities that I desired
And I soon found Arnie.
The #1 thing you MUST do in order to find the partner that will cherish you forever is to believe that you are worth it.
#2 – Make Yourself a Priority
You must make yourself a priority if you expect anyone else to. And it’s not just about doing your nails and your hair and looking physically attractive. It’s also not about buying yourself more “stuff.”
Making yourself a priority is about spending time with yourself. Filling yourself up so that you aren’t looking to be filled by someone else.
We all have big lives and sometimes we can end up putting ourselves at the bottom of the pile – and that doesn’t help anyone.
Your way of being is the most attractive thing to a man (and everyone else). So make yourself a priority, so that you have light to give.
#3 – Honor Your Word
If you want a man that will cherish, respect, and love you, then YOU must cherish you and respect you and love you.
Honor your word.
If you say you will go to bed at 10:00, go to bed at 10:00.
If you say you’ll go to the gym at 7am, then get up and go to the gym at 7am.
If you tell your kids that bedtime is 9pm, then put them to bed at 9pm.
When you don’t honor your word, then others don’t know what they can count on your for. Worse than that, even YOU don’t know what you can count on yourself for. That breeds self-doubt, and it’s all downhill from there.
You will learn to not trust yourself, and you can’t trust a man if can’t trust yourself to choose the right man.
Stop living your life based on your feelings, because your feelings change! Start living your life by your commitments, saying “this WILL be” and then making sure it is so. Do that, and see what changes!
You see, it really does begin with you.
We may sound like a broken record, but it’s the absolute truth.
I was talking to a client the other day who just got married!!! I was remembering one of our first conversations when we uncovered her belief that there was something wrong with her because she was in her 50’s and had never been married. She believed that it would have been better to have been divorced 3 times than to be her age and have never been in a long-term relationship.
What a limiting belief! But can you relate?
Once we uncovered that limiting belief and she did her HeartWork, she started showing up in the world differently. She was smiling again. She felt good! And she was no longer on a timeline. She knew that she deserved it and that it was on it’s way to her.
She ended up attracting a man that she’d met decades before who came back into her life, and now they are happily married.
It is possible if you just believe.
So, if you really want to learn how you can start cherishing yourself and then attract the man that will cherish you forever then act NOW to join us for our 2020 Love Vision Event, happening this weekend!
Click here to grab your spot (only 2 left!)!
At this event, we’ll help you to complete 2019 and step powerfully into 2020 with a crystal-clear vision for the love that your heart desires deeply, and the exact steps and tools you’ll need to create and experience it in 2020!
There are only 2 spots left at this event, and we’d love one of them to be yours!
Remember: It’s not just about getting a man to ask you out. It’s about BEing the irresistible woman that he decides he can’t live without. That’s when all your dreams will become a reality!