How to Trust Men so you Can Experience Extraordinary Love NOW!
by Michelle Roza
One of the top things we hear from successful, driven, passionate women like you, is that they have a hard time trusting men.
Can you relate?
Have you been hurt, lied to or had your dreams shattered by someone you thought loved you?
Perhaps your parents got divorced or someone betrayed you as a child – and you’ve struggled trusting others ever since.
Then there’s all the Tinder Swindler and Dirty John reality shows and documentaries about the men who are scamming, lying, and cheating and when all of that’s out there – how can you feel that you can really trust a man?
We know this is all there for you and we also know that if you desire a relationship where you feel safe, trust must be present.
Trustworthy men are out there and you deserve to be loved by one of them – now!
So where does trust begin?
Real trust comes first, from truly trusting yourself to make the choices in your life that will lead you to where you want to go.
You can only trust others to the extent that you trust yourself. It starts from within.
- Lack of self-trust leaves you feeling disempowered and afraid.
- It impacts your ability to be vulnerable and truly connect.
- It makes true intimacy impossible.
- And when you can’t trust yourself, life becomes a lot more scary than it actually is!
Whether you’re looking for a love that will take you around the world, bring you children and an expanded family or simply love and support you in your already amazing life…
You want extraordinary love with a wonderful man who’ll be the best match for you and all of your hopes and dreams.
If this is what you want – Join us this Thursday for an Encore Presentation of the Extraordinary Love NOW Masterclass!
The truth is – when you don’t trust yourself, what chooses for you isn’t really you.
What chooses instead, are your fears.
Your thoughts that you’re not good enough…
The fear of ending up alone forever…
Remembering all the “wrong” men you’ve attracted in the past and disbelief that anything will ever be any different.
Thinking you’ll be taken advantage of like you were before…
When these are the thoughts swirling around in your mind it’s debilitating and life and love feel scary.
So how do you break through these fears and begin to trust you again?
- Acceptance. First you get to accept yourself and everything about your past.
If you allow your past to determine your future you’ll always feel like you have something to prove, like there’s something to overcome, like you have to work to not become your mother or make the same mistakes you’ve already made.
Your past doesn’t have to define you, tell you who you are or let you know what you can expect of your future. - Forgiveness. Second, you get to forgive the version of you that chose the painful experiences of the past so you can heal and move forward.
You get to remove the emotional charge behind the memories so that they no longer have power to influence your present and future. - Clarity. After you’ve healed your past you can stand powerfully in who you are in the present. Then, and only then, can you be clear about what you want for your future.
Once you have crystal clarity around what it is that you want to experience in a relationship, you’ll be able to stand for the man and relationship you want instead of settling for whatever’s there.
It’s incredible what opens up when you’re able to accept and love yourself fully!
When you know what you want and can be yourself without reservation you feel happier and more comfortable with yourself because the real you is showing up!
Your intuition becomes stronger and you’re more and more able to be powerful in life and love making the decisions that are right for you quickly and without reservation or doubt.
You’re able to attract the type of men that you WANT to be with, who will be deserving of your trust and commitment and that want to be with the real you too!
If that’s something you want, then join us Thursday for the Extraordinary Love NOW Masterclass!
In this special, encore presentation of the fun, interactive workshop, you’ll:
- Break through the patterns that have been sabotaging your love life and relationships
- Tap into your Irresistible Essence so you can easily attract and keep the man for YOU!
- Discover how to manifest the life and love your heart desires so you can create the happy, loving relationship you want NOW
Join us this week in commemorating the LAST Valentine’s Day you’ll spend without the love of your life! Click HERE register for this free event!
Once you register, you’ll receive love coaching messages so you can be on the road to experiencing Extraordinary Love NOW!