3 Steps to Stop Doubting Yourself and Attract the RIGHT Man NOW!

3 Steps to Stop Doubting Yourself and Attract the RIGHT Man NOW!

by Gladys Diaz

Do you ever doubt yourself?

Do you ever question whether or not you’ve made the right decision about a career move, whether or not to keep dating someone you’ve grown to care about, or where to live?

What does it feel like to not be able to trust yourself to make the best decisions for your future?

One of the top things we hear from women, successful, driven, passionate women like you, is that they have a hard time trusting themselves.

And that lack of self-trust leaves them feeling disempowered and afraid.

When you can’t trust yourself life becomes a lot more scary than it actually is! 

Whether you’re looking for a love that will take you around the world, bring you children and an expanded family or simply love and support in your already amazing life, we’re certain that you want your intuition to guide you to a good man who’ll be a good match for you and all of your hopes and dreams. 

So what if you don’t trust yourself to find him?

What if you worry that your “picker” is broken or that you always choose the “wrong” men? 

When you don’t trust yourself then what chooses for you isn’t you

What chooses instead are your fears. 

Your thoughts that you’re not good enough… 

The fear of ending up alone forever… 

Remembering all the “wrong” men you’ve attracted in the past and disbelief that anything will ever be any different.

Thinking you’ll be taken advantage of like you were before… 

When these are the thoughts swirling around in your mind it’s debilitating and life and love feel scary as hell. 

So how do you break through these fears and begin to trust you again? 

  1. Acceptance. First you get to accept yourself and everything about your past.

    If you allow your past to determine your future you’ll always feel like you have something to prove, like there’s something to overcome, like you have to work to not become your mother or make the same mistakes you’ve already made.

    Your past doesn’t have to define you, tell you who you are or let you know what you can expect of your future.


  2. Forgiveness. Second, you get to forgive the version of you that chose the painful experiences of the past so you can heal and move forward.

    You get to remove the emotional charge behind the memories so that they no longer have power to influence your present and future.



  3. Clarity. After you’ve healed your past you can stand powerfully in who you are in the present. Then, and only then, can you be clear about what you want for your future.

    Once you have crystal clarity around what it is that you want to experience in a relationship, you’ll be able to stand for the man and relationship you want instead of settling for whatever’s there. 

It’s incredible what opens up when you’re able to accept and love yourself fully!

When you know what you want and can be yourself without reservation you feel happier and more comfortable with yourself because the real you is showing up! 

Your intuition becomes stronger and you’re more and more able to make the decisions that are right for you quickly and without reservation or doubt. 


You’re able to attract the type of men that you WANT to be with and that want to be with the real you too! 

If that’s something you want, then join us on Saturday for the Attract the RIGHT Man Masterclass!

In this fun, interactive 3-hour workshop, you’ll: 

  • Identify the barrier that have the fears and doubts show up instead of the right man
  • Gain Clarity about what you want in a relationship
  • Discover what men are looking for and what repels them
  • Manifest the life and love your heart desires for a LIFETIME

If that’s what you want – then click HERE to register for this free event!

Once you register, you’ll receive love notes throughout the rest of this week so you can receive support in love starting NOW and so you can come prepared on Saturday to meet the RIGHT man now! 

We can’t wait to see you there!

The ONE Thing You Need to Know to Attract TRUE LOVE Into Your Life!

The ONE Thing You Need to Know to Attract TRUE LOVE Into Your Life!

by Gladys Diaz

Do you ever wonder whether or not extraordinary love is possible for you?

Do you fear you’ll never find someone who will see you, love you, hear you and want to share a life with you? 

If you answered yes to either of those questions, you’re not alone and… 

I know how you feel because I felt the exact same way for years.

After my husband cheated on me and we got divorced, putting myself out in the dating game again was not only hard and terrifying – it left me feeling doubtful and discouraged that I’d ever find someone who would love me again. 

It wasn’t until I discovered the secret I’m going to share with you today that my love life, and whole life actually, were transformed. 

This secret isn’t about doing something “more” or “better” than you’ve done in the past. 

It points back to ONE fundamental thing and if you don’t know how to create this ONE thing, it will lead you to 5, 10, 20 more years of not creating the love and life that you want.

When I look back at who I was and what my life looked like BEFORE I learned this secret and who I became and how my life transformed AFTER, it’s like looking at 2 different lives!

What it all boiled down to was this… 

Really being IN the experience of being in love with myself. 

And not in a conceited, arrogant or entitled way. 

And not in a weekly massages and pedicures kind of way either. 

Loving myself at a deep, raw, true level so that when I looked in the mirror, I didn’t compare myself to my best friend or the actress on TV. I didn’t wish my thighs were smaller or that my teeth were straighter.

And when I looked myself in the eyes, I didn’t wish I was funnier, smarter or more successful. 

I knew in my heart that I was enough, that I was love-able and that I would find someone else who felt the same. 

And once I became whole in that way – only then was I able to create something extraordinary with someone else. 

That’s the secret to creating real love and that’s why we’re hosting the Self-Love Secret Mission Challenge this week! 

When you develop this type of love within yourself you: 

💖 Have the courage to be who you really are

💖 Don’t have to spend days, months, years, (or even minutes!) recovering when someone makes you feel unloveable 

💖 Communicate in a way that exemplifies true love and true power

💖 Speak your “truth” without having it look like your anger on a loud speaker. 

💖Know at the ultimate level that you’re enough and be able to create an extraordinary relationship with another human being who knows and feels the same

Because until you develop this deep love within yourself, no one else’s love will make a difference. 

Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day and we’re committed to YOU elevating what you’re doing in life and love so that you can have everything you dream of!

The Self-Love Secret Mission Challenge begins TONIGHT at 6pm EST and you get to be there!

This week can be the week that bridges the gap between where you are now and where you want to be because your love for yourself expands.

Here’s what ladies have said about the transformation this challenge created for them:

“My biggest takeaway from the Self-Love Secret Mission is that I am more than enough just as I am, and that I am my biggest champion! I now believe with all my heart that I will attract a high-quality man with whom I will create the relationship of my dreams! I highly recommend this challenge to anyone willing to love themselves like never before. You will truly fall in love with yourself!” -Cari

“Before I did The Self-Love Secret Mission, I  felt stuck and like I needed  change in my life and some direction. During the mission, I learned that self-love is a holistic act in that you feed your self with love, talk to yourself with love, eat food and think loving thoughts about yourself. I realized that I’ve been so negative about being in a relationship for years so now it’s just a process of noticing my self-talk, changing my limiting beliefs, and knowing I don’t have to do it all on my own. I seriously felt the best when I was doing this, and I totally want to get back into that energy again, where crazy magical things were happening!” -Anna

You get to experience extraordinary love from the INSIDE OUT!

When you learn to love yourself at this deep level, your confidence, compassion, trust, communication increase. And the list goes on – because it touches everything

See YOUR Patterns and Create Your Love Vision NOW!

See YOUR Patterns and Create Your Love Vision NOW!

by Gladys Diaz

Do you ever feel like you keep repeating the same thing over and over again when it comes to dating and relationships?

Does it seem like you keep meeting the same man in a different body – and no matter how good it might seem in the beginning, it always ends the same way?

Do you have the same argument week in and week out with your boyfriend or husband? 

If you feel like you keep getting the same results – and you can’t figure out why – it’s likely there’s a dysfunctional pattern that’s running you! 

 The incredible thing about seeing and understanding your dysfunctional patterns is that once you do – you access the power to break through them! 

 And once you do that – you’re free to choose.

Below are the top 3 dysfunctional patterns that come up for women in love and relationships. While these may not be yours, keep reading because you may have a version of one of these! 

  1. The MOST common dysfunctional pattern in relationships – and what most other dysfunctional patterns come back to- is not trusting yourself. 

Do you overthink things, ruminate,  question your decisions or put them off?

If so, you have a dysfunctional pattern of not trusting yourself.

This pattern is developed at a young age when you do something that you thought was right and then get reprimanded for it. The little girl inside of you is still living in the decision of “When I think something’s right – it’s wrong” and you stop trusting yourself. 

Analysis paralysis is exhausting! Plus, every time you doubt yourself, you chip away a little bit more of your confidence.

2. The 2nd most common dysfunctional pattern is attracting the wrong men.

If you’re attracting the wrong men, there’s something energetically part of your belief system about what you think you deserve.

You might think that “someone” is better than “no one” or “better than the last guy” and it has you stay in something that’s not what you really want.

3. The 3rd most common dysfunctional pattern is that you have a hard time being vulnerable in relationships.

You hide and don’t dare show people who you really are.

You try to appear confident and end up coming off arrogant, entitled, or guarded. 

 So how do you overcome these dysfunctional patterns and unleash the confident, assured version of yourself?

How do you begin to trust yourself so you can attract the type of man you deserve and create the relationship with him that you dream of?

You have to break through your fears!

Underneath every dysfunctional pattern is a fear created from an experience from your past and a moment where you decided you couldn’t have what you really want. 

Here’s the thing.

We’re 23 days into the New Year and if those 23 days haven’t felt different for you – then you need to join us for the Love Vision Intensive happening next weekend, February 3rd-5th, 2023!

At this 3-day deep-dive event, you will uncover YOUR specific dysfunctional patterns, where they came from and break through them once and for all so you can begin to create the love that’s meant for you NOW! 

Click HERE to grab your ticket to the Love Vision Intensive NOW!

You’ll walk away from this event saying, “ I know I can have the relationship I want in 2023!

We know how powerful it is to overcome the fears and patterns that are holding you back in love and begin to experience more than you ever thought possible. 

How to BOOST Your Confidence to a Level TEN!

How to BOOST Your Confidence to a Level TEN!

by Gladys Diaz

Are you hard on yourself about things that have happened in the past? 

Do you wonder why you keep attracting the wrong type of men into your life? 

 Do you wish you could stop making the same mistakes when it comes to relationships and love?

When the results you continue to experience in love and relationships are less than what you want – your confidence gets shaken. 

 And when you don’t do the work to get to the root of what has you continuing to create these experiences, there’s a chain of consequences that follow… 

 We call this chain the Dysfunctional Dating Cycle.

 When something less than ideal happens and you say things to yourself like:

 How could I be so dumb?”

“When am I going to stop attracting liars?”

“When am I ever going to get it right?” 

 You create fears and love barriers which then has you create more of the same and your confidence and trust in yourself (and your ability to create the love you want) disintegrates. 

 Here’s what the Dysfunctional Dating Cycle looks like:

  • Event
  • You Make a Decision/Judgment About What Happened
  • Love Barrier (Fear) is Created
  • Dysfunctional Pattern is Created (Actions)
  • You Get Results that You Don’t Want
  • You Make Another Decision/Judgment About Yourself (Trust and Confidence is Eroded)
  •  Another Limiting Belief (Fear) is Created

 And the cycle repeats itself over and over! 

 Being in this cycle is what has you doubt yourself, not trust others, feel the need to “take a break” from dating and more. 

 So how do you shift this cycle and uplevel your confidence in yourself and others?

In order to stop the dysfunctional dating cycle and begin to experience yourself as the type of woman who can create what she wants in life and love, you must do the HeartWork! 

 When you get the results you want – your confidence and trust in yourself goes up! 

 1. See It – Acknowledge what’s not working. Get to the root of what is having you continue to create the results you don’t want.

2. Shift It – Do the HeartWork and learn how to replace the broken pieces with the RIGHT one.

This isn’t about tips and tricks.

This is about healing the pieces of your past that created those limiting beliefs that aren’t allowing you to create what you really want.

3.  Experience It – When you free yourself from the fears you hold, you allow yourself to create new thoughts and behaviors, which creates different results and a new healthy pattern unfolds! 

 When you transform the dysfunctional patterns you have in love – you transform YOU. 

 Would you like to create this shift for yourself?


We’re dedicating 3 days in February to teach you how to do exactly this! 

 At the Love Vision Intensive 3-Day Event, you’ll experience a new level of healing that will allow you to truly move forward in confidence and trust to create the results in love that you want! 

 If you want…

  • 2023 to be the year you’re in the relationship of your dreams
  • To know how to STOP the dysfunctional patterns
  • Your confidence to soar as you experience incredible results. 

Then you NEED to join us for the Love Vision Intensive! 

Yes – Claim my seat now! 

If you want to be married next year – the next 3-6 months are critical. 

Make a choice today to have 2023 be the year you create everything you’ve dreamed of! 

Three Steps to Create Your Big Goals NOW!

Three Steps to Create Your Big Goals NOW!

by Gladys Diaz

What were the goals you set in January?

Where did you want to be in your relationship?

We’ve entered the final three months of the year – Woah what?!

When you hear that… Do you feel confronted? Triggered? Excited? Ready?

One of the most important decisions you’ll ever make in your life is regarding your life partner and most of the women in our community have the desire to be married.

Is that a desire you have?

If you answered yes, then how do you stop putting off the dreams that you have? 

How do you not make the same mistakes you’ve made in the past? 

How do you stop thinking about how much time you’ve wasted and move forward to create the relationship of your dreams now?

Three Steps to Create the Relationship of Your Dreams NOW

1) Bring Acceptance to What Has Happened and Where You Are 

Continuing to spend time thinking of what you’ve done in the past is the #1 thing that keeps women stuck.

The only way to move forward and create something you desire for your future is to let go of energy from the past! Let go of who you were before you knew better, what you’ve always attracted, what you’ve put up with or what you thought was what you wanted or deserved. 

When you step out of regret your vibration and energy rises so you can attract a man from the energy of the woman you are now!

2) Have the Courage to Believe and Declare You Can Have it NOW

Sometimes when we have a big goal we continue to feel like the little girl in the pool with floaties on. We hang on to what we have always done or known in the past and it gives us a false sense of safety or security.

But nothing extraordinary ever came from staying safe!

In order to create the big goals you have for your life you must declare it!

Admit what you want! 

Be free to say it out loud so you will attract the life, adventure and love you desire!

Own what you want, believe you can have it, and declare it boldly through your words and actions!

3) Do What it Takes to Have It

The thing that makes the biggest difference when you’re working towards any dream or goal is consistent guided support and coaching.

You don’t know what you don’t know, so having someone there who knows exactly how to create your heart’s desires telling you exactly what you need to do next makes all the difference in the world!

Having someone there when you hit a wall of disappointment, resistance or fear to pick you up and give you your very next best step – that’s what’s going to have you create the relationship of your dreams!

If you haven’t had a call with one of our Love Breakthrough Coaches yet – click here to schedule a call now!

Our coaches are there for this very purpose – to give you your next best step and support you in taking action towards the extraordinary love that you dream of! They know the HeartWork inside and out and they’re here so you can move forward!

Give yourself this gift and know that you’re on your way.

Don’t hesitate. Don’t overthink it.

Simply click here to book a Love Breakthrough Call! 

How to Have It All… (Success in Life AND Love)

How to Have It All… (Success in Life AND Love)

by Gladys Diaz

There are so many women who believe they have to choose between having a successful business or a great relationship.  They truly don’t believe it’s possible to have both.  

Here’s the deal: If you believe you can’t have both, you’re living in a scarcity conversation, and you’re actually blocking the success you could be experiencing in BOTH!

So many of our clients are rocking it in their business as well as their love lives. 

And we are too!

That’s why, we know that not only is it possible for you to have both – it actually makes all of it even better!

High-quality men want to support, be in contribution to, and pour into a high-quality woman. 

Men want to support us.

I’ll never forget, years back, when I was crying, sitting in a restaurant with tears flowing down my face because I’d just been on the phone with my business coach.

I was feeling so defeated that I didn’t know what all of the tech terms meant or what all of this software I needed was, and didn’t know how I was ever going to be successful in my business when I felt so clueless about this aspect of running a business.

Ric saw the opportunity, and he literally learned how to create funnels, build websites and do all-things-tech related to our business, simply as a result of wanting to support me and my dream.

It’s okay if you don’t have a clue what any of those things mean either, what matters is that all these years later and I can’t even imagine where I, or Hearts Desire for that matter, would be without him.

The other reason why men love being with high-quality, successful, driven women is because it inspires them to be more.

I’ll also never forget the day when I heard Ric, my soft-spoken husband, stand on one of our stages at an event and say, “Seeing how committed Gladys is to her own transformation inspires me to become a better man.”

Definitely another tearful moment for me!

Until then I knew he admired the things I did, my career, and professional accomplishments.  

But that day, he was talking about what he admired about ME and the woman I AM!  

No award, degree, or certificate I’ve earned can hold a candle to that!

The most beautiful thing about creating a partnership with someone who loves and admires you AND your determination and commitment in the world is what you can create together.

It gives you the opportunity to lean on one another and lift each other up when you have days where you’re having a hard time seeing it in yourself.

Supportive partners see you, experience you and hear you in a way that you sometimes fail to see, and they share your life, your success, and all of the ordinary-extraordinary moments with you as you continue to strive for success in all areas of your life.

When you know that you’re a love-able woman, then you can attract someone who believes that, too.

When you’re honest and authentic about who you are, that’s when you’ll find the man who will love you completely.

When you trust yourself, love yourself, and know that you’re capable of creating an amazing relationship in your life, you WILL!

This is what I know was true for me and, it’s  true for you too.